Eggceptional Vacation Getaway: Miken
#34 of Transformation
Part of the collaboration I did with Trevor_Fox
Link to Trevor's ArtLink
Characters are transformed and regressed into eggs, and hatch into a new world they have to make sense of.
This time the lucky or unlucky winner is EccoCode
Miken waits up from their egg nap to find themselves in a bicycle basket. Apparently a boy claiming to be their trainer has been riding in circles for a long time trying to make this egg hatch. Funny way to go about that... Miken takes the situation well... But it doesn't look like the trainer is a very good person.Support on PatreonDonate a Ko-FiFollow on TwitterDiscord ServerGet the Official Calex Fan Club Shirt!
Eggceptional Get Away: Miken
Miken let out a yawn as he awoke in a dark cramped space. He tried to remember where he was... And the former whale realized he couldn't quite figure it out. He had seen an ad for some kind of vacation get away being run out of a barn. Then when he visited there was a bright flash... And that was it. He had no idea where he was now. It sure was cramped though. He was basically stuck curled up in the fetal position without any room to move.
Well whatever he was in, there had to be some exit to it. Miken began to squirm and try to move around. He felt around where he could reach looking for a way out of whatever he was inside. There wasn't much luck at first... But as he continued to move he heard a cracking sound. Whatever he was trapped inside now had a small crack near his face where light could shine through. Miken wasn't 100% sure what this meant yet... And he felt bad about possibly breaking something... But at the same time he didn't want to stay curled up in this tight container.
He continued to squirm as more cracks formed all over the walls of whatever he was in. Then as he tried to stretch, the walls shattered and gave way. As darkness gave way too bright light he was temporarily blinded. Miken held his hands up over his eyes to shield them as his vision slowly adjusted to his surroundings and he could take in what was around him.
Everything was currently a lot bigger than it should have been. Almost three times the size of what Miken was used to things being. It looked like he was outdoors in a grassy field. He could see some houses in the distance, but those weren't as interesting as what was right around him. Currently Miken was sitting in a woven basket. Around him there were cracked shells of some kind of giant egg that could easily fit him inside. It didn't take him long to figure out this part. The egg was what he had just been inside of. So he had just hatched?
Well that was different. He thought he had been a bit too old for that. Or he HAD been too old for that.
Miken looked down at his body. His skin was now covered with a thick coat of black and white fur. Most of his fur was black, same as his skin had been as a metaphin. However he now had a white scarf of fur around his chest yellow paws and... Something else. There was something hanging off his head near his ears. At first he thought he had a second set of ears, as they almost felt like a lopped rabbits'. But that wasn't quite right. They could sense things, but it wasn't through sound. It was like he suddenly had a sixth sense. As he studied himself with his sixth sense, the best he could describe it was as if he could see colors inside of people. The color inside himself was a warm and pleasant yellow.
Miken continued to study himself. He had a long tail, and then there were two pieces of metal sticking out of the backs of his wrist almost looking like arm guards. Looking into them he could just make out his own reflection. He could see a muzzle of white and black fur with his normal yellow mask around his eyes.
"Riiiii." Miken tried to speak. No words came out, just noises. He wasn't sure if that was because of his current young age, or whatever species he was now. For now he moved on to studying the rest of his surroundings. The basket he was in appeared to be attached to the front of a bike. And sitting on the seat of that bike was a human boy dressed in a vest, shorts and a hat. The boy was staring at him with mouth agape.
Miken's new sensors picked up on the color inside the boy. Unlike Miken's own internal color the boy's seemed to be a moody and almost unpleasant red.
"Finally!" The human boy broke Miken's concentration as it finally spoke up. "I've been riding my bike back and forth for hours trying to get you to hatch. Now let's see if you're going to be the riolu that gets added to my team or not."
Riolu? So that's what Miken was. He had seen those before. It was just harder to recognize when it was your own body and it was so young. So that meant he was a pokemon... And that made this moody colored boy his trainer? Well! That could be exciting! He wasn't 100% sure how he got into this situation but he couldn't say it was such a bad thing. From what he understood pokemon trainers and their pokemon went on long journeys and got to see quite a few sights! It sounded like a real adventure!
"Let's just check out and make sure you're what I need." The boy pulled out what almost looked like a red cell phone with a large case on it. The front of it flipped open as the boy pointed what looked like a camera on it at Miken. He clicked a few buttons and then stared at the screen. After a few minutes the boy scowled. "A jolly nature? I needed adamant! And these IVs... They're terrible. What kind of pokemon are you?"
"RIIII!" Miken would have pointed out he wasn't a pokemon. At least he hadn't been before he wound up inside that egg. So if he wasn't like a proper or normal pokemon, that was probably why. Still, he didn't like the tone the boy was taking with him. He was starting to figure out why his internal color was so messed up.
