The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Two

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox

Judy Hopps seeks counsel from one of the most important people in her life, before returning to the arms of the fox she loves with renewed hopes for their future.

This story was written thanks to the kind supporters of my Patreon, and is finally being posted in its entirety elsewhere for folks to enjoy. It contains sexual acts between consenting adults, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Two

The sounds of rabbits arguing, rabbits laughing, rabbits talking and rabbits doing a hundred other things rang in Judy's sharp ears as she sat on the front porch of what had once been her home. Between her paws was clutched a rather large mug of coffee, and she sipped at it in regular, steady slurps as she watched over a cluster of brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins, all somehow managing to keep track of about a dozen separate games of soccer between them even though they were all sharing the same patch of farmyard as their pitch.

She was glad to be here, of course she was, it was always wonderful to return home to see the family. But as she paused in her sipping for a moment and simply inhaled the rich, bitter scent of the coffee Judy couldn't help but long to be lying in bed with Nick. Stealing sips from his mug of coffee rather than getting her own. Leaning against his fluffy chest and inhaling deeply of his scent, feeling her heart flutter as he stroked her ears so innocently and yet so very intimately all at once.

A hand landed upon her shoulder. Judy jumped, and cursed loudly as a wave of coffee welled up over the side of her mug and splashed down over the cotton robe she was wearing. Immediately two dozen or so of the kids playing nearby began to chant the word, and soon the farmyard echoed with the bunnies' gleeful professing of that singular word.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Judy looked up apologetically at her mother, but Bonnie just rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Don't worry, sweetie. Last month your father hit his thumb with a hammer while he was putting up some new shelves in the pantry. We had to keep all the children out of school all week to keep the entirety of Bunnyburrows' education system from adding a dozen new words to their vocabulary. Never mind all that though. What's got you so jumpy? I thought you brave officers of the law didn't know the meaning of fear."

The younger rabbit beamed as her mother sat down beside her on the porch swing, placing a gentle arm around Judy's shoulders.

"I wasn't scared. Just surprised. I was thinking about..."

Her voice trailed off and a rosy glow burned on her cheeks. Bonnie smirked, and squeezed Judy's shoulder.

"Ah. I see. It's hard, being away from the person you love."

Judy nodded, but a few seconds later she groaned and tossed her head back in mirthful frustration.

"Man... I almost made it a whole weekend without having a conversation that failed the Bechdel test."

Now that the conversation had begun though, she left her head resting back against her mother's arm and turned her gaze towards the older rabbit. Carefully she considered her words for a few moments, before asking a question of which she had always been curious. Until now though, there had never been a good reason to ask it.

"You and dad. You've had other lovers, right?"

Bonnie raised an eyebrow, but answered simply and honestly.

"Well sure. We're rabbits."

Smiling, Judy nodded. She wasn't really sure why she'd needed to hear that out loud. It wasn't like she had a problem with the way hers and Nick's relationship worked. The fact that he was almost romantically involved with Finnick. After all, he had been long before they'd met, and he'd been up front about it from the very start of their first romantic inklings towards one another. But still, she was glad to know that her family weren't exceptions to the widely known fact about bunnies and how they conducted themselves in romantic relationships.

"And... you had lovers that were other women? And dad, other guys?"

Again Bonnie answered without any delay or fuss. Just a simple nod alongside her reply.

"Yes, and yes. Some we shared. Others were relationships that didn't include each other. Some of those became lifelong friendships. Others remained sexual, and while we're all busy adults with our own lives now remain relationships that we are still engaged with to this day. And some... well, some ended, as some relationships do. Gender though? That never really came into it. All that mattered, and matters even now, is how we felt about each other."

Silence fell over mother and daughter, and for a couple of minutes they sat quietly as Judy mulled over what she'd heard. She sipped at her now substantially cooler coffee a few more times, waved her legs back and forth off the end of the swing, before drawing in a deep, steadying breath.

"I got a text last night. From Finnick. I've told you about Finnick, right?"

Thinking for a moment, Bonnie beamed as she recalled the name.

"Ah yes, he's the doughnut loving cheetah, right?"

Judy snorted with laughter. Indeed, she was so overcome by her own mirth that it took close to thirty seconds before she was again coherent enough to even shake her head, grinning up at the other rabbit.

"No, mom. That's Clawhauser. We work with him. Finnick is the fennec fox. Remember, the one who was with Nick when I first met him?"

Bonnie snapped her fingers, letting loose a burst of her own laughter.

