Scales Without A Shirt Ch1

Story by Naviera on SoFurry

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#1 of Scales Without A Shirt

A regular guy with some time off from work receives a strange email. Don't click on email links from people you don't know, it'll change your life forever.

First story chapter 1 of at least 2. The second is unlikely to have anything explicit though and will be more about explaining somethings as well as some of the consequences of their actions ^.o Kinda short and maybe a bit blunt but hopefully you enjoy it all the same.

It was another day and Alex found himself rather bored. It wasn't anything to pity though. He had a couple weeks off before the start of his next job but in the mean time he just didn't feel like doing much. He sat at his computer just staring at his screen when his boredom let to him checking his very rarely checked email. He scanned through most of the junk not even bothering to throw it in the virtual trash when his eyes halted at an amusing subject title. 'Do you want to be a dragon.' His obsession with the scaled creatures demanded he check out what was likely some video game or something. It's introduction was quite peculiar.

'I've been watching you. There are many who love dragons, a few who actually believe they exist. Even fewer who believe they could become dragons. They are all correct. However only a skilled dragon can create dragons, though we have never done it and never planned too. We are a proud race with pure blood. Though I am all that is separating my kind from extinction. I am the last dragon left. I extend to you and only you the undefinable honor of not only joining our kin, but also the responsibility of bringing it back. There is no other who could do it. You will have to leave everything you know behind. All plans, relationships, and promises will be impossible to uphold. You will no longer be human and they will no longer apply to you. Please don't let our kin die out.

Click here to accept the conditions.'

Alex thought the introduction very unorthodox but they scored their target audience quite well. He couldn't possibly let the dragons die out. He had to check out this game. Clicking on the link it redirected him to a 404 not found page. Alex chuckled. "Great introduction, terrible execution."

Suddenly being hit with or just realizing some now unignorable drowsiness Alex decided to head to bed even though it was only 7pm. Zavier his room mate or rather trailer mate or maybe bed mate. Either way he wasn't home yet. Probably working late. Alex's guess is he would be home at about 10ish.

Walking the short distance from his computer on one end of the trailer to the bed on the other end Alex had gotten most of the way when already his eyes were nearly forcing himself shut. How the heck had he gotten so tired. Groggily making his way on his bed and under the covers he fell asleep near instantly.

As Alex began to wake up a dull ach in one of his arms began to make itself known. Quickly that dull ach turned into a screaming pain. It felt like his hand was being squashed so hard it was stretching the fingers out impossible long. "Ahhh ow ow ow ow. Get off!" Alex yelled at the very shocked Zavier laying on Alex's arm. Alex used both his arms to push Zavier off the limp he had been sleeping on. It was only after Zavier was off and the pain dulled away that Alex realized something very wrong and very confusing. How had he pushed Zavier off with both his hands if one of his hands were painfully pinned below him. And why did that hand feel like it's fingers were impossibly long like the length of his spine long. Alex looked at Zavier who was staring behind him like he was seeing a ghost before his very eyes. Alex looked behind himself to see what was up. What was up was a giant leathery pure white wing being suspended by Alex's own body. Removing the covers Alex found that limb Zavier had been laying on was the other matching wing. The covers off he almost involuntarily stretched the wing to try and remove the aches from it. He could feel and control each wing as if they were a part of him because well they were. He stared at them his mind going completely blank.

Zavier was the one to break the silence. "This is quite the trippy dream."

"If this was a dream that pain would have woken me up." Alex responded without even turning to his roommate.

"Who said it was your dream." Zavier then reached out to grab one of Alex's wings and traced his finger across what wasn't leather but really tiny scales overlapping each other. Yet still Alex had sensation in them a lot in fact. His wing pulled away from Zavier's grasp. "Don't, their sensitive." Alex warned seriously.

"That's what she said." Zavier quipped.

Alex glared at him not because of the comment but just because he couldn't believe Zavier was relaxed enough to make a joke like that. "I'm sitting here with actual wings on my back and your response is middle school humor? Oh god."

"What?" Zavier asked with actual concern.

Alex got completely out of bed and hanging uncomfortably out of his pants was a long sinuous white tail. The white scales were far thicker then on the wings and running a hand across it he confirmed it was indeed impossibly his tail. "How the heck can I vividly feel everything that touches it more so than my own skin?" Zavier just shrugged his shoulders.

