The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Four

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#4 of The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox

Judy and Finnick return home from their date, and Nick eagerly debriefs Judy about how it went. ^^

This story is the continuation of a series originally written thanks to support from my Patreon supporters. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, poly romance, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

The Two Lovers of a Dumb Fox - Chapter Four

"I had a really wonderful time today."

Judy held Finnick's hands in her own, giggling as despite trying to look tough and nonchalant in the face of her open affections, the fennec fox's fingers squeezed fondly back against her own touch.

"I did too. I'm real glad you suggested this. I... damn, I'm just gonna come out and say it, okay? I'd like it if we could do this again. Go out together again. On another date."

Finnick's body visibly sagged in relief as the rabbit beamed and leaned forward to kiss him once again, something she'd done more than once since their first time in the park just a couple of hours ago. As their lips gently met and lingered upon one another however, both bunny and fennec twitched an ear towards the door. Their eyes, closed in the moment of their affections, slipped open, and through their intermingled muzzles they smirked at one another.

The kiss deepened. Judy sank to her knees as Finnick threw his arms around her, and gave a sharp squeal of genuine shock and delight when the male pushed forward, toppling her over and falling upon her as their tongues began to play and tease at one another in a truly more passionate make-out than anything they had yet shared. The rabbit's fingers caressed Finnick's broad radar-disc ears, and his hands stroked at the soft and fuzzy fur upon the cheeks of her beaming face in the midst of their smooching.

A few seconds later, through the apartment door before which they were now lying, a long and frantic whimper escaped.

"At least stand up and make out, guys. C'mon, I can't see you all the way down there through the peep hole. This is torture!"

The two figures embracing and making out upon the welcome mat snorted with laughter, but didn't immediately cease their kissing. It might have started as a playful tease to the fox they could hear listening in through the door, but perhaps that had just been an excuse to do something they already wished to do. When finally they rose back up, Judy reached out to open the door only for it to spring miraculously open before her. She feigned shock, and giggled as she saw Finnick doing the very same by her side. In the most obviously wooden and sardonically flat voice, Finnick addressed the fox as he appeared from behind the door with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, Nick. Why, what an absolute and total surprise to see you here. I am shocked, and-slash-or appalled that you might have caught me making out with your girl. However can I apologise."

The fox chuckled, and looked between the pair as they glanced at one another and fondly, bashfully joined hands before their shared partner. They each reached out with their remaining free paw, and soon the whole trio were connected. Judy and Finnick were both grinning, but Nick... Nick was stony faced and oddly quiet. Of course, knowing him as well as they did, both his lovers understood why.

"Don't get your hopes up, dumb fox. This is still all new. Your bunny here might still see sense and run screaming from both of us."

Finnick chided Nick playfully, only to receive an elbow in the side from the rabbit standing next to him.

"Hey. I'm not his bunny."

The fennec chuckled, looking between the pair as they each held onto one of his paws.

"Oh, you are. Just like he's your fox, and my fox. And how I'm his fennec."

The two smaller figures caught one another's eye as Finnick finished that comment, the same thought running through their minds. Nick saw this, and seized the opportunity to gain back a little ground.

"And now there's you two. Such a cute pair."

Judy raised an eyebrow. Finnick growled. They both pulled their hands free from Nick's grasp and turned to face him head on, still holding onto one another. In unison, Judy putting on as deep and threatening a tone as she could, they growled.

"Don't call me cute."

Nick just grinned. He dropped to his own knees, flung his arms out wide, and gave a shameless, joyful whimper as both his lovers burst into playful and genuine smiles of their own. They stepped gladly into his embrace, and with one head over each of his shoulders, the trio hugged tightly. For almost a minute they stood and knelt there upon the doorstep of the fox's apartment. Nick turned his head towards each of them, and within mere seconds of one another pecked both Finnick and Judy upon the lips. It was only after doing so of course that he realised the magnitude of what he had just done, and he pulled back from their embrace with a rather overwhelmed and sudden whine of emotive delight.

