A Day at the Beach

Story by rottenweiler on SoFurry

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A story with my rottie sona about going to the beach and showing off.

Bastion stared up at the blistering sun, covering his eyes with his paw so he could see. It was the middle of summer and today was the first day he finally got to go to the beach. The chunky rottweiler walked down at the edge of the water, soaking his feet as he strolled down towards the pier. He was wearing a loose tank top and long board shorts, not confident enough to show his stout and shapely body off at the beach.

He noticed two huge, muscled studs in the distance. The lion and tiger were holding hands and walking towards Bastion in sheer, matching blue speedos, each bulging with a thick, jiggling package. He was envious of them; he wished he had a body and junk like that to show off. He was an exhibitionist at heart, but never worked up the courage to show off his body. He was just too small in the muscle department, not to mention his tiny cock and balls.

Bastion tried to keep his eyes forward as the couple passed him, but stole one last glance of their marvelous bulges as they walked by. While he wasn't looking, his foot caught on a large shell and he fell down into the shallow water with a splash. As he landed he heard a RIIIIIIIIIP; the sound of his shorts splitting as he splayed his legs in front of him. He looked down and noticed his shorts had ripped right down the middle of his crotch. His small green dog-cock was poking through a modest sheath and his balls were hanging out of the tear. He looked up and the two studs he had just passed were stifling laughter as they caught sight of the downed dog.

Bastion blushed furiously, coving his manhood up as best he could and rushed up the beach. As he ran away he heard the couple burst out laughing, making him flush even redder than before. The shy rottweiler scanned the upper beach for bathrooms where he could attempt to fix his shorts. Nothing was around except for a small cabana shop that sold swimwear, a bored looking black and white stallion manning the counter.

Bastion scurried up to the cabana. Luckily for him, no one else was in line. He could make a purchase as discreetly as possible and then put on a new pair of trunks without too much fuss.

"Hello. Yes, excuse me? I need a new pair of board shorts, mine uh... ripped suddenly."

The stallion turned around and looked the rottweiler up and down, focusing on his paws that were covering his crotch. The horse smirked a bit and leaned onto the counter. He was wearing pink sunglasses and had a braided mane. He was shirtless, wearing a matching pink square cut speedo and a large necklace with a purple and blue amulet on it.

"Sorry bud, don't sell board shorts here. We got some briefs and thongs here if you want. Seems you're...in the market for a new pair." The stallion giggled a little bit at Bastion who looked away and blushed.

"Oh...no, I couldn't wear one of those. I'm...I'm not very confident about my body. You sure you don't have anything that isn't too revealing?"

The horse stroked his chin and looked over his sunglasses, dark eyes staring into Bastion's bright green ones.

"Neigh bro, sorry. Seems you're hesitant, but let me sweeten the deal. I'll let you rent one of my speedos for five hours, free of charge. You'll have the rest of the afternoon to try it out and see if you like it. Sound like a deal?"

Bastion pondered the offer for a moment. He really didn't have much of a choice. He didn't even have to pay for the speedo, just get it back to the horse on time. Plus, peoplelooking at him in a speedo wasn't half as bad as showing his junk off.

"Ok... Sure, I'll do it," Bastion resigned, shivering in anticipation as the stallion nodded and bent under the counter. He fished up a skimpy floral print speedo in a myriad of tropical colors. The rottweiler reached out and grabbed the briefs.

"You can change behind the counter, no one's watching... except me! Neigh, haha, promise I won't peek bro." The stallion turned his head away and smiled cheekily. Bastion hopped around the counter and slid his ripped shorts off. He looked around pensively as he hiked his new speedo up around his modest bulge and hefty ass. It fit snuggly, and upon looking in the mirror, Bastion noticed it made his butt look really, really good. Almost too good! He turned around to examine his front and was greeted by a bulge of similar size to the lion and tiger couple he was ogling earlier.

"Whoa...dude does this-" Bastion started, until the stallion brought a finger to his lips and groped his new, bulging package.

"It's our little secret. I knew you needed some help. Now take that shirt off and look at your new body, stud."

