The Corruption of Torria

Story by soltris on SoFurry

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The kingdom of Torria has come under a series of threats to the crown and its king has turned to a succubus and her scrying abilities as her last resort despite the strong protests of his brother. What price will the kingdom ultimately pay for trusting the infernal creature?

"Stop him!" the king of Torria bellowed. "That man is a traitor to the crown!"

All eyes in King Luther Belwyn's court followed the seated wolf's accusatory finger to the cheetah who was halfway out of the chamber's door. The royal guard leapt into action, two in front tackling him to the stone floor while three more stood behind with swords drawn. The writhing cheetah struck out at his captors with claws unsheathed, slicing the arm of one as cleanly as the air and leaving a trail of crimson spreading down the guard's sleeve. A crack resounded from a pommel brought down on the fugitive's head from above and he lay limp on the floor.

"Get a cleric in here!" shouted the guard who both of his hands pushing down on his partner's wound. The command rose over the murmurs and worried cries of the general court while the cheetah's breeches and bags were searched. Moments later the searching guard put an empty vial in the king's grey palm, still streaked with traces of purple liquid clinging to the glass.

The lean monarch brought the vial's rim to his nose and inhaled, scrunching his nose. His blue eyes narrowed.

"Throw him in the dungeon! He shall hang publicly tomorrow as a warning to the other conspirators. Interrogate everyone in the kitchen! He can't have acted alone."

Two guards each took a spotted arm and dragged the unconscious feline out and the remainder cleared the court members from the room save for two. Leon Belwyn, the king's brother and a general in the army remained standing with arms crossed while he watched the movements of the other occupant, a red-skinned woman. She approached the monarch, gauzy fabric doing little to hide the voluptuous curves of her form. Her horned head dipped in deference to the king. "My liege," she cooed. "I trust you found my information to be accurate?"

"It was, Lady Beloria. It is clear we will require your services for at least a while longer to ensure that no further threats to the kingdom exist."

A tingle went up the monarch's spine as her fingers brushed the fur along his wrist. She leaned forward, bust pushing forward against the wide band of black silk that restrained it and deepening the valley between her globes. Luther's eyes followed the trail offered to him, down the curve of her hips. He closed his eyes and pushed aside the fleeting thoughts that ran through his mind.

"It will be my pleasure, Your Majesty. From my lips to your ears the moment that we discover the traitors in your kingdom. Now there is but one small remaining matter-" Beloria replied, trailing off.

The lupine let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "Yes, Lady Beloria. Your payment of course." The fur on the back of his neck stood up as he pressed his muzzle's tip against her warm, luscious lips. The caress of her flesh was an exquisite melting of her form against his which made the chilly draw of life from his form all the more jarring. The mingling of those two sensations was an experience that none of the royal courtesans could hope to offer. Without thinking his fingers closed around her hip and he stepped in.

A loud cough from the other side of the room startled the monarch and he stepped back from the succubus with a quick glance towards his brother.

"Ah, yes, thank you Lady Beloria. That will be enough for now, you may return tomorrow."

The succubus bowed her head once more and departed, earning the eyes of the king on her backside. Leon strode forward, fists clenched.

"Luther, she is-"

"Ah, ah! You may be my brother Leon, but protocol must be followed."

Leon sighed. "Your Majesty, she is using you. Who would dare to do something as obvious as poison the court's food? Between the tasters and the royal cleric, it is the least likely way to assassinate you. He would have had a better chance with any weapon against the guard."

"Leon, I know you have long opposed the idea of using a creature like Beloria for our purposes, but your best men have been unable to determine who is sending attackers against the crown. Infernal scrying is our last choice, but it is turning out to be our best one."

The general's arms crossed. "The price is too high, Lu- Your Majesty. It always is with these beasts."

"She has asked for nothing but a bit of life essence to sustain her in return for her work. That hardly seems like too high a price to pay," Luther replied.

"That's what worries me..."

For months Leon kept a watchful eye but the succubus had made no further moves towards the king and subsisted instead on the knights and court members who found comfort in her embrace. One night, however, she asked for the presence of the king in her private chamber. In one corner silk pillows were settled around a golden hookah. A plush canopy bed lay draped in pink and purple silks, and in the corner opposite the hookah sat the succubus herself, seated at a table with a mirror top and runes in the demonic tongue etched in multiple layers down a stone base. Clad in nothing but a white silk robe, she stood and bowed to the incoming royalty and his two personal bodyguards.

"How wonderful to see you again, Your Majesty. I have disturbing news for you. Please be seated across from me and we will begin." Her eyes darted up to the king's bodyguards. "This is too important for anybody but your own eyes, my liege."

