Beta's Reward

Story by Gazban on SoFurry

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This story is a sequel to "Respecting the Alpha." Dedicated to Lykos, Toshiro, Tannlore and Riff. My Pack.


The sun was just hanging over the horizon. It was the magical time where Gaia and Solaris kiss before Luna comes out. The day's hunt was a great success. We came across a heard of buffalo and managed to separate one from the group. It took coordination and skill, but we took it down and fed. Now, with everyone's bellies full, the pack had scattered around the rendezvous area to rest.

Typically I enjoyed some alone time as well, but that night felt like company. I made my way to the top of the hill. Before I crested the top, I let out a soft howl so as not to alarm the wolf there. I wagged my tail when I heard a soft return howl. "Hello Beta."

I smiled and approached. Before me was a large wolf. He was the eldest in the pack, but still the strongest and wisest. He was covered with thick black fur all over; except on his ears, around his muzzle, and down the front of his chest where it had started to turn white. He was laying back against the trunk of his favourite tree. "Hello Alpha."

Alpha nodded and gestured me over. "Is everything all right, Pup?" Whenever we were alone, he still called me pup. Despite having grown to be nearly as big as he, and regardless of my place in the pack, I was still his pup. I gently padded over and took a seat next to him. I was a bit surprised when a large arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled him against him. I let out a contented rumble and leaned into him gently. "Everything is fine, Alpha."

"Good. Glad to hear it." He went quiet for a while, and I just enjoyed resting against him, listening to the sound of his breathing and his heartbeat. "Was a good hunt. You did well, Pup."

My ears flicked. I turned slightly and looked up at him. "Thank you Alpha, but I really didn't do much." It's true, I didn't get much hold of the prey. It was Alpha and a couple of the other packmates that took it down.

Alpha scoffed at me. "Nonsense, Pup. You ran the split perfectly. Separated the prey from the herd. Very important job, pup." He smiled at me, and then ruffled my headfur with his large paw. I grunted a little bit at his form of praise. "Thank you Alpha."

The larger wolf looked at me and grinned. It was always amusing, because most of the time he was a rather stoic and gruff sort of wolf. When we were alone together, however, he was a different wolf. More playful. More affectionate. I casually leaned over and licked at Alpha's chin tenderly. He let out an approving rumble.

"You know, Pup. You're the youngest wolf to ever achieve Beta." He said, with a hint of pride in his voice. I turned so I could look into his eyes. "Well.. I wouldn't be Beta if it wasn't for you, Alpha. Your support means everything."

Alpha shook his head. "Not true, Pup. You're strong. Smart. Resourceful. The packmates all love and respectful. You're a good leader." He pauses for a few moments, and then licked at my muzzle a few times. "You're also a very good subordinate." He wagged his tail and smiled to me.

I shook my head a little bit, but I couldn't help but smile and wag my own tail. The large wolf let out a low rumble and ran his paws over my front. He traced his blunt claws through my bellyfur, almost tickling me. I squirmed slightly, and that only made him laugh.

"Alpha..." I breathed, enjoying the feeling. It was gentle, and it was pretty innocent, and yet there was something more to his touch.

"Yes Pup? What's the matter?" He grinned wryly at me and pressed his nose to mine. I squirmed again. "Errr.. No Alpha.. Nothing's wrong.."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"N.. No Alpha."

"Good. Now just relax. I think my Beta has earned a reward."

With that, Alpha shifted his position. He moved me aside slightly, before laying me on my back underneath the tree. He moved over top of me. I'll never forget the look on his face. It was a warm, loving, but also wry smile. He leaned forward and began to massage my chest lightly. His strong, powerful paws were extremely gentle. He just rubbed over my chest, and then lower over my belly, and then even lower. He took his time, and was very deliberate in his teasing. Before too long, he had me aroused and panting.

With a smile and a wagging tail, Alpha shifted positions again. He lowered his head to my swollen sheath and began to lick at it. I jumped and let out a soft yelp in surprise. It felt good. It felt very good. It only got better as Alpha licked more, and darted his broad, strong tongue into the opening of my sheath to tease my wolfhood out. I gasped and leaned he head back against the tree trunk. I closed my eyes tightly as a shiver when through my entire body starting from my dick.

Alpha took his time. He alternated between long slow slurps from the base to the tip, and light quick licks all around the length. Every once in a while he would nips ever so gently at my forming knot. Every time he did, I jumped and yipped in pleasure.

I was breathing quicker, nearly panting now. Still, Alpha took his time as he carefully closed his muzzle around my hard length. He slurped and wriggled his tongue all around the shaft as he slid down. I felt the tip of my cock go all the way down into his throat. The snug feeling was absolutely incredible. I was certainly not ready for what he did next. Alpha swallowed, tightening his throat muscles and massing the tip of my cock. By Luna did it feel amazing. He would do that a few times before backing off and resuming his licking.