"What a waste of time." The boy muttered. "Guess there's nothing left to do but release you and try again with another egg." The boy huffed and got off his bike. Before Miken could figure out what was going on the boy grabbed him directly beneath his arms and lifted him out of the bike. Then the boy sat the riolu down in the grass, got back on his bike and just rode away.
Miken stared at the leaving boy completely dumbfounded. He wasn't sure what just happened. From what he understood that kid had hatched him... And now he was just being abandoned because he didn't meet some random condition the kid was looking for? That was just cruel! And Miken had a few words he'd like to have with the boy.
"Riiiii! Rio! Riolu riiiii!" Miken stood up and shouted at the boy angrily as he rode off. After a few seconds he was distracted by the fact that he could in fact stand. That was a little shocking. After all, he had just been born about two minutes ago. From his understanding most infants weren't able to stand on two legs. Yet, there he was. Well, obviously he wasn't his original species. He was a pokemon now. Some things were going to be different.
Distracted by this revelation Miken took a few steps forward. They were clumsy at first. But it wasn't because his body couldn't walk. It was more because they were stiff due to having been cramped up inside an egg for who knows how long. Still, he was far more physically capable than he expected a newborn to be! His best guess was that pokemon just must have their muscles fully develop before they hatched.
As an experiment he tried bursting into a run. He held his arms out and ran as fast as he could through the field. Much to his surprise he was quite agile. He was a capable little tyke indeed! What else could pokemon do? They fought a lot right? Did that mean he could fight already?
He tried to remember what he knew about Pokemon in general. Riolu was a fighting type right? Did that mean he knew kung fu now? Or was that something he had to train to learn. Well, there was only one way to find out. Miken glanced around looking for a target. Spotting a tree in the distance of the field he quickly ran up to it. That'd make for good practice.
After he reached it Miken took a deep breath. Then he punched the tree as hard as he could. It made a loud cracking noise as his paw slammed into the tree. His paw went right through it, forcing a small hole about four inches deep in the middle of the tree.
"Rio ri!" Miken gave a low whisper. He was really strong! He hadn't expected to punch right through the trunk! But it turned out his little practice activity hadn't gone unnoticed. The entire tree shook from the impact of his punch. Yellow creatures fell out of the tree dangling off pieces of silk-like string. The creatures looked like they were mostly a large shell, almost like giant cocoons with large black eyes that stared angrily at Miken.
"Kakuuuuuu." They echoed each other at him.
"Riiiii." Miken looked sheepish as he did his best to apologize. He then tried to pull his paw out of the hole he had made in the tree. It was stuck. He had really gotten it far in there. He tried tugging at it harder. This had the effect of causing the tree to shake more.
"Kakuuuu! Kakunaaaaaa!" The yellow creatures objected louder.
"Riooooooo." Miken was trying to free himself quickly. He felt bad about bothering them so much. Yet, the tree wouldn't release his fist. He began to press one of his hind paws against the tree, and then both of them trying to pull his paw out. After several solid tugs, his paw came free; and Miken spun away from the tree rolling backwards into the grass.
"KAKUUUUU!" The cocoon-like creatures shouted in protest as the tree swayed from Miken's efforts.
"Luuuu." Miken stood up and bowed politely to them. He didn't know if they understood... But at least it was over and he wouldn't have to trouble them anymore. He'd have to remind himself to check any future trees he punched for pokemon he might bother.
"Kakuuuna! Kakuuu! Kaaaaaa!" The pokemon in the tree continued to scream. They were really upset. Miken was getting the feeling the best thing he could do now would be to leave and give them some space. And he prepared to do just that when a new voice joined their chorus.
"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" It made a high pitched screech as it flew into the area. It looked like a giant yellow wasp, but with two giant needles attached to its front legs. It looked really angry. If Miken had to guess, he'd say it was coming to protect the other pokemon he had upset.
"Ri! Rio ri ri!" Miken waved his arms as he backed away from the angry pokemon. He was trying to show he had no indication of causing any harm
"DRIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" The other pokemon didn't seem to care. It dove out of the sky striking out at Miken with its twin needles.
"RIIII!" Miken jumped out of the way and pleaded for the thing to stop. There was no reason for them to be fighting! This had just been a huge misunderstanding!
The giant insect showed no signs of hesitation though. Instead it fired small pins out of the tips of its two needles. Several of the pins rained down as Miken found himself desperately dove into the tall grass to escape from them. He stayed low to the ground keeping his body hidden among the grass as he tried to come up with a plan. The other pokemon meanwhile continued to just spray the entire area with pin missiles hoping to get a lucky hit in. One of them came down striking Miken right in the paw! That hurt!
