Your New Life

Story by lukabunny on SoFurry

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Cameron, an arctic fox, is kicked out at 18, but finds refuge with a handsome orca. But what's the price of his living there?

The white fox shifted nervously as he stood in front of the door, contemplating whether or not to knock. In one hand, he held a duffle bag with everything he owned: Clothes, books, and his life savings of $1348 dollars were inside, packed together neatly like he'd been instructed. In his other hand, he held his phone, with all his contacts still logged but nothing else on it; no apps, no photos. He sighed.

Cameron had turned 18 only a few weeks prior, and promptly his parents had kicked him out to live on his own. He'd never gotten the grades for college, nor did he have the technical skills for trade school. But one skill he did have was serving men, and he'd found someone to take him in graciously.

That man was a muscular, middle-aged Orca named Dave, an accountant for a large firm in the city. Cameron already knew he made really good money by the things he'd offered to buy him over text, but now, standing before the door of his high-rise, he gulped.

What was he getting himself into?

He knocked once and stood back, waiting. A few seconds later, the door swung open, and behind it stood Dave. Cameron gulped again.

The Orca was wearing only a pair of tight fitting gym shorts, putting his impressive frame on display immediately. He had thick thighs and abs that streamlined well into his pecs and biceps, and a handsome face complete with a smirk as he watched the white fox look him over.

"Was wondering when you'd show up. Inside, pup." He spoke evenly, his voice deep. Cameron nodded and stepped inside.

He tried not to gasp upon seeing the apartment, just as luxurious and beautiful as he'd imagined. He strolled into the living room and set his bag down on the carpet, looking around.

"I told you it was big." He heard Dave chuckle behind him, and he turned, smiling and blushing a little at his new handsome roommate, and nodded.

"So, guess I should explain how this will work," Dave said, stepped past the fox and into the living room. He seated himself on the couch and moved his tail to the side, creating a space for Cameron to join him. The fox took the hint and did, his eyes aimed at the floor, clutching his phone nervously in his hand. The orca put an arm around him.

"Now, as we discussed on the phone, you can live here with me for as long as you'd like," Dave explained, reaching over with his other hand and resting it on Cameron's knee, "However, as I'm sure you can imagine, I can't let you live for free. You'll take care of me and live as my servant here, attending to whatever I desire."

Cameron nodded slowly in understanding, figuring that there had to be some type of catch to this man's generosity. Not that he was complaining; "taking care" of a big orca meant lots of sex and probably some other tasks like cleaning and cooking, things he could learn.

"Sure, I understand, Dave." He replied.

"You know that means you'll be sleeping with me quite frequently, yes?"

Cameron nodded again, "Yeah, I understand. I'm alright with it."

The orca caught him off guard by moving in and pressing his muzzle against his own in a gentle kiss, and Cameron sighed, returning it. The orca pulled away and smiled at the brief exchange.

"Good, good. I expect that you anticipated this, yes?"

"Yes, I was, but it sounds wonderful. You're very generous for letting me live here."

The orca hummed thoughtfully and rubbed his chin, smiling slyly. Cameron tilted his head and looked confused.

"Something wrong, Dave?"

The orca chuckled and stood up from his position on the couch. He headed off to the adjacent bedroom and returned with a knapsack. He sat back down.

"Nothing is wrong, boy. I'm happy that you were expecting some kindof trade off. But there's a bit more to it than that." He explained, opening the sack and removing a metal cage formed like a cock. Cameron's eyes widened; he'd never seen anything like this, but he could put two and two together pretty easily.

"Now, as my pet and servant, you will have a few rules. First, you'll be required to wear this. Don't worry, I had it fitted to your size after you told me how big you were." Dave offered the metal device to Cameron, who gulped and took it, running his hands over the cool steel.

"Next, you'll also be required to crossdress, meaning all the clothes you brought with you will probably be useless. I'll provide you with outfits to wear each day, and won't make you spend your own money on them." Dave continued, removing a pair of stockings and handing them to the fox. Cameron felt better about this than he did the cage, but was nervous to see where Dave was going with all this.

"Lastly, I'll occasionally bring a few friends from work over - Don't worry, nobody that would potentially harm or hurt you, as that's not my intent. But I do expect you to service them the same way you would me." He finished, removing a leather collar from the bag. Cameron eyed the collar and felt his cock jump with excitement; he wasn't exactly "kinky" per say, but he certainly had his interests. Collars were one of them.

There was a brief silence between the two as Dave watched Cameron thumb over the items he'd given him. He waited for the fox to make a decision.

