The Change 3

Story by omeganeep on SoFurry

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While Alex was away, it was my time to play. I was experiencing amazing new alien pleasures as I used Alex's vibrator. I could never have imagined anything like this. I could feel my tail curling back off the couch and when it touched the floor it was weird because I wasn't use to the new appendage. Every sensation was doubled I didn't know why exactly. I heard the door unlock I jumped and fell off the couch landing on my tail crushing it and I let out a scream of pain and I moved it out from under me and looked at the door and Alex was standing there holding 10 bags of clothes on each arm, each one was filled to the top. This just made me attracted to him more. He looked me up and down and saw his vibrator up my pussy and I blushed as he stared at it.

"You like that?" he said with a sly grin. And I started to blush uncontrollably.

"Yes" and my tail moved up between my legs and it closed tightly to my crotch just shoving it in deeper and I let out a soft moan.

"Well you can keep it then." I looked at him smiling happily and I slowly take out the vibrator and crawl over to see what he got as he put it down. I reach into the first bag I see and I pull out pink panties and I blush a bit. And he laughed at my expression.

"Yes that's for you. Try it on." I slid it up my legs stopping at my tail and I blush a bit as it rubs my pussy and it starts to get wet a bit and Alex sniffs the air and then looks directly at me.

"You smell amazing." I sniff the air not smelling anything.

"I do?" he sniffs again and it starts to look like he is getting high off the smell. Then he snaps out of it

"Well let's keep looking through." He pulls out some shorts and some boxers and slides them on cutting a hole in the back for his tail. And he poses a bit.

"How do you like it?" I walk up to him running my hands down his muscles and look at his crotch and I think to myself 'I want his cock so badly but I don't know why though' it was baffling me because I knew I was straight... right?

"I love it but I prefer you naked."

"Well being naked in public was awkward one odd glance and I hang out."

"Now you know how I used to feel!" he laughed a bit

"Now you don't have to worry about that." I smack him a bit and he laughs at my attempt to hurt him and he hands me some more clothes just a pair of jeans that would fit me and a t-shirt. I slip it on.

"Come on lets go out. I'll take you to your work." I look at him in disapproval.

"And what am I supposed to say to my boss?"

"Just say you are test wearing something I made."

"Alright but if I get fired it is your fault." We head out and stop at the gym I worked at and I clocked in and I thought to myself 'good thing we get to wear anything to work in' my boss stopped me seeing the tail and draconic legs.

"Um Kyle you okay?" I look back

"Yeah I'm just test wearing some stuff Alex made." I was hoping he would believe it. He just stared at a moment. He sniffed the air.

"Fine but take a shower first you reek." I sniffed myself. 'What does everyone smell?'

I head to the male showers and just my luck it is packed. I head to the very back to where the curtain ones are and I go in sliding the curtain shut and I begin to strip sliding the clothes out putting the panties on the bottom and I let the water run down my body it feeling a lot better on my scales than on my skin. I hear voices outside of my curtain and my heart drops and I pray to myself "please don't do anything please oh please.' And next thing I know the curtain is fling open right as I drop the soap and the entire group in the locker room see my fully exposed pussy and the entire room gets silent and next thing I know something is prodding it. And I shoot up my tail shooting down. And I look back and a group of them grab me holding me down and the pull my tail down all of them with an evil look on their face. And one by one the enter me. One in my ass one in my pussy and one down my throat and they all alternate and I am released and I back into a corner my tail between my over used pussy. I did not like that at all. And then they all started grabbing their stomachs and their cocks slowly pull into their body with their balls and their skin turn to different colored scales all of them growing breasts. I gave a sly grin and I tell them.

"Big mistake in raping me." And they all are panting their pussies are wet and dripping in excitement and they all start pleasuring each other by either shoving their snouts up the other's pussy or shoving tails up the other's pussy. And there are roars and hisses of pleasure and I grab my clothes taking this chance to get away and I run back to Alex's house and he sees me and smells the cum on me. I look at him with disgust.

"Work... bad idea." he laughs a bit

"Well looks like you got your excitement for today."

I head upstairs into his bed breathing hard full of cum everywhere. And he walks in with me lying behind me wrapping his wings around me kissing my neck. Slowly I relax and begin to drift off to sleep.

"I could get used to this."

We both fade off to sleep in bliss.

To be continued...