The Party

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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That being said, this story is 8 pages and ~4200 words long, i wrote it in 132 minutes, a new record i think, because thats just over 2 hours, 2 hours and 12 minutes to be exact

I groan and unlock the front door and stumble in. "Sis? That you?" I hear my brothers voice. "Unfortunately." I sigh and close the door flopping onto the couch. "Whats up?" He asks walking around the corner in just his underwear. "Work fucking sucked..." I sigh and stretch mmmphing a bit. "Well, at least we have the party right?" He smiles and gently pets me. I blush and flail my arms a bit. "Gah! Stop that, its embarrassing!" I sit up huffing. "Oh come on sis you used to love your ears rubbed~" He teases. "T-that was a long time ago." I blush and rub my ears. "Last night was a long time ago~?" He murrs and gently hugs me from behind and nuzzles my neck softly. "T-that's not fair..." I blush and gently hold his arms and nuzzle back. "Us wolves are pack animals sis, no need to be embarrassed about it~" He chuckles. "W-what? H-how does that have anything to do with getting pet?" I blush and look at him confused.

"You know I love you sis~" He smiles and licks my nose as he stands up and climbs onto the couch. "Don't you love me back?" He says gently pulling me into his lap. "Y-yes of course I do...b-but its wrong isn't it?" I look up at him, he was a good head taller then I was, we were both Timber wolves, which ment our backs were black and dark grey and our coat slowly grew lighter into a white colour so that our underbellies were white. "W-what if someone found out?" I whimper and look around. "They can keep their sick and fucked up comments to themselves~" He smiles and nuzzles me. "O-Okay, you've convinced me~" I giggle as my tail beings to wag happily. "I knew I could~" He smiles and kisses me gently. I blush and murr kissing back. "Is that all that was on your mind?" He asks rubbing my stomach gently. "W-what if someone finds out im a micro?" I look up at him. "I doubt they will, you have earrings, not a ring or a necklace, I mean those are the new ones on the market so the likelihood people will instantly know outside of another micro is unlikely~" He smiles as he reassures me.

"The party will help you keep your mind off it im sure~" He smiles. "There will be drinks, all of our friends and some food, it'll help, I promise~" He smiles at me warmly. "Alright, I trust you~" I smile and gently kiss him. "Now go get that sexy tail of yours ready~" He smiles and gets up as he gently sets me on my foot paws, gently patting my rump. "Get to it~" He growls playfully. I eep and quickly head to my room blushing heavily as a shiver of pleasure runs up my spine. I giggle to myself and begin to go through my dresser. "Hmm, what to wear?" I look through my dresser before moving to my closet and looking through the dresses. "Hmm, red? Blue? No, no, green...No." I groan and toss the dresses down.

"This is stupid, I don't party" I whimper to myself and sigh. My ears perking a second later. "Von sweetie?" I call out. "Yeah hon?" he answers. "What type of party is it?" I ask sitting up. "Just a casual party, like back in highschool, you don't need anything fancy~" He chuckles. "O-Oh, okay~" I smile and pick my dresses up putting them back in the closet and pulling out some nice short shorts and a crop top. My tail wags happily as I get out of my dress pants and jacket. I work at a bank so I need to dress some what formal. I blush and smile to myself as I slip into my shorts and put the crop top on and look at myself in the body length mirror. "As sexy as ever, I remember that outfit~" Von murrs and hugs me from behind and runs a paw up my stomach as he kisses my neck. I moan and blush gently holding his head and arm. "Mmm, you almost make me want to skip the party~" He smiles and chuckles running his other paw down my stomach towards my waist.

