Hard Work Pays Off

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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After a long semester of college, two siblings make the very most of spending a few days of uninterrupted time together. <3

This story was written for Tekhnikos as part of their patreon reward for August! It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, incest and watersports. :3

Hard Work Pays Off

Finally, finals were over. The college semester and indeed the whole year was done, and in just a few days Alice and Shaun would be headed home to spend some time with their family. Of course, the two Samoyeds couldn't deny that they were a little conflicted about that last part, for while they loved their family and knew they would be glad to see them and spend some time with them after a long semester apart, it would be difficult to transition away from the more independent life that they had come to relish. No longer would everyday tasks and decisions like what to eat and when to do chores be solely theirs to decide. No longer would the schedule of their activities be determined by classes alone, much of the rest of the time left open moment to moment for the two of them to spend together as and when they wished. And of course, to put a button on it, no longer would they be able to fool around so openly and freely as they did here in their shared apartment.

But, with the stress, the focus and time intensive requirements of finals out of the way and with a few days yet before their journey back to the family home began, they did have time. Time to make the very most of what privacy and freedom remained to them. Time to relax, to indulge, to reward themselves and indeed one another for working so hard and ensuring that they aced every test they took, so there would be no doubt as to their returning next semester for another year of not just learning together, but being together. Sister and brother or not, the free, unashamed romance they had shared so much more copiously while living alone together under this roof had made each of them the happiest they had ever dreamed of being. And for those next few days, utterly without distraction or so much as a moment pre-allotted to other matters, Shaun and Alice fully intended to embrace that happiness to every extreme they knew.


Alice awoke with a moan caught in the back of her throat, her muscles already tense, trembling as in the same moment conscious thought began to pass through her mind she felt a hand rising from her side and moving down between her legs. She felt soft fur, hair, pointed ears twitching as she caressed them. She giggled, whimpering happily as her eyes fluttered open and she peered down the length of the bed. It was still dark, the drapes drawn but no more than a few glimmers of street-light beyond shining around their edges. It must have been early, or still late. The female Samoyed blushed as she recalled what had sent her into slumber the prior night, or indeed at the start of the night in the embrace of which they still seemed to be.

"H-how long?"

She dug her fingers into the hair of her brother's scalp, pushing his face into her crotch to ensure that even though she had asked the question he didn't stop doing what he was doing to answer her. Sure enough, Shaun made no attempt to lift his head from between her legs, no attempt to stop his tongue from lapping playfully across and between the folds of her pussy, flicking around the entrance to her depths and striking upward at the swollen, tender point of her clitoris. For some time longer he continued to eat her out, long enough for Alice to wrap her legs around his face, to squeeze him with her thighs and be rendered a whimpering, gasping mess clawing at the bedsheets as she wondered if her brother was going to make her cum with his tongue before even speaking a word to her.

Shaun did pull away though, despite Alice's playful attempts to stop him from doing so. He dragged his head up from where she was grappling at him with her thighs, growling playfully and forcing his sister to release him with a well placed series of tickles to her flanks. Indeed he continued to tickle her even once he was free, looming over her with a grin as she thrashed and squealed while his fingers danced over her bare body, right up to the moment where all of a sudden his face was hovering over hers. The tickling ceased abruptly, and before Alice could even attempt to catch her breath she was being kissed. She was wrapping her legs around her brother all over again, though around his waist this time, and moaning anew as she felt Shaun's cock being guided by one of her own hands to the same spot it had been pressed deep into when she had passed out earlier that night.

"How long were we asleep?"

Repeating herself with a tremor in her voice while the male's tip rubbed up and down the length of her slit, Alice giggled as Shaun's continued flurry of kisses began to mingle with a more affectionate and manic licking, his warm, rough tongue rasping across her cheeks and muzzle in absolute glee. He chuckled and shrugged, barely visible in the near pitch darkness even in such intimately close proximity.

