Link Start 2: A 'Bold Adventure

Story by Erebus86 on SoFurry

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#4 of Mini-Series

Rukon's adventure in Sword Art Online continues. With a new server active with an update on the beast taming system, he's decides to start searching for a new companion to add to his team. He has a very specific target in mind, a mythical species that I'm sure most of you are familiar with and one of my personal favorites, a kobold. Although, I'm sure that that's sort of obvious from the title. Anyways, enjoy the read.

Obligatory warning: This story contains graphic sex between a skunk and a hell of a lot of kobold siblings in a virtual reality game.

"Link start!"

Touch. OK.

Sight. OK.

Hearing. OK.

Taste. OK.

Smell. OK.

The FullDive sequence had become mundane for me now. I had gone through it so many times that it had become just another loading screen. Sword Art Online, though, that was still as exciting and incredible as ever. It had been a few days since discovering that... unexpected feature with Pina. As weird as I found it that they programmed that sort of function with AI, I wasn't gonna ignore it, especially when it felt as good as the real thing, maybe even better.

As I arrived at the server login screen, I was about to choose my normal server, but I notice something odd. There was a new server that was added. Each server had slightly different rules or events that govern the server. It was always fun learning the variations of the game in each one. This one was titled "Beast Tamer Server." My mind immediately began thinking about the possible alterations that they might make. New equipment with effects towards taming beasts, new potions or baits, or, the possibility that got me most excited, new monsters that I could train. I'd so far only gotten Pina because there were so few choices for beast tamers and none nearly as useful, or aesthetically pleasing for that matter, as her, but if there were new types with more abilities, I would definitely make an addition or two to my team.

I tapped the new server's name which was immediately followed by the agreement page. These things were always annoying. At the top of the menu it read, "PLEASE FULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS!" I couldn't help but chuckle. They knew that no one actually reads them, yet they insist on including them to cover their asses. I quickly scrolled through the agreement so that the accept menu would pop up. I tapped the "OK" button and I was immediately teleported to my apartment.

Pina immediately greeted me with a happy, little caw as she flew over to me. She gave me a few nuzzles and licks which I replied to with some loving pettings. "Such a good girl," I cooed as she settled onto my shoulder, licking my cheek. I giggled a bit at how affectionate she had become since I discovered that unique feature. I hoped that she wouldn't get jealous if I added to our family.

I opened up my menu to look at my stats. Normal. No added bonuses there, so I figured it must be content that made this server unique. I tried to open up a guide about the changes in this server, but apparently no one had written one. I shouldn't have been too surprised. There weren't too many beast tamers. Most people preferred to spend their points on sword skills rather than split between the passives of the tamer tree. I checked the skills menu and saw the immediate difference. The tamers skill tree had grown a lot. A few new bonus skills, but as I had guessed, there were new beasts that had the tameable flag! Each one required their own unique skill, as all the others did. I spent a short time looking through all the different types of creatures I could make my own. I stopped immediately when I saw that kobolds were available.

I'd always had a thing for kobolds. I didn't know what exactly it was, but those small, cute reptiles just found their way into my heart. Maybe it was because of their long, slender tails and lovely scale colorations, or maybe it was their clan social structure, or perhaps because they were simply kin to dragons, perhaps all three. Whatever it was, I loved them. Having one as a pet would be so cool! They were a bit odd in this game, though. In most games they were usually considered uncivilized and wearing only simple clothes, but in this game they were clad in full heavy armor and wielding large warhammers. I sincerely hoped that I'd be able to remove their armor to see what was hidden inside.

I tapped the icon to check out the skill. A menu popped up reading, "Skill only available from quest." I cursed in annoyance. Pina let out a warble. I petted her a bit. "Don't worry, I'm definitely not trying to replace you," I mumbled. I wasn't sure whether the thought had even crossed her mind, bu I was sort of worried that what she'd think. "I just think it's time to start growing our family. What do you think?"

