Demeaning Addiction

Story by Jalle on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Before I get into it, if you like what I do and would like to support me and help me pay for some bills as a freelance author, please consider dropping me a kofi at or supporting me on patreon ( ) where you can get benefits like watching me write stories via google docs, vote on upcoming stories, join a monthly story raffle, and get discounts on slots and commissions!

I am open for non-YCH commissions, please note me or message me on telegram at JalleWinters !

This was a YCH commission for Wolfsl on FA

Being stationed at Arytyle Farms wasn't the worst, but it was, at the least, very boring. Kiske was sure that an older knight would've loved this idyllic slice of farmland, sequestered between grand mountains, lush plains, and a slow, large river that was easy to swim in. He might have, too, if he hadn't wanted to be out on the field. His youth was the best time for him to make a name for himself, on or near the front lines.

Instead, he was stuck here, working as a glorified watchdog. Apparently, the farm had dealt with some ruffians last year, during harvest, and as that time neared again, they had requested aid from the army. Seeing as how the farm supplied vegetables, meat, grain, and other foodstuff to troops, they deemed it worth sending someone to watch. Kiske had been quite the star trainee, excelling at his studies and swordplay, and now that he'd been promoted to knight, he was stuck here.

The one redeeming area of the farm, one that made his cheeks burn with embarrassment and lust, were the donkeys. He knew it was wrong to like them so much, but he simply could help it. Something about their raw, dumb animal ways gripped something in him, pulling his sexual need right to the grey and brown beasts. The farm, large in size, had recently purchased a whole slew of jennies, mares, for the express purpose of breeding. Apparently, they had quite the line of donkeys here and wanted to start selling their babes.

He had to admit, they were definitely something else. Shining examples of their breed, the studs were tall, thick, and powerful work animals. He hadn't seen one give a bit of trouble in the month he'd been there, and he spent... A lot of time watching them. It felt weird to admit to himself. They had been used mostly as pullers and movers, but now a few of the jacks were being 'repurposed' for breeding.

He had spent the entire day today, claiming to do perimeter walks, but really he was just watching the donkey, sneaking peeks at it in its pen, or following it as it grazed, or pulled the plow. The best spot was definitely behind them- those rear muscles were defined, and cut cleanly through the fur and coat when pulling the metal plow. Large, leathery, sweaty nuts dangled and glistening in the sun after hours of work... His mouth watered at the thought.

Right now, Kiske was laying in his room, on his bed, dealing with an impertinent erection that wouldn't go away. A large moon and a bright smattering of start let silvery light into his room, cut into sharp angles by his paned window. He knew the day to day process of the farm quite well by now; he knew that no one would be by to check on the donkeys until morning. They worked their ranch-hands quite had here, so people were usually quite eager to get some sleep, and slept heavily. He could get away with a quick visit, in the middle of the night... But should he?

His length ached, rubbing up against his belly and beddings as he thought it over. It was shameful, wrong of him to lust after a feral creature so, but he couldn't simply turn these feelings off. If he did get caught, he'd be branded as a donkey fucker for the rest of his life. He reached down, to his length, giving it a squeeze and a stroke- just looking wasn't enough anymore. He had to see it up close, to feel them with his own hands, taste them with his own tongue.

His mind made up, Kiske swung his legs over the side of the bed, and began tugging on a pair of shorts, tucking his erection away. He slid a simple shirt over his toned, pale chest, ran a hand through his short, dark hair as he steeled himself, and with a throbbing bulge in his shorts, made his way out.

Everyone else was fast asleep, just as he figured, the moon bright and high in the sky. The donkeys were kept in a decently sized stable, previously used for horses, so the stouter, smaller creatures had a decent amount of space. He already knew the one he was going for: the prize stud, the largest of the lot, the one he'd been fantasizing about. Luckily, the moonlight was angled just right, coming in through large windows in the back of the stalls, casting a bright light over the jack's back.

