Family Is Complicated

As Kale watched his sister trundle off, carrying his sheets, she almost seemed to be ecstatic about something. He couldn't quite place what was going on with her. His train of thought about his sister was interrupted as a slight shift sent renewed...

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Working the Ranch

Life on the ranch was always tough. You had to be even tougher to make it in that life. She was deffinetly built for the job even if she was only what they called a milker. A milker was a bovine girl that served in the dairy section of the farm. The...

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Crypts Trouble 2

When he came to Crypt only found darkness greeted him. His nostrils flared as he tried to get a sense of where he was, by smell or sound. There was nothing upon trying to move he found his arms bound behind his back and that he was tightly strapped...

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A Beneficial Deal: Intimate Moments

He stared at her as she laughed. "Nno please don't," he begged as she gently pressed the barrel against his sheath. "It's funny how you still think I will spare your cock," said Sophie twisting the gun. She fired the gun to the left of his member. He...

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Understanding The Dragon

You settle your paw on the handle of the door to your lab the smell of chemicals drifting out, but something new. You pause sniffing the air to figure out the out of place scent. "Must be a new subject, but I do not smell fear...but pleasure and...

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Proving Oneself

She slept peacefully for the first time in many years only stirring when she felt a warm presence near her. "Get away from her I know you're excited but come on," whispered a familiar voice followed by a mournful whine. "If she wakes and finishes the...

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Questions and Home

Sabrina walked with the dragon arm in arm as they made their way towards the lobby to await his trainer. She tightly pressed herself against her new companion as she felt his warm embrace. Guilt still tore at her even though he seemed to pretty much...

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The Night Shift

It was finally summer and that meant it was time for a summer job. Now that he was finally old enough Kale had to work. He eagerly applied to work at his local Freddy's hoping to land the night guardsmen position. The pay was crap, and his parents...

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Painful Introductions

Pain lots of pain. All he knew was the pain between his legs. Slowly Kale came to on the floor he'd dropped. Slowly he tried to move while he pieced together how he'd blacked out. A slight jostle from his hands shifting off his balls sent a jolt of...

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Foxxy and First Shift

The dragon awoke to the feeling of being dragged along carpet. He felts it's fibers rubbing against the soft scales of his backside. He blinked looking to see who was dragging him. He noticed a brown fox animatronic pulling him along. A sudden turn...

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Shower Moments

With a stretch and a yawn the sleepy dragon looked in the mirror. What stared back was a very pleasing sight. A lovely sight stared back at her. Red hair cascaded down over her shoulders as her green eyes traced her plush curves down her body. Her...

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Ruined Plans

He couldn't believe his luck he would have the house to himself. His parents were out for the weekend due to work and his sister was with her friend over at another house. The young dragon would have the place to himself for the weekend. Oh the plans...