"I dunno. But... I'm gonna keep my promise. I'm gonna make sure you keep yours, too. I said I wouldn't stop, a-and... if we pass out again? Then I swear to you, Alice, I'll do the same as I did this time round. The second I wake up, the moment I have control over my own body again... I'm yours. Now and always, sis. Yours."

Alice blushed and opened her mouth to reply, but all that she was able to do was scream as Shaun's cock pressed suddenly, sharply into her. He knew better than to go slow at a time like this, he knew better than to think that either one of them needed a chance to be warmed up and readied. Already her pussy was soaking wet and desperate to be filled, and thus as he pushed the entire length of his shaft deep into his sister's pussy that action was but the first thrust of a rapidly established and wonderfully fevered bout of fucking. Not the first of the night, and hopefully far from the last.


Alice shrieked giddily, shameless and longing to believe that the whole world could hear her screaming her love and lust for her sibling. Fantasising about a world where not only would people accept their relationship, but would crave a chance to witness it, to hear it, to share in some small way in the extremes of adoration they felt and shared with one another.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Yes!"

Her legs kicked out high into the air, toes flexing and trembling as they pointed towards the heavens. Her thick tail drummed against the bedding, the plastic sheeting beneath the cotton sheets crinkling slightly as she and Shaun writhed and bucked ferociously against one another. She was so glad they'd chosen her bed to sleep in that night, because it meant she didn't have to hold back. Not just when it came to her cumming, not that she could keep herself from squirting as her brother made her cum no matter how hard she tried, but also not holding back when it came to other rather wet and wonderful releases, either.


"Ah. Ah! A-Alice..."

Shaun's head snapped back, grunting his sister's name a moment or so before a piercing howl escaped the male Samoyed's throat and hot cum began to fill his sibling's asshole. His cock throbbed as he poured his cum into her, the tight pucker of her ass clenched almost unbearably around the thick, swollen knot locking them together while he filled her up. It didn't matter how many times he'd already cum in her over the course of the night, or even now with early morning sunshine peeking in between the drapes how exhausted he felt as his balls somehow found the stamina to pour yet more streaks of his hot, rich cum deep into Alice's bowels. Feeling her ass holding him in, feeling her body shuddering beneath him and her hands clawing at his back as she writhed silently, breathlessly in a savage orgasm of her very own, Shaun already wanted to do more. To make her feel more. To make her scream and thrash and writhe again, and again, and to keep doing so not just until one or both of them lost consciousness again, but until the fabric of reality folded in around them and creation itself simply accepted that the best thing would be for them to be allowed to fuck and cum and remain locked together like this for the rest of eternity and beyond.

Until such a time as that dream became reality however, he would just have to keep on working for the first part of those hopes and wishes.

Alice whimpered as her brother rolled them over, placing himself beneath her, settling her full weight over him. She caught her breath, immediately expelling it in one more loud, giddy moan as she felt Shaun's cock flex inside her, knot remaining fully engorged and holding them together within her back passage. Wearily, happily, they smiled at one another. They kissed. The male's arms encircled Alice just as hers remained wrapped around his back, now pinned beneath their entwined forms. She felt Shaun rubbing her back, caressing her, touching her, revelling in her presence all around him.

She beamed. She blushed. She relaxed herself entirely, groaning in satisfaction as she did so.

For a moment they lay in total peace, total silence, before Shaun felt something. A drop of wetness against the fur of his crotch, above the base of his cock where it remained locked within his sister's rear. Normally he wouldn't have thought much of this, having felt more than his share of wetness pour forth from her pussy even as he fucked her in the ass. But this... he could feel that this wetness was different. The heat of it, the consistency, even in that first droplet he knew exactly what it was. And sure enough when that droplet was joined by a few more in a brief trickle, then a more powerful albeit just as brief squirt, then finally a stronger and more solid flow that erupted with an audible hissing and the drumming of liquid against furred skin.

