Abby Helps Out [Commission]

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An anonymous commission.

Warning: Contains sex between a mother and her underage daughter. Don't read any further if it's not your cup of tea...

Watching her little daughter pick through various items of clothing with her little tongue sticking out and her brow furrowed in concentration, Cynthia couldn't help but grin at the sight. The five year old (or almost five and a half, as she tended to point out) kitten would be starting kindergarten in a few weeks, and seemed determined to dress to impress. The grey-furred housecat was already holding several garment's that her little girl deemed worthy of taking to the fitting room, as well as a few things Cynthia had picked out for herself.

She couldn't help but note the careful way the kitten put every item back if she decided against it, knowing what a blessing a well-behaved child like Abby was to a single mother. Well, it was Abigail, but since people around her had thought her early attempts to pronounce her full name were hilarious, the kitten had settled for the more manageable short-form.

Cynthia had gotten pregnant while still in high school and had decided to keep the baby, in spite of her parent's concerns. But despite their early disapproval and dire predictions, they couldn't help but love their little granddaughter, and had supported Cynthia as she stormed through college and earned her degree in finances. It was hard work, but the feline had managed to get her life on track, getting a fairly well-paying job at the local bank and a small but nice apartment for her and Abby.

She'd been fortunate that she was allowed to bring her kitten to work with her. She shared her office with another woman and Abby would sit at a tiny desk in the corner, busily drawing or coloring and all the while insisting she was working as well. The young feline knew she'd miss having her daughter around, but was still proud of her little girl.

"C'mon mommy, let's try it out!" the little ball of fluff urged her distracted mother, pulling her by the hem of her skirt towards the changing rooms. Cynthia blushed under her fur a little, knowing just why she'd zoned out.

She followed her little girl to a nearby stall, and once inside she couldn't help but smile at their reflection. People often commented on how alike the two cats looked. They had the same grey fur with a white patch running from below the chin all the way down their inner thighs and another patch of white gracing the tips of their tails. Both had cute feline faces and long auburn hair that got a little darker at bottom.

And as they stripped down to their underwear, she noted with a little frown that they both had a little bit of baby weight - Abby from recently being one, and Cynthia from recently having one. And while Abby's cute little belly would soon sort itself out, the older feline knew she'd need to bust her tail to get herself back in pre-Abby shape. She could live with a somewhat fuller bust, but getting rid of her love handles was the subject of several New Year's resolutions.

And that's not the only thing I've been putting off she thought as even the sight of her own body seemed to get her a little hot under the collar. Cynthia hadn't had sex since Abby was born, and while a six year dry-spell was bad enough, she wasn't really good at taking care of... things... on her own. She could rub and tweak and stroke all she wanted, and it would feel really, really nice but never nice enough, leaving her more frustrated than when she began.

She'd told herself she'd just go and get her ticket stamped once her body had recovered from the pregnancy. Then she put it off to when she weaned Abby. At some point during that time she started feeling like a mother, and a one night stand suddenly felt sleazy and wrong. If she was going to get entangled with a man, he'd have to be the cream of the crop - a perfect lover for her and a perfect father for Abby. Which would require getting back on the dating scene which was... yet another New Year's resolution...

Normally she just settled for going without, and did her best to keep her mind off sex. She knew bottling things up like this wasn't healthy, but she figured it couldn't really hurt. Especially since she was normally quite good at it! But today was going to be tough. Her dreams had been lurid and vivid enough to leave her soaked, but not enough to grant her release, so in a fit of desperation she'd tried to finish herself off and only made matters worse. And before she could compose herself, Abby came bursting in, nearly giving the older feline a heart attack as she hurried to pull the bed sheet up. The kitten had been itching to go shopping for what she considered big-girl clothes, and Cynthia had barely managed to talk her into having breakfast before they went to the store.

So now she was so horny the sight of herself in her underwear was getting her wet. Cynthia supposed it was an old reflex - before she had Abby, she would spend some time posing in front of her mirror, working up her confidence (among other things) before going out. The tactic was a good one and the young feline would almost always wind up getting lucky, which is probably why her 'kitty' was already drooling despite the fact that all she felt was frustration and embarrassment.

