A Fighting Chance

Story by Wolfsfang on SoFurry

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#1 of Everything Changes

Kiba skidded to a stop just at the edge of the ring, his foot claws digging little grooves into the gym floor. He shook himself violently, sending droplets of sweat flying from light brown fur. Growling softly in the back of his throat, one paw clutching aching ribs, he straightened painfully and returned to the marks in the center of the ring. Across from him, his opponent, a huge rottweiler named Shiro, smirked arrogantly at him. Straightening his black gi with a quick snap of his paws, canine swaggered back to the center marks

"Why don't you just give up now?" he taunted. "There's no need to humilate yourself further."

"Fuck you," Kiba spat.

His opponent just grinned. "Not a chance, fag. Though after you're done losing, you can have the honor of licking my paws as you bow to my superiority." Kiba flushed hotly and started forwards, but the ring judge stepped between them.

"Cut that out," the black-belted canine snapped, spitting both competitors with a glare. "Remember the rules of conduct, both of you." Stepping back, he raised a paw into the air. "Judges! Decision!"

All four corner judges pointed at Shiro. The ring judge nodded and stepped forwards once more. "Shiro, two, Kiba, zero! A third point wins! Ready?"

Kiba stepped back and raised his paws in a sparring guard, his breathing quickening. He had to stop Shiro this time. He didn't think he could bear the shame of losing. Shiro cracked his knuckles loudly, then dropped back into his sparring stance, complete with a mocking 'get it over with' flick of his paw.

The ring judge raised his paw again, then swung it down between the competitors, leaping backwards. "Begin!"

Kiba charged off of his mark, ducking behind his guard, trying to push the rottweiler back. One jarring punch slammed into his guard, slowing him. The second stopped him cold, pushing his arms away and breaking his guard. Kiba began to backpedal, trying to get away--Shiro's kick was just a bit faster.

The brown-furred canine hit the hardwood floor with a loud whuff as the air was blasted out of his lungs. As he gasped for breath, he saw Shiro grinning, mouthing the word 'loser' at him. Above him, the ring judge raised a paw, and over the sound of his own panting, Kiba heard the black belt call out.

"Final point! Winner: Shiro!"

Later that day, long after the end of the tournament, Kiba finally stripped out of his sweat-soaked gi and turned on one of the locker room showers full blast. He plunged himself under the stream of water, gritting his teeth at the heat. The call of the judge still rang in his ears, and he could still see Shiro's arrogant grin as his girlfriend and his 'pack' of jock friends had mobbed him, slapping him on the back and cheering his win. Kiba had been to pick himself up off the floor, wincing and sore. Before he'd had a chance to sneak off, Shiro had broken off from his group of 'friends and made his way over to him, still smiling mockingly.

"Good match, puppy," he'd said, feigning good cheer. "I gotta admit, I love fighting you in these things. After all, how many times do I get a guaranteed win? And I get to beat up on a weakling tail-raiser like you, too. Double bonus!" His friends had laughed, and Kiba had felt his face flush hotly.

"Don't call me that," he'd muttered, through gritted teeth. Big mistake.

"Oh? You're not a fag?" Shiro snorted. "I'm sorry! You just fight like one, that's all! My mistake!" More laughter from his group of fans. "But, feel free to come back for the fall tournament! Only three months from now...I'll be waiting, when you feel the need to lose." The rottweiler had stalked off, tail held high, his 'pack' closing in on him once more.

Kiba pounded his fist on the tile of the shower wall, ignoring the pain that shot up his paw, oblivious to the water that ran down his face and dripped from his muzzle. "Why me?" he muttered, to noone in particular. "Maybe I should just quit. Maybe I am just a weak-assed faggot..."

After all, wasn't one of the reasons that he'd waited so long to clean up the fact that he hated the press of gym showers? He hated being in the middle of all the jocks, naked and vulnerable. He always felt small and weak, compared to some of the muscled, god-like people at his school. Most of all, he hated how he had to keep from staring at well-built bodies and thick sheaths, always having to suppress how aroused the thought of them made him...

