Kamuzu's biograpby

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Artwork made by Onixtymime a FA artist

Link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30539264/

Name: Kamuzu

Gender: Male

Species: Shiny Delphox

Type: Fire / Psychic

Birthplace: Igneous Forest

Current place: Dusk City

Personality: Serious, cold, patient, very protective, proud, generous and grumpy.

Appearance: Kamuzu is a relatively high bipedal pokémon that resembles a fox. He's covered with a coat of fur that resembles a tunic. This "tunic" is mainly dark purple, with red-orange spots, similar to the flame near his knees, as well as a strand of white hair on his torso, flanked by light gray fur covering up to his shoulders. He has three strands of red-orange hair that protrudes from each ear. His forearms have long sleeves of dark purple, and his hands and feet are dark grey with three claw fingers and toes, respectively. He has a tail covered with light gray fur protruding from his tunic. When his mouth is open, you can see two pointed teeth in his upper jaw. He wears a long staff that he uses as a magic wand; When is in use, the spherical gem that is embedded, lights up with a pink light and when he's not wearing it, the staff disappears using his powers. His eyes are dark red and he has a bog10 points star tattoo on his back when he awaken his psychic powers. Their hand are completely bandaged. He's the older brother of the family.

Mini-story: After leaving his home with their younger sisters, each one went on a different path. One day when he was training only using a clone of his, he noticed that they were watching him and attacked the intruder without thinking twice. He was a middle-aged trainer, with a top hat and a small moustache accompanied by a Oricorio. Kamuzu mercilessly attacked his rival and defeated his entire Pokémon team except the last one, a powerful Kommo-O ,who could defeat him by breaking his staff, even though he used vulnerable attacks on him. The trainer was a magician who participated together with his Pokémon in theatres to entertain and surprise the public. At first he didn't participate and simply sent him to fly with a Psychic without using his staff, but then he looked at him curious without his trainer seeing him when he was rehearsing with his other Pokémon. Finally, he began to collaborate and his trainer was increasingly doing more dangerous acts, playing with his life. In one of the rehearsals, before the performance, his trainer was reviewing everything before and suddenly began to collapse. The Delphox quickly rescued him, pushing him to save him from danger. His trainer thought he would use his psychic powers to stop the collapse, but he saw that the whole structure fell on him. Very frightened, with the help of their Pokémon rescued the Pokémon buried under the rubble. When he was rescued, his hands were totally broken and unconscious. They took him to the Pokémon Center and after performing the complicated operation, he informed him that rehabilitation would take a long time to recover the mobility in his hands. The Delphox was with his head down looking at his hands and his trainer tried to animate him but the Pokémon with a soft push of Psyquic and smiling told him to leave him alone. When he was alone and silent, he closed his eyes. He began to conjure a spell and a tattoo appeared on his back. His hands lit up and he felt a lot of pain when is executing it. After a few hours, his hands were healed but he couldn't move them through the pain. The next morning, the nurse was very surprised, told his trainer that his Pokémon could already move his hands but recommended that he not carry very heavy material even though her bones were already cured. His trainer was also perplexed by the fast recovery and decided to postpone his performances a few weeks to relax, taking his Pokémon back to his team.


  • Regeneration and healing of wounds and bones.

  • Increased physical resistance in a 10%


  • The tattoo on his back hides a secret power that only the Delphox know.

  • His hands are always bandaged even if he have them cured. His trainer changes them when they're dirty.

  • The most he likes to do in the performances are the special effects with his psychic powers. They surprise the public very much.

  • The gem on his staff was found by one of his trainer's Pokémon and used in his new staff to further enhance his powers.

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