"Mommy!" an impatient whine was enough to snap her back and focus her eyes on the annoyed-looking kitten standing in her frilly pink panties, waiting impatiently with her arms folded across her flat little chest.

"Oh, sorry sweetie, let me get you your first outfit..." the frazzled feline said, bending over and going through the clothes laid out on the little bench.

Abby had no idea why her mother was acting so funny. Usually she'd be helping her dress, fussing with her fur and telling her how pretty she looked, but now she was just acting weird and flustered. As the older feline bent over, the kitten couldn't help but notice her mommy's panties were looking wet. Well, if she'd wet herself Abby could certainly understand feeling embarrassed and awkward, but as she sniffed the air near the older feline's rear it didn't smell like she'd wet herself. In fact it smelled kinda nice. With the sort of curiosity only a five-year-old feline could feel, the little girl reached out and laid her paw against the damp patch.

Well, that certainly got a reaction! Mommy had almost squeaked at the touch, her legs tensing and her tail fluffing out. A wicked smile spread across the kitten's muzzle. Cynthia was a merciless tickle-fighter, and she knew just how to turn her daughter into a squeaking, writhing ball of fluff in a matter of seconds, while Abby had been less fortunate in figuring out mommy's sensitive spots. That is, up 'till now! Eager for revenge, the kitten brought all ten little fingers to bear on her mother's apparent weak-spot.

Cynthia bit her lip, having to brace herself against the stall wall to keep from falling over as her daughter, for some reason, assaulted her soaked slit. As she tried to turn around and get away from the kitten's dancing digits, she realized her legs were so shaky she could barely stand. The moment she felt someone other than her touching her privates, six years' worth of pent-up desire (quite possibly with interest) had hit her like a ton of bricks. Still stifling her mewls, she managed to turn around and sit down on the bench, noting how even plopping down on the hard wooden surface had sent a little jolt up her spine.

"Are you okay, mommy?" Abby asked, a note of worry creeping into her voice at the sight of her mother.

Cynthia was panting like she'd just run a mile, blushing brightly even through her fur, her body still twitching from the stimulation. Her daughter's inexpert fondling had been enough to bring the cat closer to climax than she'd ever been in the past six years, and her body, still in its sexual prime was demanding release. Oh God, I can't go out like this! Cynthia thought, not sure if she could even stand up.

"Y-yes sweetie, mommy's just feeling a little...funny." She managed to get out between pants, but her daughter wasn't buying it.

"Can I help?" the kitten asked, visibly worried and feeling a little guilty at the thought that she might have caused this.

A thought sprang to mind the moment she heard her daughter ask that, and Cynthia immediately felt horrible for even thinking it. She tried to think of anything, any other way she might pull herself together and get back home. She tried what she usually did - a few breathing exercises to clear her mind - but it all failed miserably. To make matters worse, she remembered she drove here, and getting into a car in this state would mean risking her and Abby's life. And even if she could get herself off, there was still no way to do it out of her kitten's sight. Swallowing her guilt, the panting feline spoke up.

"Okay honey, but it will have to stay our little secret. Can you promise that?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I promise, mommy!" Abby replied, and Cynthia believed her. Apart from being remarkably well-behaved, the kitten seemed to love keeping secrets, a habit her mother hoped she would grow out of before by the time she became a teenager.

She took one deep breath, hoping she wasn't making the worst mistake of her life, as she unclasped her bra and slid it off her shoulders. She let out a sigh as her breasts were freed before she slid her panties down her long legs. She spread her legs, blushing even more as she revealed herself to her little girl, but looking up at the kitten's face she was glad to see the worry replaced by curiosity. As long as she could get through this without traumatizing her daughter, she'd find a way to live with it.

"Mommy, how come your kitty's all wet?" Abby asked, her tiny nose still twitching and flaring as it sniffed out the peculiar scent.

"Well sweetie, it's ...uhm... wet because it wants to be played with." Cynthia said with a blush.

"Oh. But when I was playing with it just now, you started acting weird..." the kitten said, getting a little closer to get a better look at her mother's girl parts. She couldn't help but notice that while hers looked just like a little hairless slit, mommy's kitty looked much prettier, kinda like a messy pink flower.