Shaun looked into his sister's face, her peaceful, blissed out expression looking ever more so as she let her bladder go, pissing over her lover's crotch without a care. He beamed as she soaked his midriff and the bed beneath them with her hot urine, a substantial quantity pouring forth that had doubtlessly been produced over the hours they had spent passing seamlessly between fucking and sleeping. He craned his neck up to kiss her as Alice's eyes fluttered half open, giggling and moaning as she regarded the gleeful look upon Shaun's face as she wet herself upon him. The flow trailed off gradually, Alice making no effort to force out the final few squirts and droplets in any meaningful way, just keeping herself as relaxed as possible and letting it empty itself out as her body willed. When it finally did seem to be over though, they still made no effort to escape its lingering presence. No effort to respond to the act, to the scent and the heat and the wetness saturating the fur around Shaun's midsection and the sheets beneath them in any manner other than that which was overtly positive.

They began to kiss more deeply, to hold one another tighter and giggle, moan more gleefully once more as they rolled over once, then again, and back again, still locked together as they began to wrestle in the dampness of Alice's puddled piss. They writhed and squirmed in the dampness until the fur across most of their bodies was slightly matted or glistening or somewhere in between, and by that point they weren't just laughing together, they were moaning once again. Still knotted with his sister, still buried inside and locked against her, Shaun felt his hips instinctively thrusting once more as he clung to her. He felt one of his hands reaching down between their entwined and quaking bodies, and he growled in joy as he watched Alice's eyes widen when his fingertips began to assail her wet, swollen but currently untouched, un-stimulated pussy.

"Soak me again."

Shaun begged hoarsely as he sought out his sister's g-spot, intent on making her cum not just as hard as possible, but as fast and as wet, too. The heat of her piss was already diminishing between and around them, and already he longed to feel that warm, hot rush once more.

"Soak me, Alice. Squirt for me. A-and you know, sis... you know I'll do the same for you."


Over breakfast, shared between the pair at around 11am when finally they managed to drag themselves out of bed and fuck their way through a quick, refreshing shower, the Samoyed's fun continued unabated. They cuddled, Alice seated upon Shaun's lap with his arms wrapped around her naked body from behind as she fed them cereal in alternating spoonfuls from a single large bowl. The male's cock was rock hard all the while, and though they weren't actively fucking he was wrapped up in Alice's pussy, throbbing and twitching as she clenched drooled hot trickles of arousal all around his aching length. With Alice doing the feeding for both of them that also left Shaun's hands free, and thus throughout breakfast Alice gasped and whimpered as her nipples were toyed with, her breasts fondled and adored by Shaun's trembling digits.

It was after they were done eating however, as Alice stood before the sink doing the dishes with a glazed, lustful look on her face and Shaun's head resting upon one shoulder as he gently humped her from behind, when her brother finally delivered on the promise he had made many hours before. Abruptly, not after cumming, not at any particularly relevant or obvious moment, the male pulled out of his sister's pussy. She gasped, whimpered and wiggled her ass back against his body teasingly, temptingly. She didn't say a word, continuing to slowly, idly wash the dishes as she felt Shaun's cock rub between the cheeks of her ass and poke at the base of her tail. Juices ran down her thighs as her pussy ached, begging to be filled and fucked once more. Nevertheless she waited patiently, trusting in her brother and whatever he was planning. And sure enough, some thirty seconds later...

"A-ahhh... A-Alice..."

The female Samoyed tensed up, the clean, fluffy, freshly showered white fur just above her tail suddenly feeling something hot and wet beginning to mat it down. As soon as she realised what it was, she gave a loud yelp of joy just as the flow of her brother's urine began to grow stronger and reach up the length of her back, pouring over her and raining back down off her trembling body. Alice pulled away from the sink, just enough to turn around upon the spot, and leaned back against the countertop with a giddy cry as her brother took a step back himself. He stood before her, legs planted in a firm, spread stance and cock in hand as he pointed it at her like a weapon. He was trembling, huffing as for a brief moment he held back his flow, shuddering from ear-tip to toes in the effort required for even that brief restraint. Alice arched her back at him, spreading her own legs and reaching hurriedly between them to part the lips of her pussy, exposing the pink, glistening flesh within as best she could while rising up on her tip-toes.

Urgently, grunting in abject glee, she nodded to her brother.

