How to Catch a Shark

Story by Granite Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Swole Series

Duke gets to the family farm to start his birthday celebration. Things seem to be a little quiet in the house but there is a big surprise waiting for him!

This story was inspired by a picture created by justmegabenewell involving two of KetoArcticWolf's characters, Duke and Barry, that he was kind enough to let me use in my own work. Big shout out to Keto for being so open.

Cover art by tatsumichi

WARNING: 18+ only

This story and its subsequent chapters contain sexual relations between two males. It is NOT to be viewed by audiences under the age of 18. If you disagree with homosexuality or are not of appropriate age please LEAVE THE WEB-PAGE NOW. If you are also uncomfortable with certain kinks and situations, please read the list of tags pertaining to each chapter before continuing.

CHAPTER 2: How to Catch a Shark

The sun still burned high in the sky as the air rippled with heat waves that rolled over hot asphalt. Loud music from a distant vehicle accompanied the circumambient sounds of summer as it raced over the baked pavement. Duke bobbed his head to the music and thumbed the beat on his steering wheel while a rush of warm air whipped past his face from the open window. The blue shark was unfazed by the high temperature outside thanks to his days spent as a lifeguard; hardening him to the heat. The view from the open window slowly progressed from sand and city to fields and farmhouses as the car made its way over the winding roads. It was a welcomed sight as it elicited the warm feelings of coming home.

Duke arched his back to stretch his stiff muscles as he caught sight of the long dirt driveway to the family farm in the distance. It had been a long three-hour drive and the young shark was ready to get out of his vehicle and stretch his muscles; hopefully more if he was able to get some time to himself. He turned the wheel towards the dirt road and pulled into the long driveway with a nostalgic smile.

The car jerked and bumped as it made its way over the rougher terrain. Trees lining the unpaved trail cast strobing shadows over the dashboard as Duke peered over it. His parent's large house loomed in the distance, framed by familiar oaks and wooden fences. His old folks had done pretty well for themselves considering that it was mostly his dad and mom that ran the farm. It was always nice to make the trip every once in a while to see them. This visit was especially exciting since his folks had invited Duke for the weekend to celebrate his upcoming birthday.

The blue shark's elation grew as he approached the house and parked his car next to his dad's trusty pickup. The music from the radio cut off as Duke pulled the keys from the ignition and opened his car door to step out into the summer air. He gave his arms and legs a long stretch with a sigh of relief, enjoying the change in position and scenery. He breathed in the warm country air as he strolled to the back of his car and grabbed his luggage from the trunk.

The shark hefted his bags around to the front of the house and greeted it with a nod. "Just like I left you last time." The steps to the house welcomed him with their creeks as the young male approached the front door with a smile. Duke stopped just short of the door and checked himself to make sure he didn't look like a slob of a child. He brushed away some snack crumbs from his shirt and adjusted his loose basketball shorts to hide his slight chub. The drive up to the farm always seemed to do that to him for whatever reason, but Duke dismissed it with a snort and a shake of his head before turning the knob of the door.

"Hey, mom! Dad! I'm here!" the son said loudly as he stepped through the front door. His announcement was met with no reply as Duke placed his bags on the ground. He meandered around the kitchen for a while, noticing some of his dad's belongings piled on the kitchen table. The young shark furrowed his brow at the mess while his stomach began rumbling with need. He made his way to the fridge and pulled it open to search for any leftovers his parents might have stored in there.

"Hey, Pops! You got anything to eat in here?" Duke yelled over his shoulders as he rummaged through the different containers and packages in the cold box. He gave a dissatisfied huff as nothing seemed to perk his interest."Damn... nothing good," he mumbled to himself as he pushed a few more things out of the way and laid eyes on a strange blue can near the back wall of the fridge. The finned male grabbed the can and pulled it from the shelf to inspect it.

"Well helloooo," Duke crooned as he shut the fridge door, "What do we have here?" Curiosity caused him to investigate the eye-catching can and read the words on the bright blue label. "Swole?" he said to himself with a frown as he rotated the can and tried to figure out exactly what he was holding. "What is this? Some kind of workout supplement?"