"That was because you... surprised mommy. But it actually feels really nice when you touch it."

The words were barely out of her mouth before her little girl reached out and gave her messy slit a gentle stroke. The shuddering sigh that escaped Cynthia's muzzle seemed to encourage her girl to rub a little more firmly. The older feline did her best to muffle herself, although since it was still early in the morning they were thankfully the only people in the store.

"T-that's good honey. You - mpf! - you can stick your finger inside if you want... " she husked, biting her lip when the kitten's curious little fingers brushed against her clit.

Deciding she wanted a better view, Abby knelt between her sitting mother's spread legs. She probed gently at her mommy's kitty with one finger, not wanting to hurt her, her muzzle opening in astonishment as the messy pink lips parted around her digit.

"Wow. Mommy, you're so hot inside!" she said in wonder, wriggling her finger inside the slick little tunnel, and giggling in surprise as it seemed to clench around it, almost like it was suckling it.

She didn't notice Cynthia's body tensing up, her claws extending and digging into the wooden bench as her daughter accidentally poked her g-spot. It had been so long since the older feline's last orgasm that her daughter's inexperienced prodding had her wriggling around on the bench, toes curling from the kitten's amateurish efforts.

"Just like that, sweetie. You're doing -ungh! - great..." Cynthia managed to get out, encouraging the curious cub.

Abby beamed at the compliment, glad to hear that she was helping. She figured if one finger was making mommy this happy, two would be even better! She carefully slid another slim digit in, not wanting to hurt her mother. The cub watched in amazement as her fingers sunk inside the slick cunny, those rosy lips stretching easily around her small fingers as she wriggled them inside. Cute little squelching noises were coming from the drooling lips as the kitten pumped her fingers slowly in and out of her mother.

Part of her knew she should be grossed out, since that's where pee comes from, but whatever it was that was leaking out of mommy didn't smell gross. It smelled nice - kinda like her mother's hair and fur smelled, but stronger. It also seemed kinda gooey, dripping down in long, thin strings. Overcome by a sudden impulse, the curious kitten withdrew her fingers from her mother's soaked cunny and brought them closer to her face.

Her tiny nose twitched, taking in the smell as Abby examined her slick digits before tentatively sticking out her tongue and giving them a lick. The taste proved anything but gross, and a moment later the kitten was sucking her mother's honey off her fingers, before remembering that mommy needed her help. It occurred to Abby that there was a way she could help her mother out and taste her at the same time.

Before Cynthia could collect her frazzled thought, the little kitten had placed her little paws on the insides of her mother's thighs, opening her up a little more before bringing her muzzle to the older feline's messy slit. The mommy-cat let out a shuddering gasp as her little daughter ran her tongue up the length of her dripping folds, finishing with a little flick over her clit. Looking down through a haze of long-repressed desire, she caught her daughter's eyes, the big blue orbs twinkling up at her curiously as the kitten began to lick her twitching mound. The little feline's expression was strangely innocent, in spite of what she was doing, and all the cuter for it.

"Does this feel nice, mommy?" Abby asked, her muzzle already a little messy as she looked up at her mother for approval.

"It feels wonderful, sweetie. Just keep going..." Cynthia cooed, letting herself enjoy this. There'd be plenty of time for guilt latter.

With her mother's approval, the little kitten resumed her licking. Apparently, the nicer mommy felt, the funnier the sounds she made got, so Abby did her best to get her to make those funny sounds again, all the while licking up that tasty stuff that mommy's kitty seemed to be leaking. Running her little tongue along the older feline's plump pink lips certainly seemed to feel nice, but the kitten noticed that there was a spot at the top that seemed to really make her mother squirm.

Taking a good look, Abby noticed a teeny-tiny little nub that almost seemed to be hiding, and tried licking that to see what happens. That made mommy make the funniest sound so far, so the kitten begat to eagerly lap at the little button, running her nimble tongue over and over across her mother's clit. But while this seemed to feel nice for mommy, Abby had soon licked all of the gooey stuff of the tiny nub, so the curious kitten went looking for more.

