2626 CH 7 (An Orr World Story)

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#7 of 2626

2626 if a story that explores the world the Orrs exist in, through the eyes of Theodore, a spy for a group people who have no interest in socializing with the rest of the solar system.

Theo gets a surprise from Marcus that could derail his plans, but he perceveres and it looks like things are back on track

If you want to read the whole story before anyone else, you can get it on my Patreon. For only 1$ a month, you get an exclusive story exploring the human and furry world of Tiranis, and access to the first draft of all my stories, including this one. https://www.patreon.com/kindarPosted using PostyBirb


Theo woke up and was immediately aware of the other man in his bed. The mongoose was disentangling himself from his arm. The tiger went through his options: pull him back to him? No, it was too early for that. Make a joke? No, even when he wasn't working someone, joking after sex was never appropriate. He settled on, "Did you sleep okay?"

The mongoose startled. "Yes. Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"Don't worry." Theo looked the other man over. He had better muscles than he'd expected, for an administrator. "Do you work out a lot?"

Marcus gave him a sheepish smile. "Not really. I treated myself to a retyping for my fiftieth birthday. Got the DNA redone so my muscles maintain themselves with almost no work. So long as I hit exercise machines once a week, I can keep this look."

Theo smiled. "This look is really good on you. You shouldn't cover it up," he said as Marcus picked up his pants. "Not right now," he added, "not here."

Marcus smiled. "I need to head back to my cabin."

"Why? Is your wife waiting for you there?"

"No, of course not. It's just..."

Theo grabbed his arm and tugged gently on it. "Get back into bed. You're on vacation. We can have a bit more fun." The mongoose looked at him uncomfortably, and Theo sat up. "What's wrong?"

Marcus looked away.

"Come on, talk to me."

Marcus sighed. "Look, the sex was great, but we're not going to have anymore." He put his pants on.

"Why not?"

"I just...I knew this was going to be a mistake." He threw his shirt on and quickly buttoned it.

"Marcus, how can what we did be a mistake?" What was going on here? 'Time.' He finger coded

'10:43' appeared in the upper left corner of his vision.

Marcus didn't answer. He grabbed his shoes and jacket and headed for the door.

"I'll see you for lunch then?" Theo asked.

The question froze Marcus. "Do you want to?"

"I certainly don't want to eat alone anymore."

The mongoose seemed to fight with his response for a moment. "Okay, I'll see you there." Then he was gone.

Theo looked at the closed door for a long time. "What was that about?" he finally asked.

"Could you have overestimated your sexual prowess?" Cass answered.

Theo snorted. "You saw how he reacted to what we did, all three times, he wasn't faking that. This wasn't caused by the sex." He got up and headed for the shower.

He needed to wash. He loved how sex smelled, and made him feel all relaxed, but he hated to have dried cum in his fur. It started a moment before he got in it.

"Does he have any history of bad relationship?"

"Nothing that was in his file or that I could find with a search of the network."

"Okay, any other indications as to why he just walked out on me?" Theo winced has he worked at unsticking a patch of longer fur under his muzzle

"Nothing concrete, but looking back as his list of sexual partners, he has never had the same one twice while he worked on Titan station."

"How about before that?"

"I'll need to inquire with Luna for that. If I do it from here, I have to go through regular channels and he might be notified of the inquiry."

"Forget about it then. Not worth the risk."

"I noticed you didn't get a blood sample."

"I have plenty of time. We're not even three weeks into the trip."

"His recent history would contradict you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not done having sex with him." He rinsed off.

"How about we make a bet?"

"Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"If you don't manage to have sex with him again, I get to dictate who you have sex with once, and what positions you use."

"Isn't a bet something I'm not supposed to want to do if I lose? Isn't that the incentive?"

"In this case I gain something out of it. There's a series of sexual positions I don't have a first-person reference for. I'm looking to remedy that."

"Okay, what do I get if I win?"

That stumped Cass. "I don't know. Is there something you want I'm not currently providing to the best of my abilities?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Do you still want to go ahead with the bet?"

