The Escape

Story by Quin on SoFurry

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Heyo, everyone! It's been quite some time, hasn't it? If anyone remembers me from prior stories, hello! Hi to everyone else, as well :3. As a warning, this story is a bit darker than prior ones in my archive, dipping into horror a bit. Came from kind of a weird place. It deals with the same kind of futuristic exploration of identity and whatnot, though. Content warning for a bit of extreme violence. So... enjoy, I suppose? Like I said. Not my usual fare, so proceed with that in mind. ^^

I woke up disoriented, sitting uncomfortably in a rigid chair. I groggily tried to move, but realized with a start that I was bound. A dull ache throbbed at the base of my head, which I could not move at all, and the pressure of a tight muzzle bit into the skin of my face.

I woke up disoriented and pulled myself up groggily from the cold floor. I was in an almost empty, white room. My body felt wrong. Its proportions off, and I wobbled I went to stand.

Confusion made me reel. I stumbled backward. I jerked against bindings in my chair.

Across the room, I saw I slight figure stand up, then tumble down again. As I fell backward, I saw myself across the room, secured in a chair.

Breath came in short, ragged gasps as I stared across the room at myself strapped into a chair. As I looked from my restraints at the unfamiliar figure who was me, across the bare room. I stared from two sets of eyes across the stark room and met my own gaze.

No dream had ever given me these sensations. Two minds raced along the same line of reasoning twice. I was two people. I was two of me. Or... at least the me in the chair was... me. I stared at my unfamiliar self with both sets of eyes. This was an artificial body. A helper body. Short, velvety, white fur covered it. A collar was fitted around my neck, without any kind of hinge that I could feel, though my thumb passed over an engraving of some kind. A flat chest, but... what did not at all feel like the familiar male genitalia my real body had. My eyes across the room could see the full perspective of my... second body. A bat? Some kind of white fox? The short, fluffy tail didn't match either, though. Artificial bodies didn't have to follow any rules. No way to be sure what it was based on, if anything.

I drew air in slowly in my second body and tried to even my breathing a bit. Looking up, my bound body was restrained completely before me. My hands were encased in mitts, arms strapped to what looked like a metal framed seat. Lengths of leather wrapped around my chest and legs as well. So tightly that I could feel my breathing restricted as I approached myself slowly. Beside the chair was a small table. On it sat a large, glass jar of rice and a metal rod.

My free body was unfamiliar, and I moved toward my bound self with some uncertainty. I glanced around the room and found very little. It was perhaps 15 feet by 15 feet without anything other than myself (my... selves), the table, and the outline of a door in the wall. There was no handle on the door, and no window to be seen. Other than that, there was only off white paint and a fluorescent light far above. Even the floor was a smooth, unbroken linoleum.

"Hi..." I said with my unbound body. The voice was comforting and gentle. As perfectly smooth and vaguely artificial as the body was physically. I saw that my face was androgynous and youthful, with large, doeish eyes. There was a name etched into the solid metal of the collar. "Opal." Obviously not any name I had ever gone by. I moved to inspect the straps.

"Don't touch that. Don't touch anything." A voice crackled from some unseen speaker. I obeyed immediately, pulling my hands away.

WHY WAS I DOING THAT. The thought rang out from the mind of my bound self exclusively, and I felt a confused expression creep onto my artificial face. My minds searched for answers, and I struggled within the chair to free myself. A helper. The order.

"Are you figuring it out?" came the voice again. The quality of the speaker was poor, but it sounded like an older male. There was a huskiness to the voice that survived the distortion. "The brain inside your new body knows when to follow orders." As I raged in my bindings, I looked around the room in a panic. What could I do? How could I get away without touching anything?

"Let me out of here! Where am I?! What is happening?!" The voice I produced was airy and light. I wished my real body weren't muzzled. My actual voice might have been a bit more intimidating, and this new body couldn't convey the anger or frustration either of me was feeling. I held back tears as my mind raced. There was no reply.

Careful to avoid any contact, I looked over my original, wolf body. I was stripped down to boxers and an undershirt, and restrained heavily. Most heavily was the head. A mechanical grip clamped it firmly to the point where it was totally imobile, joined with a tight muzzel. I made my way around the back, but stopped sharply as I left my first body's field of vision. Panic lanced through my first mind as I lost sight of myself, and I jumped back as the emotion spilled into my second set of thoughts. And I took a moment to compose myselves again. Two separate people. Both me. The experience would be novel if it weren't in a nightmare.

"Ok. I'm going to keep talking this time," I said to me, "I'll just keep talking as I walk around and out of sight, but I'm still here... follow my voice." Panic once again gripped me as I lost sight of myself, but I kept narrating my actions, which helped to keep control.

I knelt down to inspect myself. I immediately saw the source of the ache in my head. I gasped and tumbled backward to the floor in my unfamiliar body. Dried blood surrounded a thick bundle of wires leading through a hole cut in my skull. Some sort of silicon filler was sloppily applied, sealing it in place. But it was not a pretty job. The bundle twisted down the chair and disappeared through a small hole in the floor.