Pina was quiet for a bit, almost pensive. I was only just starting to get worried when she let out a chipper, little skree and licked my cheek. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Sounds like you approve!" I reached over and petted her head a bit to which she nuzzled in reply. "Alright, Pina, I'm gonna go try to find this quest. I don't know how dangerous it is, so I'd like for you to stay safe here, alright?"

Pina let out a sad little whimper. Damn the AI for making her too good at pulling at my heartstrings. "Oh, don't be like that," I pleaded. "I shouldn't be gone too long." She flew over to one of her perches and landed gracefully, resigning herself that I would not be taking her with me. I gave her a few loving petting and kissed her forehead to which she responded her her own lick at my lips. She had become much more affectionate with her licks ever since I accepted her advances towards me. I'm just glad that I was a solo player. It would've been pretty awkward if someone caught her trying to get those kinds of kisses from me.

"Love you, Pina," I said, "I'll see ya later." She let out a sharp trill that I recognized as her way of telling me that she loved me as well.

I spent the next hour or so searching for that quest. I couldn't help but notice how empty the server was. It was almost as if I were playing a single-player game. I assumed that it was this way just because there weren't too many people who found beast taming worth the time. I didn't mind the quiet, though. Without the players, there was only the idle chatters of the NPCs offering their services or signifying their ability to give quests. It actually made it easier to find the quest I was searching for. A huntress was complaining that there was a group of kobolds who were stealing all her kills. She asked me to take care of them in whatever manner I liked, so long as they stopped taking all the creatures from her. Once finished making her request the quest menu popped up.

"This is a server specific quest an is only available here. Accept?" I tapped the accept button and it was added to my quest list. She told me where the kobolds kept frequenting and warned me to be careful, claiming they were sneakier than most kobolds. I thanked her for the information and started walking towards the forest.

The forest was chock-full of beast mobs like wolves, bears, and giant bees. Nothing that cause any concern for me. It only took a few well-placed sword skills to make them shatter into that ever-so-satisfying display of fragments that occurs whenever something is destroyed.

Everything was going fine until I felt something grab my leg. The next thing I knew, I was hanging upside-down as my head struck the ground, causing me to become dazed for a moment from the disorientation. I groaned slightly as I looked up. A long, strong rope was attached to my ankle, holding me up in the snare.

"Who the hell put up snares in such a low-quality hunting area?" I growled to myself. I grabbed the sword from the scabbard to cut myself down, but I was suddenly accosted by a bolo, binding my arms to my chest and causing me to drop my sword.

A small, slightly raspy voice spoke from behind a tree, "Someone who lives nearby." A kobold walked out twirling a knife between its slim digits. Unlike most kobolds, this one was clad in more appropriate kobold attire, cloths and leathers rather than the heavy armor I'd become accustomed to seeing in this game. "Although, it does seem like my latest catch is of very poor quality, I'll give you that."

I couldn't help but be impressed with the conversational response programming. It was uncanny how it had turned my grumbling into banter like that. "You must be the kobold that's been stealing the huntress's catches."

The kobold hisses out in an annoyed tone. "She's the one hunting in our territory." I couldn't tell whether the kobold was meant to be a guy or a girl. The voice was high, but with such a small frame, that's to be expected. It was somewhere between two and three feet tall. "It's not our fault that she leaves her traps so long that we come across them first."

I struggled a bit against the ropes holding me. They clearly were not gonna give way to my struggling. Without any other option, I decided to talk to the creature, "So, what is it you want?"

The kobold gave a toothy grin. "We want that bitch to leave us alone and to leave our hunting grounds to us." Despite the language, the kobold's request actually seems pretty reasonable. I mean, it seems as if it's one of those quests where the quest giver was actually in the wrong. Could it really be that easy? Just convince the huntress to go hunt elsewhere. It seemed like too short a quest for an ability reward.

"Alright, I can go talk to her for you, if you want," I replied. "Could you let me down, though?"

"We could..." the kobold replied in a mischievous tone.

Something he kept saying was bugging me. "What's with the 'we?'" I asked. "There's no one else here."