Tail tucked between his legs, ears plastered back, Kiba growled into the empty locker room, angry and humiliated. It wasn't so much the losing. It wasn't so much Shiro's taunting, or how he always managed to make Kiba look weak and stupid. It was that Shiro, as always, was right.


Kiba managed, barely, to make it through the rest of the weekend and most of Monday mostly unscathed. Shiro was especially intolerable, being in a good mood after his win on Saturday. Kiba found himself bumped into lockers twice between classes, had a soda 'accidentally' spilled on him at lunch, and was scathingly humiliated in the locker room after gym class.

His mood was understandably black as headed back to the gym for karate class that evening. Kiba managed to dodge Shiro before warmups by getting there extra early, and staying out of the rottweiler's line of sight. He noted, idly, that there was a new student in the class--a canine with a crimson gi, and a red belt tied around his waist.

After warmups, Sensei brought the new student up in front of the class. On a better glance, he had more than a bit of husky blood in him, as brilliantly blue eyes and silver-and-white fur made plain. He was tall, taller than Shiro's six-feet-flat, if not quite as heavy in build. He was also, as Kiba noted with some internal dismay, a rather attractive young wuff, especially in the blood-red uniform.

"This is Dan Serris," he heard Sensei saying, as Kiba tried to tear his attention away from the newcomer. "He's just transferred over to Frostwolf High from Nebraska, where he'd studied karate for..." The instructor paused, looking to the husky for confirmation.

"Five years," the new student replied.

"Five years, right," Sensei nodded. "He's trained under Sensei Kazuya, an old friend of mine. I trust you'll make him feel welcome and behave yourselves," he said, pointedly fixing a narrow-eyed glare at Shiro.

"Hey, as long as he has the skills to keep up with the best..." the rottweiler said, the picture of wounded innocence.

"That will be quite enough from you, Shiro," Sensei said. "Alright, Dan, return to the line please, and we'll start basics exercises..."

Once more, Kiba only barely managed to get through the class. This time, though, Shiro had nothing to do with it. The newcomer held his attention in spite of himself, and several times Kiba found himself staring at the husky, doing nothing more than watching him move. He did get through class without embarrassing himself, though with more than a few reprimands from Sensei to keep his mind on the class.

Finally, it came time for sparring, Kiba's least favorite (and Shiro's most beloved), part of the class. Kiba pulled on his sparring pads as slowly as he could, delaying the inevitable, waiting for Sensei to call up the pairs to spar. He watched, disinterestedly, as some of the white belts sparred clumsily, barely able to kick without falling over, then more of the lower ranks. He very nearly missed it when Sensei called him up to the mat.

"Kiba, Shiro, up!"

Inwardly, Kiba groaned. He tried to ignore the other canine's smirk, or the way he stalked up to his mark on the mat. On Sensei's command, they both dropped back into sparring stances, and the instructor began the match. Distracted and still plagued by the humiliation of the tournament, Kiba found himself getting slaughtered once more by Shiro. He started fighting defensively, just trying to dodge and block, but Shiro still found ways to batter down his guard. Finally, after the second time that the rottweiler kicked him to the mat, Sensei broke them apart.

"Attention! Bow! Shake hands. Good match!" Kiba shook hands as little as possible, glowering at the ground, trying to ignore the mockery and contempt in Shiro's eyes.

"Shiro, out. Kiba, stay. Dan, up!"

Kiba's eyes widened and his ears came up in surprise. The husky popped up from where he sat and crossed over to the marks in a couple of long strides. He grinned around his mouthpiece at the smaller canine, seeming to be actually cheerful. Kiba looked away, trying to ignore him. He might get humiliated by Shiro, but he'd show this newcomer, at least, that he wasn't as weak as he seemed. Biting down hard into his mouthpiece, he forced himself to glare into the husky's ice-blue eyes, and took a bitter sort of satisfaction from seeing how the newcomer's smile flickered and died.

"Attention!" called Sensei. "Bow! Sparring stance!" Kiba snapped back into his fighting stance with a loud kiai, while the husky settled back more easily, bouncing lightly on his feet, barking softly to show his readiness. "Begin!"