I slowly begin to pant in pleasure. "H-hey now I need to keep this clean handsome~" I moan and gently bite my lip. "A-and what do you mean by almost? Are you saying you'd leave me behind to deal play with myself~?" I whimper and look up at him with puppy eyes. He chuckles and lets me go. "Damn, alright you win, I'd totally stay behind and rail you~" He winks at me and heads out of my room. "That's what I thought~!" I say calling after him as I crab a nice clutch to go with my outfit. I grab my ID and a couple bucks before I put them away and head out into the living room. "Alright im ready~" I smile and my tail wags. "Mmmm, yeah you are~" He smiles and murrs. I roll my eyes and giggle. "You know if we had a sister you'd be playing runner up handsome~" I gently run my rings up his chest and giggle. "Oh, wanna test that~?" He smiles and pulls me closer to him.

I gasp gently as his paws rest on my lower back. "We don't have a sister~" I say with a smirk on my face. "Exactly~" He chuckles and kisses me. I murr and blush kissing back, my back arcing gently as he holds me close. I wrap my arms around his neck and pant through my nose. "So, good to go~?" He smiles and let's go as he breaks the kiss. "Yeah~" I nod and open the door heading into the garage. He unlocks the car and I get into the passenger seat. "Got everything?" He asks. 'umm..." I pat myself before nodding. "Yep, im good~" I smile at him. "You sure?" He gives me a 'im not stopping and coming back here if you don't' look. "Yes im sure!" I say blushing and huffing. "God you so take after dad." I roll my eyes and giggle. "And you take to much after mom~" He teases and kisses my cheek before starting the car.

"H-hey mom's a nice woman!" I say blushing. "Yeah and she forgets pretty much everything, poor dad is her pack mule when they go out on dates." He laughs and backs out of the drive way. "That doesn't...D-damn." I say sitting back and buckling up. "Yeah that's what I thought~" He chuckles and begins to drive after closing the garage door. I smile and roll the window down. "So where is this party again?" I ask looking at him and putting my hair into a pony tail. "At a friends is supposed to be a smaller party were we just relax and eat~" He smiles and gently pets me. "Don't be so paranoid~" He smiles. "I-I can't help it, its in my nature." I blush and whimper. "I know, but you're 23, you've got to move past it now~" He smiles. "H-hey you didn't help with this paranoia!" I blush. "A-all those days spent in your underwear, socks, shoes, and your mouth!" I glare at him. "You loved every second of it~" He smirks at me.

"Did not!" I cross my arms. "H-How could you say I liked that type of stuff!?" I blush. "You never told mom, or dad, or anyone else now did you~?" He grins. "Y-you said you'd eat me!" I say in my defense. "Yes, I did, but seriously? Why would I get rid of my favorite toy~?" He murrs and kisses my nose. I gasp gently and blush heavily. "I-Im not your toy!" I say a bit of pleasure filling my chest. "Maybe not now, but back then? Oh yeah you totally were~" He smiles as he drives. He soon pulls off the exit and we head into the near by neighborhoods. "Wow, who's house are we going too again?" I ask looking at the rather high-end houses. "Johns." He says as he looks around. "Seriously? John got a place out here?" I say in disbelief. "Yeah, right?" He chuckles and slowly pulls up to a house at the end of the road and parks. "And at the end of the street? Damn he's doing well." I say looking around. "Ready?" Von smiles at me. "Yeah~" I smile back and grab my clutch before climbing out of the car.

I close the door again and look around, other nice cars have lined the streets. "I feel so under dressed." I blush as Von walks up to myside. "This is still John Sis, don't panic~" He smiles and takes my paw as we walk up to the door. "N-not in public remember?" I blush and gently tug at my paw. "Right sorry." He whispers and lets go. Soon a fox about a head shorter then I opens the door. "Ey! You guys made it~" He smiles dressed in sweat pants and a sleeveless shirt. "Hey bud~" Von and him shake paws. "Life's been treating you right hasn't it~" Von chuckles and they trade a quick hug. "Yeah it has." He smiles and looks up at me. "Still dressing like the local slut I see ey Tirpitz~?" He teases and give me a hug. "Still dressing like a bum like always~?" I tease back as I hug back and pick him up.

