The Cobra’s Return

Story by FoxLightning on SoFurry

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I should learn to leave magical things alone especially bottles containing weird goo.

Story by draconicon all credit to him posted with his permission

Icon art/original art by Spirit_Dancer found here:

The Cobra's Return For FoxLightning By Draconicon

With the modern resurgence of magical items - called cursed by the churches of the world, blessed by those with an interest - the government had taken to a scorched earth policy. Any place that was found to house any was slated for demolition, fire-scouring, earth salting, and whatever else the local authorities could think of to make sure that the owners of the house never went back to their magical ways. Likewise, with the delay between evicting the owners and the destruction that followed, there were always those that were willing to pay a great deal of money for the items before they could be obliterated. Some legal, some not, all very, very public about it for those that were in the know. Ryan, of course, wasn't one of those item hunters, but that didn't mean that he wasn't willing to go take a look at the stuff when he had the opportunity. The young man was passing through the center of the city, near an apartment building that was slated for destruction. An entire floor had been found to be filled with magical items, with most of the residents having no idea of how they got there. One man, later found to be possessed, was assumed to be the source of most of them, but there was no proof in that particular accusation. It was just the one that made the most sense. The young man, wearing a pair of sunglasses, a hoody, jeans, and a pair of shoes that were as gaudy as they were new, stopped at the corner and looked at the building. The police had gone home for the night, and the general paranoia that surrounded the building kept most people on the opposite side of the street from it. Only those that were interested in stealing items would have crossed that police line, and whatever they found would be at least as dangerous as what the police might have done during the day. Despite that, Ryan hesitated. Curiosity had always been a weakness of his, and with all the stuff on the news about how bad the magic was for people that stumbled across it, he had been wondering just how bad it actually was. Was it as dangerous as people claimed? Or was it a lot of overblown hype? Here was his chance to find out. Ryan crossed the street in a quick jog, moving under the police line and making his way towards the broken door that marked the entrance to the building. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he shivered. The air tingled around him, the presence of magic making itself felt. Whatever had been done here, he could feel the leftovers that remained. This...this was not normal. Well...looks like it's not just a rumor, he thought, taking it slow as he walked through the lobby towards the hallway for the first floor rooms. He knew from the news reports that the main infestation of items was down on the first floor, and he was curious what he'd find. It was varied, to say the least. The doors to all the rooms were open, probably to keep an eye on anything that happened to be summoned by an accidental shift of the items inside. The first room had an altar that was covered in black candles, with a mist that covered it and little tentacles that pushed through the clouds. The second room had a teddy bear in the middle of the room, with a series of other stuffed animals bowing to it, growing sharp crystals out of their backs. And it only got worse from there. He was at the very end of the hall before he saw something that was vaguely neutral, natural, even. A single table, one that was covered in different vials and tubes of various colors. He cocked his head to the side as he stepped through the door, approaching it slowly. There was no response, though he could feel the tingle in the air, still. The magic was still present, still looking for someone, or something. He walked over to the table, slowly reaching out for one of the vials. It was filled with a black liquid that sloshed about as he moved it through the air, tilting it this way and that and making the black goo on the inside move with him. It seemed to bubble about on contact, too, and he swore that there were shiny bits on the inside. Ryan reached down to put it back - Click. He froze, his arm twitching, and he lost his grip. The vial slipped from his hand and hit the floor with a crash. And as it hit, the glass shattered, the goo slipping free...and immediately revealing itself as anything but just a simple liquid. It was like watching a snake wriggle out of its burrow, the black liquid pulling itself together into two serpentine forms. It slithered together, coming into a pair of coils as Ryan backpeddled from the table as fast as he could, but not quite fast enough. They struck, one shooting for his face and the other for his legs. No sooner had they hit then they went right for the holes they could find. One went through his pants, and the other - "MMMPH!" Ryan struggled with the black ooze that was already pushing past his lips, flattening itself out and going down his throat. He threw himself from side to side as he struggled to get a grip on it, but there was no saving himself. He went down, hitting the ground as he squirmed for the door. There was no stopping the other one, either, as it slithered up his pants and made its way for his underwear. He felt the slimy thing rubbing against his ass cheek before it pushed inwards, sliding between them. Something almost like a tongue brushed his hole before - "MMMMPH!" He screamed again, not in pain, but in pure shock and surprise as that thing tunneled its way into him. Ryan barely managed to get back to his feet as it kept on wriggling forward, pushing past his rim into his body, and the one in his mouth - He could hardly believe that it was already gone. He could feel it moving in his stomach, slithering further into his body, and it settled down there with a strange feeling that he really, really didn't want to think about. