Commission: Lloyd & Dan part 2

Story by tronntronn on SoFurry

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Continuation of an earlier story.

Lloyd has taken his son to a camping trip. Will his emotions between guilt and unbridled lust for his son finally bubble over in the wilderness?

An unseasonably warm weather had driven the autumn back to a late summer, and Lloyd and Dan on their camping trip. It had been an easy decision to make: business had been slow lately, and it was something the two possums had talked about more than once. Lloyd wanted to bond with his son again, and something more that he could not put to words but felt welling up from within. It had been two weeks since he had masturbated his passed out son, and felt Dan's erection against his crotch when they had hugged the following morning, but the young college graduate had not mentioned the encounter again. They had settled in an uneasy routine where the son behaved as if he really was unaware of what had happened, and the father could not think of any conceivable way to bring up his incestuous affection in casual conversation.

That was why their drive to the national park had felt exceptionally long to Lloyd as he drove the winding road through the backcountry that gave them a choice between Christian programming or awkward silence. He focused his eyes on the road and belly to clench his roiling emotions, tormented as he was by everything he could not say and the good natured obliviousness of his son. Dan rested his feet on the dashboard--he knew that it annoyed Lloyd because he had said so, several times--and hummed to himself as he fiddled with his phone. He was much better at small talk than his father, but now he was content to carry on the silence and stay lost in his own thoughts. He seemed happy, at the least, which gave Lloyd some relief.

However, when they arrived at the lakeside Lloyd felt relieved as wave of nostalgia washed over him. It was nearly ten years since they had last visited the place together as father and son, before the growing teenager had decided that spending time with his old man was way too uncool, and Lloyd had good memories about those last days of summer long gone. The smell of the pinewoods and the unbroken peace of nature felt fresh to him, and he filled his lungs with gusto after getting out of the truck. Dan was continually in good mood too, and he hopped on the bed of the truck and started unfastening the ropes that held their boat in place.

"Do you need help with that?" the older possum asked his son.

"Naw I got this dad. Just look up a good camping site."

"What do you mean? I drove us right to the old site, don't you recognize it?" Lloyd stretched his back and felt a little disappointed.

Dan stopped to look around. "Huh. I guess it's been longer than I remembered. Funny where all the time went."

"Yeah..." Lloyd sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He felt suddenly older than his forty odd years, a realization that sit uneasily in the pit of his stomach. His son was a stout, nimble athlete while he had grown a permanent gut and gray on his hair. Was it an absurd thought that his son might have feelings towards him, and reciprocate his taboo affection? Or was he reading too much into innocuous gestures and about to make a terrible mistake?

"Hey dad, you didn't bring your shotgun?" Lloyd was snapped out of his brooding by Dan rummaging around the truck.

"Whatever for I would bring a shotgun to a fishing trip?"

"What if there's bears or something?"

"A shotgun wouldn't be much use against a bear. Besides they're more afraid of you than you of them." Bears and I both, Lloyd added silently in his mind.

"Still, wouldn't it be better to have it just in case..?"

"Son, what I've told you fretting about stupid things?"

"That it's stupid." Dan flashed a grin and straightened up to look a Lloyd. "I like you a lot, old man."

Lloyd smiled. "I love you too, you young punk."

"Now help me with this boat, I can't get the stupid thing down in one piece on my own!"

The older possum laughed and went to help his son.


The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. They hiked around the lake, enjoying the soft warmth of the sun and rustling of wind on the yellowing leaves. Dan was wearing just cargo shorts and a hoodie, and as Lloyd walked behind him on the trail he could not help eyeing how the muscles on his toned legs flexed. He had seen his son naked, true, but only in slumber, and the difference to the active, springy young man ahead of him was striking. He was so filled with life and bristling with energy that Lloyd wanted to wrap his arms around his son, feel up his taut body, grope his sensitive places with greedy hands and bury his snout in his fur to breathe in his scent... but how would he be received if he made that irrevocable move? He had resisted turning their hugs into amorous--no, lusty--embraces, but the possibility of doing that and the consequences if he was mistaken ate him up from the inside. Dan gave no signs one way or another, but at least he seemed to enjoy spending time alone with his old man which Lloyd was grateful for.

They set out on the lake in their battered but trusty rowboat and fished in silence. There was no sign of other people, and even the calls of forest animals were rare. It was as if the reality had shrunk to a bubble containing only the two of them, together alone in the entire world, floating on the still waters glittering in the sun.

"Hey dad, have you dated many girls?" Dan suddenly asked and cast his line.