"This is uncomfortable." Alex grabbed some scissors and headed into the bathroom to cut a hole in his pants in order to accommodate his tail. He also found out while in there that somehow his wings had torn two holes just large enough to fit the thin part of the appendage through his shirt. With all the insanity going on there was no point in theorizing how the heck that happened. There was one other thing he noticed while his pants were off. There was no diminutive bump where his penis should be. Removing his under garment he found in it's place was a human vagina. That was it for her. This was too much. Putting everything back on and sliding her tail through the new hole in her pants Alex went straight back to the bed and flopped down on it. "This dream is too weird. I'm going to bed and when I wake up everything will be back to normal." She should be glad. She'd been taking hormone replacement therapy for over a year now to transition to the other gender. But this was just too much going on.

While trying to fall back asleep Zavier grabbed her tail and tugged hard on it. "Ow what the fuck?"

"Thought we've already been through this. If you can feel it and it hurts then it's not a dream." Zavier explained.

"Oh course it is this is impossible."

"Impossible yes but still not a dream."

That's when realization hit her. "The email!" Alex rushed over to the other side of the trailer bumping her wings and tail along the way with hisses of pain. She quickly replied to the email from yesterday demands answers. After hitting send she just sat there waiting as if any moment the 'dragon' on the other side would reply. As she waited she found her eyes drifting over to Zavier. He was still getting ready putting everything on except his shirt. He had commented before that he doesn't like wearing a shirt when at home that it felt unnatural. She certainly wasn't going to deny the eye candy. It was hard to believe he didn't work out. Alex had a crush on him for a decent while. It had steadily grown more and more until he had crossed the country to move in with her. They hadn't done anything though. Zavier had shown interest a lot of interest in fact but Alex couldn't accept that anyone could be interested in her let alone love her.

As she continued staring at him she found herself getting wet. This new equipment was demanding. As the seconds droned on the idea of treating Zavier grew more and more appealing. It started getting out of hand when her body started to desperately crave it. She whined in reluctance. Never before had she gotten so horny so fast not even when her body was naturally producing a crap ton of testosterone. Her body felt way too warm, her face flush, and pupils dilated with desire before suddenly shifting in shape unbeknownst to her. 'It was just a dream.' Alex reasoned 'No harm can be done in a dream.'

Zavier was standing right in front of the bed staring at her worriedly as she approached. "Your eyes changed." Zavier commented. Alex paid no attention to the comment as she pushed Zavier unto the bed. Or at least she tried. He was like a freaking brick that wouldn't budge. "You're suppose to fall on your back." Alex said disappointingly. "Oh, sorry. Here try again." Alex pushed him again and he fell backwards unto the bed. "Oof, jeez you're so strong Alex." Zavier said laughing. Alex jumped on the bed her knees straddling him. "I've been through a lot of changes today." Alex said while unbuttoning his pants.

Zavier's voice turned from playful to serious. "What are you doing? Are you sure we should be doing this right now?"

"Shhh" Alex said as she removed his pants. She started to take off her own shirt when it kept getting caught on her wings. "Here let me help." Offered Zavier. "No, you stay there." Alex said as she grabbed the scissors and ripped her own shirt off. It had to come off eventually anyways. Alex then returned to her position above Zavier. "Your boobs are gone." He commented. Alex looked down and found him to be right she was truly flat chested now. "I guess so but I got something in return." Alex took her pants off next starting with the tail pulling it through the hole and then sliding the pants off her legs. Zavier laid dumb founded that Alex now has a pussy and a wet one at that. Alex brought her attention down to his cock and found it already starting to rise from it's slumber. "That didn't take long?" She giggled. "You were pantsing me what the fuck do you expect?" Zavier shot back.

Alex brought her head down an enveloped the salty sausage in her mouth. It was then she discovered her tongue had changed shape. It was now thin, long, and forked at the end. Perfect for giving a certain rod some lavish attention. She curled the thing around the head of his dick and Zavier gave out a low and short beginnings of a moan. She then slid her new dexterous appendage up and down his shaft and began suckling coaxing out his liquid protein. "Alex yelped as Zavier suddenly flipped her over on her back. She only just barely managed to fold her wing in on time to prevent from really hurting it. Zavier then began aiming his erect member for her new slit. He quickly found his mark and the two let out a pleasurable groan together. Alex's eyes rolling back as her demanding tunnel was finally filled. She continued to moan out as the bliss rolled over her. Zavier began grunting as his thrusts got more insistent. He didn't last very long though but the spray of his hot seed was enough to send her horny body over the edge. She cried out in unison with Zavier's grunts. As orgasms racked both their bodies. Despite the short session Alex was completely spent and quickly fell asleep in Zavier's embrace her wings folding around him.