"Piss on me."

And he did. The flow resumed, pouring out over Alice's crotch and torso as the male pushed and drove himself to let loose as hard and as potently as possible. The arcing jet of pale yellow urine hit Alice's breasts and even her face for a few brief moments, her tongue hanging out, mouth slack ready to catch every drop. Even as it began to diminish and Shaun stepped closer she revelled in the flow continuing to pour over her belly and her crotch, running down between her legs and over her thighs as Alice kept her pussy spread wide open, thumbing feverishly at her clit and grunting in lust as the male's still mostly hard cock let loose the last of its flow, the tile floor beneath their bare feet now puddled with his expulsions.

"Shaun. Please..."

Whining hungrily, Alice's eyes rolled in ecstasy when he stepped closer still to her, pressing the tip of his cock to her open, spread pussy and allowing the last few spurts of his piss to flow over her hot, achingly needy innards. He had softened slightly as he let loose, not through any lack of arousal but through simple anatomical necessity, but he was far from flaccid. Still more than hard and long enough to rub his semi-stiff cock against her clit for the brief moments it took him to rise back to full erection, then to press that rock hard cock back into his sister's achingly needy depths.


Alice screamed as his cock pressed deep into her, her feet splashing gleefully in the puddles surrounding them before Shaun's hands slipped under her thighs and lifted her off the ground, propping her ass up on the edge of the kitchen counter. Her tail found itself dunked into the sink full of soapy water as her lover manoeuvred them into the perfect position, but she didn't care. All that mattered now was his cock. All that mattered now was him, and her. All that mattered was them fucking long and hard once again, starting the day beyond bed just as they intended to continue it.

"Right there, Shaun! Oh. Oh fuck, r-right... ohhh god, yes!"


Throughout the remainder of the morning and well into the afternoon, the siblings indulged. Over the last few days after each exam and test they'd emerged from with hope and confidence, they had gone to the store and bought themselves some treats. Their favourite foods, their favourite soda, stuff to make these last few days as decadent and joyous as possible. Thus between bouts of frenzied and more devoted fucking, as they lay casually fondling each other or locked together by Shaun's knot in front of the TV in the living room, they ate and drank to excess. Doritos. Gummy candy. Chocolate. Pizza rolls. Anything and everything they wanted, even if it was just a single handful, they showed no restraint in opening up and gorging themselves upon. And similarly, much to their shared and abundant glee, they were just as free and just as excessive with their fooling around.

"Mmmh... oohhh god, Alice... c-cumming..."

Shaun stared down at his beautiful sister as he pumped his cock in his hand, hot strings of cum lashing out over her matted and discoloured white fur, painting her breasts and dribbling thick, sticky droplets of seed down over her swollen nipples. She was blushing, giggling, and absolutely radiant. One hand on her pussy slowly rubbing herself, the other up by her mouth, holding onto one end of a long, thick gummy and foam snake as she chomped into it inch by inch, filling her muzzle with the sweet berry candy taste. She swallowed what she'd consumed thus far, holding her mouth open, tongue dyed blue from a prior candy treat, and moaned giddily as Shaun scrambled back up onto the couch and crouched before her, thrusting teasingly at her face and pulling back a few times before allowing his sister to suckle his spent cock clean.

After he was rendered suitably clean and so sensitive he was crying out in almost agonised lust, Shaun fell to the couch upon his knees and shuffled into a more comfortable position, lying alongside his lover as their legs laced through one another and their hands began to casually roam across the other Samoyed's body. There they lay, feasting, embracing, fucking and fondling each other as often as their bodies allowed and even a great deal of the time when all common sense said they should have needed a break. The afternoon passed by in a haze of TV, of movies and of sex, until at some point the pair chased one another through into the kitchen and after a brief, frenzied bout of humping against the refrigerator returned not just with another two litre of soda and a refill of their snack-bowls in hand, but also a bottle of vodka.


"No, no no no no no not a blue shell! Fuck! Eat shit and die!"