All three of them blushed as the fennec and rabbit also realised what Nick had done. What they'd done. For a moment, a thought hung in the air between all three figures. An impulse, a desire to do something reckless and foolish and absolutely amazing. But... no. Not yet. None of them said anything. None of them acted, because none of them were ready to be so bold. Close. So close, but... not quite yet.

Finnick chuckled as he looked from fox to rabbit and back again, and he took a step back.

"Well, I'm gonna head home."

Both Nick and Judy tensed, ready to say no. To tell Finnick that he should stay, that they wanted him to stay. They meant it, too. Before they could though the fennec raised his hands and shook his head, looking at each of them in turn with his big, deep eyes.

"We'll talk soon. All of us."

His gaze lingered on Judy longer though, and he stepped towards her first.

"Hey. I know I don't need to say it again, but... can I call you?"

Judy smiled, and blushed, and nodded with the utmost confidence.

"Of course you can."

She giggled as he wrapped his arms around her, resting them just over her backside. She leaned down to kiss him, and in doing so purposefully raised herself up on the tips of her toes, pushing her rump out in just such a way as to force Finnick's fingers to graze its curves either side of her tufty tail. By the time she withdrew from the not inconsiderable kiss, the fennec's sandy furred face was glowing red, and without another word she turned him where he stood and pushed him towards Nick.

Watching, Judy's breath caught in her throat, and a flutter of desire rose in her stomach as without even a single word passing between them Nick and Finnick shared their own kiss, just as long and perhaps a little deeper even than her own. Their greater familiarity and comfort was obvious, with Nick even caressing the smaller male's face as he pulled back, giving a deep, fond sigh.

"I always said you were the most amazing man I've ever known, Finn. Now you've proven it yet again. Thank you."

Finnick rolled his eyes, but the insides of his ears were glowing bright pink as he fought to shrug off the immensely tender words of his man.

"Such a sap."

He glanced to Judy and jerked a thumb towards Nick, but was grinning even as he did so.

"No wonder we love him so much."

And with that, before anyone could speak another word, the fennec departed.

Judy and Nick stood alone, first watching Finnick vanish from view, then slowly turning towards one another. For a brief while they stared almost blankly, solemn and serious.

Then a flicker of a smile crossed Nick's lips. A flicker that was mimicked upon the bunny's face a mere fraction of a moment later. He licked his lips, and he grinned at the rabbit. She giggled, and bounced up and down on her feet as she looked back to where Finnick had been, then to Nick once again.

"Oh my god."

She gasped in breathless joy.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god Nick, it... I... we..."

She squealed with abject glee, and flung herself up and into the fox's arms. He carried her back into the apartment as she wrapped both arms and legs tightly around him, and closed the door behind them, locking it tight even as she began to kiss and nip at the front of his neck, nuzzling, licking and giving soft, gleeful whimpers between her bashfully giddy words.

"He's so sweet and funny and cute and oh my god we got on so well. It went so much better than I ever dreamed Nick oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe he likes me back. I... the three of us, this could really work. It could really really happen, I... I..."

Her voice trailed off as she realised where Nick was carrying her. Not to the living room. Not to the couch where they could sit and chat and he could hear all about their date. To the bedroom. To the bed. She looked into his eyes, saw the fire burning within them, and groaned in joyous relief. Nick knew that Judy could have asked, and that she likely would have before too long. But she didn't have to ask. Didn't have to wait. He knew her well enough to know how she felt after a successful date. After all, she'd told him the stories of their first few dates. Of how he'd been a gentlemen, walked her home and kissed her goodnight at the door to her apartment. Of how she'd adored how respectful he'd been... but how she'd wished he'd taken her inside, peeled off her clothes, and fucked her senseless rather than leaving her with a pounding heart and a rabbit's libido to care for with only her fingers and a couple of overworked vibrators.