"Ohhh, that's right. The adult baby man!"

Setting her coffee down on the arm of the swing, Judy buried her face in her hands. From within, muffled and horrified, she groaned.

"Oh god... n-never mind."

Now that Bonnie recalled the individual in question though, she wasn't going to let it go.

"No. No, c'mon. Tell me. What did your elephant baby friend text you about?"

Lifting her head, but still flushed and aghast with embarrassment at how what she had to say was going to sound with that image locked in her mother's mind, Judy summoned up all of her courage. She closed her eyes tightly, and spoke as simply, as honestly, and as quickly as she could before her nerve faded.

"So... him and Nick, they've been together for a while. Longer than I've known him. They've always been open. Always seen other people. But, they're always there for each other too. They might not say it as often as me and Nick do, but... they love each other. A whole lot. And now I'm with Nick too. And we love each other too. And like, I'm totally cool with Finnick and him being together as well. But... see... I've always had this idea. This... this thing I've wanted to do, and I never acted on it because I thought it was dumb. Just some bunny thing from my heritage. And if you'd told me what you just did without me getting that text, I'd just pass it off as that and not worry about following through. But..."

She trailed off, taking another deep and steadying breath, and slowing down slightly as she continued.

"Finnick's message. He... he said he'd like to get to know me better. That when I come back into town, if Nick's cool with it, we could hang out. Just the two of us. Mom. I... I don't know whether he just wants us to be friends, so that we can all hang out, so that we're able to chat more about Nick and other stuff without it being awkward or embarrassing, or relying on Nick himself to keep us informed about each other. And if he doesn't mean it like that, then... then, what if he wants us to hang out because he wants something to happen. Like, happen, mom. Making this relationship, me and Nick, Nick and him, into a triangle. Nick, Him, Me."

Again the two rabbits fell silent. Again they remained that way for quite some time, almost fifteen minutes in fact. It was only when one of the youngsters fell and grazed their knee, approaching Bonnie sniffling and wobbly-lipped, that the two grown women were forced to draw their conversation to a rapid conclusion. Bonnie rose from her seat, kneeling upon the porch and drawing the tearful kit into her arms. As she did so though she turned her gaze back to Judy. Her brave, smart Judy, and smiled reassuringly.

"You're not scared because you're afraid of seeing if there might be something between the two of you, are you? You're scared because that thought was already inside your head. Because until now you've been able to dismiss it as a silly idea. But suddenly, now you need to face up to it. Right?"

Judy swallowed thickly, but nodded to her mother.

The older rabbit rose to her feet, scooping up the sniffling youngster and preparing to move back into the house with them cradled in their arms. Before she did so though, she beamed at her elder daughter one last time.

"Judy, honey?"

Grasping her coffee mug again and taking another sip, not that she needed to be woken up or rendered any more clear headed than this conversation had already ensured, Judy looked up at her mother with an expression that was all too familiar to Bonnie. That of a child who wanted their mother to make it all better. To make it all easy.

"You're the bravest bunny I know. But... there's one thing you've always been better at than being brave. Being a good friend. Do that, and whatever else comes of it, you'll not have any regrets."

She left with her young charge, and Judy remained. Alone upon the bench.

At least, for a few seconds.

Another bunny, their soccer game having ended with the injury, ran up to her.

"Big sis, big sis! What were you and mommy talking about?"

Another followed, piping up with the same question. And another. And another. Soon Judy was surrounded on all sides, and she giggled to herself as she realised that there was a very simple answer to their question.

Eventually they all piped down enough for her to answer, and she did so with a smile. Still nervous, sure, but at least certain now in what she had to do.

"That no matter what follows, it's always worth it to try and make a new friend."


Nick's new place was much nicer than the old one. It still wasn't anything special, certainly no grand palace. But it was certainly both bigger and better equipped than Judy's first place when she joined the ZPD. Yet, as Nick lounged around in his favourite deck-chair, staring between the clock upon the wall and his phone as though the latter couldn't inform him of the time just as easily, he mused how no amount of grandeur and space could make a place feel less empty when you were waiting for a loved one to arrive.

A gentle knocking rapped upon the door, and with a barely restrained yelp of delight Nick leapt from his seat. He bolted over to the door, his feet barely touching the ground in his haste, and only when his hand fell upon its handle did his demeanour shift. He put on the most casual, carefree expression he could muster, and slowly, calmly pulled the door open.

"Oh, hey Ca-whoa!"