Since the stuff seemed to be coming from between mommy's lips, Abby parted them to get a better look. For a second the kitten just stood there, struck by how pretty her mommy's girl parts looked, before they sent a little squirt shooting across her muzzle, reminding the young feline that mommy still needed her help!

Still spreading her open, Abby pushed her muzzle a little bit past her mother's lips, running her tongue over the more delicate folds inside the rosy tunnel. That seemed to get the older feline's juices flowing, and soon the kitten's nimble tongue was lapping them up, flicking rapidly inside the cat's steamy sex.

When she felt her daughter actually stick her muzzle in her cunny and begin to eat her out, Cynthia's hand shot up to cover her mouth and stifle her cries of ecstasy. The feline blushed when she realized it was the hand that had been feverishly gripping her panties all this time and that she'd pressed the silky garment, thoroughly soaked in her own juices, straight to her face. But as her little girl's questing tongue touched her special spot, almost making the grown feline scream out in delight, she decided it was better safe than sorry and stuffed the panties in her muzzle, hoping it would help stifle any future outbursts.

As it was, it was taking all of her dwindling self-control just to stay still. Her every instinct told her to close her legs around her lover's head, to keep that marvelous muzzle right where it was, but it felt profoundly wrong to do something like that with Abby. If her kitten wanted to stop, at any point and for any reason, she wanted her to be able to do so. _Oh Abby please don't stop!_she thought, since there was nothing in the rules against cheering for a desired outcome.

Looking down she noticed the kitten had her eyes closed as her now shiny muzzle slipped in and out of her, that devious little tongue writhing inside her. She figured Abby must like her taste, since the tiny feline seemed to be eagerly lapping up her honey, which in turn only made her twitching sex produce more. She put a hand on her daughter's head, scratching her behind her ears and making the kitten look up at her with those cute blue eyes. The contentment and happiness in that look helped ease Cynthia's conscience a little, helping the frustrated feline relax and finally let herself go. Her hands went to her breasts, eliciting a muffled moan from her muzzle as she began to tweak and pinch her sensitive nipples, getting closer and closer to the edge of a much needed climax.

Abby kept looking up, entranced by the sight of her mother playing with her breasts. She always thought mommy's boobies were very pretty and felt a little envious since hers were so tiny, despite the older feline's insistence that they would grow bigger eventually. She tried copying what mommy was doing, squeezing her fingers around her own tiny nipples, but while it seemed to feel really nice for mommy, to Abby it just felt like she was pinching herself. Instead she put her hands on mommy's lips, spreading her kitty open as she continued to lick up all those tasty juices.

She was surprised, although pleasantly so, when mommy's body let out one noise the older feline couldn't muffle. As her purring revved up, the kitten closed her eyes, a smile spreading across her messy muzzle as feelings of warmth and love washed over her. Her earliest and fondest memories were of her curled up next to her mother, snuggling close as they purred in unison. Feeling a little rumble begin in her chest the kitten joined her mommy, her busy muzzle still wedged between the older feline's lips.

Cynthia's eyes shot open wide, her slitted pupils narrowing down to slivers as she felt her little girl begin to purr into her sex. The rumbling coming from the tiny muzzle while her daughter kept up her curious licking was more than the older feline could take. Her vision blurred and Cynthia was worried she might pass out a split second before her climax hit her with full force. She could feel her entire body shudder and then convulse as the sexual energy she'd suppressed came coursing through her in the blink of an eye. Her purring had turned to frantic, high-pitched mewls, mercifully muffled by the silky fabric stuffed into her muzzle, her nostrils flaring as she fought for air. Her fingers dug into the pliant flesh of her breasts, the muscles in her little love-tunnel spasming as they sent spurts of kitty-juice squirting against her daughter's face.

The kitten moved away, surprised by the sudden deluge, and once she no longer had to worry about her daughter Cynthia let go of herself and collapsed on the bench, curling up as her climax washed over her. She'd lost all track of time, washed away on a blissful tide until a gentle nudging brought her back to reality.

"Mommy, are you okay?" her daughter asked standing next to her.