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This is what you get for messing with magic, he thought as the things kept moving. The other one had already slipped deep inside of his ass, already working its way up from the opposite direction, and the heat was running up and down his legs in a strange, invasive way that he didn't understand. All he could do was keep moving, making his way out of the room before he broke anything else. Some people would have run to a doctor. Not him. He knew what would happen if he showed anyone that he had been infected by something magical. The government would be called, they'd quarantine him, and...well, if this was something bad, they'd just let it work its way through him before calling it a day and killing the creature. If he was going to have any sort of chance, he needed to get home, make a few prayers, and hope for the best. At least that way he wouldn't get shot if something did come out and he could get along with it. Ryan hit the streets with a groan, stumbling along as he still dealt with the consequences of having been essentially ass-raped by a tentacle snake. He could feel them rolling around inside of him, slithering and coiling together, rubbing against each other in his belly. It was a very disorienting feeling. Is this what it's like to feel pregnant? he wondered, shaking his head. It was a long walk home, made longer by the fact that he swore he was getting a series of hallucinations on the way. He would stumble, his vision going dark, and for a moment, all he could see was something white. Something gray. Something pale. He didn't know what it was, and he didn't want to know. But every time, he kept walking, having a strange feeling of pressure every few seconds. It faded, came back, and faded again. And every time he opened his eyes, he was further along than he was before. He took it as a win, and just kept walking, not wanting to make things worse by questioning his good fortune. Eventually, he reached his apartment on the other side of town. By then, he was burning up, sweating from head to toe, and he groaned as he stumbled from the doorway to the couch. He wanted to get all the way to the bedroom, but he knew that he didn't have the strength to get that far. All he could do was collapse here and hope for the best. So, he did. He managed to kick off his shoes and socks, managed to unbutton his pants and slide them off, but that was it. He slammed down one more time, his face in the pillows, and he slipped into dreamland. # It was a weird feeling for Ryan. He swore that there was some sort of weird thing going on. His dream had him staring out the window, feeling a low-level sense of heat and pleasure, one that kept growing as he kept staring. He didn't know what it was, and yet, at the same time, he found it hard to care what it might be. After all, it wasn't hurting him, so it wasn't like it could be that bad. So, he let it keep happening, staring forward, his eyes glazed. Sometimes, he would find himself staring the other way, back towards the locked door of his apartment, almost like he was staring past his toes. The pale digits would twitch now and then, and it would give him a weird feeling of contact, like he was rubbing his fingers together, except that it was his toes doing that. Back and forth, back and forth he went in this strange dream, feeling himself becoming more and more aroused as it kept happening. He was moving? Yes, he was, he was shifting on the couch, his hips moving without his consent, sometimes grinding against his pillows, sometimes humping against the cushions. It was hard to figure out just why he was doing it, but it felt good, so again, he didn't question it. He just went along with it, allowing the dream to keep going, and going, and going. It was somewhere past the fourth orgasm when he realized he wasn't entirely dreaming. Ryan groaned as he slowly rolled over, or at least, he tried to. The feeling when he did was like pushing against a restraining blanket held down by an older sibling. He could move, but not very well, and not very far. He was held down by...something. But there wasn't anyone else there, and he wasn't under a blanket. His clothes were loose, his underwear soaked, and he could feel his body shaking with the urges that were still running through him. As he came back to full consciousness, Ryan groaned, rubbing his forehead slowly, trying to stop his hips from hunching forward again. The rough texture of his soaked underwear was starting to chafe his cock. Yet, try as he might, he couldn't do anything. All he could do was lie there and hump away, his cock starting to throb again, pushing itself towards yet another orgasm, another little