Any attempt by Nick at being casual, at not letting on that for the last three hours he had done nothing but sit eyeing the clock and waiting for Judy to arrive back from her weekend with the family, was rendered instantly pointless. A grey furred missile sprang at him, and he stumbled back into the apartment with Judy's arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his chest. She kissed him, and no sooner had she done so, a deep, rumbling growl of joy escaped the fox.

"God, I missed you."

His hands roamed up the length of her back, sliding under the pale green checked shirt she was wearing and dragging his claws through her lush, gossamer soft fur. Their noses rubbed and nuzzled at one another before another kiss began, this one born of both sides with equal passion and glee. With one foot Nick kicked the door shut again, then turned away from it, carrying Judy's squirming form through the living room of his home and dropping himself back down into his seat, rendering the bunny suddenly resting upon his lap.

With such familiarity and ease it was as though they'd never been apart, Judy pressed her face into Nick's chest, his shirt already open fronted as though just waiting for her to bury herself in his fluff. Soon she was kissing his chest, and as his hands left her back only to stroke at the base of her ears, Judy began to moan softly. Barely a word passed between them as they simply revelled in one another's presence. In touch. In scent. In simply being able to feel that familiar warmth, the beating of the other's heart, the sound of their breathing growing ever so slightly more urgent and ragged.

This wasn't about sex. It wasn't about arousal, or being horny for one another due to their several days apart. If they'd separated after work to run errands, then met up later that evening, they would have behaved almost exactly the same. This was just how they were in private. Perhaps it was a measure of how close they were. How much they'd learned of one another early on, before their relationship had even remotely taken a romantic turn. All that business with Bellwether and the nighthowlers. Savage predators and such. They didn't feel the need to sugar coat it. To remain civilised and restrained in their affections, as many couples no doubt would; particularly those comprised of both traditional predator and prey species. They were free. They were unabashed. They were wild in how they loved one another. Primal in how they loved to show it off, whether speaking sexually or not.

Sure enough, without a single extra word passing between the pair clothes soon began to fall away. Peeled off half by their own actions, half by the other's gentle, encouraging touches. Nick's already open shirt fell limp, pinned between the body from which it had been removed and the deck chair in which the pair lay. Judy's followed, and as her lithe grey and white torso was bared before Nick, he craned his neck forward to nuzzle at her flat chest, growling happily as he kissed his way up the nape of her neck, sharp teeth brushing against her throat with a tender growl that made her whole body writhe in his embrace.

The larger male's hands peeled off her trousers, her panties with barely a thought, and it was soon after that an already nude Judy unbuttoned and began to help Nick ease off his own clothes. He saw her biting her lip as his boxer briefs revealed themselves, the front tented, straining as she reached out and briefly brushed the tips of her fingers across it. Somehow though Judy resisted the urge to do more, and even when she pulled his underwear off to reveal the fox's arousal, already swollen and twitching at the mere sight of her straddling him, they both managed to keep from immediately descending into the throes of their bodies' lusts.

Indeed, once naked together, they settled a little. Even with Judy's rump resting against the swollen, twitching shaft of Nick's cock, they lay relatively peacefully together as Nick stretched out and sank all the way back in his chair. He kept on stroking her ears, she kept on kissing at his snowy chest, and they just revelled in one another's company, in one another's more or less innocent touch.

It took almost an hour of just being together, of soaking up every last moment of their partner's body heat, the touch of the other's fur against their own, every breath, every sound, before they felt like they were ready to talk. To devote themselves to anything more than just existing in the same space as their partner.

Judy was the first to speak, and did so not because she wanted to break the silence, but because she was worried that if she held onto what she had to say any longer then she might never again find the courage to say it.

"Nick... is... is Finnick interested in me?"

The fox's fingers didn't stop moving upon his lover's ears for a moment. It wasn't that he wasn't surprised by what she had to say, he most definitely was. But not because it was a bizarre thing to ask. More that he thought it was pretty obvious.

"Of course he is. He's not doing this for my benefit. He's not even doing this for you. Finnick does what Finnick wants to do, because he thinks it'll be good for Finnick. So... if he wants to hang out with you? Then he wants to hang out with you."

Judy smiled, but she still looked embarrassed. She shook her head, letting slip a nervous whimper.

"That's good. But... when I say interested. I mean, interested."

The fox froze. Just for a moment, but long enough for Judy to see it. To feel it.

"Why? Did he say something in his texts?"

