Working the Ranch

Story by pierva on SoFurry

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#5 of Scraps and Shorts

A cow makes a name for herself on a ranch before her weakness is discovered. Contains cuntbusting, ballbusting, castration, tit busting, and lactation.

Life on the ranch was always tough. You had to be even tougher to make it in that life. She was deffinetly built for the job even if she was only what they called a milker. A milker was a bovine girl that served in the dairy section of the farm. The girls who worked this section served a dual purpose as additional help when needed, be in the fields or calming unruly stallions, or they were on the line being pumped for their milk. Bess was built for this life and she loved every moment of it. Her large curves and ample chest left her both always full to the brim and quite the sight for sore eyes on the ranch workers. She was also incredibly strong and could haul her weight with the rest of the workers. She had become a leader of sorts around the ranch for the other girls on the milk line. She was always good for a soft smile and a helping hand no matter who you were, unless you crossed her or her girls. One of the bulls got a little too handsy with the girls and tried to force his way with her. Bess stumbled upon them from the mare's panicked pleas for him to stop and ripped the bull off the top of the girl tossing him against the wall. The male grumbled and took a drunken swing at Bess grumbling his frustration at being interrupted by a nosy pest. In the dark she wasn't prepared for his drunken rage as his fist buried itself in her right melon. The full breast ballooned out as milk shot out forming a wet spot on her flannel shirt. With a howl of agony she glared at him as recognition slowly faded into his drunken eyes. "Aaghn right in boob," she said anger flashing in her hurt eyes as her hand clutched her busted melon. The bull backed off realizing his horrible mistake and that he was in a bad position. "You hurt mah one hurts mah twins," she said through gritted teeth. Before he could plead or beg her knee shot out propelled by pure rage into the bull's massive oysters. The large male was lifted in the air as his organs spread out with a sickening crunch. She held him up there with a death stare in her eyes twisting her knee in his nethers as she further scrambled his factories. "Are you gonna apologize?" she asked breaking the silence. He could only mewl a soft plea for his calf makers, but it was far too little too late as to squicks signaled the end of his breeding potential. His eyes opened wide in horror at the realization and shot of pain that lanced through his system. With a strangled plea and cry he faded into darkness before slumping to the floor with a heavy thud. Bess stepped back slightly mortified she'd just ended his ability to have calfs but also slightly satisfied that this would serve as a lesson to any other male's who would try such antics again with the girls. After he was taken away and the investigation completed the ex bull was fired for his actions against the mare. Bess became a bit of a hero on the ranch for a while after the mare wouldn't stop talking about her new bovine heroine. However things weren't always so great for the busty bovine.

The rooster crowed signaling the new day. Bess stretched with a happy sigh. She gasped softly as a hand gently cupped itself around her breast. "Morning stud enjoying yourself already I see?" she said feeling the blonde hand that was currently playing with her pink nub. "Mmmm come back to bed with me no need to get up so quickly," said the horse she'd spent the night with. "Mmmm stop that tease. Glad you seem to have gotten over your fear of me. I told you I don't strike first without provocation and despite the bull's claims. Now stop that....tell you what lover boy find me after your shift and we'll see if we can't put your plow to use once more," she said clutching the needy pole that was rubbing against her thighs. It pulsed warmly in her grip as her fingers curled around the horse's warm flesh. He let out a whinny as she slid down around cupping his large foal makers. "Heh ohhh you're going to leave me a working stiff all day with that level of teasing," he said happily. With a teasing bump with her rear she rolled out of bed climbed into her clothes and set out for the fields for a day of work. As she made her way to the tool shed to grab a few things she ran into the other field hands as they made their way towards the shed. "You gonna work the fields today with us?" asked an older donkey opening the door, "Yea I'm with you guys todAYEEE!" she started before freaking out as a scythe fell out between her melons slicing her shirt open letting her breasts swing free as it also sliced her jean shorts open. Her tattered clothing fell away as she stood there frozen from shock about almost having her lady parts pierced painfully. "You ok