"Naw. Your mom was my first one, and after her passing I was busy raising you and just didn't have the time." It was an excuse, and Lloyd knew it.

"What about now? I don't need to be looked after anymore, not as much at least." Dan chuckled.

"Eh, who would want to date an old guy like me?" Lloyd shook his head slightly. "I have a car repair shop that's making more debt than money, taste for beer, and used up body. Not exactly a winning combination."

"I think you're handsome. For an older guy." Dan spoke nonchalantly and watched the float bob on the water. "With age comes certain gravitas, and many people find that appealing."

"...Is that a fancy way of saying that I'm fat?"

"No!" Dan punched him jokingly on the arm, "although you carry your weight well. It makes you look safe, and huggable, like a bear."

The compliment out of nowhere made Lloyd flustered, and he mumbled that he knew what Dan wanted to do with bears, which elicited another bark from the son. Exchanges like this had happened several times over the last two weeks, where Dan said something bit too friendly out of the blue, but did not go further and Lloyd never pressed the matter. It left him both confused and horny, and even now he could feel a twitch in his crotch. He turned his back to Dan to avoid showing him anything inappropriate.

"What about you? Smart, athletic, you must've been popular with the ladies back at the college."

"Yea, ladies... and guys too."

Lloyd's heart skipped a beat. He could hardly believe what he had heard, but imagining his sweet son with other men made the bulge on his pants rise.

"I hope that doesn't come as a shock, dad? My friend and I went out drinking once, and one thing led to another... I ended up fooling around with him, and, well, I liked it."

Without looking Lloyd tried to figure out if Dan was messing with him, but he sounded sincere and relaxed as the confessed his homosexual leanings to his father.

"Uh... whatever makes you happy, son," he managed with a strained voice, "you know that I'll always love you no matter what."

"Turns out what makes me happy is sucking cocks." Dan snorted and patted Lloyd's back as if he had just told a hearty joke, but before Lloyd could respond a fish took the bait and started to tug furiously at the rod in his hands. "Ooh it's a big one, get it!"


A little bit later Lloyd had gutted the trout and set it to bask in the glow of their campfire. All the while he found himself horny beyond belief, but he could not find a moment to relief himself with what Dan puttering around the campsite. He could feel his underwear soaking up his precum and it was starting to make a damp patch on his trousers, something that he needed to take pains to keep hidden from his son. He felt increasingly distracted by his fantasies of just grabbing Dan and kissing him passionately, only to be snapped out of them by the unspeakable nature of his lust. So what if his son liked other men? It did not mean that he would like his father!

"Hey dad, I'm going for a dip in the lake. Wanna join me?" Dan shouted at him from the shore, already taking off his clothes. His hoodie laid in a bundle on the soft sand, and was soon followed by his shorts tossed carelessly on the pile.

Lloyd gulped and hesitated. He could not let his son see his state of arousal, but Dan knew that he liked swimming.

"Uhh, um, won't the water be too cold?"

"Only if you're a wuss, and you didn't raise a quitter!"

Dan laughed and turned around to wiggle out of his underwear. His toned body was coated in white, coarse hair that followed the curvature of his back closely, went around the base of his thick tail, and cascaded over his perky buttocks. He snatched a bar of soap off his backpack and strode in the water, spraying it around with his confident steps until he was waist deep in the lake. He lathered his chest with soap, working the suds in the tuft of hair between his well developed pecs and under his armpits.

"Come on in, you must smell after handling all that fish!" Dan called out for his father again and waved happily.

Lloyd's heart felt like it would burst as he watched the display of casual nudity unfolding before his eyes. The previous time he had touched his son liquor had given him courage, but now everything was happening out in the open and at a rapid pace. He stood on the shore wracked with indecision, eyes pleading for answers no one had.

"Sheesh, why you're suddenly so shy?" His son splashed the water and grinned. "It's not like I have anything you haven't seen before." Lloyd blushed and did not respond. Dan shrugged and turned around. "Fine, I won't look. I need you to wash my back though!"

Moving as if in a dream Lloyd stumbled out of his clothes, and stepped into the lake. Its surface had been warmed by the sunlight, but underneath ran deep, cold currents that made his flesh shiver. He waded towards his son who waited patiently until he was standing merely an arm's length away. Lloyd feared that his thundering heartbeat would betray him, make his son turn his head and see his erection in plain sight, but Dan waited patiently. His back glimmered in the rays of the setting sun, accentuating its curvature and the shallow groove between his shoulder blades, and he reached behind himself to hand the bar of soap to his father. Lloyd picked it up nervously, almost letting it slip between his fingers, and he watched as his hands moved on their own running over Dan's shoulders, feeling the tautness of his muscles and the softness of his thick fur. The intimacy between two males, father and son, felt warm and luxurious.