For Cameron, he came to the realization that he'd essentially signed up to be this man's plaything. But what were his alternatives? Back to the halfway house he'd been staying in? To the street corners as a prostitute? He realized quickly this was his best option, whether or not he was comfortable with all of it.

"O-Okay, I understand, Dave. And I accept everything." He confirmed, moving his eyes to gaze at the orca's handsome face. Looking up at him and realizing how handsome he truly was made him feel a whole lot better about what he'd agreed to.

"Great." The older man replied, standing up again and stalking off to the kitchen. The fox watched him walk, his toned ass moving with each step, his tail swishing behind him. He felt himself go hard in his jeans again, and blushed.

"I should probably mention you'll have a few perks here as well. I'll provide you with an allowance that you can spend on anything you wish, and you'll have one day off a week where you don't need to wear the belt or any of the feminine clothes." Dave called to him from the kitchen, rummaging around in his wallet. He took a few bills out and returned to the living room, handing them to Cameron, who looked surprised.

"W-What's this?" He asked, the excitement evident in his voice.

Dave chuckled, "This weeks allowance."

Cameron counted it up to $300, easily the largest paycheck he'd been given. He smiled warmly at the man, who looked pleased to see him so excited.

"Although, that's for work you're going to do, not work you've done. Please go change into the items I've given you. Wear only the stockings, cage, and collar, no other clothes."

Cameron's expression changed from excitement to embarrassment as he heard what he was being asked to do, but quickly decided that the orca was being more than fair. They'd only just met and he'd already given him a huge sum of money. And in return for what? For him to wear a collar and some stockings around the house? He began to realize how lucky he was to have found this man.

"Right away! Of course!" He replied excitedly, standing and grabbing the items and hurrying off to the nearest bathroom. He stripped down nude and caught a glance of himself in the mirror; perfect white fur, a plump ass, and a cute face. He'd never felt so confident about himself until then.

The stockings and collar fitted on easily, but the chastity belt provided more challenge. He wasn't sure where the pieces fit, but eventually figured it out, slipping the cage down his shaft and locking it into place. He held the key in his hand and returned to the living room.

Dave grinned when he saw the fox return, his white fur accented beautifully by the black stockings and leather collar. He noted the cage clipped snugly in place, and held out his hand for the key, which Cameron gave to him obediently. He went to sit back down, but Dave grunted and shook his head.

"No no, not now. You'd look much better on your knees, fox." He raised his eyebrows and pointed to the space between his thick legs, and Cameron understood what he was asking.

He kneeled there, the carpet soft on his knees, his face level with Dave's waist. From here, he could make out a visible bulge in his shorts, and he felt his cock try to harden against the metal.

Dave spread his legs a bit more to make himself comfy, and then pulled the waistband of his shorts down, his thick cock flopping out. The smell almost immediately was evident to Cameron, who tried not to drool as he reached out to palm the big cock. It was easily the thickest he'd ever seen.

"Pleasure me with your mouth like you've talked about wanting to do on the phone. Swallow every drop of my cum." Dave ordered, his voice more like a growl now, and Cameron nodded, not needing to be told twice.

He leaned forward and took the head of the orca into his mouth, using his hands to palm and stroke the base. He grinned as he took more of the man into his muzzle, loving the feeling, weight, and smell. It was everything he'd dreamed of when he'd first messaged the man, now all for him to enjoy.

He managed to deepthroat the orca quickly, who groaned at the sensation of the warm and wet hole working his cock. Dave reached over and cupped his hand behind Cameron's ear, using it to pull him back and forth on his rod, making him take him from tip to base each time.

The orca picked up his speed, grunting and huffing more as he drew close to his orgasm, finally pulling him down with both hands and holding him flush against his crotch while he emptied himself.

Cameron swallowed down every drop of the orca's seed, just as he'd been ordered too. He struggled to breath while being pulled against the orca's crotch, but what little air he could get was clouded with the man's thick musk. His cock was pressing against the metal, but unable to get hard.

Finally, Dave removed his hands and allowed the fox to pull off, gasping as he did for fresh air and relief on his throat. The older man chuckled.

"You were a very good boy." He praised, offering the fox a hand up, which he gratefully took.

The large orca waited for his new pet to catch his breath after such a large load, and patted his thigh in appreciation. He tilted the foxes head over to look at him when he'd relaxed a bit.

"You've got one hour to get your things straightened in your new room, and then I want you back downstairs right here, ready for round two. Okay?"

Cameron shuddered at the words, the realization melting in that he was now owned and controlled by this man, but also provided for and protected by him. He shuddered in excitement, loving every second. He nodded clearly.

"Yes, of course."

He hurried off to fix his room and arrange his things, more than excited to begin his new life.