Rumbling on the Road - Part Four

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#4 of Rumbling on the Road

Nick and Judy arrive at the Hopps family farm at last, and over a lavish family dinner Nick learns first hand just where Judy learned some of her unique talents. ^^

This story was written for Silvergatomon as their Patreon commission for the month of November. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, some incest related content, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

Rumbling on the Road - Part Four

It felt more like a year had passed since Nick and Judy set out towards Bunnyburrow for the holidays, rather than merely the best part of a day. It was as though an eternity had passed since Nick had seen Judy squirming and blushing in the passenger seat of the car as he bumped and rumbled and vibrated them across the centre margin of the carriageway, starting off a chain of delightfully sexy events which had culminated in... well, needless to say Nick had gotten to know Judy's old rival Gideon rather well over the course of the afternoon. Following their shower, Nick and Judy had spent some time with Gideon as he dried out the freshly detailed, formerly rather lewdly ripe interior of their vehicle, and laundered their clothes so that they could arrive at the Hopps farmstead looking rather presentable, rather than like a pair of lovers who hadn't been able to make a simple day long road trip without making a huge and deliciously sexy mess of one another before even reaching their destination.

Now though, at last, they were here, and everything was going surprisingly well.

Stu and Bonnie were a delight, and they welcomed Nick into their home like he was family. So too did Judy's brothers and sisters, and nephews and nieces, and aunts and uncles, and cousins and second cousins and third cousins and first cousins once removed and second cousins once removed and... rabbit family trees were rather complicated, but the point was that the fox was soon draped with giggling bunny kits eager to hear stories from him about his and Judy's exploits in the force, and blushing as he caught looks from other, older members of the Hopps family that seemed shockingly similar to the expression that Judy got on her face when she was in dire need of a good hard fucking at Nick's behest.

Thanks to their delay, caused by what they were telling the rest of the Hopps clan had been an unfortunate breakdown of their car, it wasn't long after their arrival that the two lovers found themselves sitting down under a large marquee tent at one of a dozen or so round tables all laden with food and surrounded by more than a dozen rabbits apiece. They had meant to arrive in the early afternoon, with plenty of time for Judy to give Nick a tour, and to let him grow acclimatised to being around so many people versed in the country way of life rather than the somewhat disconnected and impersonal manner of most city folk. But instead the fox found himself thrown in at the deep end, and with Bonnie, Stu and many of Judy's older relatives sitting at the table with him, soon found himself buried under a barrage of questions ranging from what it was like growing up in a city where according to rumours they'd heard all the grass and trees were artificial and grown in labs, to when he and Judy were getting married.


Judy squealed at that latter question, but for the most part she just smirked, giggled and continued to eat her own meal while Nick continued to fend off the deluge of interest from his partner's nearest and dearest. Honestly though, Nick really didn't mind all the attention. Sure some of their questions were a little silly and betrayed the fact that many of these folk hadn't left the Triburrows area their entire lives. But he could tell that all their questions came from a place of genuinely wanting to get to know him. From a family who like their daughter had learned not to judge an individual by his species, and were eager to get to know Nick not as a fox, not as a police officer, not even as Judy's boyfriend for the most part, but simply for himself.

Though some, it seemed, were more eager to solidify that connection than others.

Dinner progressed from course to course, and as the first desserts were cleared away and Nick's eyes and belly bulged a little as he heard a second dessert course being announced, he watched as the younger members of the family all shuffled out of their seats and raced, squealing, giggling and energised by their food, out of the marquee and off to wreak sugar-rush infused havoc upon the farmyard beyond. The reason for this soon became clear as the second course of dessert was revealed to be several steaming bowls of hot and pungently alcoholic smelling apple cider, from which large mugs full of the rich, intoxicating substance were drawn and placed before each and every one of the adult rabbits remaining in the room.

