Party Up

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#67 of Commissions

Story for the lovely Irene, starring the cute gryphoness having a bit of a relaxing romp with some hippogryphs. What ever will she do with males almost twice her size?

The very best she can, of course.

Ugh she was beyond tired. Irene couldn't hold back the groan as she settled onto the ground. Wings screaming at her as she stretched them out. She'd been flying since that morning and was looking forward to a rest. A good meal and a warm bed would help her so much tonight. The quadrupedal gryphoness yawned and shook her head. Feathers ruffling briefly before she padded towards the town. First thing's first, she had to get paid though. This was a main hub for the Adventurer's Guild. She wasn't in the big times yet, but she kept steady enough jobs to keep going. This payday would be nice too. Quick trip to the HQ and then she could sink into a nice, warm bed and relax.

"What do you mean, there's no rooms?" Don't cry, she told herself. It's just a stupid inn room. Things like this happened a lot. If she was a higher rank, she could pull some strings or pull rank to get a room. They always had a few set aside for the biggest and best. Lots of business could come to the inn that was frequented by a top ranked adventuring party.

The one-eyed dwarf shrugged, "No rooms tonight." The bar top creaked as he leaned against it to give her the once over. "You know how it is. Rumors of war spreading so lots of folk showing up and just sitting here." He cast a glance around, "Good for business though." She couldn't deny that. The common room was packed to the gills. Hadn't been easy to even get to the counter to ask about a room. Especially for a smaller gryphon like her, even fully grown she was only just over half the height of most of the patrons here.

Ol Nord clicked his tongue a few times. "Won't find any better luck at any of the other places. I know you hate it, but I could always fix up one of the stalls for you, Irene." Heavy finger thumped against the counter, "Give you a discount, even fix up an extra good dinner for you."

Irene couldn't count the times people had mistaken her for an animal that had wandered into the inn proper. One taught the cute trick of being able to speak Common. Nord knew better though. She'd been coming to his inn for a while now. He wouldn't be offering this to her unless he really didn't have anywhere else for her to stay. While he might be trying his best to get every last copper he could, he was still honorable and good about things. If he promised to make it up to her, then he would.

Still didn't keep her feathers from being ruffled a bit. Head rolled as she let out a groan, "Okay," the gryphoness huffed, "Anything's better than sleeping outside."

"Would give you something better if I I could, but..." He shrugged slowly and snapped his fingers, "Boy!" A kobold hurried over and peered at the dwarf, "Friend of mine is having to stay out in the stables tonight. Get some fresh bedding out there in the largest stall. Blankets, warm it up a bit more. The works. Understand?"

Scaled hand waved, "Yeah, on it." the smaller male waved to her and hurried away. Ducking and weaving through the crowd to get what was need.

Didn't change that what she wanted, what she really needed, was a good night's sleep and something warm in her belly. Irene breathed out a sigh and almost slumped against the bar top. A rough hand coming down to gently brush at her feathers. "Again, sorry for putting you out in the stables."

She ruffled against the scratch and angled her head, "It's okay. These things happen." A quiet sigh and a smile flashed from the gryphoness as she stretched then dropped to all fours. "Least your stables are clean." She called over her shoulder. "And you're not gonna try to sell me out to someone as a lovely pet or a rare breeding partner." Beak clicked as her tail twitched. Had that happen a few times. Less than reputable inn keepers deciding she wouldn't mind if they made a few bucks off her.

The stables were out a side door, a covered walkway connecting the two buildings. Fizzic was already out in the stables, hanging up blankets in one stall to make an impromptu room. The kobold, as good natured as they came, kept the place immaculately clean. Other stables might smell of whatever animals had been in there the last few decades, this only smelled of hay and flower. "Need any help?" She offered, poking her head into the stall and looking around. He'd shoved a couple straw mattresses, which looked a little ragged, into a rough nest and covered them with blankets.

"Nah," he rumbled. "About done here." The kobold flashed her a too-wide grin as he scampered up a post to hang the blanket. "Might be a bit noisy, but you know how these things are." Hopping down, he gave her rear a gentle pat, "Bette than Boric's singing inside, got his hands on a new lute. I'll go get you some chow and you can enjoy the Fizzic Inn, yeah? Then we can chat and have a good dinner?"