Alice howled in rage as she very nearly tossed her joy-con across the room, but she was laughing at the same time, shrieking with giddy glee as she glared across the couch to where her lover was lying, their legs propped up against one another, paws to paws and their bodies resting ass-to-ass with Shaun's knotted cock still buried in her backside. Without even looking at his sister as on screen his character flew by hers, circling the last corner and taking the chequered flag ahead not just of Alice but of all the other folks they were playing against online, Shaun teasingly yelled back at her.

"Eat shit and live, loser!"

A moment later Alice was upon him, flinging her body up and over his, grabbing the joy-con from his hand and dropping it to the floor close by alongside her own. She pinned her lover to the couch, grinning as he growled up at her with playful savagery. They both knew they couldn't escape, that they had only become locked together again some fifteen minutes ago and were still far from being released from that lewd knotting. But if either one of the siblings had thought that would stop them or their lover from doing what they were about to do for even a split-second, they wouldn't have known one another at all.

Screams and howls of laughter rang out around the living room as they began a merciless, inescapable tickle-fight, neither one sure who had delivered the first giggle-inducing attack but certain that they could not stop under any circumstances without risking giving their sibling an unhindered opportunity to intensify their own assault. They kicked and squirmed and thrashed and flailed. They tumbled off the couch, very nearly rolling into the coffee table and knocking over the mostly empty two litre bottle that sat upon it, not to mention the one third emptied bottle of vodka. They cried, weeping openly, sobbing with mirth as they wrestled and tickled for five, then ten minutes without stopping. The fighting would have been vicious, would have been violent had it not been so obviously and equally desired by both parties, rendering it instead the most beautiful and yet untamed, unabashed display of joyful passion. Neither Alice nor Shaun were fighting to escape their lover's ticklish fury no matter what their bodies begged of them, they were simply fighting to make their sibling laugh harder, and to be driven more absolutely, obscenely out of control through their shared actions.

Needless to say, the pair didn't win any more races that night. They kept on playing with the Switch for quite some time, but such intimacies kept on drawing their focus away from the game on the screen and towards the far more pleasant and fun games their partner could provide. Combining that with the continued consumption not only of sweet treats but now alcohol too ensured a perfect cocktail of distractions, until finally in a moment of unabashed tipsy clarity Alice sprung from the living room's second, older couch where she had at some point found herself lying humping at Shaun's left leg while she stroked his cock in one hand.

"I'm going to go and urinate!"

She announced the fact not only loudly, but in such unnatural and out of place terms that Shaun almost choked on his laughter. The male Samoyed grabbed her by the wrist before she could stagger out of range, and grinned as Alice turned back to face him with pleasantly smiling, glazed, tipsy confusion.


She tilted her head playfully to one side, giggling as Shaun, just as tipsy as her tried to play the voice of reason.

"You're gonna go piss? Just that?"

Eagerly, tugging on her lover's arm though only in a mock gesture with no real effort, Alice nodded.


Shaun grinned and gestured around himself with his free hand.

"You haven't been to the bathroom all day except when it was more than pissing you needed. Neither of us have. Why start now?"

Alice looked around, at the couch, at the living room with its nice hard-wood floors, at the old rug beneath her bare feet right now. She giggled again, though her face screwed up adorably with effort as she tried to think clearly for a moment or two.

"We know we can clean the bedding. The shower was fine, a-and the kitchen floor we can wipe down with a mop. But in here..."

She shook her head.

"...I could. I... I w-want to. But, I shouldn't."

Her brother's grin grew wider, and the hand clutching hers squeezed playfully, encouragingly.

"You're right. You probably shouldn't. Pissing on the rug, on that old, ratty rug we keep talking about getting rid of... that'd be so naughty."

He saw Alice's cheeks flush, her eyes widen and her thighs tremble.


Again the female Samoyed giggled, looking down at the length of her naked body, stained, matted, and quite frankly reeking of sex and sweat and a little of urine from the day they'd spent so far. Her gaze turned to the rug below her feet, drumming her toes down against it before looking back up at Shaun with a breathy moan.