"Mmmpf mphfffp..." was all that came out of her mouth before the dazed feline remembered to take the crumpled undies out of her mouth.

"Yes honey, mommy's fine. You did a wonderful job, sweetie, thank you so much!" she said, smiling at the way the kitten's tail began to swish behind her at the compliment.

"What's that stuff that came out of your girl-parts?" Abby asked, licking a little bit of her mother's honey off her whiskers.

"I... I'll explain when we get home, sweetie..." she said with a blush, and acting on motherly instinct took a wet-wipe from her purse and began to fuss with her kitten's messy muzzle.

Once she was done she'd she picked up her panties, and after one look at the soggy garment, decided to just stuff them in her purse and go without them. She paid for all of the clothes they'd picked, figuring that if Abby wasn't a hundred percent happy with her choice she'd more than earned another little shopping-trip.

Once they were home she got them both straight into a nice warm shower, and after they'd finished helping each other clean up and towel off, they'd curled up on Cynthia's bed for a little cuddle. The guilt the mother-cat had expected to feel never really came, and lying in bed with her little girl snuggled up next to her, the feline realized just how much stress and frustration had built up inside her during the past six years.

True, what she'd done wouldn't win her a mother of the year award, but one look at the happy little kitten lying next to her told her that her child hadn't been harmed in any way. She knew it was something that she probably shouldn't have done, but she also knew that if she'd listened to what people had told her she should do, this adorable little kitten wouldn't be here today. But she still felt she needed to clear things up, so she explained to her little girl what they'd done, setting of an avalanche of kitty-curiosity.

"But why were you pinching your boobies?" the little kitten asked as she lay stretched out on top of her mother, head resting on the aforementioned mounds.

"Well, it sometimes feels nice to give them a little squeeze..." Cynthia replied with a smile, blushing slightly at her little girl's blunt question.

"But when I pinched mine it just felt like pinching. Is that 'cause yours are bigger than mine?" the kitten asked, a little bit of envy creeping into her voice.

"Well sorta, but all boobies are a little bit different, and some like different things..."

"Like what?"

"Well, like..." Cynthia began before she playfully rolled Abby off her and onto her back. As the kitten squealed in surprise and delight, she bent over one tiny pink nipple end began to gently blow on it.

"Hee-hee, that sorta tickles!" Abby said with a little giggle, but Cynthia couldn't help but notice the tiny teat was stiffening.

"Well, what about this?" she asked, a devious smile spreading across her muzzle as she bent down over the nub and gave it a very gentle lick, so that her raspy tongue would merely tickle the sensitive spot.

The cute little coo that Abby let out encouraged the feline to give her other nipple a little taste and soon she was switching back and forth from one to the other. Since the kitten seemed to enjoy the attention, Cynthia lowered her muzzle to one stiff little nub before closing her lips around it, kissing her girl's tiny teat.

She was honestly surprised by how much the kitten liked it, but there was no mistaking her reaction. After letting out a high-pitched squeak, the girl's hands flew out to the mother's head, grabbing fistfuls of her long, auburn hair and keeping her muzzle planted on her flat little breast. Looking up at her cub with her big, brown eyes, Cynthia couldn't help but smile around the nipple in her muzzle at her daughter's dominant but nevertheless adorable gesture.

A part of the feline felt like a perv for doing this, and another felt silly with this little role-reversal. But her daughter was definitely enjoying the attention she was paying her little body and Cynthia found herself enjoying this little intimate interlude she was sharing with her kitten, so she decided to voice that joy as only a feline can.

"Oooooh!" Abby let out a cute little noise, somewhere between a squeak and a moan, as her mother purred into her teat. Cynthia broke the kiss on the girl's nipple with an audible smack, moving her head over to the other little nub.

The kitten was writhing blissfully on her back, all the while keeping a firm grip on her mother's hair. The sensation of mommy purring into her flat little breast felt funny, but in a good way, and Abby couldn't help but wonder if this is how she made mommy feel earlier that day. She gave out a little squeal, followed by a giggle as the older feline gently ran her tongue over her little nip.