She huffed at the rear swat, "Sounds fun." Grinning at him, she padded over to the bedding and circled a few times. Adjusting and nudging the mattresses underfoot before settling down with a sigh. It wasn't a room, but it was nice. Larger stall meant to hold mares that might foal, so she had plenty of room. Could even stretch out a bit. Wings flaring wide and arching before folding back with a slow groan. Eyes closing most of the way.

Fizzic wasn't gone long. Coming back with a tray loaded down with a hunk of roast, fresh bread, and bowl of cider for her. The gryphoness purred as she settled down to nibble. The kobold only having enough time to set the tray down before someone called from outside the stall. "Yes?" he called out as he poked his head from the stall door. What he saw made him heave a sigh, "Back in a mo," the kobold grumbled as he strode into the stable proper. Irene perked an ear towards the stalls as she heard some voices outside. They were familiar enough that she knew she should know them, but not any that immediately came to mind.

Easing herself up, she nudged a blanket aside with her beak, peering out at the adventuring party that stood in the doorway. Eyes widening a bit at the armor clad figure of Ser Rodrick, leader of the Dawn Seekers. He pulled off his helmet and shook out flowing blonde locks with a smile. Swear on her plumage, his teeth even sparkled as he laughed at Fizzic, joking with the kobold. A proud hippogryph stood behind him, tack shining in the fading light. Others stood behind him, Ara Yllaren the archer/mage with her regal mount almost touching her. Tor the Merciless with his proud hippogryph, the regal beast in sharp opposition to her rather ragged rider. The fourth member of their party, Kark the Smoldering, looking rather annoyed as he sat on the back of Tor's hippogryph.

Rodrick spoke only briefly with Fizzic before passing over some coin and the reins to his mount. A quiet sigh sounded from the hippogryph, "This had better be nicer than the last place we went." The complaint coming out as a grumbling trill.

Judging from Rodrick's laugh and the way he stroked the mighty beast's neck it was fairly obvious he didn't speak bird. "Ah don't worry. Graynail might be grumbly, but he's a very good creature. He won't give you trouble." Another pose, "Come, let us go and see what accommodations Nord has set aside for us."

Kark grumbled as he hopped down, "Just lucky I sent word ahead that we'd be here." Rubbing his rear, the goblin hurried after the rest of the party, "Speaking of, when are we going to see about getting another mount? I'm getting tired of riding bitch with Tor."

The half-orc grumbled, "You're lucky Rosie is fine with letting you ride her. Especially after what you did back at the nesting rounds. Could always rid in front."

"And have your cock poking my ass the whole time? I don't think so!"

Their arguments were cut off as they entered the room. Irene lowering herself down with a quiet sigh. So they were here. Well, would explain why Nord didn't have any rooms to spare. He'd likely have let Irene have a room if they hadn't sent him a message. She couldn't hold it against them though. Might as well enjoy what she had. Good food, warm bed, and when Fizzic was done, they'd have a chance to settle down and chat. Share stories for a while before sleep claimed them.

"Oh come on, Rosetalon." The words roused Irene. Gryphoness opening an eye and stretching. "Been so long since we've had a good romp, hasn't it? What do you say? Been a long road and we could use some time to unwind so why not?" She stretched slowly, ear twitching towards the words. Fizzic mumbled softly, the kobold half-laying on top of her. The catch on a stall rattled, "Just take a second and I'll be in there. Could smell your lovely heat all day."

The thunderous crack of hoof on wood made her jump up. Fizzic just mumbling and burrowing deeper into the blankets. Heart racing, she peered out from behind one of the blankets.

One of the hippogryphs, rich bluish-gray plumage bristling. It was Ara's mount. He was in the main hall of the stables, backside towards her as he backed from the glare of the mare. "We are on a mission." She hissed, bristling as well. "Or have you forgotten the entire reason we're out here, serving as mounts for these landwalkers. They have a goal, we have a goal, they happen to be the same right now. None of us can afford a foal at this time." The mare huffed and turned her head, "If you're in such dire need, then why don't you go see Gray? Certain he'll help you with that problem."