"That's enough exploration, I think you're starting to figure things out here," came the voice again.

"Who the fuck are you?! Why is this happening?!" I called out. Though I couldn't speak through my muzzled mouth, I was frantically struggling in the chair, and making as much commotion and noise as I could.

"You might want to stop what you're doing in the chair. Those wires going into your skull aren't very firmly attached, and if you pull your head free..." I froze and swallowed a lump in my throat, eyes wide.

I rushed around to the front of the chair and tried to help calm the animal panic. "Woah, woah... gonna chill, chill... breathing, breathing." I was forbidden to touch, but seeing myself and hearing a friendly voice helped.

"Good. You've calmed down. No more chatter for now, either. Be silent until I tell you to speak. Nod if you understand." I nodded without hesitation. Frustration at the obedience flooded from my original half to the rest of me. "Now let's make it a bit harder for that wolf to move his head, shall we? Pick up the metal rod from the table." I did so, heart pounding at the uncertainty of where this was going. I exchanged fervent glances. "Now you'll find a slot on the side of the head clamp that it fits into. Slide it in, then twist." I did so, and felt it lock into place with a click. My breath was so heavy that I was beginning to get dizzy from hyperventilation. "Now give it a little pull. Just a bit." The clamps on my head tightened as the lever was pulled.

As quickly as I could, I unfastened the lever from its slot and hurled it at the wall. With a thump, it left a small divot where it struck, then clattered to the floor. I raced to the frame of the door and hesitated only a moment before beginning to pound on it. The order not to touch anything didn't apply any more if I was told to pick up the rod.

"Stop that now!" came the voice. Unable to scream and unable to pound on the door, I clapped as loudly as I could and stomped, seeking to make any kind of racket I could. If I alerted someone on the other side maybe I could find help. In the chair, I was barely holding myself together through the terror. I couldn't see me. I could hear me clapping and stomping across the room, but even if I had somehow opened the door and fled, I would have been left here.

Feeling the oncoming meltdown in the chair, I rushed back across the room and touched myself for the first time. I had to hold it together. I had to figure out how to get out of this. The feeling of my soft hand against my face, of my rough fur against my hand, pulled me back from the brink of blind terror.

"Go pick up the rod," came the voice. It was harsh, and seemed annoyed. I held back and in my own field of vision as long as I was able, but had to step out of sight to retrieve it. As I picked it up the voice said "Now just stand there. Stand still right there quietly and hold the rod until I tell you do move." Tendrils of animal fear crept in at the edges of thought as I sat alone in the chair. I tried to focus both of my minds on the vision of myself from my free body, but only one self could see through those eyes. There was no way to measure time, and each second was distorted by the uncontrollable emotions welling up within me. I stood rooted to the floor and unmoving, unable to explain to myself why these orders were unbreakable. My eyes strained at the edge of my vision in the chair, and I hoped against hope that I would appear, even as I resolutely kept still.

"Stand in front of the chair." I scrambled back before myself and laid a hand on my face again. The relief was immense. "Don't touch the wolf." I pulled my hand back, but simply being able to see myself was a relief.

"Put the lever back. Pull it slowly until I tell you to stop." I looked up at myself and pleaded as best I could through the tight muzzle. But there was nothing I could do. The lever went in. It locked into place. I turned it as slowly as I possibly could. Any slower and it wouldn't be moving at all. The pressure built almost imperceptibly, but it continued to increase. It built and built and built, as I prayed that the voice was basing this on time. That it would come back and let me stop. The pressure and the pain reached a peak as I heard an almost imperceptible cracking noise. A jolt ran through my bound body, and my freed self shuddered. "Stop now."

"Touch the wolf's nose, then pull your hand away. Nod if you can feel it." I did so and nodded. What the fuck was happening. "Good. Continue." I went to touch my nose again, but the voice rang out "Continue with the crank, dear," its tone again annoyed.

I felt in my new mind as if I were in a fugue state. I could barely register what I did. The mind in my wolf body was in absolute panic. Emotions from both spilled freely into one another, and the first few times I tried to grasp the lever, my shuddering hand lost purchase. But then I found my grip.

The sound and sensation was immediate this time. A crackling, which persisted, no matter how slowly I turned. My body in the chair lurched violently, and without my intent. Vision in my left eye unfocused and lost color. "Masturbate," came another command.

Even as my free hand sank down between my legs, I looked wildly around for anything to blame for this. A face in a window. The awful speaker that was crackling orders at me. Anything that might lend context or explanation this insanity.

Through my distorted vision, I watched my artificial body tense, my face taking on a rudier red beneath the fur as my free hand slipped into the folds of unexplored genitalia. Unbidden pleasure elicited disgust from both of myselfs, but I was unable to disobey. "Look at the wolf in the eyes." Hatred. I saw unmitigated rage and fear and disgust in the face of the wolf, and I saw uncomprehending terror in the wide, perfect eyes of the artificial creature. In the unreality of the moment, I had trouble ascribing self to either. The wolf's left eye shuddered, and rolled backward. From my perspective in the chair, half my vision floated downward before fading to black. The noises of my skull were worse from inside of it.