After switching from one little bump to the next a few more times, Cynthia gave her daughter a gentle kiss on her muzzle, after which the kitten finally released her hair. Abby smiled up at her and the older feline couldn't help but notice the blush showing even through her fur, as well as the way her little girl was panting. She was surprised the cub had gotten so worked up from having her tiny breasts played with, and couldn't help but wonder just how receptive her little body really was...

"Did that feel nice, sweetie?" Cynthia asked her panting kitten.

"U-huh. Is... is that how you felt in the store?" the little feline asked, wriggling a little on the bed. Having mommy kiss her little boobies felt great, but now she felt kinda strange, almost like she was hungry for more.

"Well, it felt even nicer for me, because you were touching my 'kitty'. That's the part of a girl's body that really likes to be played with like this..."

"So, when someone plays with you down there it feels really, _really_nice?" Abby asked, an idea forming in her little head.

"Yes. It can even be nice to play with yourself, but I've never had much luck with it."

"Oh. Is that why you wanted me to play with yours?"

"Yes. It had been a... while since someone played with my kitty, and it had gotten a little... impatient." Cynthia said, blushing a little.

"Well if you want, I'll play with your kitty anytime it wants to, buuuuttt...." Abby trailed off, mischief twinkling in her blue eyes.

"But?" Cynthia asked, smiling as she waited for the little imp to name her terms.

"But you hafta show me how to play with mine!" the kitten blurted out excitedly.

Cynthia really didn't intend to have her daughter help her out in the future (if she could avoid it, that is), but despite her age the kitten really seemed worked up and she figured she might as well try and get her off.

"Ok, but this is really a game for good little kittens. Are you going to be a good kitten for mommy?" Cynthia asked, followed by immediate and vigorous nodding of Abby's little head.

Bending over her little girl, Cynthia planted another kiss on the kitten's lips, this one lingering a little before she broke it. She then began to plant little kisses down the length of Abby's neck and the middle of her chest, leaving her still-stiff nipples alone for now. The girl giggled a little as her mother's lips tickled her, but unlike their tickle-fights there was no attempt to curl up or get away.

The older feline's muzzle traveled further down, kissing down Abby's little belly and along her mound before she reached her little girl's young slit. She spread the kitten's legs a little before putting her lips on hers and kissing them slowly and gently. She wasn't sure how much, if anything, the little girl would get out of having her undeveloped cunny played with, but the shaky coo coming from her daughter told her it was sensitive enough.

Breaking the intimate kiss, she extended her tongue and made sure to run it very, very gently over the tiny slit, knowing how uncomfortable a raspy feline appendage could feel if too much force was put behind it. She couldn't help but smile at her daughter's whine, and the way her little tush actually rose up of the bed, to try and follow that tongue and keep it on her kitty for as long as possible. Seeing as how the kitten was definitely enjoying herself, Cynthia kept up her long, gentle licking, the kitten's sweet scent filling her nostrils as she ran her tongue over those little lips.

Looking up she met her daughter's gaze, seeing the lust in those big blue eyes as she kept gently tounging her little girl's cunny. She was startled when a few moments later the kitten's thighs came together as Abby wrapped her legs around her mother's head. Coming from the little five-year-old, the dominant gesture was the cutest thing Cynthia had seen in ages, and as the motherly feline gave voice to her delight with a long, low purr, the limbs around her only tightened.

Abby could feel her body begin to tremble at the sensation of her mommy purring into her little kitty. Purring with her mommy during a nice cuddle session always felt wonderful, but the kitten never imagined anything could feel this good. But as good as it felt, she felt like there was something better just around the corner. She remembered her mommy earlier that day, and the way she'd wriggled and made funny noises, but near the end something _really_good must have happened, and the kitten wanted the same to happen to her!

Remembering the way her mommy had played with her boobies, Abby's hands wandered to her own flat chest, seeking out her tiny little nubs. Pinching them still didn't feel nice, but she remembered mommy saying how they liked all sorts of different things. The little feline tried gently brushing her finger-pads over the stiff little nipples, and while it didn't feel as good as her mother's kisses, it definitely made the tingling sensations running through her body a little more intense.