"Oh, but is there?" it asked. As if by cue, several more kobolds came out from behind the trees, each in different types of armor and wielding different types of weapons. I couldn't get an accurate count, and without knowing their stats, they might be able to overwhelm me in combat should I tick them off. "These are my siblings."

"You're parents sure stay busy, don't they?" I joked, chuckling at my own dirty comment.

"They do indeed," one of them replied, snickering. Once again, I was blown away by how thorough their dialogue system was. I had entirely expected that sort of joke to be unrecognized by the AI.

And then, the first kobold said something I wasn't expecting in the least. It spoke in a husky tone that made me start to think it was a male, "And they aren't the only ones." His clawed fingers ran across my furred cheek, which was now blushing hotly. Surely, that kind of content couldn't be coded into a QUEST! Could it? "Cut the prey down, Rint." One of the kobolds uses a throwing dagger to cut the snare, causing me to fall head-first onto the ground. I was so glad that the pain in this was minimal.

I tried to sit up, but found it difficult as I realized that the bolo was still keeping my arms strapped to my chest. "My name's Slyx," said the kobold as he gave me a toothy grin, "and we have special rules for those who hunt on our lands without permission. But don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." He, along with the rest of the group, started to disrobe; one of them even started pulling at my pants.

"Hey, you can't do this!" I exclaimed. I couldn't even move my hand to activate the menu to log out because of the bolo binding me.

"Don't worry," Slyx said, now fully nude, "we like to make our prey enjoy it." His hand caressed my cheek before pulling me nearer to his groin. For a moment, I thought that I had been mistaken of his sex when I saw a slit rather than a dick, but then I noticed his balls and it dawned on me that reptiles had slits to protect their members rather than sheaths. "Now lick."

I was so confused.This game had never had this sort of content in quests before. NPCs were never like this. Well, except Pina. But she was never this aggressive. What made it worse was that I had always considered myself straight. I'd never had any sort of experience with men in this fashion before. And now, I was literally being forced into sex with a bunch of kobolds because of a stupid snare and bolo.

It didn't seem like I had any other choice, though. When I hesitated, Slyx pulled my face into his slit and started grinding. "C'mon, get that tongue working, prey."

I didn't see any other option. Unless they cut my arms free, I was stuck to be their prisoner until they decided otherwise. Without any other choice, I reluctantly let my tongue slip out between my lips and let them glide along the horny kobold's grinding groin. Slyx murrs softly as he pulls my face closer to his slit. The scent was starting to become stronger. He smelled strongly of male musk as his tip started to push past the lips of his slit and against my tongue. The taste was just like the smell; much stronger than I would've expected. "That's a good bitch, lick me nice and good. Let's do a bit more, though."

I was rolled onto my back as Slyx straddled my neck, pushing his erecting tip against my lapping tongue. I suddenly felt one of the kobolds spread my legs forcefully, leaving me completely exposed down there. Much to my embarrassment, my sheath was swelling from the pure sexual nature, despite my preference for women. The kobold down there spoke in a very playful voice, "Lookie what we've got here." I felt a claw glide across my sheath before, moving down my taint, resting just above my tailhole.

"Such a big boy here," said another, this one definitely female with a higher voice. I felt a tongue slide against my sheath, causing me to shiver a bit in pleasure. At least it wasn't all guys here.

The one toying with my rump commented again, "And a grade-a boipussy." A claw shoved itself inside me, causing me to yelp in surprise. I was about to tell them to back off, but my mouth was suddenly occupied by a kobold cock. "Feels like he's a virgin, too!"

Slyx started humping into my mouth. "Dibs on first!"

"But you already got his mouth!"

"Don't care," Slyx replied, "I'm the oldest, so I get dibs. Now, be a good younger brother and get him ready."

I heard some grumbling, but the kobold seemed to resign himself to the fact that he'd be getting sloppy seconds. Or thirds or fourths based on how many of them there were. At first, I didn't understand what Slyx meant by get me ready, but it became quite obvious when I felt a long, slimy tongue coat my ass-crack and tailhole with a sloppy lick.