there?" asked the other hand. "....yea I am but mah bits are gonna hang out I guess oh well," she said standing up. The two gawked openly as the cow started grabbing her tools for the day. The burro started grabbing his tools his eyes locked on her plump backside. In his lack of paying attention he stepped on a rake sending the handle sailing up between her legs and crashing into her bare mound crushing her clit. "MOOOOoooooooooooooooowwww," she said letting out a pained cry her thighs slamming together as she dropped her tools. "Right in the button," she said holding onto the wall as she cupped herself and bounced in place. The two males just stared in awe at the female dancing in place like she was a guy. "Oh quit your staring and go," she said motioning them away. "On our way, but I'm surprised you haven't dropped down. If that had been me taking the blow I would be down and out," said the donkey gathering her tools to take out for her. "Well this just goes to show why I'm the boss and you're not huh," she replied with a pained grin. She stared at the two males as they left the shed leaving her alone with her pain as her hand dug into the shelf she was holding onto. As soon as they left she took one hesitant step before collapsing into the fetal position clutching her injured mound. "Ohhh it still hurts so bad I thought they'd never leave....just glad no one is around to see that I've apparently got a glass groin," she moaned to herself as she lay there on the ground. Suddenly the door opened as a familiar voice chimed in. "Hey Bess the boss is.. why's it so dark in here," asked the mare she'd saved some time ago. Bess opened her eyes in horror as light started to flood in revealing her pained state to the female who opened her eyes in horror at the nude cow on the ground. "Oh my gosh WHAT HAPPENED!" she cried out rushing her way over to the female a most worried state. "Hush I just took a blow between the legs just WATCHTHEHOOVES!" she shouted in fear as the mare's sharp heels came thudding down right in front of the cow's pink nipple. Bess stared at the brown hoof so close to her milk sack. Her heart thudded in her chest as the mare sat down not moving too far away. "Are you gonna be ok?" she asked worriedly looking down on the cow. "Yea I'll live. Just don't tell anyone about this," she said with an attempt at warning the female to not spread her new found weakness. Satisfied that she was gonna be ok and rolled over and started to stand up. A sudden spurt of warm liquid shot onto her legs. She looked down to a horrific sight for any female. Her hoof was buried deep into Bess's plump breast forcing her stored milk out. The mare could feel the female's milk ducts squishing and being crushed against the girl's ribcage. For Bess a nightmare had just unfolded. She watched as the female rolled over once more barely missing her melon with those sharp hooves. As she rose she had taken a step back not paying attention. In what seemed like slow motion the cow watched as the foot descended rapidly into her chest smashing the melon and forcing her milk out like a white fountain. She cried out as pain blossomed in the mashed melon. She wrapped her hands gently around the mare's thigh with a pleading look in her eyes. The mare quickly took her hoof out of the cow's smashed bosom. Bess quickly clutched her stomped boob and started rocking back and forth in agony as she checked for possible damage. "Ohhhhh you really did a number on my girl," she moaned rocking gently on the ground. "Anything I can do to help?" asked the horse worriedly. "Go keep watch and make sure no one finds out my sorry state at the moment," she whispered in agony. Bess just wanted to cry but kept a strong face as she cradled her bosom. The mare nodded while looking rather sad. Bess lay there checking her breast for damage. Upon finding nothing that would be permanent she stood up and gingerly made her way over to the horse. She yanked the blonde girl inside. The mare stumbled in with a surprised whinny into the cow's soft bosom. "Hey thanks for that. Now as for how you can help me..." she whispered pulling the mare's hand up to her non aching boob pressing it into the generous flesh. With a soft moo she continued, "you do owe these an apology and it's been a while since we've had a night of fun. Why don't you find me after your shift and we work out the more....'intimate' details." The mare was lost in her fingers gently squeezing the offered boob. She only softly nodded only half listening to the cow's offer. "Now now leave mah girls alone they'll need time to recover. Plus don't you have your shift to start?" she said pulling the female's hand off. The mare's eyes widened realizing the time. As she turned to dash away to her job Bess smacked the mare's backside as she dashed off. Bess wore a huge grin as she set off towards the fields her nipples poking out betraying her excitement at the possibilities after work.