He felt jittery, standing in front of the stall that held the object of the desires, the donkey's bored-looking face snuffling over the door. He rubbed the male's head for a minute, before undoing the latch. "Alright... Just... Relax," he said, to both himself and the donkey. The beast's fur was rough on the outside, thick strands of hair weathered by the sun and hard work, with a softer underlayer for warmth. His ran his fingers down the creatures back and sides, earning a happy sounding chuff.

Kiske sunk to his knees, mouthwatering. He rubbed past the rounded, plump belly, to a corpulent, full sheath, covered with wisps of longer, thinner fur, that showed the pale skin underneath, between the stalks. Ponderous, heavy-set orbs swayed behind the thick tube, each one like a ripe orange. His hand trembled in the air, inches away from touching them, the donkey lifting a leg and setting it down with another chuff.

His length was rock-hard in the shorts, tenting it out terribly, a wet spot near his tip. He licked his hips, eyes flashing from those nuts to the lit window, and over the closed door of the stall. It was now or never. He couldn't just abandon it part-way... He was already here. So, he reached out, his hand touching the beefy sheath, tugging it back so that the opening at the front tugged and slit, briefly revealing the donkey's bloated, bulbous head. He shuddered as his soft-skinned hands reached the hot, virile orbs.

He squeezed around their sides as the donkey lifted its front leg, stamping it down a few times, hot puffs of air shooting from his wide nostrils. They were hot to the touch, so full and heavy that he could hardly handle one in each hand. He squeezed them, lifted them, and rubbed their sides, loving the way the wrinkled, thick skin felt as it was massaged. It only took a few moments of playing with them for his cock to drop, the magnificently long, textured length falling nearly to the ground. It was thicker than he imagined, the medial ring on it as big around as his fist.

He dropped one hand from those sweltering nuts to stroke along the cock, feeling it pulse to live. He had to wonder if someone else had spent time with the donkey, with it responding so well to his touches. Clear, thick pre was starting to drool from the donkey's tip, and Kiske dipped his head down, under the jack's belly and legs, warm breath blowing onto the throbbing prick.

He kissed it, lips mashing to the broad, domed head, slurping up a hefty glob of salty, earthy pre. Kiske sucked on the tip, feeling its heat and arousal, his tongue lapping against the slick, leaky opening, before he pulled back, his efforts rewarded with a longer splurt of pre, the cock jerking and slapping up against the donkey's belly.

He yanked down his own shorts, his human, pink length standing straight out from his groin. It was nothing compared to pure black cock before him, but it still felt good to stroke, while he used his other hand to grip the donkey's shaft beneath the head, thumb rubbing against his frenulum, the donkey starting to give some thrusts.

Kiske, on his hands and knees to the donkey's left, had his head stuck under the animal, huffing hot intakes of donkey musk and warm air, his mouth suckling and licking over the animal's tip, tasting its salt and sweat. Though it seemed like his prize stud had had enough of foreplay- he hawed out loudly, and kicked forward, knocking the human forward, the heavy weight of the donkey's full, furry gut weighing on his back. The beast's hard cock slapped between pale thighs, Kiske shuddering as a fiery splat of slickness splashed up against his belly and chest.

He knew he shouldn't- couldn't let the donkey mount him. There was no way he'd be able to walk tomorrow after taking a dick like that, but the burning desire in his but made it hard to resist, especially with the donkey already pulling back, cock slapping against his cheeks as it tried to find his entrance. His hands dug furrows in the dirt and hay on the ground, knowing with every inch of his being that he should pull away, but his sexual needs were winning out once again, the human raising his butt just a bit so that the thick tip would get put in the right spot.

He gritted his teeth as it hit, and pushed in, popping inside him and sliding forward, the hot fluids of the donkey flooding deep within him. It certainly hurt, his sphincter turning into a flaming ring of muscle spread around a girthy dick, but feeling that smooth-skinned, heavy cock moving through him, rubbing over his prostate as the donkey bucked forward, tip pushing out against Kiske's belly, nearly made him jizz right there.