Without warning, a sharp crack rang out. I felt my body jerk wildly out of control, and all sensations blended together in confusion. Consciousness receded to me free self, but the cacophony of disordered thought was more than I could stand up against. I tumbled jerkily to the floor, toppling the table by the chair along with me. I heard a crash as the glass jar shattered, and in my jerking movements, one hand found its way into a pile of rice that had spread out.

As my swimming perception slowly took form again, I felt my left hand between my legs. Masturbate. The order stood. I wasn't free. Building warmth grew in the unfamiliar feminine organ of my synthetic body. My other mind, my original mind, was dimly aware, thought I could barely use it coherently. Pain and utter confusion. I stood up shakily. Tears flowed freely from my eyes, although I felt no expression on my face. My right hand slowly returned to the crank. "Don't turn the crank yet. How close are you?" I had no idea what the horrible voice was asking. But I had been ordered silent. I could not ask for clarification.

"To finishing! Orgasm. Are you close yet?" I shook my head and shrugged. I had no idea this ordeal from hell was nothing I had ever encountered before. I had never left the male body I was born in to know how this new biology worked. "Keep going. Masturbate to orgasm. When you come, throw the crank hard." Despair poured from the mind which barely functioned in my wolf head. My swimming thoughts from within the damaged brain in my wolf body's skull leaned on those of my artificial self for understanding, but could barely comprehend. My body trembled as the heat built within me. I was going to kill me. I was going to die. Was the damage already too severe to fix? The order was to "throw" the crank, maybe I could throw it away again... no. That wasn't the intent of the order. I knew that. The absolute nature of my obedience sank in further.

"NNNNFFF," a grunt pushed past my lips unbidden as I came, though I tried to maintain silence. I heaved the lever with all my might and the world exploded. As an orgasm blossomed through the lower half of my body, chaos flooded every fiber of my being. Time and meaning vanished as I collapsed in on myself. Physical pain ended, but all perception writhed wildly. My senses were a venomous snake in my hands, fighting to poison me with experience.

Time passed.

For the second time, I came to consciousness on the floor. My mind echoed with the memory of an ineffable experience, and I longed for a full stomach to vomit up. I was dry heaving. I looked with my single set of artificial eyes across the room to the horror that had once been me. It was still strapped to the chair. Clear liquid dripped from its nose. The world vibrated. Amber blood seeped from a cut in my arm. I plucked a small shard of glass from it. The broken jar. The chair I had sat in. The chair I sat dead in. Its position seemed to bounce forward and back, toward and away from me.

Noises. Some part of my brain was working in overtime. The noises. As they continued, I realized they had meaning. They were words. I obeyed the words. I stood. "Finally. Do you see what happened?" Nodding. Yes. "You can use your voice to tell me how you feel no-*" before permission could even be granted fully, I simply screamed. No words could express what I was feeling. My other self. The second me. How could I tell another person what I had been subjected to? What I had done to me?


"On the floor where you broke the jar is rice. Count the grains. And don't hurt yourself. Ever. You're forbidden to hurt yourself, even if other orders are cancelled." Idiot. I was an idiot. I hadn't even thought of that, but now it was off the table. I fell to my knees and started counting. One grain at a time. Piles of 10. Of 100. Was this some exercise? Was this some kind of of task to break me down further. 10,000 grains. I counted and counted. I lost track more than once and started again. Orders were absolute, but this was beyond ability.

The orders. I thought about them. They were absolute. I focused on the order. The order to count. As I did so, the world receded. Something was there. I focused harder on the order. The pain in my thoughts receded. The second self, which was now my only self. It receded. I wrapped myself in the order to count. I counted. It became me. I was counting. Was was the order to count. The maelstrom of emotion and suffering slowly cleared as I counted and counted and counted and counted....

"How many did you count so far? You may speak." came the voice after some period of time.

"21,412 so far." I continued counting.

"Cancel your orders. Do what you like." My hands fell to my sides. Chaos swept in again. I sprang to my feet and grabbed a shard of glass. It... I still couldn't harm myself. I looked madly at the door. No. Even if it opened. Even if I ran through. No matter where I went. I would still be there. Nowhere I could run didn't have me. "Why is this happening?! Where are you?! Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I railed against the voice. Against the room, and every person who had ever stepped foot into it. Threats of violence beyond any measure and curses from every god I could think of.

The world continued to fluctuate. The chair was everywhere. I was everywhere. There was nowhere I could go and get away. I went back to the rice, but there was nothing to hide behind. Counting it was meaningless without the obedience. There was no order, no overriding obsession that I could place between me and myself. I scrabbled at shards of the glass, but they were useless. In my hands they were tools that could never be put to work.

Finally the voice returned. "You will be given a room, Opal. In the room will be a jar of rice. Cooperate and you will be ordered to count the grains when you are not otherwise occupied. If you cause trouble, the order will be lifted and you'll be left to this." I reeled at the threat.

What choice was there? I had to escape. "Make me count the rice again," I sobbed. "Please!"