Ashflower, the Second Shaman Squirrel

Story by ShamanSquirrel on SoFurry

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#5 of Shaman Squirrel Chronicles

This story takes place about 39 Silvanian years after Redra, the Shaman Squirrel.

Date: Earlysummer 17, SY1069

Ashflower was a Shaman Squirrel trained in the ways of her mother Redra. Since childhood, she had been learning how to properly use her gift; telepathy. Telepathy has also enabled her to read the minds of animals and communicate with them. She can also feel the emotions of others, and with discipline, learned to block unpleasant emotions.

Ashflower and her sun bear wife Kina were sitting on a bench by a pond. Kina was a dark brown anthro-bear with a cream-colored crescent mark on her chest. The squirrel and sun bear had been married for about 2 years.Ashflower's gheval, Kamya was laying down nearby. Birds and shmirds were singing, insects were buzzing, and many kinds of trees were swaying in the wind.

"Nice day today isn't it?" said Ashflower. Among the mental disciplines Ashflower had practiced was to be courteous to others about it; often having normal conversations. Sometimes she felt she was being impolite reading minds as much as she did in the past.

"It sure is," said Kina. "How long have you been able to communicate with animals?"

"As long as I can remember," said Ashflower, the blond-haired red squirrel. "When I got Kamya at age 16, understanding her emotions came naturally to me." Her gheval, named Kamya, was a mix of the Priana breed, one of the largest breeds of gheval. Kamya was over twice the size of a large horse. She was tan in color, with a light green mane and tail tuft, purple stripes, and a large red horn on her head.

"I know you've practiced controlling your abilities for quite some time," Kina said. "Isn't there any room for you--us--to have a child?"

"That's a very good idea," said Ashflower. "I'm already 38 and never gave it much thought. Now that you mention it, I think it's time to introduce the 3rdgeneration of Shaman Squirrels into the world. I know my mother will be happy to have a grandchild."

"Hmm, you've always been busy with mental abilities," said Kina. "And all this time I thought it was our sexual orientation holding us back from having a child."

"Well, I really want to continue the shaman traditions with a child of our own," said Ashflower.

"Then, let's do it!" said Kina. "I have a device I got after my travel to Chaluzed."

"My dad's planet," said Ashflower. "Well, not really his planet, he only grew up there."

"Do your parents know of our decision to have a child?" asked Kina.

"I can call them," said Ashflower.

The squirrel tapped on the communication band on her wrist. Her mother Redra answered.

"How may I help you, my daughter?"

"Mother, I would like to have a child," she said at the heat of the moment.

"It's about time," said Redra. "But your relationship with Kina may complicate things." "It's not that, mother," said Ashflower. "I've just been tied up with my discipline. It takes lots of practice managing my telepathy."

"So it's not procrastination," said Redra. "Just give me a grandchild, okay?"

"I'm sure Ican work something out, mother," said Ashflower. She closed the communication.

Ashflowerand Kina hopped back onto Kamya and went back to theircottage. The squirrel and sun bearkissed before going inside.

"What did your mom have to say?" asked Kina.

"She's proud of me that I made the decision," said Ashflower. "Do you have the device?"

"Yes, my wife," said Kina. She opened her dresser drawer and pulled out what looked like a high tech double dildo. "We will need to use this as soon as possible. You know technology here on this planet tends to degrade, except of course for our communications grid."

"What does it do exactly?" asked Ashflower. Kina did not have to answer due to Ashflower's telepathic abilities. "Wow! So it basically extracts your egg cells, takes it down the pee hole of the dildo, and converts it to sperm to fertilize my eggs? That seems impossible." The device would only need one egg cell, which undergoes division like a fertilized zygote, but it uses DNA from the egg to divide and convert to sperm with a bionic testicle in the center of the double dildo. Then seminal fluids allow the sperm to make their journey to the other female.

"There's one way to find out if it works," said Kina.

The red squirrel and sun bear began to kiss passionately, as each took off each other's clothing, starting with the bras. "I'm getting wet!" said Ashflower, while Kina was staring at her furry breasts.

Kina took a moment from Ashflower's breasts to look down between the squirrel's legs; she saw just what she wanted. Ashflower's lady part was so wet it was dripping her juices onto the floor. "Looks like you're good and wet, now. Lay on the bed while I get the dildo ready," the bear softly whispered into Ashflower's ear. The squirrel turned around onto the bed on her side, lifting one leg slightly, her tail draped over the side of the bed. Kina slipped off her lace panties and fingered Ashflower with one hand, set the high-tech double dildo down and fingered herself with the other until she was wet enough to accommodate it. The dildo had a large bulb on the extracting end that could receive egg cells.

The bulb of the device was large, but as aroused as she was it slipped in with ease, the ridges of the dildo nudging against her clitoris. Kina's muscles were strong enough now to hold the bulb in place with plenty of extra strength for the fun to come.

"Oh, please give it to me," said Ashflower.

"Babe, you'll be getting it alright," said Kina.

There was an impulse, as soon as the bulb was in place, to stop with Ashflower and concentrate on her own pleasure, but she needed to wait until it was inside Ashflower to allow fertilization to occur.