Within half an hour, there were a good forty or fifty rabbits crowded three deep around the head table where Nick and Judy were sat, everyone laughing and sharing stories about Judy's youth in between pressing Nick for more stories about her current life in Zootopia, and their lives together in general. The fox's voice was already growing a little raspy from the sheer amount of talking he'd been encouraged to do that evening, but the warm cider helped and the company even more so, Judy blushing and giggling across the table as Nick lavished compliments upon her which made everyone else around them 'awwww' approvingly. Nick was aware that his stories were getting more and more personal as he felt the cider teasing away his inhibitions, and as he stopped just short of continuing a story about a particularly daring arrest that Judy had made with the follow-up details of how that night she had cuffed her partner to the bed and made him call her 'my hero' while she rode him to several screaming orgasms, the fox wondered if perhaps he'd had enough as he imagined feeling a hand brush against his cock, admittedly semi-stiffened already just from thinking about that particularly wild night.

When he felt the hand again though, and swore that he could feel trembling fingers beginning to work on his zipper, Nick tensed up. He raised a foot, trying to gently push whoever was responsible away as he looked over the table to where Judy was sitting, currently commanding most of the table's attention with a retelling of their first encounter with the notorious, albeit actually rather personable crime boss, Mr Big. Instead of letting themselves be discouraged though, the figure in question grasped hold of Nick's outstretched leg, and began to kiss his foot. To run their tongue between his toes, and suckle on each one individually while an undeniably rabbit-like twitching nose nuzzled at his soft, velvety pads. Nick's cheeks reddened, and as he lowered his foot once more the tender affections lavished upon it ceased, but only for a moment before not just one but two hands now descended on his crotch anew, and began to work on freeing his now fully fledged erection as Judy giggled and nodded in his direction.

"Tell them, Nick!"

The fox shuddered as he felt soft, well practised hands grasp at his cock and squeeze it lovingly. He blushed, and smiled sheepishly at Judy and the other fifty or so rabbits staring at him in expectation.

"U-uh, sorry Carrots... I... I think the cider's getting to me, I totally zoned out there. What's the question?"

Judy giggled and waved a hand at the fox.

"Oh it's okay, I'll tell them. It was a rug. A rug made from... the fur of a skunk's butt!"

The whole marquee erupted with laughter, and it was a good thing too as the sheer volume of their mirth and the various hands that slapped knees, the table and Nick's own back helped to stifle and overshadow the yip of pleasure which escaped Nick's muzzle when one of the hands between his legs wrapped itself around his knot, and all of a sudden he felt an entirely new and unknown mouth wrap itself around the head of his cock, and begin to give him a truly impeccable blowjob. He fought to keep a straight face as the unidentified and still entirely unseen rabbit continued to suckle on his cock, not just teasing him but going all out with seemingly no consideration for how difficult it was for Nick to disguise the waves of pleasure washing over him. Not only did this rabbit know how to suck a cock, it felt like they knew very specifically how to suck a fox cock. Their hands squeezed and caressed Nick's developing knot with the perfect mix of lightness and pressure, their muzzle suckled which their tongue flicked over the very tip of the male's pointed canid shaft. It was as though the anonymous owner of that muzzle had been taking lessons from Judy herself, or perhaps getting some practice on another fox, one who lived more locally for example.

Shuddering, gasping, trying and failing to keep a straight face and finally resorting to hiding his muzzle behind repeated brief sips of cider, Nick helplessly imagined Gideon's own cock getting sucked by whoever this rabbit was. It might not have been so easy and such a vivid image had Nick and Judy not shared their own experiences with Gideon just a few short hours ago, but Nick could no more change the past to save himself from the current extremes of arousal flooding his mind than he could bring himself to push the rabbit away and deny his body.

Eventually of course, something had to give, and when it did it appeared to be Nick's attempts at feigning even the faintest degree of normalcy which succumbed first. He looked up from his nearly empty mug of cider with a decidedly erotic shiver running down his spine, and in that moment Judy's eyes met with his own. There was no hiding it from her. No disguising that look of pure lust behind his eyes, and for a moment the rabbit looked surprised, then she lifted her own mug of cider to her lips, and slurped at it rather loudly as her violet eyes sparkled lustily back at the fox. Nick's own eyes bulged. Oh god. She thought he was hitting on her. She thought he was horny thinking about her. But, surely she wouldn't try to do something here. Surely she wouldn't...