I'd never felt anything like that before in my life. It felt so weird and abnormal, but for some reason it felt so good! I couldn't hold back a moan, and my tip started to slip from my sheath. Slyx chuckled as he eagerly face-fucked me with his relatively small cock. Luckily, it wasn't long enough to cause me to choke on it, but he was quite insistent with his thrusts. "Does the bitch like getting his ass licked?"

My blush deepened from his rhetorical question. He obviously didn't care about the answer, only about humiliating me further by pointing out that I was reacting positively towards it. The female kobold toying with my erecting shaft answered for me, though. "He sure seems like he is. Getting nice and erect for us." She grips my dick with one of her scaly hands, stroking me quickly as he tongue teases my tip. I couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure from her ministrations. "I dare say he's enjoying himself."

I was just about to struggle to show my displeasure with the situation, but I felt that tongue slide along my tailhole yet again. I shudder went up my spine and caused my fur to poof out a bit. The kobold toying with my ass seemed quite pleased by my reaction, soon insistently pushing the tip of his tongue against my hole. The feeling of that slimy appendage forcing its way into my rump caught me very off-guard. Much to my surprise, it wasn't as unpleasant as I had thought it would me. I was unable to prevent myself from moaning as that prehensile muscle teased my insides.

Slyx growled dominantly as he rutted into my face. "Sure sounds like the bitch is enjoying himself," he mocked. "Is being forced to suck a dick and getting your ass tongue-fucked turn you on that much?" His rhetoric went unanswered, at least in the verbal sense. My bodily reaction of a quiet moan and starting to leak pre was more than enough for them to assume that their assumptions were correct.

That slick kobold tongue forced its way in and out of my behind, sawing me in the most awkwardly intimate place that I'd never before thought of as sexual. Now, I couldn't help but moan in pleasure as I was forced to be these beasts fucktoy. The sloppy slurping from the kobold eating my ass was turning me on as much as the female who has starting to suck on the tip of my now-fully erect cock.

Slyx suddenly pulled back and hopped off me. He gave me a lust-filled look. "Well, aren't you a hungry cock-sucker," he teased. "Sure felt like you were loving it by how much you were moaning around me. Don't try to deny it. I bet you're looking forward to getting fucked properly by us, aren't you?"

I wasn't sure how to reply to that. I was feeling both humiliated and desperately aroused. I couldn't help but wonder, if a tongue felt that good back there, what would a cock feel like. I had never wondered that before, and the mere thought made me blush crimson. I'd always been straight, but now here I was, imagining what it'd be like to be fucked by kobolds. I knew I was still attracted to women, I definitely was hoping that the female kobold would want to climb up and ride me, but perhaps I could enjoy both.

I felt Slyx's member rubbing at my cheek. "Answer me, bitch. You want this dick in you, don't you?" I was still hesitant to reply, but then I felt something odd and very pleasurable pulse through my body from the kobold's tongueing.

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a loud, "Yes! Please!" My response was immediately rewarded with hoots and hollers from the horny lizards and a much more enthusiastic licking from the kobold eagerly eating me out. I couldn't believe I just said that. I felt my embarrassment rise even higher. For a moment, I thought that the game system might've been messing with my thoughts, but it took me only a moment to realize that it was impossible. The reaction was mine alone; possibly a desire I had ignored for so long until this situation forced me to realize it.

Slyx growled dominantly as he smeared my face with his leaking member, messing my facial fur with his preseed. The scent was overwhelming and made me feel light-headed. With my inhibitions lowered, I instinctively licked out at his prodding cock before he pulled away. He snickered dirtily before saying, "Yeah, I know how eager you are to pleasure us, but this dick has a better target than that mouth of yours."

