Uncertain Chapter 1

Story by FarFar on SoFurry

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#1 of Uncertain

Second version of my new series "Uncertain". I didn't like where the first upload was going so I scrapped it.

I'm sure there are some editing mistakes in this chapter...I'm not that great with proof reading. :-(

FarFar is my character. The others are figments of my over zealous imagination! Comments and compliments are welcomed!

Last but not least, many thanks to ragewolver, Lupine Catastrophe, and Pietus for their thoughts in getting this one together. Stay awesome guys!

Wednesday, end of the morning shift. Closing my laptop, I stood up from my chair and stretched my cramped neck. Truth be told, the past few hours were too tedious to be called work. Torture would be a better word. Normally, I enjoy the morning shift at the engineering complex where I work. Today was different. Problem after problem kept crossing my screen, and it was with great relief when I looked at my phone and saw that it was time for a lunch break. As I was contemplating what to do, an incoming text disrupted my thoughts

Wanna walk for lunch? It was from my friend Ajax, who worked in building B.

Sure, I will meet you over at the pond.

Five minutes later, I was sitting on one of the benches that surround the pond. The waterfalls cascading down the piles of rocks had my attention as I was trying to relax. I didn't notice Ajax walking up until he stood right in front of me. Looking up, I saw his tan Malinois frame highlighted by the afternoon sun.

"You look lost in thought," he said to me with a grin on his face.

"Not really. Just zoning out," I said back.

"Maybe you were thinking of that last date you had." The grin on his face got bigger.

"No! THAT ended a long time ago," I growled to him. "I told you how many times by now?"

"Take it easy, FarFar! I was just asking," he chuckled.

"I would rather you not ask, ok? You know, you are a real pain in the ass sometimes!"

"Hey that's what friends are for. Come on, let's walk."

Truth be known, Ajax really is a good friend. As annoying as he can be, he is always willing to lend a paw or a shoulder when needed. We graduated college together and after a few years' absence, we wound up working for the same company.

Walking along the path that surrounds the various buildings, I looked over at him and saw that he was wearing a black leather motorcycle vest. Matched well with his black cargo pants and the silver rings on both paws.

"Rode into work today?"

"Yeah, the mustang is dead on arrival, he said. Not sure what the hell is wrong with it."

Looking ahead, I saw a black and white Akita walking towards us. For a second, a dagger of apprehension stuck into my stomach. Then I realized who it wasn't, and I started to breathe again.

Hoping that Ajax wouldn't notice, I turned my head around and took one last look at her as she continued walking down the path. She didn't look back at me. Which was good, as I really didn't want her wondering what this black and white Corgi was doing staring at her.

"Couldn't resist a departing glance?" said Ajax.

"Just making sure she wasn't..."

"Yeah I know. No need to explain. I know all about it, remember?" He turned towards me, sunlight reflecting off his brown eyes. "It's ok. I won't break your balls about it anymore...at least for today." I caught a faint smirk on his muzzle as he turned away.

"Oh geeze, thanks! Why the sudden change? You're starting to be nice to me!" I laughed as I dug out a protein bar from my cargo pants.

"No reason. Just thought I would be different." The smirk stayed on his muzzle. "Don't get used to it," he said taking a bite out of an apple.

Ripping off the wrapper, I took a bite as we continued to walk in companionable silence. I was just about to comment on work-related problems when a voice yelled out:

"Ajax! FarFar"!

Turning my head around, I saw a silver and white husky bounding down the walkway. Her light blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight, matched by her big smile.

"Hey Allie!" I said, wagging my tail. By now she reached us and gave me a friendly hug. "I'm surprised they let you out of that cage you call an office!"

Wagging her tail back at me she said, "Being the boss does allow for special privileges! Speaking of which, she turned to Ajax, did you finish that task that I sent you this morning?"

"Uh, nope not yet," he stammered. Enjoying his discomfort, I allowed a sly grin to cross my muzzle. Allie was his boss and she had a reputation for being a task master.

"No worries. Just make sure you get it done before you leave today. I will need all of that data for a project tomorrow."

"Ok, no problem." He glanced at me, ears pinned back and with a cringing look on his face.

"Now that that is solved, let's keep walking. I didn't come out here to talk work stuff. Besides, it's not often that I have two handsome men to keep me company!"

"Well, I don't know about TWO, said Ajax. That green fur tuft on FarFar's head can't be called handsome!"

"I happen to disagree with you, said Allie as she rubbed a paw along the top of my head. I think it's rather cute."

I couldn't help but smile at that comment...and the attention.

"What about your husband, Dante? Would he find it cute?"

"I'm not sure about that. I do know he finds your green eyebrows somewhat startling."

"Humph. I will take that as a compliment. Better than Mr. dull and boring over there," I laughed as I waved a paw toward Ajax.

Hearing a predictable growl issuing from his throat, I was satisfied that he seemed annoyed by the comment.

"Oh, get off it, Allie laughed. Can't you stop teasing each other even for a moment?"

"Nope!" we both said in unison.

"Well, that is still better then shop talk. So, what else is going on?" Lunch break was almost over, so we continued walking along the path which took us back to our respective buildings.

"Are you coming to the snack night that I'm having on Friday?" I said to Allie. "I know that Ajax is already planning on it."

"Yeah, you make the best pizzas," he said while smacking his lips.

"Just because you're too lazy to make any!"

Another growl from his throat. Another smirk on my muzzle.

Smiling, Allie said, "Sure, I will be there. I like how we all just hang out, eat, and do fun stuff. Text me when you figure out what time it is going to be."