Kiba lunged at the husky with a low growl, launching every attack he could think of. He lashed out with foot and fist, low, then high. He ducked a string of punches and kicks from the larger canine, then stepped in with a quick salvo of punches--and felt the last one connect with the husky's stomach, breaking through a hole in the new student's guard. The canine stumbled backwards, driven back by the force of the strike. Kiba felt himself smile triumphantly, and met the husky's eyes--and felt the smile die as ice-cold blue eyes locked on his.

He realized, far too late, that the husky had been going easy on him, because for the rest of the match, he didn't even get close. Wherever he was, Dan wasn't. Wherever he didn't want his opponent to be, the husky was. Each time, he would attack, and the husky would dodge or deflect his attacks, and retaliate with a series of strikes too fast to follow. Again and again, Kiba felt the husky's fists or footpaws tap lightly against his chest, his stomach, his head. Never more than a tap, not enough to hurt, just a clear message: I got through. I got you. Got you again.

The smaller canine's frustration grew as the match wore on. Spurred by anger, he attacked more and more fiercely, throwing all his strength into his strikes, but the harder he fought, the more the husky seemed to elude him. Finally, he threw one last, desperate kick at the husky's head, but the new student just seemed to glide backwards, letting his kick hit nothing but air.

As they shook hands after the match, Kiba forced himself to meet the husky's gaze again, expecting to see Shiro-style contempt, or that oddly unnerving coolness in those brilliant eyes. Instead, he only found calm, good-natured satisfaction. Somehow, the lack of any sort of ill will was even more discomfiting.

After class, Kiba stayed late, stretching down and cooling off until Shiro and his pals had vacated the locker room before going to change. As he was stuffing his sweat-soaked gi into his gym bag, someone spoke up behind him.

"Hey." Kiba flinched, startled, the voice from behind him yanking him out of his thoughts. "You did pretty good out there." He turned to see the husky standing behind him, smiling amiably. Kiba fought back a flush of humiliated anger--he'd rather have Shiro's contempt than this new guy's pity.

"No, I didn't," he snapped. "Shiro tore me to shreds, then you beat me without even working at it."

The husky just laughed and shook his head. "He made you think he'd torn you apart. To an outside observer, you have the potential to be a much closer match. As for me, you'd be an even match for me, if you fixed a few holes in your style."

"I don't need you to try and make me feel better," Kiba muttered.

The husky snorted, shaking his head again. "Please. I don't do pity. You've got talent, a fair measure of skill, and speed to boot. You just don't know how to put it together." He smiled calmly. "Because of that, you dance to everyone else's tune, reacting to them instead of doing what you're best at."

Kiba lifted his head and stared at the silver-furred canine, half-disbelieving, half angry. "That's very helpful. Thank you. When I figure out how to fix that, I'll let you know. Until then, please just leave me alone." He turned back to his gym bag and started stuffing his dirty uniform into it again.

"I could show you how."

"Say what?"

"I could show you," the husky repeated. "I bet that in three months, I could teach you how to beat every student here."

"You can?" The smaller canine didn't even try to keep the disbelief out of his voice.

"I can." Again, Dan smiled calmly. "That is, if you're not too proud to accept help."

Kiba blinked, then shrugged. Why not? "Show me, then."

"Okay. How about we meet back here, tomorrow, after school?" The husky actually looked pleased.


"Good. By the way, I'm Dan. You're Kiba, right?" The husky stuck out a paw, obviously expecting an answer. Kiba shook it, reluctantly.

"Yeah. That's me" he replied.

"Good to meet you! I'll see you tomorrow, then!"

"Right..." Kiba watched the husky sling his gym bag over his shoulder and walk out of the locker room, a sinking feeling settling over him. What had he gotten into now?


Against his better judgement, Kiba returned to the gym the next day after class. Dan was already there when he arrived, dressed in his gi and stretching out carefully. The husky's ears perked up when he heard the canine come in, and he flashed Kiba a pleased grin.

"I knew you'd show up. C'mon, get your gi and your gear on and we'll get started."