The youngster's eyebrows raised with interest as he read the flashy text written on the side of the product. "Hmmm, this seems like an odd thing for my dad to buy for himself," he said as he rubbed away the condensation forming on the label. "Maybe he got it for me." Duke looked over the container one more time before giving a shrug and popping the tab of the drink to give the contents a good swig.

His eyes widened as the refreshing flavors ran over his tongue and down his throat. There was a refreshing "ahh" as the boy brought the container from his lips and assessed the flavors. "Now that's tasty!" Duke said before guzzling the rest of the blue liquid and wiping the remaining dribble from his mouth. He exhaled with a content sigh as he crumpled the can and threw it towards the recycle bin before walking out of the kitchen.

A quick scan of the hallway presented no sign of his parents. "Hey, mom! Dad! You guys here?" the son called out again as he turned the corner to enter the living room. He stopped when he noticed his dad's boots and shirt on the floor just outside the kitchen. Another look around the room for other signs of his folks resulted in nothing but the dull hum of the cicadas outside. Duke walked to the couch and flopped down with a huff, taking his sandals off in the process and flicking them to the floor. "Guess dad is taking a shower or something and mom's out shopping," Duke said to no one as he grabbed for the remote and turned the TV on.

His stomach gurgled as he flipped through the channels for something good to watch while he waited for his parents. Duke clicked through the stations aimlessly, waiting for one of the flashing images to catch his interest but like always, nothing good is on when you want it. Duke eventually blinked as his mind caught up processing the flashing images and he backed up a few channels.

He perked up as he landed on a station that was broadcasting a strong-man competition on a beach. The setting was painted with sprawling white sand contrasted by the blue ocean as a crowd gathered behind a roped off section of the beach. They were cheering and shouting as the camera panned across them, giving a sweeping view of the event. Duke cocked his head to the side and squinted his eyes as a sense of familiarity began to grow inside him. "Oh damn!" he cried as he sat up a bit in his seat and smiled at the developing scene on the TV, "I think that's my beach!"

Duke instantly became glued to the television as he watched the picture give one more flyby of the scenery and crowd before resting the frame on the contestants. The gathering of muscular males was stretching their muscles and preparing themselves for the next event before the camera cut to one of the contenders. The operator zoomed in on an incredibly built fellow shark clapping his palms together and causing a cloud of chalk to explode from his meaty hands. "Oh, hell yea!" Duke exclaimed as he watched the massive male straddle a silver keg and grip it tightly, "This guy is gonna win for sure! He's freakin' built like a tank!"

The crowd grew silent as the bulky male readied his position and waited for the signal. A sharp tweet from a whistle gave him his go and the muscles on the bodybuilder rippled and bulged as he hoisted the heavy cylinder up over his head and launched it behind him. The 160lbs projectile easily cleared a high placed pole before landing with a dull thud in the sand a few feet away. The crowd roared as the ripped shark on TV flexed and pumped his fists in the air to the enjoyment of the onlookers.

Duke lurched forward on the couch and hissed a "yes!" while shaking his fist in solidarity at the accomplishment of his bulky brethren. He leaned back into the cushions as he watched the camera pan to follow the shark walking away while continuing to display his muscles for the crowd.

The younger shark mindlessly placed his hand on the tent starting to form in his shorts again and gave it a light rub as the camera cut away to give a view overlooking the beach. The announcer began to inform the viewers of the event's sponsor in a baritone voice. "This fantastic display of raw strength is brought to you by Swole!" Duke cocked his head as the announcer continued. "The folks behind Swole have used cutting edge science to develop a formula that will help you get the results you've dreamed of and fast! Be the best YOU you can be! Get Swole!"

The screen faded as the program transition to a commercial and the young shark gave a light huff, "Wow, guess that stuff is pretty popular." He looked down to his shorts, unaware that his slight chub had continued to swell with his subconscious stimulation. The commercials continued to play in the background as Duke's cheeks flushed purple as he worked his shaft through his shorts to its full length. His uncut dick began to throb while a dull sensation began to grow deep inside him. The young boy could feel warmth course through him as his virile tool pushed tightly against his shorts and started to leak dots of pre into the cloth.