And what a problem it was. It had been a very long time since she'd been this close to a hippogryph. Memory didn't do it justice. That heavy cock swaying with each of his shuffling steps as he huffed and argued with the mare. Her hips wiggled a bit as she watched those big, heavy balls swaying back and forth. Threatening to hypnotize the gryphoness as she...

"I'll help."

Ears perked and head swung around. Storm peering over his shoulder as Rosetalon looked over the stall wall. Irene grinned over the wall and dropped down. Nudging her door open, the blue gryphoness leaned against the frame with a purr. "Been a long trip and would certainly be happy to help." Insides clenched and warmth whispered down her body as she saw that heavy cock lift as the male looked at her. She had to hold back a whimper as he turned towards her slowly. A big, heavy drop of precum gathering at his tip before falling to the wooden floor.

"Well," he purred as he strode over, "if you're offering, cutie." Storm's beak brushed over her head, making the gryphoness shiver. The hippogryph was much larger than she, having to bend down to nibble at her neck even a she arched it towards him. His powerful frame brushing against hers as his beak roamed down her body. Over her neck. Between the wings. Down her haunches and under her tail before, "Well, what's this?"

She knew exactly what he was asking about. "What does it look liiAAYeeeee," she moaned as his tongue played with her piercing. A silver ring that glistened on her folds. Dangling from her clit like a beacon. Lick her to make her squeal. "Oooh," she crooned, "Perhaps we should retire?" Giggling, she bumped his beak with her hips, shuffling back into her stall.

A deep rumble came from the hippogryph as he sauntered after, attention fully on her backside now. "I agree, but don't think it'll give much privacy." He grinned at her and dipped his head again, beak and tongue playing over her clit. Drawing a shiver from the hen. "Not once I get going with you, Sweetheart." He rumbled a purr as he nuzzled her, breathing in her scent with a deep whuff. Tongue playing against her privates. Irene's ears falling back as her hips lifted and tail curled.

Storm wasn't going to make her wait too long. Not as badly as he needed it. The hippogryph let out a grunt and reared, his weight dropping onto her back. Irene huffed, legs threatening to buckle as his weight fell down onto her back. Huffing, she braced her feet as his talons scraped over her thighs. Refusing to drop lower as the male rocked against her. Each of his thrusts making her entire frame rock and wiggle as he pulled himself against her. There was no need or want to keep the shiver down as his heavy cock pressed against her backside. The heavy hippogryph thrusting blindly. His pole thumping her backside, matting fur with his precum. She had to lift and shift her hips, trying her best to match his wild thrusts. It was hard to do with his wild bucks and jerks as he grunted over her.

A good shift of her hips lined up with his wild swings. Tip planting against her lips. Sliding just a little as he pressed against her. Hovering on the very brink of skidding past. Talons scratched at her thighs as he drew her up and back.

"OH GODS!" the hen screeched, every muscle quivering as he slammed his cock in. Eyes rolled back in her head as the male drew back, insides clinging to his massive pole. The loud slurp of their sex filling the room. She huffed and shivered, planting her feet on the ground as he slammed right up to his medial ring.

It had been a while since she'd been stretched that far. She could feel every last vein on his cock as it throbbed inside her. She could only hang on for the ride as he began to slam her. Each of his pounds rocking her to the very core. Talons and claws scraping the bedding as she shuffled her feet to try and keep herself steady. The male grunted and groaned over her, hooves stomping on the ground. His beak scratching at her neck. Thrusts growing shorter and sharper. There was no playing about. He was rutting her, plain and simple, and it was glorious.

Storm snarled as he slammed his entire weight against her. Her insides quivering around him as he came. Incredible warmth flooding her body and filling every last scrap of free space. She shivered, tongue rolling from her beak as thick drops of cum began to leak out around the tight seal made by the male over her.

Irene groaned and dipped her head, legs shaking as the male began to soften and slide out. She huffed, head lowered as she looked back as the male slipped off her with a groan. His cock only helping hold back the floodwaters as he slipped back. Walls clenching around him as that flared tip played over her insides. Huffing before the male slipped free. A groan breaking free as heavy cum poured from her stretched pussy.

"Well," Storm purred, strutting up beside her as his cock softened quickly. "That was very good, Ms..."