Luther waved his bodyguards away and sat upon the chair opposite the infernal creature. "Your Majesty," the succubus continued, "The kingdom to our east, Rodan, has been amassing their armies at the border to Torria. I believe they will invade and attempt to seize the eastern provinces for themselves."

The king narrowed his eyes. "That's preposterous! We know they have been arming themselves but we are the least likely target. Our army far outclasses theirs and we are peaceful trading allies. They would not come after us!"

"Your Highness, though what you say is true those provinces are on the other side of a mountain range with only two passes that give access to the rest of our nation. That area is also by far the largest producer of food in this arid land. If they are at the border and ready, they can take it before the army can arrive to defend it. While they control the passes, we will be at a disadvantage to their forces and we will not be able to hold out more than a few months before our food stores run out. The kingdom has been too trusting of Rodan and they are taking advantage."

Luther sat back and rested his chin on a fist. "Do you have proof of this treachery?"

"Of course, Your Majesty." The succubus stretched her arms out over the mirrored top of the table, her eyes shut. Her silken voice took on the rasp of her native tongue as she chanted the incantation of scrying. The black sigils on her arms glowed blue with an inner light. A band of them on her wrists crawled across the skin, rotating about the flesh. The candles in the room flickered and dimmed as she spoke the last words and swept her arms across the table's top, revealing a lush green valley.

"Behold, your eastern border."

Luther leaned forward, eyes transfixed on the scene. As the picture drew closer to the river and a clearing beside it, he could see hundreds- no, thousands of soldiers in plate armor making camp. Their helmets bore the distinctive purple feathers and stripes that marked them as soldiers of Rodan. With a wave of her hand the image began to zoom out again where another column of reinforcements from the capital marched west to join their compatriots.

The king sat straight up, eyes wide. "That's not more than 10 miles from the border. They're amassing for an attack! We must send our troops at once before they can begin an assault!"

"It is as you say, my liege," Beloria replied with a bow of her head. One sweep of her arm wiped the scene from the mirrored table and the candles burned brighter once more.

Luther called a bodyguard in to relay the orders to Leon, then turned towards the succubus. "You may have saved the kingdom. Thank you for your diligence, advisor."

The full, dark lips of the succubus spread in a smile that showed a flash of her fangs. "For the glory of Torria, Your Majesty." As she stepped in, her fingers pushed past the ermine edge of his robe. Luther arched into the tingle of clawtips sliding through his chest fur. Her wide hip pressed into the firm grip of his palm before the succubus turned and walked towards the bed, revealing a sea of bare crimson flesh as she shrugged her robe away. Her spaded tail cut a tantalizing flicker back and forth as it swayed, drawing the king's eye to the plush ass at its root. Beloria sat at the edge of the bed, dark red nipples proudly standing out. Her thighs spread and gave a glimpse of the slim line of hair above plump folds where a golden ring with a small amethyst pierced her clit.

The king stepped forward and disrobed, his heavy sheath coming into view with the tapered red tip pushing free. Beloria smiled and pointed a dark claw to the ground in front of her.

"Kneel... Your Majesty."

Luther swallowed. He had heard the succubus could be demanding, but to the king? His dry lips parted and he started to speak, to rebuke her, but her steady violet gaze and eerie silence as she wait for his compliance gave him pause.

The mighty king of Torria lowered himself to his knees.

His muzzle pushed between Beloria's thighs, inhaling the scent of her infernal flesh. Her lips glistened already with the dew of arousal, gathered by his broad tongue as it slid between her folds. Tangy and warm, her corruption melted over his tongue as he swallowed and pushed his muzzle in more firmly, black nose grazing her piercing. Beloria groaned and pushed her tits out and up as she arched, grasping the back of the king's head with both hands. She ground her sodden pussy against his face as the lupine greedily dove in.

The chilly tingle of her ethereal touch ran down the king's spine once more, the succubus drinking from his life essence just as he drank from her pussy. The gem embedded in her clit ring pulse with the spell placed within it, sending a steady beat of pleasant waves through her most sensitive flesh. Her walls squeezed around the invasion of Luther's tongue into her depths, tossing her head back. "Yes, Your Highness!"

Luther's shaft was fully unsheathed in front of him, dripping precum eagerly on the floor in anticipation. He obeyed the demands of the hands holding him in place, pushing against her sex and ignoring his own. His thoughts melted away into nothing but pleasing the flesh before him. The longer he lapped, the sweeter every groan from above felt. A grey hand cupped over a heavy red breast, hefting the softness of her perfect flesh. His fingers traced around the edge of her nipple, grasping the nub between his claws and twisting, drawing a rake of claws along the top of his back when he released the pressure upon her.