But it seemed to the kitten that any time she gave her body a little extra tingliness, it felt good for a few seconds, and then it just wanted more. She pressed her fingers to the little nubs on her chest and began to rub them around in little circles, her hips bucking as she tried to grind her crotch against her mother's muzzle.

"Mommy, could you -eep!- try licking inside? Like I did you?" Abby asked, insidiously reminding her mother that she'd gone above and beyond when helping her.

"Sorry honey, but your kitty still has a lot of growing to do before anything can go inside." Cynthia said in a kind, but stern tone, making the kitten pout. Abby generally didn't like being told she was too little, and this time was definitely not an exception.

"Buh-but is there any other game you can play with my kitty?" she asked, desperate for something she couldn't even name.

"Well, it's usually all about finding out what your kitty likes. There's licking, stroking, using toys..." The second the word was out her mouth, Cynthia realized what a mistake she'd just made.

"Toys!?" Abby cried out, lifting herself up on her elbows and tightening her legs around her mommy's head.

"Well, a toy..." Cynthia said, now in full damage-control mode. The truth is she had a bit of a collection. Since she knew finding Mr. Right would take a while, she figured she'd have better luck finding Mr. Right Size, Shape and Texture. Sadly none of them could really fill the void, so to speak, and had been more-or-less forgotten. Until now, that is.

"I wanna see! Please, please, please..." the kitten pleaded eagerly, unwrapping her legs from around Cynthia's head and getting into a kneeling position on the bed, her cutest expression aimed at her mother. The mommy-cat knew there would be no calming her down until she got to play with one of mommy's toys, but she figured there was one that might be suitable.

"Alright, I'll show it to you, but only if you behave." Cynthia said, her daughter immediately settling down, or at least appearing to do so. The perked-up ears and twitching tail tip betrayed the kitten's eagerness.

Cynthia rummaged around in the back of her underwear drawer, making a mental note to find a new hiding place for her collection, before her finger's found what she was looking for. Of all her toys, this one was the most innocent looking, and one her little girl might actually enjoy. As she turned around, her daughter's eyes widened, her paw instinctively reaching out to bat at the little pink egg dangling from her mother's hand.

"Ooh, what's that?" Abby asked, eyes following the pink bulb swinging from the end of its cord.

"It's called a magic egg, and it feels really nice when you rub it against your kitty..." Cynthia explained, omitting the fact that it was generally meant to go inside.

"Can I play?" her little girl asked with a whine in her voice just in case her mommy was heartless enough to say 'No'.

"Yes you can, but first let's get comfy..."

The older feline fluffed up some pillows and reclined on them, motioning her little kitten closer. Lifting Abby up, she laid the cub on top of her so that her head was resting between her breasts. Cynthia's feet were flat against the bed, her legs bent and held a slightly apart. She put Abby's legs on either side of hers, opening them up and giving her access to her daughter's little slit, nestled just above her own. As the kitten snuggled up to her and got comfy, the older feline wrapped one hand around her chest before kissing the top of her head.

"All right, sweetie, here we go..." she cooed, bringing the pink egg to her daughter's lips and gently rubbing it up and down, all the while hiding the remote in one hand.

"It feels, kinda nice... I guess..." Abby said in a disappointed voice. The egg was pretty, but it wasn't doing anything.

"Ahh, but that's because it isn't purring yet..." Cynthia said with a grin as she turned a dial on the controller. A moment later and the little egg came to life, giving out gentle vibrating pulses.

The little kitten squealed in surprise and delight as the little pink bulb began to buzz against her young lips. She wriggled her hips eagerly, eager for contact with the magic egg bumping her kitty as her mother moved it up and down. All the while mommy kept kissing her head, making sure to kiss behind the ears where Abby was particularly sensitive.

"Do you like that, sweetie?" Cynthia husked in her daughter's ear, although the kitten's pleasure was quite obvious by the way she was already writhing in her mother's embrace.

"U-huh!" she said, trying to reach the pink egg with her hands, but her mother's arm around her chest was preventing her from bending.

"Good, because this little egg can purr in all sorts of ways. Does my baby wanna try some more?"