The medial ring came in next, and the human groaned out loud, unable to hold it in. The extra bump sliding in finally drove the human to orgasm, his own tip letting loose a few lines of white cum, as he shivered, clenching his hands and thighs, his innards squeezing tight on the donkey's cock, letting Kiske feel the length pulse, heat flashing in his gut as more donkey pre spurted inside.

After slow, tantalizing, painful moments of the donkey thrusting and slamming, he finally hilted in, Kiske practically surprised he was able to breathe with such a monster stuck deep in him. The donkey above chuffed and stamped again, though, oddly enough, it wasn't moving at all. HE had expected, well, to get pounded by the beast, just like in his fantasies, but despite the donk being rock hard and shoved all the way in, the animal wasn't moving... Though, Kiske was feeling an odd tightness, a strange heat in his gut.

He reached up, patting the side of the donkey's belly, trying to spur him into action. "Nng. Why won't this stupid donkey fuck me?" He mumbled quietly, cock still aching. He had gotten off, at least... His legs felt weak just from the cock going in, which was unsurprising. They were hard to move, unwilling to accept much of his weight. If it weren't for the firm bones of his thighs, he'd be dangling.

His stomach rumbled, and his muscled twitch, Kiske suddenly letting out a loud belch, one that felt wet and smelled... Musky? Weird. Well, if the donkey wasn't going to screw him, he should run back to his room before anyone noticed he was gone. He wiggled around, trying to dislodge the cock stuck in him, but it didn't feel like it a moving. He tried to squeeze around it, and the muscles seemed to suddenly stop short, flexing part of the way but failing around where he knew the shaft should be.

Maybe he was just too stretched out. The pain was going away, at least. He hardly even felt it, as he kneeled there, under the bulk of a donkey a few hundred pounds heavier than he was, in the middle of the night. They were quiet, which was nice. The last thing he needed was someone coming to check on the animals right now.

Kiske wobbled, his legs feeling weaker by the moment. Jeeze, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to make it back to his room at this point. They were getting pretty bad. It was somehow worse than when he'd run his body ragged trying to meet the requirements of the knights. His stomach gurgled, and another burp rose up his throat, carrying with it the same musk, and wet feeling, some salty spots of phlegm hitting his tongue.

He licked his lips, trying to place the familiar taste. It was in an odd spot, but he'd had it, and recently... Kiske pitched forward, face smashing into the hate and dirt as his legs gave out. Fuck, he'd expect to have fallen off at this point. Somehow the stud was supporting his full weight, just dangling from his groin. If only humans had cocks with such power. He shuddered at the thought, member perking up from its half-hard state.

His legs wouldn't move, actually. He could get them to twitch and shift, but otherwise, they felt like they were just hanging. Not even touching the ground at all, which was odd. He turned to look back at them, only to get interrupted as something hot and sticky welled up in his throat, a thick glob suddenly pushing into his mouth. It was slick and plenty and made long, sticky trails as he coughed it out onto the ground, clear lines dangling from his lips. The donkey might've been pumping into him the whole time, but it was impossible for it to come up this far, right?

This was all crazy. Something odd was going on here. His legs still wouldn't respond to his- his legs lifted up, pulling closer to the donkey, and as they did, Kiske jerked up, bumping against the roughly-furred underside of the donkey, another stronger gush of beastial pre coming into his mouth. He spat it out as he flagged back down, muscles in his middle stretching that he didn't even know he had. Or was it just that the donkey's dick was so strong it lifted him? It couldn't be- he didn't feel it tugging inside him.

He hadn't actually felt that prick in a while, despite his firm, full belly. He did feel flushed, though, like more blood than usual was pumping through his veins, but he figured that was normal during sex. It was deep in him, burning, low, but there was a growing need, sexual in nature, like he had to fuck, despite his own body still feeling spent. His legs were... Heavy. Hot. He could tell that they weren't independent anymore,stuck together as they hung. He knew there was only one thing that they could be, but the how and why eluded him.