Bastion nodded obediently and stripped his soaked tank top off. His body was still relatively chunky, but rather with a mix of muscle and fat, opposed to the loose flab from before. He turned around to watch his body move in the mirror. His small, nubby tail was wagging excitedly; he never dreamed he could look so good in a speedo!

"Looking good dude, let's complete the look!" The stallion took a pair of green shades and slid them over Bastion's eyes. One last look in the mirror confirmed he had gone from chunky loser to beach hunk.

"Now, you have to sign this: it's the rental agreement. Make sure you read it, it covers everything you need to know about your rental. I'll reiterate, you have five hours to get it back to me or you will have to pay." The stallion shoved a clipboard with a lengthy sheet of paper on it into Bastion's face. Still stunned at the seemingly magic briefs he had happened upon, he nodded and quickly signed the sheet without reading it.

"Five hours, got it. I'll be back then." With a newfound confidence, he winked at the stallion and started to strut away. He turned around one last time to ask the stud a question. "Hey, thanks dude. What's your name?"

"The name's Brick. See ya later, pup!" As Bastion turned around, he could have sworn there was sneer crossing the horse's face.

Bastion ended up strutting down the beach with a new confidence. He was headed the same direction the feline couple had wandered off to. His first order of business was to show off his new and improved body as much as he could. As he walked down the beach, he could tell he was turning heads. Men and women alike watched him strut around, showing off his bulge and bubble butt that were barely contained in his tropical briefs. He lowered his sunglasses and winked at a few passing men, mouths agape as they saw the wall of a rottweiler wall past them.

Not having caught sight of the feline couple yet, he wandered into the sparkling blue water for a dip. He waded up to his mid thighs, making sure everyone could still see his rump. He turned around, teasing his bulge and then sat back in the calm waters. He floated there for a few minutes, feeling the warm sun beat down in his black and brown fur. This was the life.

After bathing in the cool water for a bit he decided to get up and continue searching for the two cats who had laughed at him. He strode out of the water, fur dripping wet and his speedo clinging tightly to his junk and ass. Bastion didn't care, he was going to flaunt his body all he could. He heard a few whistles and catcalls as he wandered down the beach, each one boosting his confidence and making him more and more cocky.

He spotted the couple about 200 feet away. They were chatting up a good-looking buck, lithe and well built, wearing a red thong. They were obviously hitting on him. The buck flexed and they felt up his arms. The tiger reached down to grope the deer's ass who welcomed the advance with a gracious kiss.

'Time to show those brutes what they're missing.' Bastion thought to himself, sucking in his gut and appearing broader than before. He stomped up behind the couple and folded his arms. The buck blushed and cocked his head to let the other two know about his arrival. Before the could say anything, the short rottie pushed the cats apart and put an arm around the deer as if they'd known each other for a long time.

"Hey babe, how's it going? These two giving you trouble?" he remained cool and calm, flexing his muscles a little to show off his built stature. Bastion was shorter than the felines but definitely had more bulk.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?! You-" the lion started to speak but was cut off by Bastion. He flattened a finger up against the lion's lips and shushed him.

"Don't worry boy's, I'll take it from here. Why don't you go find another guy to hit on?" Bastion winked and waved off the big cats, walking the buck away with a paw on his ass. The couple didn't say anything, dumbstruck that the rottweiler has just taken their man away from them. Was he really the same lame dog that ripped his shorts an hour ago?

Bastion felt exhilarated. He couldn't believe what he had just done. Not only did he stand up to the two beach bullies, he landed a hunk who seemed more than happy to stay with him.

As the afternoon progressed Bastion learned more about his new friend, Darren. They hit it off instantly, shamelessly flirting with one another and occasionally laughing at the situation with the feline couple. Darren invited Bastion over to his friend's area where a loud party was being held. About ten of Darren's buddies were there, all decked out in nothing but skimpy thongs and briefs. He was invited to try the food and drinks and then got lost in the music and muscle surrounding him.