Alex woke up and everything felt different. She felt like there was a weight on her for starts. Alex wanted to see what but opening her eyes seemed like an impossible task like they had been shut forever and refused to move. She eventually managed to force them over and bent her long neck around to look at her body. The white scales covering everything was nearly blinding. She was a full blown dragon through and though now. Legs and posture made for walking on all fours. A long tail and wings. White wasn't her favorite but she had to admit she looked pretty damn good. It was odd. She should be freaking out right now that this shouldn't be real. Instead she was curious even excited. Her tongue involuntarily slipped out to taste the air and she recoiled from the shock of information flooding her. She didn't know how to process all the information she was receiving. It was only now she realized how much sharper all of her senses were. She could hear Zavier clicking along on his keyboard and each key stroke sounded as loud and clear as a honking car. The weight she perceived earlier was also just her own weight. She had shrunk in height but grown everywhere else. The bed seemed like it was going to cave in from under her. Her muscles felt strong and ready to release their energy at a moments notice. She stretched her body which felt amazing yawning in the mean time her tongue brushing across her long sharp teeth as she did so. No doubt if she could see them from the other perspective it'd make her scream and run in fear. It was empowering to know her bite was far worse than her bark.

Zavier got up from his computer and started heading to the bedroom. "The dragons finally awake."

Alex tilted her head in confusion. He seemed unusually collected about this as well.

"You've been asleep for days I haven't been able to get sleep myself worrying about you and I'm tired as fuck."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Alex apologized.

"Weird you're talking like a dragon. Not a word of English yet I can understand you."

Alex just slowly nodded her head not really sure how to rationalize anything going on.

"Probably has something to do with this." Zavier said right as he removed his shirt revealing the obsidian black scales covering his chest. Alex was jealous. She wanted black scales. They did look amazing on him. The stopped right at his neck. Alex struggled to get out the bed but once on the floor she was able to walk rather naturally as if she'd been walking on four legs all her life. She walked right up to him her tongue sliding out of her mouth to gently caress his chest scales. They were so pretty. Alex took a deep breath through her nostrils taking in his scent. She found her body beginning to rebel and crave a certain attention again.

"As much as I'm enjoying your creepy dragon version of attention I need my fucking sleep." Zavier said taking over the bed and quickly passing out.

Alex found herself immensely sad as her desire grew to feverish conditions. It was a wonder nobody entered the trailer wondering what Alex's frustrated noises was all about. On the second day it calmed down but every time she went to inspect Zavier's changing body it flared up again. On the third day it took all her self discipline not to go back there and check on him. She was also starting to get really hungry and especially thirsty. She laid on the floor unable to even nap with the constant gnawing. The boredom was killer but she didn't dare leave the trailer and put both their lives in danger.

Finally on the fourth day he woke up. Alex nearly tore a hole in the floor as she jumped to her feet and rushed over to Zavier. She jumped unto the bed causing the frame below to break but she didn't care. She nuzzled him lovingly and again she found herself instantly turned on. Zavier had other plans though. "Food." Was all he said as he made his way to the door. Now Alex understood what Zavier had meant about somehow understanding dragon speech. Then again it was just as odd they knew how to speak dragon right away anyways.

Alex watched in amusement as Zavier fiddled with the door trying to open it. They didn't have dexterous hands anymore and it was even harder than you think it would be. He quickly got fed up and busted the door open with a push of his paw. Alex followed after him and upon jumping out she first mistook it for day time. Luckily after looking up and seeing the stars more beautifully then ever before she realized it was night. Still she looked around cautiously for anyone who might spot them.

"So how are we going to get food without anyone spotting us?" Alex asked.

Zavier turned around to regard her. "You're the one who's white. Stay here I'll go grab us some food." And with that Zavier jumped into the sky and started flying like it was nothing.