Nick gasped, barely able to draw his own mug up to his lips in an attempt to pass it off as a particularly loud slurp of his own as suddenly the muzzle around his cock withdrew, darting away as though its owner was suddenly worried about getting caught. Far from seeing any of the other rabbits looking around and peering under the table though, Nick could only see red cheeks, glazed eyes and faces alive with laughter and tipsy joy as they drank and chatted amongst themselves, Judy and Nick's focus as the centre of this gathering having thankfully been temporarily forgotten. What he did feel moments later though, to his relief and dismay as his recently denied cock was tended to once again, was feet. Soft, beautifully skilled feet tracing their way over the very tip of his shaft in a way that was so familiar to Nick, he knew it was Judy even before he looked up and saw that like several other rabbits at the table she had slumped back in her chair, feigning drunken contentment but using the opportunity to begin caressing her lover's cock, already exposed to her delight and wonder, beneath the table.

At that point, Nick was beginning to think he couldn't be shocked any more. Getting sucked off by a stranger at a family meal with his partner was one thing, but feeling Judy herself giving him a teasing footjob in front of her parents, her aunts and uncles and many of her other adult relatives like it was no big deal was more than even the lewdest reaches of the fox's mind had been prepared to conceive. It was of course then that he felt one of the mystery rabbit's hands return to stroking his shaft, and mere moments later when he felt that bunny's muzzle return to tend to the head of his cock, gently pushing Judy's footpaw out of the way in the process.

Across the table, Judy's eyes widened for a moment, then her brow furrowed. Nick suddenly felt the muzzle licking at the very tip of his cock pull away again as though being pushed aside, and Judy's foot takes its place once more. A second later they traded places again, and a few seconds after that Judy squealed and began to thrash as though something or someone was tickling her beneath the table. People laughed, her parents smirked as they rested side by side in their chairs with rosy glows on their cheeks and heavy lidded eyes, but strangely no-one present seemed to be overtly shocked by Judy's sudden and unexplained outburst. In fact, they just kept on laughing, and a few of them even cheered when a few moment's later Judy grabbed at the edge of the table, gave a cry of half frustrated, half amused shock, and was dragged clean off her chair and under the table.

"Got a bit of competition going there, hmm, Nick?"

Judy's mother inquired from where she was sitting, and only then did Nick turn enough attention towards her to see the way her chest was rather rapidly rising and falling, and how the arm adjacent to where her husband was sitting wasn't resting on the table but was down between them, its shoulder moving slightly in a decidedly vertical, up and down type rhythm. Nick opened his muzzle to answer, but only a feverish whine escaped him as to his rapture and anguish he felt not one but two mouths hungrily attack his cock from either side, while two hands belonging to two distinctly different bodies began to massage and squeeze his knot.

"Now now, Bon. Go easy on the kid. Remember what Jude said, we let him figure our ways out at his pace."

Bonnie pouted playfully at her husband, and craned her neck over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Oh come on, Stu. Don't be a party pooper. Nick's a smart boy. Besides, he can't exactly deny what's going on between his legs, can he? Surely that's enough of a clue for him to realise we do things different out here in Bunnyburrow."

The older female rabbit's left shoulder began to move faster, and Stu's head rolled back against the rear of his chair as he groaned softly.

"A-ahh... yes, dear."

Bonnie smiled, and licked her lips rather lustily at Nick as all around the table he suddenly saw other rabbits beginning to loosen ties, to unbutton shirts, to rub up against friends and against relatives in a decidedly more than platonic manner, and all to keep on watching him as the fox looked to his left and to his right, not at eye level as was polite and natural, but down beneath the edge of the table for those seated flanking him.

His eyes bulged, and the collective group of rabbits around him moaned and giggled as they saw the fox finally notice how the rabbits either side of him were just as flushed and quivering as himself. They nodded and whispered to one another as they saw him look down, and finally notice the two sets of spread legs with jeans opened and skirt tucked up respectively, another flushed, cider-drunken face resting between each of them.