The slick tongue that had been fucking my rump suddenly pulled out as the kobold understood where this was going. He, along with the female who had been playing with my shaft, moved out of the way so that Slyx could take his place. I couldn't help but blush as I watched him spread my legs with his scaly hands, staring lustfully at my plush rump. "I usually prefer females, but it's hard to resist such a tempting piece of boipussy." He rubbed his reddish length against mine. It looked to be just a bit shorter, but with his height being less than half of mine, his length ended up being relatively much larger. "Gonna make you my eager bitch." He suddenly moved and RAMMED his cock slit-deep into me.

I let out a pained yell as he claimed my anal virginity. The saliva helped a bit, but there was still the strain of being stretched open in a way that I was very not used to. Slyx snarled and hissed a bit, "Fuck, you're tight!" He ground his hips against my ass and then chuckled. "Not gonna be able to say that by the time we're done with ya, though." I couldn't help but whimper. I had a very strong feeling that he was telling the truth.

Slyx immediately started his selfish thrusting.His slimy dick sawed in and out of my sensitive tailhole in a manner that suggested he cared much more about his pleasure than mine. He was rough with his thrusting, not caring about my pleas for him to slow down or at least give me time to adjust since it was my first time. He merely smirked at me and replied, "Ah, shut up, ya pussy. You ain't getting a break until we're all satisfied. And let me tell you, we've got plenty of energy." A clawed hand smacked my ass, slightly digging into it, actually causing a few points of damage, nothing to worry about because it quickly regenerated. "Someone give his mouth something to do."

The female from before gladly accepted the offer. "With pleasure," she murmured as she straddled my face. Hey pussy was already wet from arousal as she began forcibly grinding across my short snout. Her scent was strong and oddly pleasant. Desirable. Almost intoxicating. My head was spinning from the musk-filled air. Even with it being an open space, the musk was clouding both the air and my mind. I didn't mind, though. I was quite enjoying it now.

I pushed my tongue out against the lips of the grinding female using my face as a sex toy. I tried to grab at her hips to help her, but my arms were still trapped. She didn't seem to need any help, anyways. I could feel her hands gripping my head as she lustfully forced her slit against my tongue, moaning in delight. "You can do better than that," she growled playfully. As she forced herself roughly against my face, I pushed my tongue as deep into her pussy as I could, tasting the sweet nectar of her arousal. "There ya go, pet; tongue my cunt nice and deep."

"The bitch is good at taking orders, isn't he?" Slyx murred as he continued to abuse my ass. I could feel his claws digging into my plush ass while he fucked me like a fleshlight. "Fuckin' tight, too." He let out a pleasured growl as he began leaking pre into me. The extra lubrication was nice. The strain from taking a dick was fading. Although, that might also have to do with being able to focus on servicing such a tasty pussy. I'd always enjoyed eating out women like that, and this kobold tasted even better than the humans I'd been with.

I suddenly felt the ropes loosening. I was about to grab the kobold atop my face to give me more control, but I was denied that. Kobolds were grabbing at my wrists, quickly pulling them towards their groins and forcing their dicks into my hands. I couldn't help but blush. Now I was being forced to pleasure not just two, bu four of these horny kobolds at a time. I couldn't see them, but the slimy dicks that were being eagerly thrust into my grasping, furred hands were definitely smaller than the other male who had claimed my ass. I didn't mind, it made it easier to stroke them off.

One of the kobolds who had started taking advantage of my hands let out a pleasure murr, "Such a good cockslut. Feels nice to be taken advantage of like this doesn't it? Bet that's why you really came all the way out into our territory isn't it?"

While my reason for travelling through their territory certainly wasn't to be gangraped by a bunch of horny kobolds, I couldn't quite deny that I wasn't getting turned on by the whole thing. My dick had been long since fully erect and had actually started leaking pre despite minimal simulation, especially at that moment. I couldn't even find it in me to shake my head in defiance. What I did do was let out a defeated moan of submission. If they were going to have sex with me, I was at least going to enjoy it. It was, after all, just a game meant to be enjoyed.

"I'll take that as a yes," the same kobold teased as I started to actively stroke him and his buddy off rather than them simply humping my hands.