"Oh Nick... h-he was so..."

She whimpered as he laid her down on the bed and began to peel her trousers off.

" confident. He said things without caring whether people heard. He didn't sugar coat himself. Didn't... o-ohh..."

She felt her panties being peeled off too, her legs raised and spread out to the sides, and the fox's hot breath panting against her already flushed, slightly damp pussy.

"You have a lot in common. I knew that. B-but... he's got this fire. Where you're smooth, he's tough. But... at the same time he's gentle. He's warm and sweet and... a-and... oh Nick. I... if he'd asked me. If he'd come in here with us... oh god. Oh god, N-Nick. Nick."

Her back arched, her legs kicked out, Nick having thankfully already moved them aside and out of his range... he'd learned his lesson regarding her kicking pretty early on in their sexual relationship. The fox's hot tongue lashed at the lips of her pussy, spreading them apart and delving within to slurp and lick loudly and shamelessly.

"Nick, please. Please. Tell me... a-ah... about you. About the two of you when you're... w-when you're together. Tell me about Finnick. About his... how he is. How he feels. How he makes y-you... ah, yes..."

Stroking at the backs of the fox's ears, Judy begged her lover for details even as she delighted in his muzzle attending without distraction to her increasingly warm and wet slit, to the tiny but swollen, needy bump of her clitoris and all the myriad potent sensations that coursed through it with every sweeping strike of his rogue tongue. Indeed as soon as he tried to pull back, she instinctively wrapped her legs around the back of his head and held him in place. It was only when he managed to slip one paw between his muzzle and her depths, and start dragging the velvety pad of a digit back and forth over her tender clit, that she permitted him the ability to give an answer.

Panting, huffing loudly as his nostrils remained filled with the intoxicating aroma of Judy's sex, her juices clinging to the fur all around his face before he licked it hungrily off, Nick closed his eyes as he thought how best to answer his lover's question. He continued to caress her swollen and sensitive clit, but with two more fingers began to press his paw in and out of her pussy itself. His other hand held her down, watching the bunny thrash and squeal as he vigorously began to pound her nether regions with his paw. He waited until she was flailing as hard as she could and screaming near to the top of her lungs in uncontrolled bliss, then he eased off. His fingers fell almost completely still, just ever so gently caressing her inner workings as his other digit circled but now avoided direct clitoral stimulation.

"T-this is what Finnick is like. He can be coarse and loud one minute, and so vulnerable, so tender and soft the next. It's not that he's out of control. He just... he likes to shake things up. To show all sides of himself to those he trusts as soon as the desire to do so strikes him."

Nick waited until Judy was starting to relax. To squirm and whimper in longing, but to enjoy these more gentle and loving caresses to her intimate depths. It was of course at that point he started to move his fingers faster once again. To drive her harder, to press his digits deeper than before, and rubbing the hand pinning Judy's torso to the bed back and forth firmly over her plaid shirt, feeling her stiff nipples begging for his touch through the rich cotton.

"He'll drive you crazy. He'll get you hard. Spend a whole night teasing you. He'll strip you naked and rub your knot with his footpaws... f-fuck..."

The fox shuddered. Snarled in obvious arousal and hunger of his very own. Judy wailed as she looked down the length of her body, feeling Nick's fingers abandoning her pussy so that he could start to fumble with the front of his own trousers.

"...he'll take you to the very edge. Hold you there. Listen to you begging... but doing nothing, nothing until he believes you. Until he knows you can't take it any more. And then he'll straddle you. He'll line up his ass with your cock, or your ass with his cock... a-and he'll... o-oh. Oh god. Judy."

Nick watched as Judy squirmed out from under his hand's grasp. He watched her bottomless figure slide down off the bed and dart over to the fox's closet, pulling it open and bending over to root around inside. He watched her bare ass, and watched one of her hands reaching down to rub hungrily between her legs as she whimpered while she searched. And then he watched as she stiffened, and giggled, and she grasped something in her free hand that Nick knew even before she'd raised it up for him to see.