"Sure. I get to have sex out of it one way or another. Even if you're going to have me do strange and kinky sex." He dried off and dressed. He had time before lunch, so he went for a walk.

* * * * *

Marcus was fifteen minutes late, and as he entered the restaurant and saw Theo at their usual table, the tiger noticed him hesitating before joining him. Marcus didn't look stressed, only slightly uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to answer," Theo said, "that's fine, and I'm not going to bring it up again, but what's going on? We've gotten along, and last night was good, you said as much, so why did you just leave? Why won't we have sex again?"

Marcus sighed, and before he could speak their server brought them soup and sandwiches. Theo had already placed their order, figuring on a light lunch in case Marcus needed an excuse not to stick around. Marcus looked at his bowl and for a moment Theo thought he wasn't going to get an answer.

"It's nothing against you," the mongoose said. "It's a personal policy of mine. I don't want to form emotional entanglements, so I only sleep with someone once."

"Okay, but why? Sex only gets better the more you get to know your partner."

"It isn't about the sex." Marcus' response was flat enough Theo believed him.

"What is it about then?"

Marcus pushed his untouched bowl away and looked like he was about to get up.

Theo was a decent judge of character. He had to be in his line of work, and he was looking at someone fighting with himself. He let it play out. He couldn't force his way into that, not if he wanted a chance at making Marcus fall in love with him. Even if he walked away now, letting him do that without intervention meant that when he approached him later there wouldn't be any resentment.

"It's about the relationship," Marcus finally said.

"What relationship? We only had sex."

"This time, but you want more, don't you?"

Theo hid his surprise, wondering how he'd been this easy to read. He was better than that.

"Look," Marcus continued, "like I said, this isn't about you. But everyone I've had sex with has wanted to have more with me. Sex has always been the doorway for them to get into my life. So, I have a strict rule about keeping that door close."

So, like Marcus had said, it wasn't about him. He didn't know of Theo's agenda. It was just based on past experiences.

The mongoose looked his bowl and pulled it close, eating a couple of spoonsful. Theo let him eat in silence, letting him continue at his pace.

"I don't want this to sound hurtful, you're a nice guy, and an island of civility on this ship, but I wasn't going to have sex with you. I knew that with both of us being trapped on the same ship it would lead to an awkward situation, but then you got me dancing, and..." Marcus blushed. "I couldn't control myself."

"If you're looking for uninvolved sex, why aren't you doing it with one of the other passengers? Orr corp is all about the sex for sex's sake thing. Not emotional involvement, no worries about one of them wanting a relationship out of it."

"I have standards." The rebuke was flat, and Theo had trouble not smiling. Marcus scowled at him as the tiger's lips curled up and he forced his face into a mask of neutrality.

"Look, what if I tell you I'm not looking for a relationship out of this? When we reach Mars we're going our separate ways. I know that. I didn't join you for dinner that first time with any other ulterior motive than not having to eat alone. The rest happened because I genuinely enjoy your company. The sex happened...well, it happened because you ripped my clothes off, but I didn't stop you because I happen to like how you look. I'd like to have sex again with you, because like you I have standards. I don't mean to offend you, but they aren't as strict as you, so I might find someone on the ship I could do it with, but like you the thought of having sex with someone who takes it as lightly as going out for a walk down the closest park doesn't appeal to me. I like it to mean something, even if it's just that I actually enjoy being with that guy."

Theo stopped and caught his breath.

"But that isn't what's going to happen," Marcus said. "At some point down the line, maybe before we reach Mars, maybe after, you're going to decide that the sex meant more. You're going to want to be with me, you're going to end up demanding to be with me."

Theo gave the mongoose a smile. "How about I give you permission to space me if I become needy?"

Now it was Marcus who fought against a smile forming. He lost.

"It isn't going to work."

"You're speaking from experience, aren't you?"

Marcus nodded. "You have no idea how many times I've had to block all communications from someone. And then to have him, or her, show up on my door step, demanding to know why I'd done it. I'm sorry Theo, I can't have that happen to me again."