They spent the next hour or so sparring, after a 'light' warmup that left Kiba panting for breath. Occasionally, Dan would stop their bout and make a comment or suggestion, then start again where he'd left off. Kiba found himself growing increasingly frustrated--Dan was still not displaying the full range of moves he was capable off, and he still felt overmatched, and his inability to perform on his tutor's suggestions making him feel even worse.

Even more annoying was the fact that the husky never stopped moving. Even when he was making suggestions, he would bounce on his footpaws, and when he fought...well, sometimes Kiba had a hard time keeping track of him. Once more, he found himself lashing out, fighting desperately, growling low in his throat. After a particularly wild swing, Dan took a couple of steps back and stopped bouncing, holding up a hand to signal Kiba to back off.

"Okay. Stop. Calm down," he said quietly, not quite out of breath. "You need to take the anger down a notch. This is just practice. I think, now, I know more exactly what you need to do; but I can't teach you if you get pissed every time don't think you've lived up to expectations. There's no shame here, no ego. I'm not in this to humiliate you, and that big ass of a rottie won't be able to touch you when we're through."

He smiled wryly at the smaller canine, eyes flashing brightly. "The only shame, despite what that overgrown jock would have you believe, is in not learning from your losses. To try and do everything right the first time is kinda ridiculous."

"Yeah, well, you're not the one he smashes into paste," Kiba retorted, trying not to sound bitter. "You're not the one he humiliates every day."

"The only thing he has on you," the husky replied, "Is that he's made you afraid of him. You lose your matches with him before you even fight--and it's all in your head. That's the other thing you have to learn, besides getting your ego out of it--you need to get the fear out."

"Get the fear out?" Kiba's brow furrowed, his expression dubious.

"Yeah. You're afraid. It's in everything you do, in how you walk, in how you fight. It's like..." The husky looked thoughtful for a second, his tone becoming quieter, more gentle. "You think you're weak, that there's something wrong with you, and you're trying to hide it. It's like you're always afraid someone's gonna look at you and see something you don't want them to see."

Kiba felt something in his gut twist. That hit far too close to home. "Yeah, I'm afraid Shiro's gonna see how pathetic I am," he said, trying to sound scornful, but only managing miserable.

"Maybe." Dan shrugged. "Hey, I'm not gonna pry. Your thoughts are your own. But your fear hampers your fighting, too. It makes you hesitate. You hold back, because you're afraid you're gonna lose if you go all out." He smiled again. "Take it from someone who knows a little about both weakness and being afraid...you can run from it, you can guard it, you can beat it off with a stick, but in the end, there's only one way to make the weakness go away."

"And what do you know about what it feels like?" Kiba snapped. "You, who's so strong and confident and makes me look like an idiot without even trying? Don't screw with me!"

The husky's expression darkened. "Don't get me wrong. This wasn't...always who I was. Like you, I have a couple of skeletons in my closet. But I found out how to fix the weakness, how to get rid of the fear."

"And how's that?"

Dan smiled gently. "You face it. You take the thing you fear and make it part of you, make it a strength, somehow. Take your fighting style, for instance. You think that not being as big and strong as Shiro makes you weaker. But you don't realize that you're faster than him on his best day--you can run circles around him, if you know how." He shrugged again. "You take a weakness and make it a strength."

"I don't think you could ever do that with me," Kiba muttered.

The larger canine shrugged. "I don't know. I doubt it could be that bad...most things aren't, if you look at them right. But enough of me philosophizing." He smiled again, his expression lightening. "Can we at least agree that while I teach you, there is no shame, and no fear? Only the lessons."

Kiba sighed. "I guess. I'll try."

"And I'll try to make it easier on you. C'mon, lemme show you some drills I learned, some stuff to help you learn how to use your speed." The husky clapped his student on the shoulder, and Kiba felt his face flush. "Stick with me, young grasshopper, and you'll kick ass yet. Just give me some time..."


For the next month, each day after school, Kiba and Dan sparred and trained together. Kiba went home exhausted and sweaty, but slowly, it seemed to be getting easier. On the days that they had karate class, they would stay late, discussing their matches and trying to fix things that had gone wrong. Kiba still tried to avoid Shiro, but it was easier now--he was so busy training and talking with Dan that he hardly even noticed Shiro's aggravations.