Suddenly he stopped. Opened my eyes and whined slightly. "That's a good Pup.." he rumbled, panting lightly from his efforts. "Now.. I want to feel your tongue under my tail." He turned around, hiked up his tail, and backs up towards me.

Winking at me was Alpha's tailhole, and closer it approached. He held in place, and hovered it inches from my muzzle. I licks my lips, and then wetly slurped Alpha's hole. Then again. Then it turned into a series of licks and laps. Alpha moaned softly in pleasure. "Ahhh yes.. That's a good Pup.."

At his praise, I wagged my tail and redoubled my efforts. My tongue swirled around to opening slowly, then quickly. I would probe my tongue as deep as I could manage it just to feel Alpha's muscles clench around it. I was enjoying myself greatly, and all too soon it seemed like it was over. Once again, Alpha stopped me and changed positions again. "Good Pup."

I looked up to him and smiled. "Thank you Alpha." He got between my legs again and slurped over my length some more, coating it with copious amounts of lupine saliva. He then moved above me, straddled my hips, and lowered himself down.

I was a bit surprised. "Al.. Alpha? What are you doing?"

The large wolf stopped and looks into my eyes. "I'm going to give my Beta a reward. You want your reward, don't you?" I didn't know what to say, I was too stunned to say anything. I think I nodded. Alpha smiled widely. "Good. Hold still." He ordered.

He reached underneath him and took a hold of my cock. He held it straight up as he lowered himself down. I felt the heat of his pucker against the tip and I gasped. There was only the sound of our panting for a few moments, and then two low moans filled the air as Alpha sank down onto me.

I thought his throat felt good, my Alpha was impaling himself on my cock was nothing I've ever felt before. I squirmed underneath him as he sank all the way down. He was sitting in my lap and rested there for a moment. We looked into each other's eyes, not saying anything for a while. It was Alpha who spoke first.

"Give me a moment, Pup. It's.. Been a long time.. Since I've done this.." I could barely form words at that point, so I simply nodded.

Alpha eventually felt comfortable enough to resume. Using his powerful legs, he pulled himself up off my cock, almost all the way to the tip, and then slide back down smoothly. Again, I let out a low groan of pleasure. The sound must have pleased Alpha, because he licks my nose and began to rise and fall faster, and then harder.

I'm pretty sure the tree shook a little with the force of Alpha's thrusts onto my cock. His paws found my shoulders and he held onto them as he rode my wolfhood for all he was worth. Our saliva made fantastic lube as he glided smoothly up and down. I thought I had died and gone with Luna.

I felt that familiar twitch in my loins, and my knot was hard as a rock now. Alpha, being the wolf he is, wsa growling deeply and seemed intent on taking my knot into him. He would slam harder and harder, forcing himself to get on it, and despite his demeanor I knew it must be hurting.

There was a wet pop and suddenly I was in. Something inside me took over, some primal instinct I didn't know I had. I'm not sure how it happened, but suddenly Alpha was on his back underneath me, my knot still buried in his ass. My paws are flat on the ground next to his head, and his legs were up over my shoulders. Alpha's paws were gripping my wrists firmly, but he wasn't protesting.

My hips had a mind of their own as the bucked forward, pistoning into my Alpha with power I didn't know I possessed. Before too long, the itch in my groin became an explosion. I howled out my pleasure as I released my seed into my Alpha's ass. Very shortly after, Alpha grunted, and then howled as well. His voice joined mine as he sprayed his seed. Alpha was always a powerful shooter, and his seed got everywhere. He hit my muzzle, my ear, his chest, his face, and still some when to parts unknown.

I panted hard, and suddenly I felt paws on the back of my head. Alpha pulled my face to his, and our muzzles locked together. His tongue darted into my maw and danced hotly against my own. I was so hot and aroused that I returned the favour.

I don't know how long it took, but the passion eventually faded and the two of us laid together. We shifted carefully, so I laid on my back and Alpha was atop me. He rested his head on my shoulder and lightly licked my chin.

The two of us were silent again. Nothing needed to be said. We just enjoyed each other's company, and more so, we enjoyed the afterglow of the best reward I had ever received. I nosed my Alpha and smiled to him. "Thank you Alpha." I eventually spoke.

Without moving, without opening his eyes, Alpha continued to rest his head on my shoulder. "You are quite welcome, Beta."

We both drifted off, but before I did, I thought about the tree we were under. I thought about all the times I had respected my Alpha under this tree, and how that night, for the first time, my Alpha had rewarded me with the same. I could see why this was his favourite spot in the entire forest. It was quickly becoming mine as well.