Kiske propped himself up on his arms, but those were starting to feel weak, too. They took far more effort than normal to lift himself up, despite his muscles. The donkey stamped it's feet, rocking from side to send, sending the heavy pair of balls behind the human swinging, rocking against each fuzzy thigh in turn.

It felt so damn good. The weighty orbs, pushing against thick skin from the inside, rolling against prickly fur that provided such a wonderful texture- he wanted it to continue, to feel from them again. Having them hanging and ready was boring in comparison. Kiske was starting to feel heavier all over, though it was most noticeable near his hips and lower belly.

The firmness in his gut that had been the donkey's cock was spreading into his chest, making it harder and harder to move. He hiccupped, wet splatters hitting his tongue and teeth as the air was forced up from his gut, towards his mouth. There was a tight, swelling sensation moving up from, from his hips down, and he didn't need to take guesses at what it was anymore.

On his shaky, weak arms, he turned around to see his hips jutting from a donkey's grey sheath, the very fringes of him turning dark black. His balls were gone, leaving a puny human cock adhering to his stomach. He flexed his abs, making it feebly jerk, before it joined in further, seamlessly becoming one with his body. Thick veins ran up his side, pushing past the black flesh of the beast's cock, encroaching further upon him.

He wasn't particularly scared at this, for some reason. Kiske was, actually, rather calm at knowing he was turning into a donkey's meat. Maybe it was meant to be- he did always have such an attraction to them. He didn't want to call out or get someone to stop it at all, really. The idea of hanging here forever was... Appealing.

The human's arms gave out beneath him, and he fell, his chest and face mashing against the ground again. He tried to lift himself back up, but his elbows gave out an inch up, letting him thud down again. He throbbed, a resounding tha-thump running through his body as the changes continued, Kiske coughing as his throat filled with pre again. He could squirm around a bit, but he saw how thin his arms were, and how the thick barrel of blackness was moving up his body, erasing every bit of humanity in him, and turning it to cockflesh. Around the middle of his stomach, he saw a large ridge grow in, under his skin, stretching it out as the texture changed. The skin darkened slowly, veins crisscrossing and rising to the surface as it turned to a deep, pitch black.

His head was getting forced forward now, a cool breeze from the window making his shaft body twitch. He couldn't move at all from his middle down, and only had a few inches of wiggle space if he turned his spine- thought that was already getting weaker, as the black cockflesh reached his chest. His breath grew raspy and wet as pre came up consistently- he could feel it, too, churning from the donkey's oversized balls and pushing up the thick tube inside him, running to his mouth.

Kiske could feel the donkey's need to cum returning as his cock neared completion, the all-consuming flames of lust radiating over his nuts and lower half, making each throb a wash of pleasure, every tiny brush of the wind sending dizzying signals of arousal right to his head. The donkey clopped back, dragging his cock over the hay, Kiske letting out a low groan. Another shot of pre came into his mouth, stronger than before, soaking the ground in front of him, and his face, as it splashed back up against him.

The human drew in less and less breath as his arms completed disappeared, shoulders turning into a tube of equine dick, blackness reaching for his neck. He could no longer stop, or hold back from the waves of donkey juice that flooded up him, and he didn't want to. He wanted the donkey to get off- to get him off.

He knew this one was going to be one of the breeding studs- that meant that, if this change completed, there was a very real chance that he'd be shoved inside a winking, waiting, wet cunt, and the thought of that made his body even more rigid, bouncing up off of the ground for a few seconds to waver in the air, before splashing into a puddle of pre.

He wheezed quietly as the hot fluid rushed out of his throat and past his teeth, tasting nothing but donkey musk, to splatter on the ground and against his face, his hair wet with his own fluids. Kiske knew the end to his human days was near when he couldn't move his head or neck at all anymore, simply being affixed to the end of a pole, forced to have his nose and face rubbed into muddy, smelly ground.