"I understand." Theo moved his spoon in the soup, before having some of it. It was cool now. "Can we at least continue to hang out?"

"I don't know if that can work. Spending more time together is just going to make you want to have sex again. Like I said, it's happened before."

"Marcus, I'm an adult, I can control myself. I'm going to tell you right now, yes, I'd like to have sex with you again. You were great last night."

"That's what I mean."

"Please let me finish."

Marcus nodded. "Sorry."

"But my cock doesn't govern me. I can spend time with you without trying to get you back into bed. I don't want to spent the next three months locked in my room with no one to talk with."

"I don't know," Marcus hesitated.

"Let's at least continue to have our meals together. If nothing else, I really don't want to go back to eating alone."

"Alright," Marcus relented after looking around them. "We won't be alone here so I'm confident you're going to be controlling yourself."

"And I promise not to drag you back to my cabin for more dancing."

Marcus cracked a smile again, and Theo thought he saw wistfulness in his eyes. "I'll hold you to that." He looked around and caught the attention of their server, a young lion, fully dressed.

Theo had been impressed at the level of respect the restaurant's staff showed them. Other than the initial interactions, where Marcus hadn't been the best of customers, they'd quickly adapted, having their server fully dressed, not always in subdued style. Theo had found the guy in a pink and bright green dress particularly amusing, not that he'd shown his reaction.

"Is everything to your satisfaction?" the lion asked.

"I'm sorry," Marcus replied. "We got so drawn into our conversation we forgot to eat our soup, and it's cold now, you can take it away." Marcus' attitude had also improved. With Theo to act as a buffer and the server's more conservative attire-most of the time-the Mongoose had behaved more cordially toward them. He still clearly didn't like that others were having sex in the restaurant, but he made an effort not to pay attention to them.

"Do you want me to bring you fresh bowls?"

The offer surprised Marcus and after a moment nodded. "Thank you, that would be nice."

The lion left with the bowls and came back with two still steaming. Marcus and Theo enjoyed their mushroom soup and Chicken sandwiches with gusto.

* * * * *

"I guess this means you can start having sex with the other passengers now," Cass said as Theo entered his cabin. He'd been surprisingly silent on his walk back. They had an agreement that he wouldn't talk while Theo worked a mark unless queried or it was important, but the tiger had been alone after escorting Marcus to his cabin.

"No, I'm not giving up on Marcus."

"After everything he said, I think it's clear nothing will happen between the two of you."

"It isn't that clear cut. He wasn't entirely honest."

"About what?"

"I'm not sure. I just got a sense there's more to it than what he said."

"I hope he doesn't outlast you, a month of watching you jerkoff isn't a pretty sight, not when there are so many other guys available and willing."

"I'll survive, and so will you." Theo undressed and stretched out on the bed. "Now if you don't mind, I need to rub one out since it doesn't look like I'm going to have sex again today.

* * * * *

The following week Marcus and he only met for food as agreed. The week after, the newest Bondo movie came out and Marcus invited Theo to go see it with him. Theo enjoyed it more than the previous modern version, for one thing, it was mostly an original story for once, with only a sub plot about Georgina's father having been an Ameritech spy being lifted from the classic movies, although in those it was George's mother who had been the spy, and she'd worked for Vanguard, who had been the villain of the movie, like Ameritech was for this one.

After that, they met every few days for a social activity, be it a movie, theater, (he'd never seen a Shakespearian work done in zero G before,) or simply walking along the corridors or enjoying one of the viewing lounges, when not too many people were having sex there.

During all that time Theo kept his romancing of Marcus low key, simply getting close to him here and there when the situation called for it, maybe touching his hand as they spoke, and looking him in the eyes. Marcus never protested, and Theo got a sense he was growing more and more comfortable with the closeness. At least twice he caught the mongoose about to say something, then stop himself, both time as they stood before Marcus' cabin.

It was two and a half months after they boarded the ship when they had sex again. They'd just come out of the theater, another Shakespearian piece, Midsummer Night's Dream, perform with a clear Orr slant, although the two sex scenes were surprisingly well done, never getting explicit, even if it was clear the actors were really performing the act.