release that would flood the inside of his pants, make him look all the more dirty and perverted as his cock begged for more pleasure. Yet, he couldn't stop. He couldn't stop himself. He just panted, groaned, humping away and moaning for more. Mmm, you're awake already. I thought you might stay out of it for a bit longer. That voice. Ryan jumped, his head turning slowly from one side to another as he tried to force himself to move, but again, something held him back. Something held his body in place, forcing him to continue the self-abuse that had been going on for who knew how long. "Where...where are you?" Around. Not that you need to know more than that. "Who are you?" It's more a question of who you are, Ryan. Or rather, who you will become. The voice chuckled, the sound of it more than a little deep and intimidating. Ryan groaned, trying to put his arms under him to get a little distance from the couch, but even that was nearly impossible. All he could do was get a bit of distance from his chest and the arm of the couch, and his crotch continued to grind and hump down below. He groaned under his breath, trying to shake it off, but the feeling, the pleasure, continued to rise. He shifted his weight, trying to bring himself up - Then it happened again. Like in the dream, he was shunted down, pushed out of his head down to his feet. He realized that he wasn't just looking at his toes, but he was forced to stare between them, his vision coming from the soles of his feet, from the arch and the balls of his feet, able to stare either up at the ceiling or out between the toes. Not much else. He gasped, as much as he could in a mental way, as he felt his body start moving again. This time, he was turned around, his body forced to sit on the cushions. He felt the seed that had soaked through it touching his ass, running through his underwear, soaking him from beneath. It was rather...embarrassing, but also a bit sexy. His feet - his vision - was turned upwards, forced to look up at his own face. This time, he was seeing his mouth talking as his own voice filled his 'ears.' "Looks like you aren't as in control as you might like, human." What are you? What's happening? "I am that which was kept contained. I am old, human, but with your body, I will be young again." But...but why? Why me? "Because you were the only one that came close enough for me to take." Ryan's heart was running a mile a minute, even from way down in his feet. He squirmed, trying to push himself to the surface of this little trap, but there was no way out for him. All he could do was keep struggling. The most he could accomplish was curling his toes, forcing his soles to wrinkle a bit. He couldn't do anything more extreme, anything more noteworthy than that. And his lips turned up in a smirk as he tried. "Look at you, trying to hold out against the power of a god. You think that you can keep me from taking your body?" I have to try! Get out! Get out! "That won't happen. But you are welcome to try." His lips turned up in a chuckle, but Ryan was already pushing as hard as he could, trying to force the other presence out of his head. He reached out, weakly fighting against the other presence. He could feel the slimy things that had invaded his holes running through his body, giving a sense of blackness that reached from the top of his spine down to his feet on the inside. He didn't know what it meant, but he knew that it was going to be bad if he didn't find some way of fighting back. So, he pushed. He pushed, and pulled, dragging himself through the black back up to his head. He dragged himself through his own body, something that he was surprised he was able to pull off, and put himself back in his own mind. The creature shouted in shock as it was pushed away, and Ryan gasped as he was able to open his eyes, see through them again. He grabbed hold of the couch, pushing himself up - Oh, no you don't. He fell over almost immediately, his body thrown off balance as something heavy and hard pushed down from the base of his spine. Ryan fell forward, catching himself on the edge of the coffee table, panting and shaking his head as he looked over his shoulder. A bump had already appeared over the bottom of his spine, at the tip of his tailbone. It was growing slowly, pushing out over his ass cheeks, slowly starting to bubble and writhe. Through the paleness of his skin, he could make out something dark, something wiggling, something that was trying to push out. "What...what the fuck..." This body will not be suitable for me as it is. You will be a proper vessel for me. A vessel for Naryanti. He had no idea what that name meant, but he knew that staying here, that giving in for the other creature's whims, was not something that would work out for him in the long run. Ryan pushed himself to his feet, groaning as he wobbled from side to side. The phone. He had to call someone. Anyone. Leave a trace for people to track. If he disappeared... He felt the pressure in his head again, the impending shift from one part of his body to another. The human forced up a wall of willpower, hoping that it would be enough. It wasn't. Just like that, he was yanked back out of his head, thrown down his spine and through his legs back to his feet. He struggled, trying to hold onto something, maybe even keeping himself stable at the knees for a moment, but it was a lost cause. Down he went, and down he stayed. He grumbled down there, trying