"Ack!" He wiggles a bit before I set him back down giggling. "I hate it when you do that!" He chuckles and pats his shirt. "I know thats what you get for calling me a slut~" I giggle. "Ha!" He laughs and lets us in. "Come in, come in~" He smiles and waves us in. "You two are just in time~" He smiles happily as he leads us to a rather big room music slowly bleeding through the walls, and suddenly gets really loud as the door opens. "Holy shit, that's some nice sound deadening~" Von comments. "Hell yeah, I like to party, I needed to keep things quiet~!" He chuckles and leads us inside closing the door behind us. "Help yourselves to the drinks and just enjoy yourselves~!" he smiles as Von grabs my paw and we head out into the sea of people. The music was loud, had a ton of bass and a quick tempo, very clearly house music.

Von and I begin to jump with the crowed and shout happily. The music switched a few times varying between beats lightly. "Lets go get a drink~" Von shouts at me after about half an hour of dancing. "Sounds good!" I shout back and begin to follow him out of the crowd. I pant as we finally make it to the bar. "Oh wow, John really knows how to throw a party~" Von chuckles. "Yeah that's an understatement~" I giggle as we get handed drinks. "Oh thank you~" I smile happily. I normally don't drink but this was a special occasion, at least to me it was. Given our relationship, Von and I could hardly do anything a normal couple would do while together. I always made me a little sad to think about, people say you cant control who you fall in love with. So, why do they get so upset when you fall in love with the 'wrong' person? I don't know, I think they just need to min their own business.

I blush and begin to sip my drink, I didn't want to drink to much given my lack of resistance to its grasp and evilness. Though Von just down his first drink like it was going out of style. "J-Jeez, Von, its not trying to run away you know~" I giggle and smile. "You never know~" He chuckles and begins to take big sips of his second drink. "Com'on down that sucker! Don't be a bitch~!" He taunts making me blush. "F-fine." My ears splay a bit before I hold my nose and quickly begin to chug my drink. I cough and hiss as my throat burns. "D-damn..." I cough and pat my chest. "Here miss~" The bar tender smiles and hands me some cola. I quickly down it and shake my head. "That's it~!" Von pats my back. "That'a girl~" He pets me. "H-hey!" I blush and flail my arms to get him to stop. "Come on lets go dance some more~" He smiles and downs his drink. "O-Okay..." I say feeling a little sick. He grabs my paw and leads me back to the dance floor.

We begin to jump with the crowd again the music just as loud as it was before. To no-ones surprise the sickening feeling I had earlier only got worse. I slowly slop jumping and hold my stomach with one paw and begin to move back towards the bar. "W-where is the bath room?" I ask with a bit of a whimper. "Just down the hall ma'am, first door on your right~" He smiles pointing. "T-thanks..." I quickly head that way. The bar tender smiles and tends to the others as I slowly begin to stumble. It takes me far longer then it should have to get down the hall, im bracing myself on the wall at that point, I slowly open the door not really caring if anyone is inside. Luckily it didn't look like there was as I close the door and stumble over to the toilet and get on my knees before throwing up. "U-ugh..." I whimper and wobble a bit before passing out.

"H-hey get up..." I feel a small nudge on my shoulder. I groan and slowly sit up rubbing my head. "W-wha?" I look around the squinting a bit as the light seemed to be coming form the sides of the room and not the top. "Oh good you're awake~" I hear a females voice. "W-where am i? I only had one drink..." I whimper and rub my head before I notice a distinct lack of bumps on my ears causing me to gasp and panic feel around my body before I realize im naked. "W-whats going on?!" I get up and look around seeing six others. "We don't know, but we all had similar things happen, and we're all missing out cloakers..." The female whimpers, I squint a bit to get a better look at her. She was a white twin tailed kitsune. "A-any one have spares?" I ask looking around at them. They shake their heads no. "S-so...this is it?" I ask myself as I sit back down.