"Mm, that feels nice. Go a bit lower," Dan murmured.

Lloyd shifted his hands downwards to the small of Dan's back. His breathing was shallow and his teeth chattered, both from the chill of the water and the burning desire bubbling up from his belly. His erection was diamond hard under the surface, mere inches away from the young man, and when Dan reached out to touch his arm he flinched. Dan slid Lloyd's hands under the water and between his ass crack, and urged them to press the bar of soap against his soft pucker. He gasped when it slid partly in, and he made little, deliberate motions to rub it back and forth before turning to face his father. Lloyd could see clearly that his son was stroking his own, well endowed cock slowly under the water, and when he lifted his gaze Dan looked at him straight in the eyes with a lewd, hungry expression.

"H-holy shit, son..." was all Lloyd could manage as he shivered and gulped, only partially realizing what was happening was real.

Dan leaned in closer, mouth ajar, and brushed his lips with his own. He could feel his breath on his cheek, taste it in his mouth, and then the moment was over.

"Finish washing up here and come back to the tent." Dan said with a sly smile. "Don't keep me waiting for long..."

He plunged his hand under the water to pet Lloyd's erection lovingly, then turned and waded to the shore with swaying steps. Lloyd watched, stunned, as he picked up a towel and dried himself in a suggestive manner, bending over with tail held high to dry his legs. He used his fingers to comb back a tuft of hair that drooped over his eyes, and then winked at dumbfounded Lloyd before disappearing inside their tent, still completely naked and unashamedly aroused.


Lloyd entered the tent water still dripping from his hastily dried fur. Dan sat at the back, legs spread and looking at him mischievously. He was wearing his jockstrap again, his rampant erection lifting it off his body and showing a glimpse of the base of his cock buried among the fur on his pubic mound. Seeing his father he rose up to his knees and motioned him to come closer. Lloyd descended to his level, and ever so gingerly touched his son's shoulders, then let his hands wander downwards along the trail of fur on his chest. Dan leaned in to kiss him, their lips meeting slowly, sensuously, then parting again to breathe in the scent of two grown men in arousal.

They explored each other intimately for the first time in their lives. Physical labor had made Lloyd's body strong, but years had added fat on his belly, given sagginess to his pectorals, and made his hair long and bushy. His son had a leaner, tauter body, its short fur clearly delineating the grooves and bumps of his musculature. Both had thick, hairless tails, cute pink noses that snuffled along their heavy breathing, and beautiful brown eyes.

Lloyd touched Dan's jockstrap with his cock, could feel the heat throbbing through the cloth, and closed his fist around their members. He stroked and grinded them together slowly, eliciting a moan from his son, and as he rested his head against his son's neck he could recognize the familiar scent of his body--it was his own, twenty years across the time yet as clear and sharp as his when had been a young man.

"You like playing with my jockstrap, don't you old man? I put it on just for you," Dan murmured into his father's ear as he caressed him.

"So you were awake that night?" Lloyd spoke with a husky voice. Dan's jockstrap was already glistening with his precum, and their rigid cocks made tiny slick noises as they slipped and slid against each other.

"Hff... Not at first, no... But I didn't miss the good part."

"I'm sorry for your dad being such a pervert..." Lloyd whispered and pulled Dan's cock out of his pants. It was uncut and curved slightly upwards, its glans deep purple and throbbing precum.

Dan replied by going down and starting to suck Lloyd's cock. The older man groaned and leaned back when he felt the soft, moist lips close around his aching member, and heard the wet slurping moans his son was making.

"Ohh yeah, that's it... you're a good cockscuker, son..." Lloyd petted Dan and scratched him behind his ear.

Dan pulled out and looked up with fiendishly demure eyes. "And you have a tasty cock, dad..." Lloyd's manhood was thicker and veinier than Dan's, and he gave it a long, slobbering lick.

Little by little they both fell on the ground, caressing each other and nuzzling the small, sensitive nooks and crannies of their bodies. Father and son breathed in unison between short moans as they tasted each other, reflections of each other a generation apart. The father, provider, relished his son's youthful frame, and the son, the fruit of his loins, enjoyed the attentions of his sire. They coiled around each other like the worm Ouroboros giving each other blowjobs simultaneously, the son now sucking the very member that had given him life and the father swallowing precum from his son's full grown malehood.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum..." Lloyd warned and Dan released his cock from his hungry maw, only to find his way under Lloyd's tail and press the tip of his pink nose against his pucker.