Abby just nodded eagerly, although she could hardly imagine something feeling nicer than this. Another turn of the little dial and the egg's vibrations increased in both frequency and intensity. The little kitten let out an adorable moan as the pink ball began pulsing furiously as her mother moved it up and down her eager little slit. The sensation of the buzzing egg running along her sensitive lips sent shivers up the little girl's spine, her tail thrashing around as she felt those amazing feelings mount again.

Cynthia couldn't help but smile at how adorable her little girl looked. She also couldn't believe how responsive the kitten was to this sort of stimulation, and at such an early age, wondering if she might actually climax if they kept it up for long enough. She had to admit the cub's arousal was almost contagious, feeling her own sex begin to moisten from having the little ball of fur writhe in ecstasy in her embrace.

Feeling a little mischievous, Cynthia let the pink ball drop lower, until it was buzzing against her own lips. Abby let out a heart-breaking little cry as the egg abandoned her little kitty, pouting and trying to snag the cord with her paws. She didn't have the heart to tease her daughter much longer, so she soon pulled the cord up, the little egg now trailing a thin strand of her honey as it once again nestled in the tiny cleft of her daughter's slit. She kept dangling the pink bulb against her kitten's mound, but every now and then she'd let it drop a bit to buzz over her own moistening sex.

"How are you doing, honey?" Cynthia asked her girl after a few more minutes.

"Good... Can I - mpf! - can I have more, please?" the little girl asked, looking up at her mommy with pleading eyes.

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." she said softly into a perky little ear before turning the dial up.

The little egg was now visibly vibrating, it's buzzing seeming to fill the room as it let out a steady and even thrum. It became clear to Cynthia that her daughter was indeed working herself up to a climax, and she decided she'd teased the girl long enough. She took hold of the egg and pressed it very gently to the top of her daughter's slit, where she knew the little girl's clit was hidden. Abby mewled cutely as she bucked her hips against her mother's hand and the magic little egg that was making her feel so wonderful.

"I... I feel funny..." Abby said in a breathy voice, her brain seeming to slow down all of a sudden.

"It's okay sweetie. Just relax and let it happen..." Cynthia husked into the girl's ear, slowly lowering the pink plastic further down. She then pressed it against her slit, very gently, until the kitten's lips parted just a little, hugging the egg as it send it's vibrations deep into her young body. She held her daughter tight against her, moving the toy just a bit along her quivering sex.

Abby's entire body tingled, the wonderful purring of the magic egg seeming to travel from her kitty up through her tummy and down every limb. She could feel a bit of wetness on the toy from where it had been touching mommy's girl parts, and for some reason just knowing the toy had touched mommy's special place made everything feel even nicer. As the sensations began to mount, the kitten felt like she was going to burst if something didn't happen soon...

"Mommy...I... I need..." Abby tried to speak, her voice now a needy whine as she struggled to find the words.

"Shhh baby, it's OK. Mommy's here, just let go..." Cynthia said.

Feeling her little girl was on the edge, she deiced to push her over. Letting out a deep purr of her own, she gently nibbled one of the kitten's sensitive ears and began to rub the little egg rapidly across her slit. A few seconds later the kitten gave a loud squeal, eyes screwed shot as her first orgasm hit her, sending her writhing against her mother. Abby's toes curled and her tail fluffed up as the most amazing feeling ever washed over her.

Cynthia kept a firm grip on the wriggling kitten, all the while purring kissing her daughter, a strange sense of joy filling her at the thought that she'd been able to share this moment with her little girl. She was still too young for her little slit to moisten, but there was no mistaking the little girls squeaks and mewls for anything other than an orgasm.

As her daughter's climax ran its course, Cynthia switched off the toy, putting it to the side as she hugged the panting girl close to her, planting little kisses on the top of her head. Abby's eyelids seemed to be getting heavy, so she gently rolled them both over, spooning her daughter as she pulled the covers over them. The kitten would need a nap after what she's just been through, and as her baby began to gently purr in her arms, it drove away any idea Cynthia might have had about getting up. The motherly feline closed her eyes, her own deeper rumble joining her daughter's as the two drifted off to blissful sleep.