"Tell me how it feels when he fucks you, Nick."

Judy's voice was trembling and thick with arousal as she stepped into the harness and began to slide it up her legs, turning to face the fox as she did so. The toy built into the straps was firm and canine in design, with a tapered red silicon shaft and a slight bulge of what was meant to represent a partially developed knot.

"I know how it feels to be fucked by you. I know how it feels when I fuck you myself. But... tell me how it is with Finnick. How his cock makes you feel. How it makes you squirm, and yelp. Tell me how you love to be fucked by him, to make you cum so, so hard."

She grunted as she slipped the shorter, curved interior end of the feeldoe inside herself, tightening the straps to ensure it remained locked tightly within her body for what was soon to come. Already Judy could feel the toy's smooth silicon pressing up directly against her clitoris, and within its curved and bulbous form rested a painfully, deliciously short distance from where she knew her g-spot was located. Just walking back to the bed was enough to make her whimper in pleasure as she felt it rubbing between her legs with each motion, and by the time she'd scrambled up to rejoin Nick upon it's surface, she was shaking visibly with her need to continue.

Stroking the shaft of her fake cock, Judy watched as Nick rolled onto his back and kicked off his own trousers and the underwear beneath. They were both naked from the waist down now, both wearing shirts with no time or effort being wasted to remove them. Both so horny, both so eager, and both thinking of Finnick as much as they were of one another in that moment.

Nick grabbed the lube from the night-stand, tossing it back towards Judy as he lay down with his face and shoulders resting upon the pillows of his bed. He raised his ass up high, tail quivering in delight as it stretched skyward, and reached down beneath his body to tug his cock down so Judy could watch him stroking it between his trembling thighs.

"He... Finn, he... he fucks me like you do."

Even before Judy's fake cock had spent even a moment pressed up against him, a deep, lustful yelp escaped Nick, and he released his cock with a suddenness that suggested had he not, he might have brought his own excitement to an unexpectedly premature conclusion. The rabbit moaned just as long and loud, and as she lubed up the length of the toy protruding from her crotch her gaze remained fixated on the fox's cute, taut buttocks and the space between them.

"When we first talked about it. W-when we bought that, and... and you screwed me for the first time, Carrots... you remember how I buried my face in the pillow? How I was biting on it so hard you thought I was in pain?"

Judy nodded with a whimper of excitement, already suspecting she knew what Nick was about to say. And of course, she was right.

"I was about to call out his name. I... I knew it was you. I was so glad it was you. But... oh god. Everything you do. The way you go slow, t-then fast... then slow again. The angles you thrust at. The way you stay inside, grinding, rocking your hips against my ass. H-he... he does all that. He knows me like you know me. Both of you... right from the start, you saw through my acts, my bravado like no-one else. And even in bed, you both see through me just the same."

After Nick spoke, Judy didn't say anything. It was only when Nick felt the wet, lube-coated tip of the toy she was wearing press up against his buttocks that he knew she was still proceeding, and groaned to her softly.


When she answered though, it wasn't her normal voice. Indeed she began by clearing her throat, and giggling softly.

"Not tonight, Nick. Carrots isn't here tonight."

She echoed words that the fox himself had spoken to her shortly after learning of her desire to become better acquainted with the fennec. Her voice rang out in a playful attempt at a baritone, and even as she continued to talk, she guided the tip of her fake cock to bear against Nick's exposed and eagerly waiting ass.

"But tonight... you know who is?"

She rocked her hips forward, pressing the tip of her member against Nick's pucker and slowly easing it in. He tensed for a moment, gasping in desire.


The rabbit giggled happily, but murmured a negative.

"Nu-uh. Try again, Wilde."

He did so, closing his eyes and picturing the man he loved every bit as much as he loved the bunny currently getting ready to fuck him.