I felt Slyx's thrusting become a bit more erratic. I knew what that meant, and I was ready, not that I had any choice in the matter. "Get ready for the first of many loads, toy!" I didn't think I could blush any harder, but being demeaned in such a way that they saw me as a mere object for their sexual gratification brought me to a new level of humiliation. One that I was slightly ashamed to admit that turned me on all the more.

Slyx grabbed my waist and hammered into my ass with another dozen thrusts stronger than all the rest before finally marking me with his digital cum. I couldn't help but let out a delighted moan. I was so close that a mere touch would probably have taken me over the edge. While huffing for breath, Slyx teased, "Looks like the bitch is ready to pop. So close just from getting fucked and used by us, are ya? You're really getting off on this aren't ya?" I couldn't stop my quiet whimpering. I'd never felt so dominated or humiliated in my entire life... and I didn't want it to stop.

As Slyx pulled out he came over near my head so I could see him with that smug, satisfied smirk on his face. "So eager to be used and abused by us beasts, ain't ya? You been just dying to be captured like we so easily did, to be tied up and forced to do whatever we told ya. To be unable to escape or say no. You wanted to be fucked silly by us, didn't you?"

I let out a loud moan. His derogatory dirty talk was all I needed to be pushed over the edge. My cock twitched twice before I started shooting a large load of skunk-seed all over my belly and the kobold girl's back. I didn't even need to look to know that Slyx's smirk was widening even more.

The female snickered a bit as she felt my cum hit her. "Naughty boy, cumming on my scales. You better clean that up after we're done here."

I was too far gone to even think about denying her. Though muffled, I gave my naughty retort, "I'll clean each and every one of you with my tongue if you want. And I'll be sure to get every nook and cranny nice and clean."

I suddenly felt a gush of girlcum soak my muzzle fur as she let out a quiet moan. Apparently she loved that idea. I licked up all I could before she pull off, letting her tail rub against my neck. "I'll be keeping you to your word, sexy."

With her now off me, I could see what was happening. Kobolds were clearly not a patient species. Most of the ones who had gotten bored waiting for their chance to get with me resorted to grabbing the nearest kobold and started going to town on them. The openings certainly weren't going to be missed, though. Several kobolds started to pull me onto my knees, each sporting a leaking shaft and each clearly wanting me to tend to it. One of them wanted it more, though, grabbing my head and shoving his dick into my open mouth. He tasted a bit earthy and I had a feeling that he was one of the ones fucking another kobold's ass, but I didn't care. I eagerly sucked along his slimy length with zeal. I reached out and grabbed two new shafts, starting to jerk them.

Not to my surprise, I felt one of those scaly beasts lift my bushy tail up and wasted no time in forcing himself inside my already-cum-filled ass. "Yeah, Slyx was right, this is some great ass!" The horny kobold hugged me from behind as he rutted into me, his sole purpose to pleasure himself. He didn't care if I was enjoying myself or even if I was okay with it. To them, I was merely a toy to be used, and for some strange, sick reason, I was loving it.

Despite having came not even five minutes ago, my erection was still as hard as steel. I was surprised when I felt a tongue start to lick at it, not that I was going to complain. I pulled my mouth off the kobold, much to his displeasure, to look down. Another one of the males, albeit shorter than most of the others, had gotten on his knees and started nuzzling and licking at my cock. He looked up at me with a smile. "Hope you don't mind," he said in a tone that sounded as lustful as I felt, "I just couldn't help myself."

I murred and rubbed my shaft along his scaly cheek. "I'm all yours, sexy," I replied. The kobold immediately buried my cock deep in his maw, all the way to the base in a single motion. I could feel his throat swallow around me as nuzzled into my pubic fur, clearly loving sucking my cock.

I was about to say something else, but a different kobold grabbed my head and started facefucking me. "Enough talk, your mouth is meant for sucking, not talking, slut." The dominance of it turned me on even more, eagerly swallowing around that tasty lizard dick. I suddenly felt strong pulsing from the two kobolds had were using my hands. I quickly closed my eyes just in time before thin streams of cum shot onto my face. Several of the kobolds snickered or cheered as my face was being marked as theirs.