"I... I l-like naughty."

Shaun growled in absolute glee.

"And I love you when you're naughty."

What felt like just moments later to their increasingly drunken minds, Alice was gasping and giggling ever more delightedly as she felt her own piss beginning to run down her inner thighs, the flow intensifying and beginning to pour directly out and onto the rug beneath her as she spread her legs. Mere moments after that a second stream of urine joined the first, Alice shrieking in mirth to her brother as he lay back still seated on the old, worn couch and let loose, hitting the rug just between her legs at first but swinging his cock back and forth to divert the stream, raining his piss down over his sister's footpaws.

After that, all bets were off. Already the pair had been uninhibited and shameless in their fun, and now with alcohol fuelling the kinds of desires that simply didn't occur to them much of the time while sober the siblings became almost unhinged in their debauched glee. They'd barely stopped wetting the rug with their shared piss when Alice lunged forward, urine still dripping from between her legs as she leapt back onto the couch and pressed her still damp, acrid-tasting pussy to her lover's muzzle. He held her there, and didn't let her go after she'd cum once, then twice, extracting a toll of three orgasms from his sister before his hands released the tight grip they had taken upon the cheeks of her ass.

Shaun howled, painting his own chest with cum as Alice tongued his ass, nuzzling and fondling his balls but neither one of them touching his cock, the orgasm entirely hands free. In return he ravaged his sister anew with three fingers plunging deep into her pussy, making her scream, making her beg with the force he applied, but always begging for more, never for him to relent in the slightest. Only at the very last second did he stop pounding at his sister's g-spot with the tips of those three digits, pulling out and holding Alice's quaking, violently shaking thighs apart with all the strength he could summon as she let loose the most almighty scream and launched a brief but wild fountain of hot, frenzied ejaculate far beyond the bounds of the couch.

Afternoon turned to evening as they ate, drank and were merry in the most wonderful ways they could conceive. They showered and somehow forced themselves to remain clothed in robes long enough for pizza to be delivered without the delivery person suspecting what they had been up to all day, though the squirrel might have noticed a slight glistening trickle of arousal running down the inside of Alice's leg beneath her robe as she paid him. Beyond that brief interaction however the pair remained confined to the apartment, to one another. They barely left one another's arms, and indeed as much as possible remained physically bound together by Shaun's swollen knot lodged deep in either Alice's ass or pussy.

The two Samoyeds, the two siblings had always promised one another that they would not be ashamed. That they would not let what the world thought of them change the way they felt for one another, that they would let nothing come in the way of their intimate, loving and undeniably lustful relationship. That day, just as they intended to for the next few to come, they lived that promise with every ragged breath. With every moan, cry and trembling howl of orgasm. They gave themselves wholly to one another, harder and more urgently as the day wore on and their uninhibited ecstasy and longing for their sibling only grew.


"Harder! Harder, y-yes!"

Alice wailed, clawing at her brother's back shamelessly as he pinned her to the couch. With every breath she drew in the female Samoyed smelled her lover's cum, her own arousal, the shared musk of their sweat and of course the sharp tang of urine. The couch beneath her was damp with a mixture of all those fluids and probably a little saliva too, the pair having many hours ago decided that along with the rug it was time to get rid of this old item of furniture and thus to use and abuse it as they saw fit without restraint. Indeed, that was exactly what they were doing now. They'd had their fun, they'd played and laughed and enjoyed the day, but now... now they were single-minded in their focus, lost to one another in a bout of primal, ferocious fucking.

"I... I'm gonna... a-aahhhh, Shaun... again. Gonna do it, gonna... a-again!"

This was far from the first time Alice had cum in the recent past, indeed she was so sensitive at that point late in the day that it took very little to drive her overwhelmed body over the edge compared to when they had begun. As she cried out so plaintively and savagely to her lover all at once though she could see even through her glazed, heavy-lidded eyes that he was almost there as well. That Shaun was approaching his own peak, and like her he was highly aware of how worn out they were, how fatigued and yet desperate for one last unabashed bout of ecstasy. They both knew this could well be their last time before at least a brief amount of sleep was necessary, and thus even as she continued to writhe and grunt through that particularly blissful peak Alice was already looking to the next, the one she would hopefully be able to share with the man she loved so dearly.