to work up the will to seize control again, but this time, this Naryanti was holding him down. There was pressure, a will that was beyond anything that he had ever felt, holding him in his own feet. He couldn't get out. Couldn't get free. His body was walked over to the mirror in the bathroom, his body turned to look at his ass in the mirror. One foot was lifted to allow Ryan to see what was happening, and he gasped as he watched the burgeoning lump on the bottom of his spine suddenly change. A tail pushed free of his skin, pushing through it like it was dead flesh from a sunburn. Black as sin, the tail grew longer and longer, pushing out past his legs and coiling on the floor. It had to be over six feet long, perhaps longer than seven, and it was as flexible and whip-like as the creatures that had invaded him in the apartment building. He stared as the inky black continued to spread, running out of that hole over his ass and then up the middle of his back. It gave his spine a look of rot, at first, and then a look of something from hell as it went darker and darker. The black lines spread out line ink blots on a page, like the veins of a leaf, and he could track each and every one in the mirror. What are you doing to me? "I'm making you into a proper vessel for me, as I have stated several times, now." What...what is a vessel for you? "A cobra." That was not what Ryan wanted to hear, but before he could try and respond again, Naryanti reached for his cock. The feeling of another hand on his shaft - or at least, the feeling of a hand out of his control down there - silenced him in a moan that he didn't want to give. He bit his lips, trying to hold it back, but it just got stronger, tighter, squeezing him more than he expected. The voice in his head, the one that had taken control, laughed at him. He was forced to hump his own hand, feeling his need skyrocketing, getting stronger by the second. Huffing and puffing, Ryan tried to say something, tried to drag himself out of his feet, tried to do anything to fight against the transformation that was even then rippling down his back to his legs. His body was growing, extending, spreading upwards in a way that he had never thought was possible, even with magic. His spine was cracking, getting longer, and his head moved up and up and up. His legs were getting longer, too, and he could feel his toes spreading further, getting further from the center of his foot. What is going on? "A cobra cannot be as small as a human. You will be a proper size for me." Naryanti continued the transformation, keeping up the slow stroking down there at the same time. The whole thing was a huge show for him, forcing Ryan to watch as his body was violated, altered, shifted to fit the whims of its new owner. He could see his ass firming up, a low-level bit of bubbling going on as his cheeks were pushed out, forced to be a bit bigger, a bit more noticeable by the new owner of the body. He was forced to stare as his legs were made thicker, his body shifting to accommodate a different size. Up along his back, he could see that the black had spread over his shoulders, thickening them, making them muscular yet keeping them slightly willowy to match the overall theme of a strong snake. He didn't know how to think about that, didn't know what he was supposed to think. All he could do was keep watching. The transformation spread, and he was forced to watch, still, as he was turned around. This time, Naryanti leaned back against the wall, one foot in the air and almost touching the mirror to make him see the extent of the transformation. His cock was growing, filling out his fleshy hand a bit more, making it bigger and heavier down there. If it wasn't for the new height, the sheer size of that cock would have been impossible, a hyper-sized thing that he didn't have the blood to support. As it was, it was big enough to outclass anything in porn, and would likely rip apart anyone that it tried to fuck, unless there was other magic in play. He groaned as he felt it stroked again, feeling his balls drawing inside his body, finding a place inside away from the stress and dangers of the outside world. He groaned as his toes curled again, the digits pushing outwards, growing fatter and bigger, heavier and thicker, the toenails turning into toe claws. I have...have to...fight... He pushed one more time, sliding up the legs. He slammed into the consciousness of the snake that was trying to take his body, slammed into him with all the force that he could muster. For a few seconds, he had his skull back, could see through his eyes, saw the world filtered through something golden in view. And then he was gone again, effortlessly shoved back down to his scaly, smooth feet. He groaned, panting, shivering as he was kept down there, feeling the texture of the linoleum under one foot and the cool air of the bathroom along the other as they grew to match the size of the big snake that had conquered him. "Paws, if you would." What? "You are paws, not feet. A lord such as me does not walk around on human parts." He groaned, but just as the snake said it, there was no way for him to think of it in any other way. He was situated in his paws, not his feet, and he was forced to stand in a different way, moving up to his tiptoes as his paws cracked to form the right shape. And as he did that, he could see something else. Along the sides of his body's neck, along the edges of his