"Good slut," murred the kobold currently using my mouth, "gonna give you a treat soon, and this one is goin' down your throat and not on your face. You better drink it all down." With his hands on the back of my head to keep me from pulling back, I didn't have much of a choice. I barely even had to do anything for him. He was practically just using my mouth as a wet hole as he humped into me with reckless abandon. It definitely made it easier for me and left me time to enjoy the feeling of getting suck as well.

The small kobold below me was almost reverent in his ministrations. Unlike the others, he seemed to care whether or not I was enjoying myself. Had my hands been free, I would've been happily rubbing his head to show him my appreciation, but they had once again become occupied with some horny kobold dicks.

The taste of kobold semen suddenly flooded my mouth. I instinctively swallowed down the tasty treat much to the moaning kobolds delight. "Fuck you're a cumhungry, little slut, aren't ya, skunky?" he teased. I couldn't deny him. I had just willingly drank down this lusty lizard's load, and I was still sucking on his dick to try to milk out some more. The kobold chuckled. "Sorry, bitch, tap's dry."

"Then let someone else have a turn," said the kobold who had been using my right hand. He pushed the first kobold out of the way and started skull-fucking me just as brutally as he had been my hand. He was already leaking pre, such plentiful and musky pre that I eagerly slurped down.

Before anyone could take up my hand, I quickly moved it down to pet the kind kobold's head as he bobbe along my length. He let out a soft rumble as I started petting him, beginning to really suck on me as if he were just as cum-hungry as I were.

I suddenly felt a pair of arms hug me from behind and claws dig into my belly. The kobold who was ramming into my ass showed signs of getting close. His speed started to hasten and his rhythm became erratic. It was exciting me even more as his wild thrusting brought me ever closer to the edge. "Ah, fuck!" he exclaimed much too soon. "Gonna fill your ass nice and full, slut!" It wasn't long after that when I felt the warmth of another load being spilled inside me, marking me as a mere toy for this family of kobolds. He forcefully smacked my ass, making it jiggle just a bit. "You're gonna come back here sometime for more fun." I wasn't sure whether that was meant to be an order or a prediction, but I had a feeling he was right. He pulled out and gave my sloppy ass a teasing lick, forcing a shudder from me.

Another kobold came to take his place. "On all fours!" he ordered. I didn't even think about denying him. I let go of the cock in my hand and the one in my mouth and dropped to my hands, lifting my tail over my back. I heard a perverse growl as he admired my messy backside. "Yeah, that's good. If you're gonna act like a bitch, then I'm gonna fuck ya like one." He gripped my ass roughly and pulled me down lower to accommodate his shorter size.

The derisive kobold wasted no time in shoving himself all the way into my used and abused ass, a lewd slick noise accompanying the uncaring fucking. All I could do, or wanted to do at that point for that matter, was let the lust-ridden kobold go to town on my ass while I moaned in pleasure. The group of kobolds continued to berate me with slurs that admittedly fit the way I was currently acting. I didn't mind, in fact, it seemed to turn me on even more.

I suddenly felt something rubbing against my throbbing and aching shaft. I looked down and saw that the kind kobold from before had slipped underneath me on his hands and knees and was backing up so that my tip was now lodged between his cheeks, teasing that hole of his, which had clearly been used recently. It seemed like he really wanted some of this skunk's meat, and I was happy to satisfy him, so I reached below myself to hold onto his middle before suddenly thrusting deep inside the kobold, who lets out a loud moan of pleasure. "Of fuck, yeah!" came the pleasured voice of the kobold.

My blush deepened as I heard how eager the kobold was for me. It turned me on, and it made me desire to pleasure him even more. Ignoring the kobold behind me, yelling at me for ruining his rhythm, I start to thrust into the submissive kobold as I rub his scaly chest. His small, eager moans made me grin. "Damn, you're a cute kobold," I muttered to him.