He spat a glob of precum and slobber on his tight asshole, and then kissed it passionately, his lips sucking and teasing the sensitive passage. Lloyd gasped when he felt his son use his tongue, first to lap at his anus then to burrow inside his velvety folds. Emboldened, he too sought his way to plant his snout between his Dan's buttocks and inhaled his delicate ass musk deeply. He was much looser than Lloyd, and the thought of other men dumping their loads in his son's ass filled him with odd sense of pride and jealousy.

"Once with a friend, you liar..." Lloyd grunted between slurping Dan's pucker. "You're loose enough to have had an entire football team ream you!"

"Who says I haven't?" Dan winked and lifted his tail for better access to his boy hole. "Maybe even both the home and visiting teams," he added with a laughter. "It's good luck to fuck a possum after all.."

"Fuck you're a hot piece of work, son..." Lloyd huffed and wandered all over Dan's rear end, licking his taint and nibbling his inner thighs, before returning to rimming his sweet spot.

Dan squirmed and bucked in his embrace, moaning and groping Lloyd in response, kneading his plump balls and stiff cock. "Enough teasing, why don't you poke me like the last time you sexy hunk daddy..." he groaned impatiently.

"Shouldn't we use lube or something?"

"I'm plenty wet down there already... besides, I like it with some grip if you know what I mean..."

Lloyd released him and nodded. His burned with the need to ravage that sweet hole he had been lapping, to plunge into it and make it his. Dan got on his back and lifted his legs, grasping them under the knees and presenting himself like an animal in heat. When Lloyd readied the tip of his own tail he was stopped by Dan grasping his cock firmly.

"With this, dad. Breed me like her."

Lloyd did not reply, but as if mesmerised climbed on top of his son, pressing him under himself in a pile-driver position. He could feel the heat radiating from Dan's body, the rapid heartbeat and breathing quivering underneath him as he mounted his son. Dan guided Lloyd's throbbing member into his needy entrance, and both of them sighed deeply as their lusts were let loose unrestrained.

Lloyd fucked his son, grunting as his hips slapped against Dan's bared ass, his cock sliding with ease in and out of his enticing rectum. He picked up pace and leaned on him with his full weight, slamming deeper with each thrust, with Dan moaning under him and sucking the tip of his own tail in the blind throes of his pleasure. Slowly Dan pulled the spit slickened tail from his mouth and reached behind Lloyd, and the father did not resist even when he knew what was about to happen. Lloyd felt fingers fumbling over his bouncing asshole, and then the tail being shoved inside with undeniable persistence. The weight and thickness in his vulnerable spot felt unfamiliar, yet he accepted it with relish because he wanted--no, needed--his son inside him. The stimulation was more than Lloyd could handle, and he shot his thick possum load in his son. Lloyd's cock throbbed several long spurts of semen into Dan's guts, filling him with the same spooge that made him, his sperm writhing inside his body like long lost siblings meeting again.

Lloyd sighed and fell limply on his back, but Dan would not let him recover. He tossed his dad's sweaty body around and crawled on top of him, grinding his drooling cock against the base of his tail.

"My turn now," he spoke with a thick voice, " I want to do dirty things to that fat, plump daddy ass of yours..."

Lloyd was about to say that it was not that fat, but Dan was already shoving his stiff cock in his tight pucker, and all he could do was to huff and grit his teeth. It felt uncomfortable at first, but when his son started to move slowly back and forth hitting his prostate with every stroke, Lloyd could feel his hips bucking on their own to receive him fully. Lloyd's cum slickened cock was ground between the tent floor and his hairy belly with every thrust, and despite just having climaxed fiercely he was already building up for the next one.

Wet sighs and moans filled the air thick with male funk as they made love, son topping his father like a regular boyfriend, both sweaty from the exertion and barely contained orgasmic pleasure.

"Feel that, old man? You like it don't you, being fucked by your own son..." Dan snarled and buried his face in Lloyd's neck ruff, breathing in his scent between his clenched teeth.

"Fffuckyes, breed daddy's ass with your boy spunk, harder son, fuck me harder..." Lloyd replied, shivering from the dirtiness of his sexual fantasy coming true, from the pleasure his poor stretched out hole was receiving, and the anticipation of receiving piping hot young possum cum in his bowels.