They also agreed to start meeting on Saturdays, too--on the weekends they'd have more time to spar and work out, without having the interruptions of homework or school. By the end of their first Saturday session, Kiba was sweat-soaked and out of breath, but he was determined to keep going--he could feel a breakthrough in front of him, just out of reach.

He and Daniel were sparring again, darting around each other, throwing quick kicks and punches, looking for a weakness, waiting for an opening for a combo. Suddenly, Dan rushed forwards, a completely out of character move for his usual style. Kiba backpedaled furiously, blocking frantically, then training kicked in and he juked to the side--Dan took a step past him and skidded, trying to stop his momentum, and there it was. Time seemed to stretch out as Kiba threw a snap front kick at the hole in Dan's guard, left by his sudden battle with momentum--and it connected. For the first time in a month of sparring, he'd actually gotten a solid hit in on Dan.

For a moment, the two stared at each other, panting for breath, in a sort of stunned disbelief. Then a grin split Kiba's face, and he leapt into the air, letting out a loud howl of triumph.

"Yes yes yes yes YES!" he cried, bouncing around Dan, pumping a fist in the air. On sheer impulse, he lunged at Dan, wrapping him up in an ecstatic hug. "I did it!"

The husky laughed, bonking him lightly on the head with a fist, grinning as widely as Kiba was. "Dumb dog, I told you so! Now gerroff, you're sweating all over me, you mutt!"

Kiba flushed to the tips of his ears and let go hurriedly. What had he been thinking? He ducked his head and looked away, even his embarrassment not quite enough to kill his grin. "Sorry, uh, I just..."

"Dude, it's okay," Dan laughed. "You did good, you get to be happy!" Grinning, he clapped his 'student' on the back, then grabbed the smaller canine in a headlock and gave him a noogie, laughing good-naturedly. "Now calm down! One hit does not a win make. But...you've done good for the day. C'mon, let's go hit the showers and get cleaned up."

Kiba blinked, and his flush deepened. "Showers? W-wha?"

Dan gave him a sideways glance, wry humor plain on his face. "Showers. You know, those things that spray hot water so you can put soap on you and get clean. Those things. Because we're dripping, and I don't feel like walking out of here smelling like a jock strap."

"O-oh." The smaller canine racked his brain frantically for an excuse, some reason not to go. "Um, I didn't bring any soap or anything..."

"Bah. Borrow mine, then." The husky grabbed Kiba by the back of his gi and started hauling him off to the locker rooms. "C'mon, grasshopper, bath time!"

Kiba kept his head down as they walked into the locker rooms--thankfully empty on the weekends. He started stripping off his own gi slowly, trying to look at anything but his tutor. He heard the husky's gi hit the floor, then his pants. He looked up in spite of himself, and found himself unable to look away.

Dan was turned away from him, clad only in a jock strap, looking away as he rummaged through his gym bag for something. Soft, silver-grey fur spread across most of his body, slicked down and shining with sweat, while a patch of white stretched from his face down the front of his body, his groin, and the inside of his legs. More white fur covered his forearms and paws, while his tail was white on the underside and silver on top.

The husky's entire body rippled with muscle as he moved, well-defined without being bulky, the body of a runner or an all-around-athlete, Kiba guessed, instead of the mass of a bodybuilder or football player. The canine could also see the outline of the husky's sheath and balls under his jock--he found himself beginning to pant softly, fighting the urge to strip off that little bit of cloth and, well...he shut down that line of thought quickly, firmly, and finally.

Finally, Dan turned back to him, and the smaller canine hastily looked away, hurriedly stripping off his gi top and fumbling with his pant's ties. Quickly stripping naked, hoping his arousal wasn't beginning to show, he turned on the shower full blast and stepped under the spray, letting the rising steam obscure him fully.

He heard the husky set something down behind him, and glanced backwards--a bottle of body wash. "The soap," Dan said. "Just hand it over when you're done."