Alex stared dumbfounded. Then she began pacing. "You're the one who's white." She repeated in a mocking tone. "Of course I would have the luck of getting white scales when I've always preferred a stealth approach to everything. Of flipping course. Oh and just take off flying like it's nothing why don't you. Beginning to think that email targeted the wrong person with how quickly you're taking to this." Alex monologued to herself. She then worked up the courage to jump in the air and fly and miraculously found she knew how to do it her wings beat in rhythm and every stroke is perfect. The thrill of flying was overwhelming and she roared her euphoria. Zavier quickly turned around and flew by Alex's side. "Shhhh are you trying to get caught?"

"Sorry. I couldn't help it. You got to admit this is amazing."

"I just want to grab something to eat without drawing any attention to ourselves."

"Look at me I'm a dragon like it's an every day occurrence. I'm a go hunt me some food for the first time in a body I've never used before." Alex mocked him trying to imitate his deeper voice.

"Fine I'm not sharing. You can find your own food." Zavier said in response to the mockery.

"Don't you think we should work together to take something down. Again not like we've ever hunted as dragons before. We don't exactly have guns to help us."

"Nope I'm just fine on my own."

"Ok fine, I'm sorry. I just don't want us to split up."

"Shh I got something. Stay behind, your reflective scales will give us away."

Alex rolled her eyes. This brought flashbacks of when they would play The Isle together.

Zavier managed to take down a decent sized buck and thankfully he did share. By the time the two were done only bones remained.

After relaxing for a bit Alex walked over to Zavier and sat down right next to him and gave him a nuzzle of greeting. That was plenty enough for her to just sit there and bask in his scent. It was so much spicier now more alluring. Tempting even. Hmm he didn't smell like that when he woke up. Alex snuck her head down to take a quick peak and there below Zavier was his member at full attention. She quickly brought her head back up trying to act as if she didn't see anything. If she didn't have an expressionless dragonic face she'd be smiling. His dragonic cock was so unusual looking. Course she supposed human cocks were weird to other animals. Especially since they never knew where they were.

Zavier just looked forward towards nowhere pretending he didn't know what she was up to. As they sat there silently Alex again was growing ridiculously aroused. Though she couldn't figure out how she was suppose to seduce him now. Wasn't like she could tip him over a bed.

While his attention was away she slunk her head back down beneath his frame to give his cock a tease with her tongue. He jolted at the sensation and Alex quickly withdrew her head arching it back with her nose pointed down in the best imitation of a suggestive smile she could think of in dragon form.

"Don't tempt me." He warned with a growl. A growl that gave Alex shivers all down her spine and not the unpleasant ones.

Alex stuck her tongue out and slowly withdrew it back into her mouth like licking you lips in anticipation.

"I warned you." He stated as he began stalking towards her.

Alex supposed there wasn't a very eloquent way of doing this and much preferred to face her mate, but that primal need was far too demanding. She turned around lifting her tail and raising her rump to present herself. Purposefully swaying her tail back and forth invitingly. Zavier was glad to literally seize the opportunity propping his fore legs up on her back and guiding his member towards her awaiting dragon sex. Alex wasn't expecting him to bite down on her shoulder forcing her front half lower. She yelped in pain to which she only received a growl from Zavier. She began to worry he was being taken over by his dragon instincts and going feral on her or something. Thankfully his insertion was just as slow and careful as it had been when he was human. One thing was different though. Alex purred deeply as each ridge of his cock plunged into her tunnel. Each one spiking new and powerful waves of pleasure. The sensation inside was completely new and by no means unwelcome. Her privet parts were no exception to the magnification of senses when becoming a dragon. Just as when she opened her eyes or when her tongue tasted the air for the first time it was almost too much for Alex. Her eyes closed on their own as pleasure overwhelmed everything her increasing volume of purring drowning out every other noise. One moment to the next blurring together hardly even knowing what was going on other than the pure bliss. Then came the orgasm. Time was irrelevant. Everything was irrelevant. She was nothing but a convulsing mass of Euphoria that no single or combination of words could explain. When it ended she was entirely uncertain but slowly after it did she began to readjust to her own existence her eyes opening to see her equally spent mate beside her. He was so handsome with those amazing obsidian scales on his equally amazing body. She gave him a lick before closing her eyes and purring contently enjoying the seemingly never ending after glow.