Marcus hadn't complained about it. In fact, halfway through the play, in the middle of the first sex scene, the mongoose's hand had found its way on Theo's thigh and was rubbing it. Theo couldn't tell if the gesture was intentional, not in the darkened theater, but when he returned it and Marcus didn't protest, he figured it was.

What there were doing was tame, compared with what was going on in some of the other seats. Sound in the audience was dampened, to ensure everyone could hear the play, but he could see them move on their seats and even scream in pleasure. And that Marcus was doing anything even remotely affectionate, even in the darkness, impressed him, especially when the hand moved to the inside of his thigh and up. Marcus never out right groped him, but he came very close.

When the play ended, with the actors bowing, Marcus let go. A moment later the lights came on, and they left, being some of the few not still in the throes of passion. They kept an appropriate distance between them as they walked back to Marcus' cabin.

They stood before his door, and again, Marcus hesitated, but this time, instead of wishing him a good night, he opened the door. "Do you want to come in?" He stood there.

Theo didn't go in, he studied the mongoose. He knew that if he played this too willing, he could ruin his chances, but also if he acted too distant. "I do, but only so we can talk in private."

Marcus nodded and Theo followed him in.

He stayed by the door, Cass locked it and he leaned back against it.

He looked at the room, to give Marcus time to say or do something. It was a little smaller than his, being on the deck below, but it was still luxurious. He'd already seen in, Cass had accessed the ship's sensors and showed it to him. He only watched Marcus that way for a couple of days, to get a sense of how he was in private. And to watch him paint once.

"Marcus," he finally said, when the silence had stretched to an uncomfortable length. "I think your hand got close enough to my crotch to know I'm interested, but I need to know what you're looking to get out of this. I don't mind if this is going to be a one-time thing, or an ongoing casual one, but I think that after you told me it wouldn't happen again, I have a right to know what to expect."

The mongoose nodded. "I like spending time with you, and you're the first guy I can remember who hasn't pushed. I don't want this to be a one-time thing. I enjoyed the sex, but you need to know it has to remain casual. We're going our separate ways once we reach Mars."

Theo nodded, having told him the same a few weeks before.

"I'm sorry, I know this probably comes across as mixed messages, but an ongoing sexual relationship isn't something I've had since my wife."

Theo crossed the room and placed his hand on each side of Marcus' face. "I do, and if you want to talk about it, I'll listen."

Marcus smiled. "Talking isn't really what I have in mind right now." He leaned in and kissed the tiger.

Theo reciprocated, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. This time, Marcus wasn't as confident as their tongues played, and Theo let him move at his own speed. At times the mongoose's kissing would be hungry, and then become tentative, as if he was trying to see how Theo felt about it.

They didn't stop kissing as Marcus's hands moved from Theo's back to his front, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

Again, the passion of their first time was gone, replace with a measured pace. When Theo was without his shirt, he reached for Marcus' but the mongoose caught his hand. "Don't," he said, "Let me do it my way." Theo almost protested, but there was uncertainty in Marcus' eyes, so he nodded.

Marcus ran his hands over the exposed chest, then buried his muzzle in Theo's longer white fur. "What scent do you use? It smells amazing."

Theo smiled. "I don't, this is all natural."

"Not even a little DNA retyping?"

"None what so ever." Theo had always smelled this way. For as far back as he remembered, people had commented on how nice he smelled, and once he started having sex, the compliment on his scent only increased.

"Lucky you." Marcus led him to the bed and had him lie back on it, then removed the tiger's shoes and pants. He stood there watching him. Something he hadn't had a chance to do the last time they slept together, and Theo had to fight the urge to put his hands behind his head and grin. He was good looking and he knew it. He'd been cocky about it in his youth, and still was now at times, but right now Marcus needed understanding. Theo wasn't entirely sure why Marcus acted this way, although he had his suspicions, but he was going to let him do this how he wanted.