His last breath was exhaled in forceful spurts, interrupting the flow of pre with messy expulsions of air, before the flow finally went through unabated. Slow and relentless, it poured out of him with occasional extra-strong jets. He could feel his lips grow stiff and unable to move, his tongue getting stuck as his teeth receded. The entire area started to bloat out, Kiske watching with wide eye while his mouth rose in his vision, a clear replica of a donkey's tip. His hair was fading as well, his head flattening out, save for the bulge of his tip, while his skull softened and reformed, forming the bumpy ring around the tip of an equine penis. His eyes closed as well, everything going black as the last bit changed, leaving him as a raging-hard, long length of donkey fuckmeat.

The beast he hung under chuffed again, Kiske feeling their full, needy nuts screaming for release. The donkey squeezed, and the cock slapped against his belly, sight somehow returning to the changed man. He saw himself bobbing in the air, pre spraying out from his mouth, and cried internally for release. He slapped needily against the donkey's belly again and his length jerked, his balls pulling up...

White-hot orgasm tore through him, a spray of seed so strong that it struck the door coming from his body. He soaked the door and the stall in his animalistic cumshot, leaving the chipping paint worn away and coated in thick, drooling jizz.

Finally spent, the donkey's midnight adventure over, he settled down, laying on his side while his cock softened and pulled up, shortly falling to sleep. Kiske got to watch as his new, girthy body retreated into the sheath, slowly getting pulled backward until the fuzzy lips of a donkey's sheath wrapped around his face, turning the world black.


He must have fallen asleep somehow, waking up the next day to the sensation of swaying between the donkey's legs. His soft form moved from side to side in the donkey's sheath, their nuts bouncing behind them step after step. He felt a new need inside him, urgent and pressing from within, but it wasn't the need to cum- and there was only one other thing cocks were good for.

The donkey came to a stop, and he heard the muffled words of someone speaking. He felt dirty, knowing what was coming, ashamed of himself. He'd gotten himself into this mess- and now what? Was he just donkey dick forever? Would this be his daily routine? Light started to flash as his body moved, pushing through the sheath but remaining soft until his head burst into the light- though, he was still shaded under the donkey's belly. He must've shrunk at least some since he didn't quite reach the ground.

Though, the thought didn't have long to linger as another rush of hot liquids ran through his body. He wished he could've blinked or close his eyes as the acrid, salty taste of piss filled his mouth, a strong stream hitting the ground in front of him. The donkey really had to go- it came out with enough force to splash back, Kiske watching as the yellow, rich fluid pooled out into the grass, wet splatters striking across many spots on his long, black body.

He could do nothing but watch as more came and went, piss draining away from that spot and spreading out, while a voice nearby whistled. "Get it all out, boy. You got a long day afore ya." Kiske felt the pressure lessen over time, gradually becoming less and less, the stream in front of his eyes slowly weakening. It splattered back on him less, coming to a trickle before beads of piss just fell from his slit, plopping down onto the ground. He started to retreat a few moments later, their handler soon leading them away.

It was a few moments later that they entered a new building, the cock's strange, nonsensical hearing picking up the open area turning into a confined one. More muffled sounds went on outside, but he could feel his host grow antsy, stamping around, hawwing out occasionally. Kiske could feel the donkey's arousal blossom within him, a warmth growing from his base, tucked away deep inside that sheath. Suddenly, their nuts began to ache, Kiske's form beginning to thicken up.

He dropped out from that sheath, swaying underneath the beast's grey belly, his 'face' not even an inch above the dirty ground. "Damn, I can't believe how big these boys are. Is it my imagination or is he... Bigger?" He recognized the voice- one of the farm girls who typically aided the livestock. She must've been helping with the new breeding program. "I don't know," came the rough voice of his handler. "I try not to look at their bits."

