Between fiefs 3

Story by Yolkati on SoFurry

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When Zak leaved the castle an hour ago to stroll Blake had a bad feeling. Now he was waiting impatiently trying to not think about what could have gone wrong. Two days ago Zak almost was abducted and surely the abductor was near plotting something.

The door finally opens, but instead of the cougar appeared a guardian whit agitated expression.

"My Lord, we have a problem." said the guardian.

"Where is Zak?!" Blake asked.

"Lord Zachary has been captured." The guardian said fearing his lord's reaction.


The guardian did a signal whit his hand and two soldiers joined whit a third one carried on their shoulders. The poor guy had a black eye; his muzzle and nose were bleeding and he couldn't stand alone.

"They were four: two melee fighters, an archer and a sorceress. I tried to hold up them, but I was alone. They put Lord Zachary in a wagon pulled by a Brown dragon and fled in it." The beaten guardian said.

The brown dragons were known for be the only dragon without wing, fire breath or any sign of magic. But it is a feral powerful pack-beast. If they were transported by it, they will be out of reach soon.

"A swordsman wolf was whit them?" Blake asked.

"Yes, he does."He added weakly.

Blake punched the nearest wall making all in the room jump

"YOU STUPIDS FOOLS! Consider yourself lucky because I haven't time to punish you now!" Blake roared.

"I already sent people to chase them" Said the guardian whom entered first, trying to calm his master.

"Call them back. I know where they are going. Regroup the men; we will go out in one hour. I go to see if the Teasdale sisters still in the fief." Blake said and went out of the room.