Quaking, whimpering audibly Nick took another look around his table, and finally noticed something. All the faces seated around it were red and flushed, but the cider mugs set down in front of most of those people were almost entirely full. They couldn't be tipsy, and yet their faces were undeniably red and their eyes glazed, almost as though... the fox's train of thought derailed right there, and he shamelessly dipped his head down to look under the table, a loud wave of cheers echoing around the room as though celebrating his revelation.

He looked, and not only did he see Judy and what seemed to be one of her brothers double-teaming his cock with a level of intimacy and comfort that was hard to deny, but also he finally saw the other rabbits kneeling beneath the table. One per seated individual, sucking cock, eating pussy, and generally going to town on those other members of their family without the slightest shame as their eyes all turned towards Nick, and they grinned through whatever mouthful of pre or pussy juice they were in the midst of gulping down.


Judy gasped as she pulled her head away from his cock, blushing as her brother took the opportunity to hungrily devour Nick's shaft himself, but looking more aroused than annoyed.

"...I might have left out a few little details about how my family regards sex. B-but... well, I didn't want you to freak out."

Nick trembled, glancing up to see Judy's mother and father and another thirty or so rabbits staring at him, the others having disengaged from around the table and nearby sounds of moaning and whimpering making the fox assume that they had moved elsewhere in the marquee to engage in their own bouts of holiday intimacy. He cleared his throat bashfully, looked back down at Judy, and moaned as even now she reached out and squeezed his balls, as though urging him to unload in her brother's mouth.

"F-freak out?"

He gasped, and arched his hips forward uncontrollably as the male rabbit whose muzzle was wrapped around his cock began to smooch and slurp at his knot, the tip of Nick's shaft quivering and drooling against the back of his throat.

"Oh, Judy... I... aahh, I don't know what to say..."

The rabbit's head bowed slightly.

"Because you're upset? Confused?"

Nick's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"No. O-oh god, Judy. No. Because your brother is about to make me cum, a-and... aaahhhh... a-and I can barely string two words together, because all of this is so unexpected, and... aahyess, a-and so fucking hot."

Judy's eyes widened, and she giggled happily.


Nick nodded feverishly, both answering about finding this all so very hot, and about her brother being mere seconds away from making him cum.

"R-really, Judy. I swear."

Judy scrambled out from under the table just beside Nick's chair, rose shakily to her feet, and flung her arms around him.

"Oh Nick. I love you so much."

Nick whined, embraced Judy back, but before he could say what he wanted to say in return, he felt the bunny maw still wrapped around his cock deliver one final sweep of its tongue over the underside of his shaft, and knew that he couldn't last any longer.

"Judy. Oh. Ooohh, Carrots, I... I... love... a-aahhh, love you t-tooohhhhhgod. Ohh god. I... c-cumming. Judy. Judy!"

Judy cuddled up against Nick, and Nick clung to her as with wide, glazed eyes he peered out around the table and watched his lover's family watch him lose control and begin to cum within her embrace, and within the muzzle of a handsome rabbit whose name he had yet to even learn. He shuddered and gasped as he unloaded hot ribbons of cum into the other bunny's maw, meeting the eyes of various other rabbits and seeing them blush, hearing them moan in encouragement and delight at his obvious ecstasy. He saw Stu lean back in his chair, and as their eyes met the older male bunny grunted, several white streaks arcing up from below the level of the table and staining the shirt he was wearing while beside him his wife's shoulder continued to move, now a blur of masturbatory urgency. No sooner had his eyes drifted to Bonnie though, it was her turn to whimper and gasp, as presumably whatever rabbit was kneeling between her legs began to do for her what Nick's unnamed companion was doing for him.

The rest of the table was still moaning, gasping, shuddering, cumming, and the dozens of other rabbits surrounding the table had descended into one wild orgy of their own by the time Judy released her vice-grip around Nick's torso, and drew back just enough to meet his gaze, and lean in face to face, nose to nose with the man she loved.

"You're really okay with what just happened?"

She whispered to the fox, giggling as she watched her brother crawl out from the other side of Nick's seat, rise to his feet, kiss Nick on the cheek without a single word and promptly trot off to join the orgy going on around them. Her already warm, loving smile grew brighter and bolder as Nick whined and nodded, nuzzling gently against her beautiful, still flushed face.