Beloria's pleasure rose rapidly, coating the monarch in the heated juices of her lust. The relentless pulses of the ring through her flesh tipped her over the edge and with a shout the succubus ground her swollen pussy against his lips. For his work the king's muzzle was soaked again, driving away all conscious thought. There was only his need to give the succubus what she demanded of him.

Shivers still ran through the demon's body as she came down from the crest of her orgasm. She pushed the wolf's head away, violet eyes peering down to him from over her chest. Her chest rose and fell unsteadily, but Beloria's smile soon returned to her lips.

"That is, ah, sufficient payment for now. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Luther blinked as though suddenly roused from his trance. His shaft ached with throbbing need, but he put a foot under him and rose with some difficulty, turning away to hide his erection until his robe was on again.

"Of course, Lady Beloria. Call for me again if you find anything else."

Every step back to the king's chambers ached. Thoughts of nothing but the demon's scent swirled through his mind. He would have given away the eastern provinces in that moment to have been able to take her. Sleep would not find him for several hours as he replayed the moments of her ecstasy in his head.

The next morning Leon and his forces were dispatched to the eastern border to protect against a Rodanian invasion. The Torrian army dug in and secured the mountain passes to ensure they could receive supplies or retreat in the face of a protracted conflict. Leon sent word back to the castle of their preparations while the king attempted a more diplomatic route, only to find complete denial of troop movement from the Rodanian king. Within days communication had completely been cut off and Luther sent the message to his eastern troops that the invasion was imminent.

The battle was bloody but the Torrian forces held the line, routing the Rodanian invasion. Torria's allies responded to the unprovoked attack with swift retribution and Rodan was crushed within months. The nation had become a shell of its former self and much of its land was carved up and given to Torria and her allies. The news of final victory was met with a grand celebration in the capital with a banquet planned in the castle. Leon returned as a war hero.

However, the king's brother came back with troubling news. Captured soldiers from Rodan spoke of a fair demon in their king's court, swaying their monarch with tales of imminent danger to the throne.

"Your Majesty, they claimed they were sent to the border because Torria was seen as a threat to their sovereignty. Something larger than a border skirmish is happening," Leon said as he paced in the king's chambers. "You must be rid of this demon, no good can come of her!"

Luther rubbed his chin. "That is troubling if true, but those are the words of desperate men trying to save their own lives. We posed no threat to them and they marched first on us."

Leon's face contorted in rage. "At least send an envoy to find out the truth of the matter. Don't let the foul demon blind you just because you're sleeping with her!"

"Enough!" roared Luther. "I will send a group to see if what you say about their court is true. Will that satisfy you?"

Leon grumbled but retreated with a bow to the king.

The next day Beloria attended the celebratory feast and took her seat beside the king, greeting pleasantly the nobility that once viewed her with thinly veiled distrust. A fine spread of roasted venison, beef stew, loaves of bread and pies lay on the table. Red wine flowed just as freely in the celebration, disappearing into glasses as soon as fresh decanters were brought.

Amidst the merry mood Beloria leaned against the king, appearing to huddle in for warmth against the king. While he accepted congratulations from provincial leaders, red fingertips slid up over his knee beneath the tablecloth. Luther cast a glance towards the succubus, but he kept talking. Her fingers danced up the inside of his thigh while he spoke with a short-furred orange feline across the table from him.

"Yes, of course I'll see what I can do. I know your region is hurting, but we've just fought a war and... ah!" Luther's body straightened up. Red fingers squeezed around the hidden sheath in his pants, the tube already half-filled from having the scent of the succubus lingering so long around him.

The noble perked his ears quizzically stared for a moment. "Are you feeling well, Your Majesty?"

Beloria's fingers slid down his groin and cupped the balls hanging within. She pressed her palm against the now stiff flesh and ground against it in slow circles while massaging the heavy orbs beneath.

"Y-yes, of course," Luther stammered as his thighs parted, allowing the succubus freer access to him. "I was just lost in thought for a moment. I'll see what can be done but can make no promises. We need the help of everybody in the nation to rebuild what we've lost. I'm sure we can find an agreeable way to get your province some relief."

The king continued to speak but he hardly paid any attention to his own words. Beloria's hand slide back and forth over his hidden shaft, staining the front with his own pre as he prodded

free of his sheath. Beloria leaned up and whispered in his ear.

"My liege, I can wait no longer for my own feast. Come with me, let us go celebrate by ourselves."