Judy moaned, bucking a little more firmly, pressing herself deeper. She felt Nick's body welcoming her. Felt him shuddering as her hands gripped at his hips.

"That's right. But... really believe it. Don't play it up. Don't put on a show for me. Imagine you're alone. Just you and a toy... a-and all the fantasies of all the times you've had Finnick's cock inside you. Imagine what you'd want Finnick to be doing to you right now."

She slid more of her lubricated cock into the fox, more and more until she felt the fur of her thighs brushing against his lush coat. Together they moaned loudly as she hilted inside him, and waited.

"I... o-oh, oh god. If he was here..."

Judy moaned back as Nick started, chiding him playfully and rolling her hips against him.

"He is here. Inside you, right now."

Nick yelped in pleasure, but to Judy's surprise he shook his head.

"No. B-because... if he was here? He wouldn't be fucking me."

The fox turned his head, lifting his face from the pillows and peering back over his shoulder to look up at Judy. He was blushing, panting, obviously desperate to let her fuck him. But first, he had to say this.

"If I had my way? My fantasies come true... Finnick wouldn't be here with me right now, fucking me. He..."

Nick took a deep breath, but let it out again in a long, ragged moan.

"He'd be fucking you. And I'd be watching. Stroking my cock, just sitting back and watching the two of you fuck each other senseless... a-and... the happiest fox, the happiest mammal in the world. Seeing the two creatures I love most sharing that love with each other."

Matching her lover's own, Judy let loose a deep, desperate whimper.

"Oh... y-you dumb fox..."

Her hips rocked back, then sharply forward. Nick yelped. His cock flexed and slapped up against his belly. Even Judy herself grunted in ecstasy.

"You dumb... sweet, f-fucking amazing fox..."

She began to fuck Nick in earnest, rapidly picking up speed and leading to loud, vocal slaps of their bodies uniting as she buried the toy as deep as it could reach within him over and over again. She closed her own eyes, listening to him yelp, to Nick's howls and moans of pleasure as she hammered at his prostate, and moaned back to him with every breath she could spare.

"I was trying not to think about that. N-not to let my libido get its hooks into the idea of y-you watching me and Finnick. Of me and Finn being together at all. But now... o-oh, now, Nick? Oh god! I... I c-can't... I.. oh god..."

In that moment both fox and bunny knew that sleep was going to a brief and precious commodity that night. They each knew what they had awoken in their partner, and in Judy in particular. A fire, a need that would burn until there wasn't a spark left unsaturated by the floods of her ecstasy. And even then, one which would only be temporarily quelled. For now she knew that what she craved, and what she suspected that Finnick also desired deep down, Nick wanted too. Not just for them to be friendlier. Not just for them to start a potential romantic relationship. But... the whole thing. The three of them. Together.

"C-caaaahhh... Carrots, oh god... slow down. I... I'm..."

With a glazed, frantic look in her eyes, Judy's hips became a blur of unabashed and shamelessly bunny-stereotyping sexual motion. Nick howled as he grappled with his cock, utterly helpless to resist the pounding pleasure surging through his prostate and out across the rest of his trembling body. To cum or not wasn't the choice he had to make. It was simply a matter of how. A few seconds sooner and with his hand pumping at his still swelling knot, or a few seconds later, and without the squeezing caress which could allow him to imagine Finnick with his muzzle wrapped around his tip, suckling upon him as Judy's toy ploughed him from the rear.

"Cum for us Nick! C-cum for me... and for Finnick. Cum, like he'll cum when I fuck him. Like I'll cum when he fucks me. When... o-ohhh, oh Nick... when you both... oh gosh. Oh... oh god, Nick, I... I'm gonna cum!"



And not for the first time as they lay together, and certainly not the last, as both fox and bunny careered over the edge into shared, sweet oblivion, their voices rang out in a unified cry of longing for the third of their number. The one they had allowed to slip through their fingers tonight, but would not make the mistake of doing so again.


By Jeeves

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