She arrived in the fields with little issue. The cow had a few near misses when she had to cross the fences to get to the field quicker. She slipped while crossing over some barbed wire and nearly did the splits on the sharp rusty fencing. Her heart raced in her chest as she pressed the wire down in a panic. She had misjudged the other side of the fence as she hopped it. One leg had caught on the wire flinging it back leaving her falling clitoris first at the sharp wire. She could have sworn it glistened cruelly in the sun as the barbs rushed towards her sex. With a panicked moo she pressed the wire down and planted her feet quickly. She stood there frozen with the exception of chest heaving from the adrenaline of her near circumcision. After the fence she made it with no trouble, but she was a lot more careful with everything that crossed her path. "Took ya long enough," said the donkey who had slammed the rake into her crotch earlier. She just glared at him. "Yea yea where's mah tools," she said hoping no one saw her near crotching on the fence. The donkey motioned towards them. As she walked by he smacked her ass earning a yelp for his efforts. "How's the groin? Want some help testing to make sure everything is still in functioning order?" he asked as she glared at him an evil grin formed on her face as she spotted a nearby rake. "I'd love to but I think you'll be a little busy cleaning up your MESS won't you," she said innocently as she jammed the rake into his nuts. He let out a pained oomph before doubling over clutching the rake still embedded in his balls. She let the rake go and grabbed a newbie who was staring slack jawed at the naked cow. "Hey new blood you think you can work the plow without getting too distracted?" she said with a smirk. He stared dumbly at her large chest his eyes locked with her pink nubs. "Hey eyes up here. I meant the metal plow not the one you're currently thinking of using," she said teasingly. The male's ears flushed with embarrassment as he pinned them against his head. The other field hands laughed at his situation. She smiled and gently bumped his shoulder to get him to stop staring at the ground as he tried to will away his swelling. "Heh save that one for later there dreamer. Now you think you can keep your libido in control to help me?" she said holding slowly pushing his gaze up towards her face. He nodded and followed her to set the plough up. It was a simple two person plow one in front to drag and one in back to help push and guide. "Alright I've got the front to start so hop on and be my guide," she said bending over to put the harness on. She fit it around her waist as he stared at her backside. She shook her hips pulling with a grin on her face. "Drink it in now once we start moving you need to watch for rocks or I'll wind up face planting," she said flashing him a grin. "Yes mam," he said his eyes locked on her rump as she turned around. He was cute but easily distracted she really should have grabbed something to wear. With a sigh she tugged on the harness to let him know she was starting. He rapped back that he was ready. She started dragging the plow as he guided. To her surprise he managed to actually work pretty well despite she felt his eyes locked on her backside. They made small talk while they cleared the fields swapping positions once or twice. She found he shared a few interests with her and they seemed to hit off pretty well. She jokingly teased him about his other plow a few times causing the male to squirm. After they finished up with ploughing they lounged around cooling off. "You did good out there kid," she said as he stood up with a grin. "I had a goal to chase," he said with a half attempted smug smirk. He walked off and came back with a couple of cold drinks for the two of them. She clapped for him to toss the water. He grinned and launched the bottle pretty hard at the cow in order to cover the distance. She reached out to grab the frozen water bottle as it sailed in. It slipped past her fingers before she could grab it. It crashed into her naked crotch with a loud crunch forcing her hips back as she let out a pained moo. Her thighs slammed together as agony blossomed in her vag her hands clutched her baby maker as she sunk to her knees her breasts jiggling as she hit the ground. "Mmooo ohhh right in the button," she said clutching herself tightly. He ran over worry etched across his face. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Oh god....." he said stammering out a string of horrified apologies to the agonized cow. She fell forward into his arms sending him tumbling down onto his rump with a thud. She gasped feeling him accidentally grope her bruised melon. "Oww be careful with that," she said. He withdrew his hands in horror expecting her to smack him in the jewels. Instead she nuzzled against him. "You're fine it felt nice. Just be careful with the right one. She's had a bit of a rough day," she whispered gently thrusting her tits out. His paws cupped her breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze. He yipped in surprise as a warm liquid squirted onto his paws. She softly laughed. "Yea surprised you didn't realize that. I'm one of the milk girls mainly. Don't worry about a little spillage," she said gently. It didn't take any more encouragement for the dog to go back to playing gently. His tail wagged happily behind him as he continued to squeeze the milky mounds. She mooed with pleasure the pain between her thighs slowly fading away. "Hey what's your name pup?" she said as he hefted the heavy melons in his paws. "M..Max," he said his lupine shaft straining to escape his jeans. "I'm Bess it's nice to make you're acquaintance. However I don't exactly wanna go back just yet and could really use your help. Now follow me I know a quiet place we can go," she said grabbing at the leaking tent in his legs. She stood up and lead him off as quickly as her injured loins would allow her to go. Eventually they made their way towards a lake in the woods. At this point the sun had set leaving the two of them under a blanket of stars. As soon as the arrived she plopped down on the grass as he stripped down leaving a trail of work clothes behind him. She beckoned him close opening her thighs. He eagerly climbed on top of her readying himself to take her. She stopped him with her hand. He looked at her perplexed as she gently pushed his head down south. It clicked to the male as he approached what she wanted. His tail wagged eagerly as she felt his cold snout nuzzle against her folds she drew a sharp breath as he started nuzzling in deeper moving her lips aside. She felt his warm tongue take a tentative taste of her sex. The soft warmth earned him a happy moo from the female. With a grin forming on his face he got to work slowly at first. He would press his tongue against her hole and run it up along her nub. Where she had felt pain she was now feeling bliss. His soft tongue was worked expertly against her clit. He went faster and faster as she squirmed completely in his control. She grabbed his paws dragging them up towards her breasts as they rolled about. She cupped his paws into her melons as she squirmed and pressed down pushing his paws into her chest. He responded by going even faster between her legs. She could feel herself ready to boil over as his paws played with her milk mounds. She squirmed and cried out in pleasure. Her back arched pressing her breasts into his paws as her orgasm boiled over. With a cry of bliss she came her sex flooded his muzzle with her juices as he went faster and faster. Eventually she pushed him back and climbed onto her knees. Rolling over so her rump was in the air she wiggled it at the male. He climbed onto his knees as she rubbed her dripping sex against his lupine tip. It twitched needfully as he lined himself before pressing in. She pressed back slamming her hips against him as he buried his cock in her. As the male filled her she grasped at what she could moaning with lusty pleasure. Her walls clamped tightly around his cock. With a whimper he tried to force his libido to slow down so he didn't immediately flood her with his seed. "D..don't hold back hurryyy," she mooed lustfully pressing herself against him stopping just before his knot popped inside. With no more encouragement needed he began thrusting with wild abandon. She braced herself by hugging a stump while the dog took her. Her melons swung heavily as the dog pounded her sex as hard as he could. She cried out as her sex clamped tightly around his member as it slid in and out. He couldn't' hold out all for very long and a loud moan he thrust himself in popping his knot inside of her before exploding. She ground herself against his member as she climaxed around his cock. They held against each other until their climaxes slowed down. The dog slid out with a happy sigh and sat back with a blissful look across his face. She rolled over onto her back panting happily. He crawled up next to her his paws running along her body slowly. She sighed happily and pressed herself against him cuddling against the dog as they let their bodies slow down. He laid himself down using her breasts as a large pillow before dozing off with her cradling the puppy. She looked around with a sigh not wanting to move him just yet and rolled up what clothes of his she could find and made herself a pillow and stuffed it under her head and closed her eyes to doze off for a little.