"Uh, okay..." Kiba managed, picking up the bottle and squeezing some into his palm--and saw, out of the corner of his eye, Dan throw his jockstrap onto his pile of dirty clothes and step into the shower. Through the thin curtain between shower stalls, he could see the outline of the husky stretching lazily under the flow of water. He imagined how the other canine's muscles would be rippling under his fur, water running down silver fur and splashing against his sheath...with a low growl, he reached out and yanked the faucet over to 'cold', gritting his teeth against the sudden assault of freezing water.

It was probably just his imagination, but he thought he could hear the husky laugh, quietly.


Over the next two and a half months, as the fall tournament neared, the two martial artists trained harder, if possible. Kiba lost track of the hours he spent in the husky's company, training, sparring, discussing tactics, occasionally just hanging out, being friends. Steadily, Kiba's skill improved, until he was able to nearly match the husky blow for blow. He was gratified by the feeling that he was finally able to push Dan as much as Dan pushed him--for the first time in the years he'd been taking martial arts, he actually felt...strong.

He also found himself looking forward to weekend sessions with the husky, to the guilty pleasure he took from seeing the husky's nearly-naked (or, with luck, fully naked) form. Even as his his training increased, so did his uneasiness. It was wrong to keep Dan in the dark, to steal secret pleasure from him without his knowledge. Finally, a week before the tournament, made up his mind--that Saturday, he'd tell Dan the truth.

The session did not go well. Distracted, he failed to even score a single touch on Dan during their sparring. Finally, the husky suggested that they should just pack it in early. Kiba flushed, and trailed behind his friend all the way to the locker room. As they peeled off their gis, he hesitated, swallowed hard, and spoke.

"Um, Dan?" he asked, wincing at how nervous he sounded.

"Yeah?" The husky pulled off his gi pants and tossed them to one side. "What's up?"

"I...Dan, I...there's something I gotta tell you."

"What is it?" Dan glanced over at him, mild concern in his gaze. Hooking a paw through the waistband of his jock strap, he peeled that off and tossed it aside. "What's wrong?"

Kiba blushed so hard it felt like his fur would light on fire, his gaze snapping up to fix on the ceiling. "Dan, I'm gay, okay?" he burst out, feeling very foolish. "Y-you have a right to know...I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier--I just..." He sighed softly, hanging his head. "I'm sorry. You probably shouldn't be getting all, um, naked around me. Might be bad..."

To the smaller canine's utter shock, Dan laughed. "Dude, is that all?" The husky grinned, more than a little mischievously. "I figured that out a while ago. I just figured you'd tell me when you were ready. Like I said, your secrets are your own."

"Y-you did?" Kiba blinked, stunned--he'd been less out of it after taking one of Shiro's kicks to the head.

"Yeah. By the way, the way you check me out when you think I'm not looking is really kinda cute. I can teach you how to do it better, if you want. I've had a lot of practice."

"You what?!" The smaller canine felt his jaw drop open as he realized just what Dan was telling him. "But...you..." He took a step backwards, then another--and slipped on a puddle of water. His footpaws scrabbled for a hold for a brief moment, then he felt himself falling backwards. The canine managed to twist in midair, to try and get his arms under him, and caught a glimpse of the corner of one of the locker room benches rushing up to meet him. Then something large and heavy collided with him in midair, a silver-white blur. He tumbled and hit the ground with a loud thud, rolling and skidding across the floor, before smacking into something large, firm, and unmoving with a bone-rattling jolt.

Slowly, he opened his eyes. His side ached, and he felt like he'd been shaken and stirred, but his head didn't hurt, and he didn't see any blood. Something heavy and soft pressed on him from above--the pressure eased a bit, and Kiba realized that Dan was lying on top of him, propped up on one arm.

He looked up and into slightly dizzy-looking brilliant blue eyes, and a white muzzle that broke into a weary grin. "Ah. Oof. You okay?" the husky asked.

Kiba nodded, his breath catching in his throat, as the scent of sweat and fur and husky filled his muzzle. "Uh...y-yeah, I'm f-fine.." he stammered, shivering slightly as his adrenaline high began to fade.

"Good." If anything, the husky's grin widened, making him look rather goofy. "Y'know, you're pretty cute at this range. You're pretty cute at any range, really."