"It could be..." The kitsune whimpers. "D-don't say that, maybe John or one of the people working found us and realized what we were and put us in a container or something to keep us safe??" A male fox stands looking at us a bit angrily. "Its possible..." I say looking around my vision clearly enough to see a bit better. I get up and walk over to the walls, about half way to them the container shakes tossing me to the floor making me yelp, the fox is also sent to the floor and the others eep. I look up panting a bit in fear as I see the lid open up, the bar tender is smiling down at us. "W-whats going on?!" The fox growls and stands up as the bar tender sets the container down. "Oh? Did you not know? You're going to be part of the drinks~" He grins evilly. The fox takes a step back. I look up in a bit of paralyzed fear. "y-you cant do that we're peop-!" The bar tender quickly grabs the fox and squeezes, his body popping into a rather nasty mess.

The kitsune and I scream in fear as the others begin to scramble towards the edges of the container. "You aren't people, you're bugs." The bar tender drops the mangled form of the fox next to me. I scream and cover my eyes. "Come on get up!" The kitsune grabs my arm and quickly pulls me to my feet. "Oh wait I know you, you're Von's sister right? I bet in his state he wouldn't even notice you in his drink~" The bar tender grabs my tail and pulls on it, I quickly fall face first into the floor. "H-help!" I scream and hold a paw out to the kitsune. She stops running and looks at me before rushing back and grabbing my arm. "Aw how cute~" He chuckles and begins to lift me out of the container. The kitsune soon losses her grasp and falls back down to the container. "N-No!" I scream before holding onto the bar tenders fingers to lighten the weight on my tail. "P-Please don't do this!" I scream in fear as im brought over to the drinks.

"I did tell him I'd bring him something special~" He laughs and lowers me into an empty glass. He lets go once im about a foot my height off the floor. I yelp as I hit the floor. I scramble to get up and begin to try and climb the glass. It was futile of course. I scramble and begin to sniffle as tears begin to roll down my cheeks. "P-please don't do this!" I scream as the top of a bottle is lowered towards the glass. "What was that? I cant hear you're pathetic begging~" He laughs and begins to poor the drink. I scream before my voice is cut off and very strong alcohol fills my maw. I swirl around the cup as he fills it. Once the drink stops swirling around I begin to make my way to the top, my lungs beginning to burn from lack of air. I gasp and cough as I reach the surface, though im quickly sent back under as he begins to walk towards the room with the bar and dance floor.

I gasp as I reach the surface again. I pant heavily as I try and keep myself above the water line. The music quickly fills my ears, it was deafeningly loud before but now its almost as if its to loud to hear. I whimper and scream for anyone to for help me. Soon the glass rumbles roughly as the glass is set down. I yelp as im sent under. I gasp and cough as I surface again but this time my hear sinks, and I almost freeze in fear. My brothers face soon fills my vision as he picks up the glass. "VON!!!" I scream as loud as possible could and begin to splash around in the glass. "VON PLEASE STOP!!!" I beg as he tips the glass towards his maw. "NO WAIT!" I begin to swim In the opposite direction of the liquids flow. I begin to get dragged towards his maw as he begins to drink.

"STOP PLEASE!" I begin to pant heavily, the coldness of the drink and rapids quickly sap my energy. I roll onto my back, kicking now just trying to stay afloat as I move quickly towards his lips. "DON'T SWALLOW ME VON PLEASE!" I beg and try and garb his fur. Luckily I was able to and quickly focus on wrapping it around my paw. The alcohol quickly begins to get above my shoulders as he tips the drink back more. "WAIT PLEASE!" I beg and smack his lip with my free paw. Soon the glass begins to tilt back down, seeing as how I don't want to end up as a late night drinking snack I quickly unwrap my paw and slide back to the bottom of the cup. I quickly begin to pick up speed as the cup reaches a vertical drop. I yelp and begin to claw at the side of the cup before smacking the bottom.