face, the skin was pulling out. Blackening as fast as it grew, the edges of his face and neck and the top of his head - now bald - grew out to form...a hood. And not just a simple hood, either. It spread out and out until it was nearly twice the size of his former face, slightly lighter in the thinner parts as it opened and spread shade across the mirror. From the bottom of his paw, Ryan felt like he was gazing up at a hood of a predator...of something much bigger, and much stronger, than himself. And then, the eyes started opening. He would have screamed if he had a mouth. As it was, he was forced to stare at the pairs of eyes that formed and opened around the edge of the hood, each set glowing with a different color, casting some sort of spell with their gaze. The room started to feel small, like it was being twisted and pulled in, like the world in the apartment was bowing to the will of Naryanti. Ryan had a front-row seat to the corruption that was going on, but all that mattered was what was happening to his body. It had become almost totally snake-like, with a tail that stretched out for far too long and a body that was lean and willowy in proportion, yet with enough muscle that he knew he could flatten a semi-truck. Along his chest, his muscles popped and grew, and his legs thickened in the thighs, fattening with muscle down to the knee. His legs lengthened again, adding to the willowy, serpentine look, and his paws - Mmmph! He was squished down against the floor again, the world going black as he was forced to stare at the showed undersides of his paws and the linoleum under them. He couldn't pull back, couldn't even flex his toes any longer. He was helpless. Naryanti groaned in his head, the voice coming through a longer snout, a hissing voice of a long tongue and narrow teeth. The voice filled the room, echoing at a higher pitch, almost too monstrous to be believed. "Yessssss." The voice chuckled. "Yessssss, I have returned...I have a body of my own once more..." Let me go. Please. You don't need to do this! "You will sssserve, human. You will ssssserve in my pawsssss forever." Ryan gasped as he felt his spirit, his mind, his presence be pulled from the paws to the crotch of his former body. It was shoved down into the balls, made to swim in the seed there. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew that something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. Particularly as Naryanti started to stroke himself. The pleasure that came with every stroke was something intensely arousing and intensely fear-inducing. Every stroke seemed to pull at him, forcing his mind up the shaft, along the edge of the rod towards the tip. He didn't know how or why it was happening, but he knew that if he didn't find some way to fight, he would be forced out for good. There was no longer any way to see what was happening. His only sense was the sense of touch, and it was enhanced in a horrible way. He was able to feel literally everything that was done to him, to where he was situated. He felt every grope to the balls that housed him, every stroke to the shaft, every squeeze around the head. It was like some army of whores was gradually teasing him. And it was gradual. Slow and steady, building him up, edging him, forcing him to the limits of his endurance before dropping him down again. He could hardly breathe as he was forced up the shaft, then pulled down, then up again. The need for climax that rushed through the body that had once been his was beyond insane. He was on the edge, held there, for hours. He could not think of time passing, but it had to be that long. His entire existence was bound up in that continued pleasure, and he could feel all the seed in the serpent's balls pulling together to gather him up into it, forcing his existence to be nothing more than seed. And he felt the serpent shifting about, moving, pulling something up. He didn't know what, nor did he have the capacity to care. Ryan had ceased to have emotions, ceased to fear, ceased to have anything but the feeling of pleasure. He didn't know what was going to happen, and he could only slightly bring himself to think about it. Bit by bit, he was teased, stroked, edged, and finally...milked. It was an earth-shattering orgasm, one that ripped through him with all the intensity that one would expect from the attention of a god. For a split second, all that was left of Ryan's consciousness came rocketing forward, and he could see the world from all angles. His eyes could see in all directions, and he was nearly blinded with the awareness that came with that. And then, he landed. He landed on the toes of the paws he had just left. As he hit them, Ryan felt himself sinking in, dissolving into the scales and seeping through into the paws once more. They were his world. He was them, and they were him, and this time, there would be no escape. He was propped up on the coffee table, the soles of one paw rubbing him into the toes of the other, and then vice versa. He groaned as much as paws could groan, even as he was forced to settle down and take in his new role in life. "You will carry me through thissss world, human," Naryanti hissed. "Ssssoon, I will have worsssshipersss once more, and thisss world will bow to me." Ryan could not respond. He just...stayed there, shivering, trying to figure out how he was ever going to get used to this...

The End

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