"Jealous?" she called back, and the guy grunted. The ex-human could feel his body stiffening, thickening up as his head slowly arced up, the salty taste of pre coming into his slit as his jack began to leak. His bloated tip rose up, pointing him forward, and he could finally see what all the fuss was about- a jenny, in heat, had attracted his host. She was in a pen, behind a gate, which the jack stood in front of, waiting impatiently for it to open.

"Looks like he's good to go. Let's get him in there," the girl said, and after some fiddling, the gate swung open. His jack had to back up, but as soon as it was out of the way, he bounded in, making Kiske bob and weave, sending sticky lines of pre all over. The donkey wasted no time in raising his hind legs to mount her, sending Kiske bouncing up, hard tip mashing into her small udder. He could see the curve of her belly, as his host pulled back, the wet, puffy lips of her animal cunt, winking right at him.

Excitement welled in him- not just from the donkey. He'd always had a thing for them, and this was the ultimate perverted pleasure- getting used as their sex tool to breed a fertile, waiting jenny. His head swam, rock-hard body rising to smack the donkey's belly, leaving a visible, wet line of pre over her flank and thigh. The donkey thrust and Kiske slid down, running between her teats again, the cock able to hear her crying out, legs buckling under the jack's weight. He was pulled back and thrust again, heavy jets of pre landing on the floor.

"Gosh, hold on. We'll get you in..." He heard the farmer talk, the donkey pulling back. Her hand grabbed around his upper section, beneath the head, and Kiske throbbed hard as he was pointed right at the object of his desires. She winked at him again, the dick able to nothing but watch as a line of her feminine arousal drooled out from her slick lips, running down over her udder.

The donkey pushed forward, and suddenly Kise's face was mashed against that hole, his surprising girth straining to fit in her tight, ready cunt. The pressure behind him increase, and after a second, he was in, the cocktip surrounded by needy, right flesh that clenched tight around him. He slid further in, plunging into her depths, his medial ring meeting her lips, nearly going through. The jack pulled him back an inch, and rammed again, over half of his length buried in the jenny's embrace.

The donkey didn't know or understand restraint, or foreplay- he had a female in heat that he had to rut, and that was the end of it. There was no grace or holding back as Kiske was slammed in as deep as he could go, clenched tight in inky black darkness. The donkey rammed her hard and fast, his cock overwhelmed with pleasure as he plunged in time and again. He lost track as the donkey rammed into her, heavy nuts swinging back and forth.

Kiske could feel his orgasm brewing, growing with each push, rising up in their nuts to reach his base. His length grew steely hard, Kiske feeling each individual vein sticking out and sliding against the jenny's soaked tunnel, pre pouring from his tip. His sensitivity grew as it traveled up his length, his head bloating and flaring out even further as the impending orgasm grew imminent. He lasted another two thrusts, and the Jack slammed him into the root. Their leathery, full balls lifted up behind him, and Kiske started firing his virile load into that cunt.

The jack jerked as hands gripped his balls, squeezing tight as if to milk every lost drop out of him, Kiske's hard body throbbing extra hard. The donkey poured a massive amount of seed into her tunnels, quickly backing her up, the white jizz filling in warmly around Kiske's length, soon starting to drip out her cunt. He shot ropes of steamy baby batter into her, and just as he was starting to die down, those hands on their balls started to massage and rub, earning a few extra spots, the thick load turning watery and thin as they worked through all the donkey had.

Though, soon enough, he was done and spent, sitting there in a tight, hot tunnel, surrounded by his own cum. His flared head trembled with the feeling of being pulled out, over-sensitive from his orgasm. He plopped out of her cunt, waving heavily in the air, Kiske watching a few heavy drops of seed fall to the ground from his form. "We'll give him ten before we move him on to the next. This boy's gonna give us some good stock."

Movie Night

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A Filling Role

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Azzy's Hard Life

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