Luther could hardly stand fast enough and excuse himself from the banquet. The succubus led him by the hand down the hall and to a bedroom prepared for one of the visiting nobles. No sooner had the door closed than she was upon him, her lips pressed hungrily to his and chest pillowed against the king's robe as she pushed him to a seat on the bed and straddled his lap.

The king frantically worked his pants open. His thick cock sprang free. Beloria slide her fingers along his exposed prick, coating her digits in the pre that he freely leaked. His hands gathered her dark dress up, sliding it over the demon's bare ass. Glistening crimson lips ground against the throbbing heat of the lupine's erection. Beloria rolled her hips up and grabbed the monarch's shaft, and in one smooth shift downward she drove him into the infernal heat of her depths. Luther snarled and rolled his hips up, claws raking up either side of the succubus's spine.

"Fuck! Lady Beloria, I've waited so long," the king moaned, but a firm pull from behind his head buried his muzzle and voice between soft, smooth tits. Wide hips rise and fell with rapid claps against the base of the wolf's prick, kissing the rim of his sheath with her slippery honey.

For Luther the pleasure was exquisite, even more than he could have imagined. The grip of her flesh was a velvety vise that caressed every nerve of his exposed shaft, sending shocks of pleasure along the king's spine. His heavy balls slapped against her, broad tongue lapping a wide swath around the curve of a breast. Every languid moan in his ear spurred him on, his conscious thought again fleeing from him in favor of raw, bestial lust.

Beloria's hands pressed flat to Luther's chest and pushed him back to the bed, resting her weight on his shoulders as she rode him. Her breasts bounced with every clap of her hips against his, dropping hard on his swollen length and grinding bodies together. Luther's claws pricked at her hips and his muzzle pointed back towards the opposite side of the bed.

"Your brother takes action against you, my liege," the succubus whispers, her voice harsh between moans. "He seeks to use his valor in the war to usurp power and claim the throne for his own. He aims to move this very evening. You must deal with him before he can depose you!"

Luther's eyes widened, but the caress of flesh over his aching erection kept his hips moving. His swelling knot slickly popped in and out of her grasp, threatening to lock him in place. "I cannot put my own brother in chains! Have you any proof?"

Beloria's eyes smoldered, lifting her body and giving him a long look of her lips engulfing his cock bit by bit. "He has warned you against my advice every time, and each time who has been correct about the threat to you? Neither your royal taster or an army will protect you from one so close!"

The king's brow furrowed with thought, but his body moved of its own accord. Pinned under the temptress, his balls drew up tighter to his body. Consumed by his own need, his thoughts ached for orgasm more than reason, just one more little push. Their bodies met once more and her flesh yielded just enough for his swollen knot to surge inside. The demon tugged back but their union held fast.

"...I believe you, Beloria. I must- Nnngh!" The wolf's eyes rolled back and he released his load, pouring thick ropes of seed into the depths of the succubus. She howled with glee and arched, drinking deeply of the king's desire. Luther's cock jumped within its slippery velvet prison, soaking the end of her passage in his sticky, hot cum until the monarch's balls ran dry.

Chest heaving for breath, Luther stared up at the red-skinned woman. His fingers glided up her arm, tracing the sigils in her flesh as he called for a guard. If this is what was in store for him, he could never give it up.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" The spear-wielding wolf entered and immediately looked away from the entwined pair.

"Detain Leon immediately. He has been found to have committed treason against the crown. He is to be exiled at once." The guard hesitated, mouth agape. "Go!" the king roared, sending the guard scurrying back out the door.

Within an hour the once-honored general was mounted and leaving the capital despite his vigorous protests, escorted by the royal guard. The bitter taste of betrayal by his own kin lingered in his mouth. As they reached the border his escort stopped and saw him off.

One of the men who had been in the battle with Rodan spoke up. "What will you do, sir?"

Leon stared out at the miles of road ahead of him. "Ready the nations for the coming of Torria. I fear this was just the beginning." He spurred his horse and rode off.

Back at the castle and safely in her own chamber, Beloria spoke an incantation above her scrying table and swept her arms across the surface. Swirls of smoke twisted about the surface of the mirror as she opened a connection to a matching mirror in her homeland. A fanged smile played over her lips. Two mortal nations with their armies weakened and rulers compromised, ripe for the picking. All for a little lust and fear applied in the right places.

Her masters would be most pleased.

Restless Stop

Another 400 miles to go to home. One hard day of driving if she started early. Korza pulled her rig into a spot at her favorite truck stop. The travel plaza boasted restaurants, a movie lounge, and most importantly private shower stalls. For the last...

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