The party had calmed down quite a bit, having gone on for a few hours. Bastion sat beside Darren, nursing his third martini and nuzzling up against the buck. The two had grown close over the course of the day and Bastion had a feeling his night was just getting started. The two stared out at the sinking sun, relishing every moment together. The rottie never wanted it to end.

"Ah, it's 8:30. Drew's having a get together at a bar near here, wanna go? It'll be dark soon." Darren whispered into Bastion's ear as he groped his hefty package.

The words "8:30" and "dark soon" sent a wave of panic through Bastion. Shit! He had been so caught up in the party that he forgot to return the pair of briefs he rented on time. He had to get them back as quickly as possible to pay his fee.

"Dammit. Sorry babe, I gotta run. I'll be right back real soon, I have something to do! I'll meet you at the bar!" Bastion pecked the buck on the cheek and sprinted off towards the pier. Darren blushed and shrugged, wondering what the strange rottie was up to.

Bastion ran surprisingly well in the sand. His body seemed to be better in both form and function. It took about 5 minutes to get back to the cabana stall where Brick was waiting for him.

"There you are dude, I've been keeping an eye out for ya. You're a couple hours late! Was gonna let you slide for an hour there, but a horse has gotta make some money."

Bastion huffed and puffed after running down the beach.

"I'm so sorry. I shoulda kept track of the time. But I'll pay for it, even buy it! It's honestly the best thing I've ever worn!" The rottie felt around for his wallet, only to realize he had no idea where it was. Had he lost it in the water? Or maybe it was in his discarded shorts still.

"My shorts! My wallet is in my shorts, do you still have em?" The stallion smiled and leaned over the desk.

"Sorry bud, but I tossed those away as soon as you left. Besides, you're not paying with money. That's not what the contract said." The stallion produced a pink spiked collar the same color as his square cut speedo. Before Bastion could object, the collar was around his fit snuggly around his neck.

"Hey what is this? Take this off me now, it's stuck!" He tugged at the collar but it didn't budge. As he did so, a faint static feeling shivered up his back and into the back of his mind. His thoughts were getting fuzzy and muddled. He needed to sit down. He squatted down and took to his hands and knees.

This wasn't right? Why did this feel so natural? He looked down at his body and gasped in horror. He had suddenly gained at least 100lbs of fat. All of his muscle was gone, left with only flabby, jiggling arms and thighs, as well as a soft belly. He looked between his legs and noticed his bulge had shrunken to smaller than before!

"What did you do to me! You...you..." Words we're becoming harder for him to process. It was hard enough to keep his hefty body up on all fours. His words droned into small whimpers as he looked down to his crotch again. He could barely see a tiny cock poking through his speedo. Suddenly he felt his balls start to swell. They grew larger and larger, quickly stretching his speedo out and spilling over the sides. His balls inflated to the size of a small beach ball while his inch long cocklette was barely contained in the stretched out speedo.

Bastion moans and whimpered, unable to speak words or process what was going on. One moment he was an intelligent stud, the next a whimpering fat pup with an embarrassingly small cock and humongous balls. He felt humiliated yet aroused. He looked up at Brick...no. That wasn't Brick. That was Master.

"I can tell your simple puppy mind has put two and two together. Not that you'll be able to use it much soon. You really were the perfect candidate. Shy, unconfident, spiteful. I knew you'd waste your day away in a brand new body. I'm just lucky you didn't read the contract you signed! It said right there in bold that you'd become my slave for a month. And after it's over, I doubt you'll wanna go back! Not after you've seen this, at least."

The stallion bent down and guided the dog's eyes towards his pendant. Inside was swirling blue and purple and green, a faint outline of Bastion's former body imprinted and then fading away. It looked like he was yelling for help. The pup had no clue who it was, but he didn't enjoy the colorful spirals, getting lost in them for some time before snapping awake and noticing his Master bent over him. He wagged and barked playfully in his spiky pink collar, the fat dog jiggling was he nuzzles his Master.

"C'mon boy. Drew's having a get together at the bar. I wanna show you off to all of your new friends."