The boy began to lose himself in a feeling of euphoria as the unfamiliar buzz in his groin mixed with the blood coursing into his painfully hard pole and made his skin tingle. Duke had his eyes closed as the outside world began to melt away while he rode the waves of pleasure thrumming through his body.

His trance was severed by the gruff voice of the strong-man announcer dragging the young shark back to reality. Duke whipped his hand away from his erection with another blush as he turned his attention back to the TV as it displayed the meaty shark from before. The beautiful representation of peak male performance stood with his hands on his hips as the station showed a graphic of his placement in the day's events.

Duke viewed the older male in a lusty haze as a sense of primal urge gripped his thoughts and caused his dick to involuntary pulse. His eyes glazed over as they trailed along the competitor's massive biceps, firm pecs, muscled gut, and tight bulging speedo framed by chiseled thighs. A low groan escaped the younger shark as his full mast bulged in its fabric restraints. "God, he kinda looks like a younger version of dad!" Duke balked and jerked his head up as his last words rang in his ears.

Oh shit! Dad!

He lurched to attention as the world around him abruptly crashed in and his surroundings raced to remind him where he was. He jumped up from the couch and stuffed his cock into his shorts as he whipped his head around. Duke's face burned red as he realized he could have been caught at any moment in his precarious position in front of the TV. He had no ideas why he was so horny; well, horny enough to think rubbing himself in the middle of the family living room was a good idea.

Duke grabbed the remote and hastily turned off the broadcast as he cleared his throat and regained his composure. His groin still pulsed with the strange sensation emanating from it, but the young shark shook the feeling from his mind and adjusted his dick in his shorts. He warily walked out of the living room and peeked into the main hallway for any hints of movement. The house seemed to be just as quiet as when he first arrived but the boy cautiously crept down the hallway as he searched for any other signs of life in the house.

A sudden urge to pee gripped his nether regions as he approached the doorway to his parent's bedroom, the only room pouring light into the hallway. Duke ignored his bladder in his heightened state of awareness and slowly pushed the door to the bedroom open further. He took a quick summary of the room and noticed his father's pants and signature leather chaps in a bunch on the floor. The shark looked to the bathroom and noticed more light emanating from the cracked door.

Duke relaxed a bit as he concluded that his dad was indeed in the shower as he gingerly stepped to the door; feeling the humidity caress his skin. He pressed his back to the wall and let out his breath that he realized he had been holding. The son inhaled sharply as the desire to urinate now burned in his groin and urged him to find the nearest toilet. The choice was apparent as the emergency rose, and Duke huffed as he walked through the bathroom door regardless of the situation.

The scenario wasn't completely out of the ordinary since the master bathroom was the closest one to the living room and kitchen. There had been a handful of times one family member needed to use it while another was in the shower but it had mostly been the men of the house. There's nothing quite like having a few too many beers and needing to break the seal; even if it means doing it while your dad is only a few feet away from you in the same room.

Duke stepped into the misty room and b-lined it to the toilet, but a loud moan echoing off the smooth walls caused Duke to stop mid-stride. He stayed in this position as he jerked his head around to find the source of the noise. His nostrils flared as the scent of male musk wafted heavily around him, and the boy slowly turned his head to the shower as another soft moan emanated from that direction. Duke slowly padded to the shower door; unable to keep his body from advancing regardless of his brain's screams to just use the toilet. He pushed on the frosted glass slowly before craning his neck to look into the steaming shower room.

A quick gasp escaped his mouth as he gazed upon the sight of his father stroking the biggest piece of man meat he had ever seen. The young shark had observed his old man naked before and knew he was packing some serious heat but the pulsing rod between his dad's legs was massive! It was easily as long as the boy's arm and as thick as one of his thighs, maybe even thicker!

Duke was stuck frozen in disbelief as he watched his dad slowly raise his head and open his eyes to meet the younger sharks gaze. "Oh, hey son." the older male breathed as he ran his hands over the length of his throbbing member and gave a quick grunt, "Didn't expect to see you so soon."

Duke's chin dropped as he gaped at the sight of his progenitor presenting such a lewd display in front of him.

Barry gave a slight chuckle.

"Looks like you caught me"