He let out a strained grunt as Dan's turgid glans pressed particularly hard against his prostate, and another sticky cumshot was coaxed out of his aching balls smearing it on the tent canvas and his belly hair. Lloyd's contractions in the throes of his anal orgasm clenched around Dan's cock rhythmically, bringing him to a climax with a strained yelp. The young stud pushed as deep as he could as he came, fully intent on breeding his old man with his fertile load. He collapsed on top of him panting and throbbing, pumping as much of his seed into Lloyd's guts as he could. Some of it gushed out of Lloyd's tight hole when Dan shifted slightly and dribbled on his balls, and Dan cupped his own pair and smooshed them softly against his father's, glazing them both with his semen.

They laid in a tangled pile, exhausted and moist, toying idly with tufts of hair and drawing figures on semen coated fur. Without saying anything Lloyd turned around and started to lick his son clean all the while gooey cum still squirted out of his pucker in steady pulses. Dan returned to that wellspring of seed and rimmed his father deeply, savoring the rich taste of his own load flavored with another male's ass musk. They both throbbed and pulsed in the serene afterglow of their perverse love, wringing out what little they had left in their balls on each other.

"I love you son," Lloyd whispered after swallowing the last droplets of watery cum off the tip of Dan's still rock hard member. He could taste the saltiness on his tongue, and feel the reek of fresh semen filling his nostrils.

"You're okay too, dad." Dan played idly with his father's tail, licking it suggestively and rubbing it over his face.

"Okay? Just okay? That was the greatest fuck I've ever had in my life, son!"

"I think you can do better, old man, if properly motivated." Dan chuckled and trapped Lloyd's head between his thighs, and moved on to finger his glistening tail hole again. "Make me cum three or four times in a row and then we'll talk about great..."

As his passions slowly dwindled in Lloyd's chest he sobered up and squirmed out of Dan's grasp. "We shouldn't be doing this. It's wrong."

Dan crawled up to face him. He felt warm and fuzzy laying on Lloyd's chest. "Why not? We both enjoy it."

"What would people say?"

"Who's going to tell them?"

Lloyd sighed and hugged his son. They held each other in silence for a while.

"I've been so lonely without you, son."

"Me too dad."

"When did you, you know, knew that you'd want me?" He tousled the lock of hair on Dan's forehead.

Dan held a long pause before replying. "Deep down? I guess ever since I became sexually mature. I was thinking of a guy like you when I masturbated for the first time, how I'd want to be held by a man that was as strong and caring as you. But I didn't know know before moving away for college. I tried being with other men but it always felt like there was something missing. My dad." He kissed Lloyd tenderly, as a genuine sign of affection.

Lloyd did not know what to say, so he just held his son until they drifted into sleep in their little bubble of the world, and Dan did not object to that.


The following day they threw the tent away because it was too stained by fuck juices, an embarrassing memento of their night of passion, and they felt somewhat guilty looking at it in the full glare of daylight. Lloyd offered the truck keys to Dan, but the younger man shook his head coyly and let him drive them back home. Not long after they had packed up and started the car Dan leaned close to rest his head on his shoulder. Without even thinking about it Lloyd reached his arm over him and let him snuggle up to him. He could feel Dan's firm body and his heat radiating into him as he drove on the empty morning roads, and for the first time in a long while he felt as if he was returning home.

"Hey dad," Dan spoke with a muzzy voice from somewhere in his armpit. "I've been thinking about what you said... maybe I could stay home for a while after all. Help you with the business. Maybe, you know, pick up the trade a little?"

"I'd love to show you what I know about repairing cars, son." He petted Dan's flank lovingly.

"Thanks dad. You're great." Dan curled up in his seat and laid his head on his father's lap. Lloyd scratched him idly behind the ears as he drove,Dan's nostrils up close his hardening cock and breathing in his arousal...

Pinewoods: Leo & Mike, part 4

Mike sat on the kitchen chair buck naked, legs spread cheekily, and motioned Leo to hop onto his lap. The lithe lizard climbed sensuously on his lover, moving his naked legs with slow, deliberate motions and wiggling his butt, and hung his hands around...

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Pinewoods: Leo & Mike, part 3

Leo shifted and groaned, slowly rising from the realm of sleep. His muzzy mind swam as he shifted closer to the source of the sharp, musky scent that surrounded him in it's warmth and comfort. The fuzzy, smelly pressure against his snout let out a low...

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Commission: Ches Stays at Home

"Does it still hurt?" Haley asked and changed lane again, just so she could get to the red lights a little bit sooner. The pit bull terrier liked to drive fast, duck and weave through openings, and grit her teeth at traffic stops. Her driving style was...

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