"I'm not saying I don't have questions, Carrots. But... I love you even more right now than I did a minute before I learned about any of this. What I see here, a-around us now? It's the kind of thing Zootopia needs to have a special district dedicated to, because folks won't let it happen anywhere outside of the Mystic Spring Oasis. And, if out here in Bunnyburrow you can have that without needing to cordon it off? So much the better."

Judy's face reddened with pride, but she still looked a little nervous. She nuzzled against the fox, and kissed him on the side of the snout.

"I'm still sorry, f-for... for not telling you up front. For not trusting that you'd react this way right from the start. For acting l-like... like I was so worried about my parents knowing about our sex life, when really? I... I've barely gone a week without my mom checking in to see if you're keeping me as satisfied as I would be if I was back home with my brothers and sister, m-my neighbours, my parents themselves, my... well, everyone who's old enough, r-really."

Nick shuddered. Not in concern, not in distaste, far from it in fact. He shuddered in the purest and most complete arousal that he had ever known outside of actually being in the midst of sex with Judy herself, and grabbed the rabbit before him tightly in his arms to kiss her. To hungrily make out with her, and then to pull away with a breathy growl and to beg to Judy right there where they stood, surrounded by members of her family either recovering from orgasms of their own or in the midst of working towards one with another rabbit's help, all with ears perked and listening to the conversation going on between the fox and Judy herself.

"Judy, I... I really wanna fuck you right now, but... no matter how cool I am with all of this, I dunno if I'm ready to put on a show knowing that your whole family is going to be watching me, maybe even grading me."

The rabbit's ears flicked and flushed across their insides. She giggled, and glanced across the table to where Bonnie was now leaning back from her chair with her feet up on the table, squirming as Stu dipped his fingers repeatedly between her legs, withdrew them glistening wet to his muzzle, and licked off the residue of his wife's recent orgasm.

"Mom... c-can Nick and I please be excused?"

Bonnie smiled at her daughter, then at Nick as he squirmed and blushed from within his particularly beloved bunny's embrace, sounds of ecstasy and frantic fucking ringing out all around them as the marquee descended into an absolute frenzy of lagomorph lust. She nodded, and called out over the moans and whimpers of the other rabbits not just loud enough for Nick and Judy to hear, but enough so that she made absolutely certain everyone in the room knew what was happening.

"Of course, dear. Your room's laid out all nice and fresh for you, and all the youngsters are having a big camp-out in the far west field tonight. So... whatever you and Nick might want to do together, whether it's getting a restful night's sleep or... well, anything else?"

Nick's face burned scarlet, but he grinned as he felt Judy quiver with lust and joy at her parents' approval while Bonnie finished her teasing suggestion.

"Just don't worry about keeping it down. You young lovers be as loud, and go as long as you like. Trust me when I say that the only folk who can hear you, would be glad of the chance to listen."

Judy giggled, and Nick groaned in a mixture of apprehension and uncontrollable horniness as he considered that no matter where they did it, they were still going to have an audience of some sort. A moment later though Judy was leading him through the already ongoing orgy of dozens and dozens of other rabbits, and by the time she and Nick had darted out through the marquee's flaps and into the cool evening air beyond, the fox had seen and smelled so many intoxicating sensory inputs that he was already well on the way to forgetting about any of his trepidations.

He let Judy hurriedly lead him back into the farmhouse with its warren of various small rooms, up three flights of stairs and into her bedroom.

The door slammed shut.

For a moment they revelled in the peace and quiet, in the relative silence aside from their own mutually heavy breathing.

Then their eyes met. Their cheeks flushed anew, and Nick forgot all about Judy's mother's veritable promise that people would be listening in as the night went on as he stared deep into the gorgeous, heart-stoppingly beautiful face of the woman he loved.

He growled.

Judy giggled, and then she shrieked in delight as he lunged at her, and pinned the beautiful rabbit down on the bed of her family home with the first of countless, desperately adoring kisses yet to come.

By Jeeves

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