Instinct supplied the smaller canine's next answer. "No, I'm not!"

Dan chuckled, deep in his throat. "Oh, please. You think you were the only one doing any checking out during these showers?" The husky's grin faded a bit, and he looked away. "I told you. You're not the only one who knows about being afraid."

Kiba felt his face go flame red, his mouth hanging open. "Oh..." Instinct kicked in again, and supplied a better reply. He craned his neck upwards and kissed the husky, one paw coming up to hook around the back of the other canine's neck. He saw Dan's blue eyes widen in surprise, then the husky made a pleased-sounding noise and gently licked the brown fur of his muzzle. Without thinking about it, Kiba opened his muzzle and allowed the husky's tongue in. They kissed deeply, lost in each other's touch, gently exploring each other with hands and mouths and tongues.

On impulse, after what seemed like hours, Kiba ran his claws gently down Dan's back, combing furrows in damp, silver fur before cupping the husky's ass in his paw, eliciting another pleased noise. Kiba felt the husky reach down and pull down his gi pants. The smaller canine's cock strained against his jockstrap, bulging with the effort of keeping his arousal contained. Grinning hungrily, Dan yanked the jockstrap off, letting Kiba's stiff length stand free in the cool air. Six inches long, it stood up proudly, a pearl of pre gleaming at the tip.

Kiba moaned softly against the husky's lips as the canine wrapped a paw around his length, caressing it gently with his fingers, running the pad of his thumb gently across the drop of pre. Smiling, he licked it off of his finger, then slid slowly down the smaller canine's chest until he was resting between Kiba's legs. Carefully, with relish, he slid his tongue slowly up the canine shaft, from base to tip, smile widening as he heard the canine whimper with pleasure.

Kiba whined as the husky ministered to his throbbing cock with his tongue, lapping and slurping at it delightfully. Slowly, Dan took the canine's length between his lips, sliding it into his muzzle, making Kiba nearly senseless with pleasure. His hips twitched and thrust into the husky's mouth as Dan sucked his cock, the feeling so much better than he could have possibly imagined while pawing off.

"Ohh...please, more," he moaned, a wonderful warmth filling him, flowing out from his groin. It built as Dan bobbed up and down on his cock, burying his muzzle in the smaller canine's crotch as he took his full length into his muzzle--he couldn't take this much longer, he was going to blow...

"Please...Dan..." he gasped, panting for breath. "No more...I want..." Dan stopped, slowly removing his mouth from the canine's cock, almost reluctantly. His brow furrowed, and dark eyes clouded.

"You want me to stop?"

Kiba just stared at him, incredulous. "Oh, god no. He blushed, looking away, shivering with embarrassment and desire. "I want...you in me. Please?" He looked up into Dan's eyes, hopeful yet hesitant.

"It'll hurt..." Dan whispered, worriedly.

"I know..." Kiba reached down and grasped the husky's shaft with a paw. It was thick and full in his hand, slick with pre and throbbing at his touch. It would be painful alright, and he still wanted it more than anything in the world. "Do it, please."

The husky nodded, caressing the other canine's muzzle softly before leaning forwards to kiss Kiba once more. The smaller canine felt Dan spread his legs with his knees, lifting his rump into the air. He gasped into the husky's mouth as Dan's firm, slick shaft pressed against his tailhole and spread it open as it slid inside.

"Ahh..." he moaned, eyes clenching shut as pain lanced through him, the husky's thick cock spreading him open, stretching his virgin hole. Slowly, seemingly endlessly, he felt Dan's length slide into him, the husky pushing his hips down until he was hilted inside the smaller canine. Kiba whined in pain, claws digging into the tile floor--then strong arms surrounded him, pulling him close, holding him safe until the pain began to fade.

"Easy there, hon," Dan murmured, his voice sounding strained. "Just relax, I've got you...I've got you, love, it's okay..."