"I need it now," said Ashflower, longingto have the other end of that dildo into her. Her orgasm was twice as intense as normal, because she could read Kina's thoughts and feelings. Often in their relationship Ashflower would pester Kina for sex, craving that double orgasm.

"Don't pester too much," said Kina. "You'll be getting it more than I am."

Kina withdrew her finger from Ashflower and just as the squirrel protested she felt the other end of the dildo press against her wet vulva. Ashflower was so very eager, she grabbed the edges of the bed tightly in anticipation.

"Here I come," said Kina. Slowlythe sun bearused her hips to push the other half of the device into Ashflower, giving her a few seconds to get used to it before pushing in further. Now in the scissoring position, she buried the device deep, Ashflower's plump booty rubbing against her clit along with the subtle ridges.

"Oh, that's so good!" said Ashflower. "Deeper!"

The sun bear took things further again and began to withdraw the toy just a couple of inches, all so that she could thrust it in again, right back into that sweet spot. The two kept scissoring enthusiastically and intimately, allowing the device to go in and out of both of them a few inches at a time.

Ashfloweryelled lustfully as she could feel the toy deep inside her, filling her up and bottoming out against her cervix again and again. The pleasure would be intense even if nothing was touching her clit. Kina could feel it too, every little movement reminded her of the bulbous end inside of her and the ridges against her clit. As they began to scissor faster, so did the moans and the breathing, things were going at a fast pace now but Kina wanted more. She slowed down to reach between her legs and turn the small metal knob that activated the egg-to-sperm converter. That knob also made it vibrate. With no warning to Ashflower the device came to life by vibrating and sent her over the edge.

"Ahhhh, ohhhh my.... Awwwhhhh!" Ashflower was screaming in ecstasy with Kina's legs on either side of her body, the squirrel shifted her hips back and forth. Kina took the hint, even with the shock of the vibe, and started pumping Ashflower hard, grabbing the bed with both hands to slam her lover back onto her bionic penis.

Ashflower came for a second time and Kina for her first.

"I feel myself ovulating!" yelled Kina.

"I know!" said Ashflower. "I feel your ovulation too! Ohhhh, yes!"

The device continued to vibrate as it worked it's biotechnological magic. They both were in extreme bliss, unable to move. Moments later, Ashflower felt Kina's converted sperm enter her womb. Kina collapsed on Ashflower's leg and blinked out of conscious thought for a few moments, at some point she lost grip on the device and the bulb fell out, pulling the shaft out of Ashflower and leaving it shaking on the now soaked carpet.

They got their wits about them within ten minutes and decided their next orgasms should be more sensual. Kina took off her nightie as Ashflower crawled onto the bed.

"Let's make sure you get all my sperm," said Kina. The sun bear spread Ashflower's legs with the device once again securely inside of her, and vibrating at its maximum setting to encourage more sperm to enter her. Keeping still with it shaking so hard was not easy, but once she pushed it into Ashflower it became much easier to bear. Ashflower used one hand to play with her clit while Kina kissed her deeply, their tongues dancing in an erotic waltz. She pumped slow and soft, letting the vibrations slowly overtake them, until after a few blissful minutes they both felt the surge of pure joy overtake them. Their kiss never broke the entire time, and the device stayed in place, keeping their orgasms rolling for what felt like an eternity.

The next morning, the two ladies woke up. "Last night was beyond description," said Ashflower.

"It sure was," said Kina. "I hope it worked. We shall see."

"Does it work both ways?" said Ashflower.

"I hope not," said Kina. "Because if did, I would risk getting pregnant from my own sperm."

"I suppose we can play the waiting game," said Ashflower.

Date: Latewinter 14, SY1070 (8 months later)

Heavily pregnant Ashflower was hiking through a path in the woods with her wife Kina. "I think my water's breaking!" said Ashflower.

"Right now, in the middle of the woods?" said Kina.

"Yes, right now!" said Ashflower. She lay down under the large boughs of a giant oak tree. She took off her panties and spread her legs.

"I can't believe I'm about to become a mother... I mean, father!" said Kina. "Or, we're both mothers; it's confusing."

"Not really!" Ashflower said, breathing heavy a few times.

Kina looked at the squirrel's crotch. "The baby's head is coming!"

Ashflower kept pushing.

"It's out!" cried Kina enthusiastically.

Kina held her son. "It's a boy!" Kina handed the baby squirrel to Ashflower. Although the baby appeared to be fully squirrel, he had the sun bear coloring of his female father, Kina.

"He's beautiful," said the squirrel. "And look, he already has teeth!" The baby squirrel had a pair of upper incisors, even though most anthros are born without teeth.

"What should we name him?" asked Kina. "I know you were born under an ash tree and there were flowers all around, which is how you got your name, right?"

"Well, yeah! I told you that a million times," said Ashflower. "Let's see... we're under an oak. Our baby was already born with teeth," said Ashflower. "Oak... teeth. Oaktooth!"

"Let's head on home," said Kina.

The two of them turned around and walked back to their cottage taking turns holding Oaktooth. Kina chuckled. "You know, with those telepathic powers of yours," Kina said, "One thing's for certain. Oaktooth will learn to be a very honest boy."

Ashflower grinned. "That's very true."

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