She smiled at him with a pant, "Irene." She arched and nuzzled into his neck. "Call me Irene." Working his beak into his feathers, she preened at his neck with a purr.

A deeper voice rumbled, "Well, what should I call you?" Graynail sauntered over, the larger hippogryph sporting an erection as well. He stopped beside Storm and turned to preen the other male, "Very good show you put on. And you," he turned to Irene. Tongue running over the edge of his beak as he hummed, "Are you up for a second round?" Both the males were large, but while Storm was more of a riding horse size, Graynail was perfectly sized for the knight who rode him. Thick muscles shifting under his hide, battering ram swaying with each step as he approached.

"Oh yes please," she nearly whimpered, bracing all four of her legs as the male sauntered over. There was no question in her mind, never had been in his, of what exactly was going to happen.

He didn't have to rear to mount her. Didn't even have to step up. The hippogryph stallion more than tall enough to simply walk over her. Nor was there any of the wild bucking like Storm. He simply stepped forward until his tip was against her stretched, dripping cum. Just feeling the male over her brought a shiver to her. Chest starting to heave as he pressed against her. Teasing her by putting more and more weight behind it. His thrusts toying with her as he planted all fours. Looking for good, stable ground as she groaned.

Between her own juices and Storm's cum, it was easier for Gray to push into her. Easier didn't mean he just pushed in. No, he had to put his weight behind it. Even then her feet began to skid across the ground as he put more weight onto her backside.

Irene screeched, entire body shaking as he pushed in. The hen cumming hard form just his entry. Her legs buckled as the male chuckled, wrapping a foreclaw around her. "Left the poor girl on the edge, Storm. Gonna have to show her how a real stud does it." Drawing her against him as his hips stirred. Just barely pumping his cock in and out of her. Twisting her head back, she went wide-eyed as he pressed against her. Feeling his tip against her deepest reaches despite barely only burying half into her.

Storm crooned and rolled his head to watch as the hippogryph began to pound the smaller hen. "Think she'll be able to even stand up in the morning?"

Graynail clicked his beak with a purr, "Not after we're done with her, Cousin." Dropping his beak to her neck, he breathed out a throaty purr at her. "Hold on, because I'm about to show you how a real stallion handles things." Beak combing through her feathers as he drew back, her body clenching hard as Storm's leftover cum poured down her thighs. "Here we..."


Ser Rodrick was the first one up as usual, heading out to the stables to check on the hippogryphs. Not every stable hand knew how to handle them, exotic beasts that they were. He was greeted by a weary looking kobold as he entered the stables, "Good morn," he flashed a sparkling grin, "Doesn't look like you slept very well. I hope they didn't keep you up all night, they can be fussy."

Fizzic heaved a yawn at him, "Could say that." He watched as the tall, broad human marched through the stable, "They're not there," he offered up. "They... ah got a little noisy last night for sure."

The barest hint of a frown creased his features, "Oh dear. I know Ara had mentioned that it looked like Rose might have been going into season. I hope..."

Waving a hand, "No, it wasn't them. That stall there." He waved towards a blanket-covered doorway. "Go ahead and wake them, my friend in there wanted to see you when you woke up." Thankfully, unless they'd gotten into more trouble, Irene would be clean. He'd seen to that himself. He didn't mind being kept up in the least, not with the show those three were putting on. Especially not when they offered to let him join in.

Confused, Rodrick pushed the blanket aside and stopped. Graynail and Storm were both laying, curled around a smaller creature. Gryphon judging from the more feline backside. Irene stirred as he approached, fixing the knight with a sheepish smile. Or at least as sheepish as a gryphon could look. "Good morning, Ser Rodrick." She kept her voice soft and sweet, making sure that her common was as on point as it could be. "I... uh... I heard that you might be looking for another mount for your party? I'm an adventurer too and would love to help out the Dawn Seekers if I can." Plus, if she could stay around these studs some more... well that's all the more reason isn't it? "I can translate between Common and gryphonic. Got a lot of skills to help." She batted her eyes, looking as sweet as she could even as her hips wiggled back against Storm's morning wood. Trying not to huff as the male throbbed inside of her.