The look upon Nick's face was one that Judy had only seen a handful of times. It wasn't panic, though there were certainly elements of nervousness in there. It wasn't just anticipation, though it was close in many respects. This was the kind of look she had seen on Nick's face when she'd invited him out for dinner, and he'd asked her if it was a date. Or the first time he said I love you. The fear of stakes being so high, of wanting something so much, that it hurt.

"No. Just that he wanted us to hang out more. Get to know each other. Be friends. But..."

Her voice trailed off, at least until Nick gave a loud, almost yelping whine pleading her to continue.

"But... I just thought maybe... and, I don't want to get your hopes up or anything. Maybe... if we did become friends, and... if we hit it off, then... well... he's cute. And he cares for you so much, no denying that no matter what you say about him looking out for number one."

Judy was so close to saying it, she knew the fox had to know what she meant by now. But still he whimpered, and begged with a shameless grin spreading across his face.

"Say it for me. Please prove to me I'm not thinking wishfully here. Say it, Carrots."

And so, she did.

"I want to know if Finnick might be interested in being more than platonic. Because... assuming we hang out and get on well and stuff? I would be."

She said it.

The words left her mouth, and a moment later, a shriek of squealing laughter followed. Nick bolted upright and off the seat, tossing the comparably tiny rabbit off his lap and into the air, only to catch her again and drag her close to himself in a deliciously tight embrace. His footpaws drummed against the floor as he raced out of the living room and into his bedroom, and with a mid-air spin he threw both of them forward, landing on the bed upon his back with Judy crashing down astride him a moment later.

He rolled over. He pinned her to the bed with his superior weight, and he snarled passionately.

"My Judy... my Finnick, in bed together..."

Without raising his weight off of Judy in the slightest, he shuffled forward. No longer were they face to face, eye to eye. She was looking up at his neck. Then his chest. A strained cry escaped the bunny as she felt Nick's cock graze between the lips of her nether regions, rocking back and forth and leaving a trail of warm, sticky pre in his wake.

"You know, Carrots, before I met you... I'd never met someone with as much stamina as Finnick."

Slowly, intensely he rubbed himself up and down the length of Judy's slit. He felt the bunny writhing, shuddering, heard her whimpers of pleasure, but didn't give her a chance to speak as he continued his tenderly growled story.

"He could go all night. I had to learn all his sweet spots to exhaust him before he did the same to me. Remind you of anyone?"

Judy said nothing, her eyes rolling back as the male's thick erection rubbed against her clitoris with every stroke. Her fingers and toes curled and flexed in an near obsessive rhythm as he ground down against her, perfectly timed with each motion of his shaft.

"And now all I can think about... all I can imagine, is what if this was him pressing against you right now, while I sat back and watched?"

A frantic, muffled cry erupted from somewhere within the fluff of Nick's chest, and Judy's body writhed beneath the fox.

"What if he was the one who spent the next hour humping you senseless. Feeling you cum again, and again, loving you for the needy bunny that you are."

Judy screamed, and Nick gave a deep, rumbling snarl of satisfaction as he felt a gush of hot juices soak the underside of his cock even as it continued to grind against his lover. She was cumming. He hadn't even entered her yet, and through grinding and words alone, she was already out of control.

"Oh, Nick!"

The fox grinned as he heard her call out his name, but shook his head as he growled down at her.

"Not tonight, Carrots. Nick isn't here tonight. But you know who is, right?"

The rabbit didn't scream again, but let loose a ragged wail as Nick drew back his member for just a moment, then lined up its tip with the still quivering, clutching, cumming opening of her pussy.

"You know who's going to make you feel good. Who you want to fuck you. To make you happy... as happy as he's made me for such a long time."

Judy wailed in desperation as the fox came so very close to filling her, but held back. Waiting. Patiently, determinedly denying her the satisfaction of his aching erection until she said what both he, and she was so desperate to let loose.

"Say it, Judy. I can feel it. I can smell it on you. You want to. You need to. I won't be jealous. Say his name... and I'll make you believe he's right here with you. Inside you."

The rabbit let loose one more wordless cry of longing, and then a strangled, passionate grunt of one final word before all capacity for rational thought and speech was swept away in a haze of pleasure. A word which mere days before would have mortified her to even think of during such an intimate moment with Nick. But now, trembling and whimpering beneath the fox's powerful form, a word that she cried without guilt. Without shame. A sign not just of her love for Nick, but of how far all that she felt because of him was beginning to spread.

A sign, or at least this was the hope of both herself and the fox now beginning to press himself inside her compact, clutching body, of things to come.


By Jeeves

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