"Hey FarFar, are you going to stop by my house and pick up those canvas frames that I made?" said Ajax. "No rush, but I kinda want to get them out of my basement."

"No prob. I can swing by after I clock out. I do want to hang up those sketches that I have been working on."

"How is that going?" said Allie. "I know you have been going to the art institute for lessons."

"Going well, in my ever-humble opinion!" I caught Ajax rolling his eyes. "Always a work in progress. I want to keep getting better."

"I'm sure you will. Well guys, I need to get back to work." She was already walking towards the building as she glared back at Ajax. "And, what about you?" I caught the smirk on her muzzle, but Ajax already had his head turned away from her. I noticed that his ears were flat against his head and that his was tail limp.

"Ok, ummmm... yeah, I better get going. See you later, FarFar!"

I waved to them both as I turned down the path towards my workplace.

Glad she's not my boss.

_ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_

Early evening. I started to pull into Ajax's driveway when I noticed that his head and torso were deep into the engine compartment of his car. His legs and furry tail were all that was visible to me.

Should I? Or should I be nice....

Making an instant decision, I beeped the horn, causing him to jump and almost hit his head on the hood of his car.

"You fucker! Why the hell did you do that for?" He took a few steps towards me, hackles raised on the back of his neck.

"Payback, my friend! I think I owed you that one!"

He stopped a few feet away, hackles now down, but eyes still flashing with menace.

"Humph! You payed me back overtime with that one. I would watch my back if I was you!" As he turned away from me, I saw a smile crawling across his muzzle.

"If you are done fucking around, come over here and see if you can help me figure out what's wrong with this engine."

"Me? I'm no mechanic. I don't know a thing about cars, other then knowing where to plug them in. Still giving you problems?"

"Yeah. I have worked on it for the past hour and can't figure it out. About ready to toss the damn thing. I need a break. I'm going to go inside and get those frames. Make yourself at home."

Looking around, I saw another car parked in the driveway. Not knowing who it belonged to, I was looking at it when I heard a door shut. Figuring it was Ajax with my frames, I looked up and was startled when I saw Allie looking back at me.

"Hey Allie! What are you doing here? I thought you would have been home by now."

"Dante is working late tonight, so I figured I would come over and hang out. Besides, I knew you would be coming over and I wanted to talk to you." She moved right in front of me.

"About what?"

"Can I ask you a personal question? Are you dating anyone right now?"

Typical Allie, ask and then go ahead without waiting. She can be so impatient.

"Well, yeah you can ask if it is not too personal, and no I'm not dating right now. What's it to you?" I said with a bit of annoyance. "I didn't think my personal life was any of your concern."

"Please don't be upset. Really, I just wanted to talk to you for a bit."

"I still don't know why...."

"Shhhhhhhh. Be quiet." She moved forward and placed her paw around my muzzle holding it gently, but firmly. "Will you let me speak? I have your best interest in mind."

Nodding to her, I was wondering what the hell she was thinking. She removed her paw from my muzzle, gently stroking it with one furry finger.

"FarFar, I know you are wary about dating again. I know that your last relationship did not go well, and the one before that ended in tragedy. But you got to reach out. You want to be with someone. I know that. I felt the way you quivered when I stroked your head."

Shit, she noticed that?

"I saw the look in your eyes when I said that your green fur was cute. I felt you shake when I touched your muzzle. You want to be with someone, and you should not let the past get in the way. Aren't there others who you are interested in?"

Why the hell can't I hide things from her?

"There are others, but I think they are closed to me."

She looked at me intently, her light blue orbs staring into my brown eyes.

"Have you asked them?"

There you go again!

"No, I haven't. Look Allie I don't want you to be..."

"I'm not interfering in your life, she interrupted. I want you to move on. What has it been? Five or six months? I remember how you were in your last relationship, before it blew up." She caught my fiery glare and mellowed her voice. "I thought the two of you worked it all out."

"We did," I said with conviction.

"Ok, that's great! Move on! You were happy and content with her before all hell broke loose. And, you were happy and content with Jaxx before his death. The point is, YOU WERE HAPPY! You can be happy again. Those of us who are your friends would like to see that. Ok? Just think about it some."

She sure knows her stuff. Dante is one lucky bastard.

Moving towards me, she placed a paw on my shoulder, a smile crossing her face. We then embraced in a friendship hug, timed perfectly with Ajax coming back outside.

Laughing, he walked towards us with the frames in his paws. "I leave the two of you alone and look what happens! FarFar, it must be that green tuft on the top of your head!"

"Naw! I think it is just my charming personality!" Allie caught my grin and replied:

"Actually, it is his shiny black and white fur that I find appealing. Very nice for a Corgi." She gave me a quick wink.

"Sure, whatever you both say." Ajax placed the frames into my car.

"Thanks again for making the frames. They look great. I hate to run, but I gotta get going. Will text you both the time for the snack night on Friday.

"Ok no problem." said Ajax as he walked over to give me a quick hug.

Allie was next. She whispered:

"Don't forget our talk." She then smiled and walked away.

After dinner, I decided to go to bed earlier then usual. The day was exhausting, and I wanted to sleep. As I drifted off, one conversation kept replaying:

"Aren't there others who you are interested in?"

Well, yes....

Uncertain Chapter 2

_Coffee? Do I smell coffee?_ Slowly waking up, I sniffed the air. It wasn't a dream! The rich smell of mocha drenched my nostrils, as my ears picked up the faint sounds of gurgling and dripping. I laid back on my pillow, relaxing and anticipating...

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