And share it they did.

Clutching at the base of his cock with a trembling hand, holding his knot back to keep himself and Alice from being locked together and potentially having to make their way to bed while knotted, Shaun stared up into his lover's eyes as they rolled over upon the couch. She tossed back her head, yelping as she rode him, the fully engorged girth of his knot too broad for her to settle upon by this point even if she'd tried but perfect for her clit to grind against. His free hand reached up, fondling one of the female's breasts before reaching up to cup her face, drawing it down towards his and stealing a passionate, albeit breathless kiss.

"Cum in me..."

Alice begged as their lips parted that very next occasion, her eyes barely able to remain open they were fluttering so urgently, so wildly with her own immediate need for release.

"Please, Shaun. Please, p-please..."

Before she could beg again, before she could say what she wanted, her rapid riding of the other Samoyed did its job. She felt her lover tense, she felt his cock strain suddenly and potently within her. She arched her back for a moment, then flung herself forward over Shaun's body once again as he let loose a deep, joyous grunt. Once, twice, three more times in rapid succession she bucked herself against his cock even as it poured his cum deep into her, and then she was cumming too. Shaun yelped as he felt her cum around him, as he felt the gush of her hot juices flooding over him and mingling with his cum as it poured into her. He smiled the goofiest, giddiest smile as he looked up at the beautiful, bliss-stricken look upon Alice's face.

Then her expression changed slightly, growing similarly goofy, similarly dazed and distant just like him. Her already flushed face burned brighter, and her eyes widened for a moment as she giggled. They were spent. Their orgasms were on the verge of completion, and now...

"O-oh, god... I-I'm... I can't s-stop..."

It had been a long evening, several empty two litre bottles and a now only quarter full bottle of vodka lying on the floor nearby the couch. And now, that long evening was catching up to them both as it had several times that day already.

Shaun's eyes widened as he felt the intense, hot sensation of piss striking out against the fur of his crotch, Alice so fatigued, so overwhelmed that she physically could not hold onto her bladder. She wasn't pissing on him because it was hot, she wasn't pissing on him because she wanted to. She was truly losing control, truly wetting herself... and soaking him and the couch once more in the process.

He kissed her. He kissed his sister as she wet herself all over him, her pussy still clamped down around his cock and the flow of her urine only tapering off for the briefest moment as he pulled out, her muscles clenching then urgently releasing once more, forcing a deep grunt from the female Samoyed's muzzle.

"You don't have to."

He kissed Alice again, grinning as she giggled and kissed him back.

"You don't ever have to stop, not with me."

But, of course, he couldn't just say it. He could never just tell Alice something. She meant too much to him for that. He had to show her. To prove it, utterly without question.

And thus he did.

"Ah. Oohh... oh, Shaun... b-brother..."

He pulled out of his sister's pussy, his cock twitching, still hard and still coated in her juices, not to mention her urine as it passed through the stream flowing from her nether regions. He rose upright, embracing her tightly, both of them giggling as he pushed her down to her back, falling over her with a playful growl. His hard cock came to rest upon the mound of her pussy, tip twitching as it pointed up the length of her beautiful, albeit stained and matted body. And while Alice continued to wet herself, to piss over her brother's balls, his legs and the couch beneath them, he too let loose a more purposeful stream and began to piss over her in return.

They blushed and grinned at one another as they let go together. They embraced tighter, and smiles turned to laughs, laughs to wild, raucous fits of the giggles as they trembled and cuddled up together in their lewd, wonderful naughtiness.

"I love you, Shaun."

Alice whimpered as she pissed on her brother.

"I love you too, sis..."

Shuan moaned as he soaked his sister with his own bladder-load, grinning and leaning down to kiss her once again.

"...a-and tomorrow, and the next day... and the next, I'm gonna keep on showing you just how much."

By Jeeves

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