Baru's painful training

Story by TheDragonMage on SoFurry

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#20 of Stories

I had thought of scraping this and just writing the whole thing over again to write it differently but I had been convinced other wise, so here it is

The league has announced a special event, a special MvM set of matches where the fighters can't already be a part of the underground league and must be trained by one female from the league, and the prize for the trainer and the fighter being an all expense paid spa day for five years, and Kiri hearing this event knew who to train, and who to share that spa with, her best boy Baru, now he may not be the best choice or the smartest one, but it beats sharing that opportunity with a stranger to train, but if he won it would be wonderful to share with him, and if he lost would at least make for some good league clips that the league sells and gives to the fighters for free, but she would have quite the training to do, as Baru wasn't the best at protecting his aura balls, and while that was a bad thing he could use that pain to improve his power, if he could actually surpass the pain in his groin after the hit, but she called Baru to her place and gave him the welcome gift of a kick to the orbs.

"mmm do you always have to kick my balls in every time I visit" as he walks in more holding his berries "well of course I do, it helps me practice as part of the league and your balls gets tougher from the kicks" as she helps bring Baru in a his swollen problem "oh I almost forgot hun, the league announced a new event, but I can't technically participate in it" as Baru finally gets on the bed to have a sit down "oh, well why can't you, I mean you look well enough to do whatever it is, so why can't you?" as Kiri gets some training gear from her closet "well the female league member have to train a male that's not part of the league, so that's why your here, so you can do me proud in the ring, and the best part is the prize, a five year all expense paid spa day, and you know I like my relaxation" Baru shudders at the worst case though of a aggron stomping his nuts to paste "and how do you plan for me to be league ready then, I'm not exactly a good fighter Kiri" as Kiri pulls Baru up off the bed "look I know you aren't, but we do have two months to prepare for it, and the first training you'll receive from me is testicular defense, as the other women from the league will teach then to bash your lucario balls to mush, I'll be helping prevent that... hopefully, and also Sweetheart... surprise" as she launched a kick at his orbs as his reaction time was tested, and he failed with both orbs getting crushed into his pelvis as all his muscles froze from the impact "ooh, ok note to self for training, no surprise kicks, you need a ice pack him?" as Baru tries to get over the very sudden pain with some success "well nngh if I get one then mmph I fail the training right mmm... just give me a minute" she gives him more half a minute, but he was ready to go and continue, to Kiri's surprise "well someone is ready for round to, I thought you needed a minute to recover dear?" looking at him in surprise "well maybe it's all those nut kicks you give me everyday, maybe I'm better suited for the league then I thought hunny" she tries to not feel so proud at his words that she stops the training and composes herself "well back to the training then, so I'm going to go easy on you as I try and knock your little aura balls around and all you have to do is hold out and protect your jewels ok" he ready's a protective stance "alright then, I'm ready"

She launches a quick kick aimed for the groin with it connecting solidly as Baru failed to block the kick but stayed ready for the next hits as Kiri went for some quick punches in his head and gut both getting blocked along with her swift kick "well someone catches on quick" as she prepared a full force kick as she punched two more times and with both of Baru's hand preoccupied with blocking her fists, rocketed the kick crushing his nads to a scary degree, feeling like his eggs got fried and smashed together against the pan that was his pelvis "STOP OH ARCEUS STOP" having to fall down and face planting the floor to hold his aura spheres "alright hun, but next time you need to last at least an hour next time, the other gals are probably teaching their men to hit low and hard" as she had to help him up on the bed with help with her ribbons lifting him "I'll go get some potions for your eggs, but when I get back I expect you to be ready after an hour ok, I want that spa day" as she leaves to go on a shopping, Baru can only hold onto and feel his eggs to make sure he still has two of them "uuuh~... everything feels like pain"