Under the Influence (part 2)

Story by LazarusDaDwagon on SoFurry

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#2 of Under The Influence

Just a part 2 of the story X3 please send me feedback and tell me if you liked it, more importantly tell me what I can do better!!!

I shuttered, I had seen my father come home with dent scales sure, but it was rare to ever see him bleed. The thick liquid stained the collar of his shirt, his tattered clothes stuck to his burly chest. He huffed, a pillar of smoke billowing from his nose, "well -hic-.. Gonna help me or not.." he hissed. I jolted back to reality, blushing slightly as I quickly stepped across the living room to my father's side for a better look at him.

A small gash above his eye oozed his dark blood, the scales along the rim of the bent inwards while those inside lay cracked and mangled. My father had obviously taken a blow from something. I gave him a slight glance, his bright domineering eyes locking with mine for a moment. "Are you stupid or someth'n? Don't just look at it.." he snarled, his serrated teeth glimmering in the soft light of the living room.

I gulped nervously, turning away and hurrying to the bathroom, hiding my face to keep his eyes from mine. I flicked on the light, reaching my hand to the mirrored medicine cabinet. I froze, my eyes locking with those in the mirror. My purple eyes shimmered in the dim light of the faulty wall mounted bulb above. I couldn't see too much of my father in me. My father's defining features, I didn't have any of it. His rigid jaw, his powerful chest, and his eyes.. Oh god his eyes..

As my mind returned I saw not my father's menacing features, but I saw a lanky, twinkish little dragon. My muzzle smooth, my eyes dull, my body thin, obviously malnourished. I wasn't my father. My father would never submit like I have, he wouldn't follow orders as I do, yet him and I are two sides of the same coin. I was his son, he cares about me, gets me food and keeps a roof above my head and in turn I do as he wishes...