Kiba whined softly, burying his muzzle in the husky's shoulder--he relaxed, slowly, around Dan's shaft, the pain easing and being replaced with a pleasant warmth spreading out from his gut. He took a deep, shuddering breath and looked up, meeting the other canine's eyes. He could lose himself in those eyes, ice-blue and gentle--how could he have missed the affection and desire in Dan's gaze?

"I-I'm ready," he whispered, tilting his head up to catch Dan with another kiss.

He felt the thick shaft slide out of him, then plunge in again to fill him completely, and this time the pleasure was greater than the pain, making him moan with the force of it. He heard Dan groan with his own pleasure and thrust again, and again, slowly, mating him with long, deep strokes. He wrapped his legs around the husky's waist and pulled him in, welcoming his cock, and the pleasure it brought him.

Kiba felt the husky spread him open again, and again; he clung to Dan's broad back, gasping and yipping with pleasure. He pressed his muzzle into the husky's fur, filling his nose with the scent of sweat and sex as Dan's thrusting shaft erased every other thought. He shook with the pleasure of it, of being fucked soundly by his friend--no, his lover.

He felt his own knot begin to swell at the base of his shaft, felt Dan's hard knot slamming into him, stretching him even wider with a glorious mix of pleasure edged with pain. "Ah...nn...t-tie me...please...Dan," he begged, wrapping his arms around the husky's back and clinging to him, gasping for breath

Kiba felt the knot swell until it was almost too big to take, until he was stretched to his limits--Dan thrust against his hole once, twice...and on the third thrust, it popped inside of him. Dan yelped, loudly, and Kiba felt the shaft inside him pulse and throb as the husky came, wet heat filling him as the husky unleashed blast after blast of hot canine seed.

The knowledge that Dan was in him, cumming in him, tying him, was too much. He buried his face into the husky's shoulder and stifled a long, powerful howl as he climaxed. Long ropes of milky cum spurted from his shaft, spraying over his and Dan's chests and stomach, his body jerking and shivering as he came. Then they were still, and for a long moment, they lay together, Dan collapsing softly onto his chest, smearing Kiba's seed across his white fur. His cock was still tied inside the canine's rump, filling him warmly. Then, smiling tiredly, he kissed the canine softly, panting but satisfied, ice blue eyes glowing.

"I love you, Kiba...for all your weaknesses and all your strengths," he whispered.<

Kiba smiled. So this was what he'd been missing out on. "Love you too..."


A week later, Kiba stood on the center marks of a tournament ring, clad in a crimson gi. Across from him stood a very frustrated looking Shiro, glaring daggers at his opponent. The ring judge stepped up and raised a paw, glancing around at the judges.

"Judges! Score!" Four paws pointed towards Kiba.

"Kiba, two, Shiro, nothing! Sparring stance!"

As Kiba slid back easily into his sparring stance, bouncing comfortably on his feet, he glanced past Shiro and into the crowd. Dan stood by the ring, arms crossed, grinning happily. They were now more than friends...they hadn't agreed on exactly what yet, but 'more' worked for now. He grinned at the husky as the ring judge stepped forwards once more, raising his paw.

"Ready! Begin!"

Shiro charged off of his mark, launching a powerful salvo of kicks and punches. Once upon a time, Kiba would have been intimidated, backpedaling, frantically guarding and blocking. Now he could see how slow the rottweiler really was, how much he did the same things over and over. The smaller canine ducked easily to the side, deflected a wild punch--and there it was. A nice big gap in the canine's defenses as he dropped his arms to guard against a low attack.

Lunging in, Kiba's fist shot out, and he knew that if he let loose, he could strike the rottweiler at full force, rattling his skull, paying him back for every strike and humiliation. Instead, he reached out almost lazily, tapping Shiro on the muzzle with his fist, and dancing back out of reach.

"Break!" yelled the ring judge, and Shiro just stopped, standing in the middle of the ring with a stunned expression. "Judges, score!"

Four paws pointed at Kiba.

"Match point! Winner: Kiba!"

A silver and white blur shot out of the crowd and slammed into him, yelping happily. Strong arms hugged him, picked him up and spun him around before setting him down. Grinning, Kiba found himself staring into Dan's dancing blue eyes.

"I did it," he said, beginning to laugh. "I did it!"