The mongoose undressed, almost turning his back to Theo, but catching himself at the last moment. When he stood naked at the foot of the bed, Theo smiled at what he saw. Marcus looked good, his retyped DNA letting him keep a well-shaped body with minimal work. His short sandy brown fur highlighted them nicely. Marcus acted far too self-consciously for someone who looked like he did.

"I'm going to let you do this your way," Theo said, to prompt him. "I just hope you're not planning on a night of standing and admiring."

Marcus smiled. "I'm not." He knelt on the bed between Theo's legs and ran a hand up their inside. "You look really good." His hand caressed his balls and Theo shivered, his already hard cock twitching and dripping a few drops of precum.

Marcus bent down and licked the drop forming at the tip, then sucked on it, drawing a grunt from Theo. The mongoose suddenly straightened as if he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. Marcus' behavior was falling more and more in line with Theo's suspicions. Marcus lied on top of the tiger and kissed him, running his fingers through his head fur.

Theo caressed his back and ass, then turned them on their sides and risked slipping a hand between their bodies to stroke Marcus' cock. The mongoose gasped and kissed him harder. Encouraged, Theo brought their cocks together and rubbed them one against the other. They moaned in the kiss.

Marcus broke it only long enough to whisper, "please fuck me."

Theo kept his enthusiasm in check and he pushed him on his back, still kissing and rubbing their cocks. He had to stop when Marcus pressed something in his hand. A slick cloth. He raised an eyebrow. He hadn't expected Marcus to have a lube rag. It was something more commonly seen in the possession of more sexually lax people. Theo expected Orr citizens were issued one at birth.

He raised the mongoose's legs over his shoulders and ran the cloth between his ass cheeks, then over his cock. Then they were both nice and slick he dropped the rag on the far side of the bed so they wouldn't roll over it by accident.

Then he rubbed his cock between the cheeks for a moment before readjusting it so it pressed against Marcus' hole. "How do you want me to go?"

"However you want," he sighed. "Just take me, please."

With a nod Theo pushed in slowly, sighing in pleasure. "You feel amazing." He said, and watched as Marcus blushed and beamed. They both gasped once Theo bottomed out. He caressed the mongoose's face, then began to thrust, going slow, being gentle. The opposite of their first time. This didn't feel like it was a time for passion, but one for care and understanding. He never stopped looking into Marcus' eyes as he slowly fucked him. He lowered his hands to his chest and rubbed his pecs, and tweaked the nipples, making Marcus shuddered.

He leaned down and kissed him, continuing to thrust in and out, feeling the pleasure built, but still far from culmination. Marcus began moaning, and Theo sped up, making him gasp.

"Harder," Marcus whispered.

Theo didn't accelerate, going with his gut feeling instead of what Marcus said.

"Please, fuck me hard," the mongoose implored.

Theo shook his head. He altered his angle of thrust, and as he pushed in, Marcus let out a sigh mixed in with a curse.

Marcus' cock was shuddering, but it wasn't leaking, which surprised Theo for a moment. It was the rare guy who didn't precum, and for someone who had given himself muscles, he'd expected him to also get that adjusted. He put the thought out of his mind, having more pleasurable things to concentrate on at the moment.

He pulled out, turned Marcus on his side and entered him again lying against him. He grabbed the rag and stroked Marcus' cock with it a time or two, making him tense and curse. He threw it on the other side of the room, and wrapped his hand around the slick cock and proceeded to slowly jerk him off.

Theo didn't pay attention to how long he fucked and stoked Marcus. He didn't care how long this lasted, he was going to take his time making Marcus to enjoy it. At least twice he stopped jerking as he felt the mongoose tense, the second time making him curse so foully, Theo had been surprised someone from SolGov knew those words.

As Marcus tensed for a third time, he begged for Theo not to stop, and the tiger didn't, his own orgasm close at hand. Marcus screamed as he came, and a moment later, if far quieter, Theo did the same.

He remained in him as they both came down, still holding Marcus against him, one hand wrapped around his cock, the other gently rubbing his chest. Theo felt him sob quietly, but he didn't say anything, letting him work through what was going on. He'd talk about it when he was ready.