The kobold tightly clenched around my shaft, milking me for pleasure. "Thank you, sir," he murred happily. He pushed back against my thrusts. I groaned in delight as this kobold allowed me to breed his tight, little ass much to my satisfaction.

The rest of the kobolds had started to crowd around me. I could feel their pricks rubbing against my sides my cheeks and my ass. Another kobold grabbed my head and forced his dick into my mouth, roughly humping me as my ass was still getting nailed by a particularly large guy. I'd lost track of how many times I'd been cummed in or on, but I didn't care. I was honestly enjoying myself, especially with being able to cram my dick in my own submissive kobold. And damn if it didn't feel good.

I was starting to get close again. The combination of the brutal pounding I was receiving and the tight hole that was so willingly spread around my own throbbing, leaking shaft was a combination hard to beat. I decided to share my pleasure with the only kobold that seemed to care about me. I steadied myself on one hand while I reached below me to grip at the young kobold's drooling shaft. I happily started stroking it, earning quite a few loud moans from the delighted 'bold. His ass tightened and flexed around me, apparently he had been just on the edge as well and my fuzzy hand was enough to push him over that edge. My hand quickly became soaked with his cum, not that I minded, especially with his erratic flexing tightened his already delightfully firm rump. He let out several sharp yips of pleasure, which I found to be entirely adorable.

His rapid milking was more than enough to bring me over the edge as well. I moaned round whichever kobold had decided to start using my mouth, which made them all snicker and chuckle at how much I enjoyed being their bitch. I didn't mind. I had a deliciously tight and adorable kobold wrapped around my meat and happily taking my load. He was panting heavily, but stayed where he was, even arching his back and tail against my belly.

That went on for at least another half hour before all the kobolds had their fill of using and abusing me. I was soaked with cum, both inside and out, and most of the kobolds had dispersed. Slyx had made sure to remind me of our deal, which I still planned on completing. The kobold runt had stayed however.

"Sorry that they took advantage of you like that," he said sounding as genuine as possible. "My name's Lux."

I smiled and rubbed his head; he didn't seem to mind that I had just probably smeared a fair bit of cum on his head. "I'm Rukon."

"Are you really gonna help get that poacher out of here?" he asked. "Even after what they did?"

I nodded. "Yeah. A deal's a deal, even if your siblings are a bunch of hornballs that can't resist fucking whoever they snare in their trap. Admittedly," I blushed as I said this, "I actually enjoyed it once I get used to it. Especially with what you were doing."

It was Lux's turn to blush. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said, "I know I did." He gently pawed at my sheath again. "In fact, I much prefer you to my asshole siblings."

It then clicked for me. This was the kobold that was supposed to be my reward for the quest. There was no way that I was gonna let him get away. I grinned and kneeled down to his height. "How about you come with me then? We can have a lot more fun without the distractions of your brothers and sisters." I traced my finger along his collarbone as I trailed it to place my hand behind his head. "How does that sound?"

Lux let out a very quiet hiss as he replied, "Perfect." He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my neck as he forced me into a kiss. Not that I minded.

The kiss didn't last long, and when he pulled back, I grinned. "We're gonna have a lot of fun. Now, c'mon." I motioned for him to follow as we headed back to the city.

A Different Kind of Training - Part 17

Ronan's POV After everyone had their fun in the Basement (myself included, but Ike excluded) we got directions to Vermillion City from the middle of nowhere town we had found ourselves. We were being extra careful about the horde of aggressive 'chus,...

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The Morning After

I woke up with a bad headache. Dresnath was lying in his side with his head propped up on his hand and arm that was resting on the ground. He was smiling widely as he was watching me. It didn't feel like the weird, creepy watching, though; it had more...

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Link Start

"Link start!" Touch. OK. Sight. OK. Hearing. OK. Taste. OK. Smell. OK. The bootup sequence took only moments, but with my excitement, it felt like forever. I'd been saving up for an amusphere rig for a while now, and I got the money at the most...

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