It didn't seem like this thing was willing to just let this incident go. Well, maybe it was time that Miken started acting like the fighting-type that he was. He didn't pick this fight... But he wasn't about to just lay down and be used as a pin cushion.
"RIO!" Miken stood up in the grass revealing his location.
"BEEEE!" The angry pokemon took notice immediately. It flew for Miken with alarming speed trying to skewer him with his twin needles again.
"RIO!" Miken jumped backwards dodging just out of range of the twin needles. He then opened his paw with his palm facing outward. He struck out with it, forcing his palm to strike the wasp thing straight in the chest. His hit landed home... But it didn't seem to be very effective. The insect barely budged more than an inch backwards. If anything it just seemed to make it angry.
"BEEEEEE!" The pokemon was furious now. It struck out wildly with its stingers. These Fury Attacks weren't very accurate, but there were a lot of them. Miken got hit in his arm and his leg before he was able to pull himself away from the enemy.
This wasn't good. He was getting beat up here. Why hadn't his attack hurt the thing? Were fighting moves just not that good against bugs? These were the types of things he needed a pokemon trainer to help him figure out! Too bad that kid had turned out to be completely useless!
He tried to think... What else could he do. If fighting attacks were off the table what else were there? He looked down at his paws and noticed the metal guards on them. Could he use steel moves? From what he could remember of pokemon, riolu's evolution was part steel type. But did that mean he could pull off a steel move now? And would it work. While trying to think on this Miken kept backing up trying to put distance between himself and the bug.
"DRILLL!" The enemy pokemon however had no intention of letting him go. It was fast and closed the distance as it continued to furiously attack.
Miken had no choice. He had to try something. He struck out, trying to twist his paws so that he was striking out with the metal bits. Much to his surprise he found fighting like this felt more natural than he would have guessed. He managed to deliver these steel tipped punches with lighting speed as he broke through the other pokemon's attacks striking it straight on in the chest again.
This time it actually seemed to hurt the other pokemon. It was knocked back physically from the attacks and momentarily dazed. This gave Miken a small chance to look down at the metal bits on his arms. He grinned he saw them. It looked like he might have had a winning strategy.
"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" And it was a good thing too. It seemed this thing wasn't willing to give up after taking one hit. It dove back for Miken again with the goal of skewering him with its twin needles. But this time Miken was ready.
"Luuuuuuu." Miken took a deep breath and then completely unleashed everything he had. He began to punch as rapidly as he could. His punches were as fast as bullets, and each of them was tipped with steel as he struck the enemy several times. "Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio! Rio!" Miken delivered a series of bullet speed punches leaving the other pokemon completely dazed. When the pokemon fell back away for a few seconds Miken caught his breath before punching forward with both arms at the same time. "RIOOOLUUUUUUUUUU!" He gave a shout as he struck the wasp-like pokemon straight in the jaw. The pokemon was sent flying backwards landing in the grass unmoving. The battle was over.
"Rioooo." Miken was panting, but he was also excited. That had been his first pokemon battle! And he had won! Who needed a trainer? Still... He couldn't help but feel bad. This pokemon had just been trying to defend the others. This was all one big misunderstanding. Miken crawled up to the bug and examined it. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was still breathing. Looked like it would pull through.
For now he picked up the wasp-like pokemon and carried it over to the tree. He sat it down there so that it could rest. He imagined the thing would still be pretty angry at him when it came too... But at least it'd see that the pokemon it wanted to protect were still safe. It was probably still a good idea for Miken to make himself sparse before it woke up though.
Miken took off through the field away from the bug pokemon holding his hands behind his head. He was wondering what he was supposed to do now. He remembered the buildings he had seen in the distance when he first hatched. There was probably a human town nearby. If he still wanted to go on a pokemon adventure he could probably find someone there to be his trainer.
On the other hand, did he need a trainer? He had won his first battle all on his own. He wondered if wild pokemon ever went to gyms and collected badges without a trainer. That would be quite a sight! He doubted anyone had ever seen something like that before.
And the more he thought about it... The more appealing that sounded. He may not have been naturally from this pokemon world... But he was pretty sure there technically wasn't any rule saying a pokemon couldn't be its own trainer. It might be fun to try and take on the league all by himself. He could only imagine the look on that annoying kid's face if he managed to pull it off too! Still... He'd have to be careful. A wild pokemon wondering around human cities was bound to attract attention and pokeballs.
Well... Worst case scenario, he supposed he got caught and continued his adventure with a trainer. Best case scenario he became a legend. There really wasn't a losing scenario here. Miken smiled.
This was going to be a fun adventure.
The End