I groan and whimper panting heavily as I look up, I notice the cup is clear and the bar tender is pointing at the cup smiling and saying something. "Why did I never learn to read lips..." I whimper to myself as I roll onto my stomach and begin to push myself up. Me being off the floor didn't last long before the cup is picked up harshly and im sent back to it. "F-fuck!" I pant and roll over. My drunk brothers face filling the cup before a smile appears on his face. "Damn she's hot!" I hear his voice rumble the cup. "I-ITS ME YOU DUMB FUCK!" I scream as loud as I can. "Found it scurrying along the floor, I thought it'd be a fun toy to give you~" The bar tender smiles crouching down and tapping the cup. "I used to play with them all the time when I was younger~" My brother slurs.

'My sister is a micro, don't tell her this but she was the only one I kept alive~" He chuckles and pats the counter. "GET ME OUT OF HERE VON!!" I scream my voice going horse from all the yelling I've done tonight. "Well she's all yours to play with, there is a bathroom just down the hall~" The bar tender smiles and points it out. "Thanks~" He smiles and picks the cup up, and quickly turns hopping off the stool. I yelp as im sent flying into the side of the cup. I whimper and just lay there, the scent of alcohol beginning to burn my nose and lungs. "T-this cant be happening..." I whimper and just lay there, it doesn't take my brother nearly as long as I took me to get to the bath room. "W-wait please...Von..."I pant and speak, not yelling given I don't have the strength anymore as I roll myself on my back looking up at him. "Shhh, don't tell my sister~" He giggles a bit as he slurs and pulls his pants down. "I-It's me you jerk!" I yell coughing and patting my chest. He murrs and sits back on the toilet as he begins to stroke his cock. "You're really hot you know that?" He pants as he gets to his full length.

"I-I would agree if you weren't trying t-too...W-wait!" I say as the cup tips on its side. Im now on my foot paws and staring down the cup at his cocks head, pointing right at me. "W-wait Von, please!" I hold out my paws before I hear him let out a muffled and drunk howl. His cock pulses and a jet of his cum, shoots out towards me. I yelp as im smacked in the chest and forced against the back of the cup. I try and stay on the surface of his cum as it begins to fill the bottom of the cup, he slowly tips it back. I scream and raise my paws up as he slowly stops cumming, his last few jets hitting me in the face and keeping me below the surface. I gasp and resurface shortly after panting and trying to stay above water.

It was like trying to swim in syrup, not impossible but much harder then swimming in water or alcohol. I look up at my brother's drunk face, he slowly licks his lips. "I've always wondered what cum tastes like." He says bringing the cup up to his maw. "Y-you cant be serious!" I begin to try and climb out of the cup again. "Please! Von! Wait!" I beg my voice beginning to fail me now as he tips the cup towards his maw. "Wait!" I scream one last time as his cum begins to pull my towards his maw. I try to swim in it but its just at the perfect height that I cant swim in it but I also cant be on my paws and knees and be above the 'water line' I try and grab onto anything I can but given it's a plastic cup and cum I might as well be trying to have a three mile race on ice with ice shoes.

My lungs begin to burn from lack of air when I finally feel the forces of gravity pull me down, its not long before I land on his tongue, his cum splashing out. Finally allowing me to breath I gasp and try to scream but given I've lost my voice it's just a breathless wheeze at this point. His maw begins to claw, I hold out my paw towards the last glimpse of light I'll ever see again. Im soon forced against the roof of his maw the force exerted on my body much more then I though it possible for it to hold but before my body gives out he moves his tongue just enough and swallows sending me down his throat. I wiggle with all my might my body being squeezed from all sides before I drop into his alcohol filled stomach. I upon splash down I don't even try and resurface knowing drowning would be better then burning alive. "Next time im staying home..." I think my last thought as I loose consciousness.