Chapter Three: The Nine-to-Five Grind.

Story by Dan Kinotama on SoFurry

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#3 of The Kinotama Story: A Man, A Mage, A Legend.

A rather depressed Dan sat at the bar once again, huddled over in his corner, frought with evil thoughts of the few encounters from before. Why did Goddess run off? Where had Aono gone? What would be in store for him from now on? "Best not to fret about it too much!" Said Cerberos, about a dozen times as Dan's head would whack the bar over and over, attempting to spark happier thoughts.

A quick look at the clock on the wall, and a soft sigh at the early hour. "Only four?" Dan would groan softly, scritching at his neck softly before jumping at the burst of energy that had entered the room. This rush of energy came in the form of a bronzed canine known as Shanuka, a tendress and cuddle pet. "Oh, it's Shan again..." Dan would also groan out, awaiting the new daily 'Try to cheer up the sad-sacks' routine.

Shan would plop in front of Dan and give his head a ruffling, coming down to eye-level with him as his head rested on the bar. "Glum again, Danny boy? You still sad over that little tramp?" A few ears twitched near by as that little tramp could be heard screaming the name of her new lover, which all but made Dan sick to his stomach. "Little tramp? You're giving her too much credit, Shan."

The canine would not fret, giving Dan a soft poke on the nose and pointing to the bot. "Why don't you get a job here, Danny? You've been here for a while, and you've got Cerb, Adal, and me to back you up!"

"Well, I suppose I could give it a try... How hard can bartending be?"

"Dan, I'm a bartender. It's really not THAT hard."

"This is true..." Dan muttered out softly as he thought to himself.

"Yup!... Hey, wait..."

Before any retaliation could be thrown his way, Dan had put on the spurrs to make his way to the bot and apply for a position. "Dan Kinotama requesting a position!" "Current available positions are as follows: Bartender, Bouncer, Priest, Stipper, Yiffer, Cuddle Pet." "Hrm... As intruiging as Yiffer sounds... Dan Kinotama applying as a Bartender, Bouncer, and... Priest." Yes, a priest.

Dan? A priest? Impossible! You say... Well, apparently not. "Request accepted. Please await Tigatron's reply."

"Well, that wasn't too hard." Dan shrugged it off, feeling tha was easy... A little too easy, to be completely honest, but it was worth a try, right? Well, it was to Dan, anyway, as he kept mentally reminding himself every few minutes. "It's worth it... It will give you something to do, let you meet new people... It's a great opportunity!"

A few days squeaked by, not a word from the wise gryffe named Tiga about his job, and Dan merely sat around depressedly as he always did. Thursday of that week rolled around, and Dan popped into the Nexus, after being ejected from and old copy of the dream. "Mrph! You know, they could have a better system for this..."

As he stepped into the Furrabian Nights portal, he instantly spotted the Bot beginning to upload the dream. Sitting patiently, the bot turned to address him. "Dan Kinotama. Application for employment completed. Welcome to the staff." And with that, his future suddenly looked a little brighter.

First day on the job, he learned more than he thought his brain could ever process. "Vodka on the left, flavors on the right, colors down below, blood under the trap door, glasses all over just under... Ow, ow, ow!" Dan muttered as he grasped the back of his head, the reprecussions of the learning now all but blatantly obvious.

"Hehe, don't worry. You learn quick!" Reassured Shan.

"Easy for you to say, you've been here for almost a year!"

"How did you hear!? It's one year tomorrow!"

"I'll make sure to bring a gift..."

Just another thing to add to his headache... And, speak of the devil, here came one in the door. A smokin' little kitten, a smirk seeming forever plastered on her face. Dan's ears perked up at the sight of the slender female in the silky, golden dress, especially since she sat directly in front of him. "W-w-www.... -ahem- Welcome to Barefoot Paradise. May I help you?"

The sultry kitten gave a soft purr as her yellow eyes trailed over Dan's form. "Why, yes... I don't believe I've seen you before, and I'm sort of a regular here. You must be the new meat... How about a Screaming Orgasm to start you out on your first day?"

Now... There is something you might already know, or you might be questioning. 'What is a Screaming Orgasm?' Well, yes. It is a massive orgasm, or involuntary convulsions due to extreme sexual or otherwise excessive pleasure causing one to scream just to display their happiness... However, in this kitten's mind... She simply meant an alcoholic drink consisting of vodka, Kahklua, and Bailey's Irish Cream.

However... Our hero did not notice this, as was little more than obvious by his near-blank expression. "A screaming orgasm?" He mumbled out in disbelief before composing himself and giving a smirk. "I think I can do that..." And, with that, he slipped up onto the bar and watched her.

The kitten blinked and let out a soft giggle, the purr emitting louder from her rather ample chest. "Yes... The drink, dear... Though a real one would wake me up just as good..." A lean over would place a soft kiss upon Dan's lips as a hand would reach down to grasp firmly onto his crotch.

He gave a jump at this, though, obviously, didn't fight as he all but melted into this kiss as their tongues fought over mouth real-estate. the kitten then gasped as she pulled away, looking down to her watch. "Oh my! I've got to go! I'm so sorry, I owe you one!" And the kitten's ample rump was then seen hurrying out the doors.

Dan, however, went toppling down onto the seat she had sat on, watching her leave. He heaved a massive sigh and hurled himself back behind the bar, his head once again smacking hard off the bartop. Back to depression... At least for now.