A flustered jackal noticed by this cat he leads you down a path of great excess with massive meals that start to make you fat - persuading you with treats and great finesse.
Lycaon's Excess
In his desire to satisfy his sexual needs, Lycaon made his way to one of the private rooms and sealed the door behind him. He wanted to be more than just big. He wanted to be truly massive, like the gods themselves. And with the abilities of the demon...
A Weekend of Excess
**a weekend of excess** "gentlemen, how much am i bid for this fine figure of a husky? let's start the bids at ten thousand dollars! remember, cash only please."
Excessively Familiar
excessively familiar relationships." "yes, right." "so, y'know. don't worry about it."
Polar Excess
If you'd like early access to stories like this and more, a $2 pledge is all you need~https://www.patreon.com/waiteinkworks posted using postybirb polar excess word count: 5100 22-01-06 a patreon story dack belongs to victor waite crime
Come to Excess
The jackalope grinned, dragging his shy rodent friend through the flashing lights of the club. Croix had helped dress his friend like himself, both wearing flashy, colourful, and, most importantly, tight clothing. "C'mon, the dtf guys usually hang out...
Getting Rid of Excess Stress
CARLISLE Carlisle smiled as he walked through the apartment block as he headed to Carmen's quarters. It had been a long day and well he hadn't seen her for over 48 hours he had been away on business whacking someone for the mob. It hadn't exactly...
Love Lost, Chapter 11a: Excesses.
It boosted his ego, although not to excess, to hear her say that.
Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Story
Nbsp; horsetits: a tale of excess
Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Alternate Ending
Nbsp; horsetits: a tale of excess
Horsetits: A Tale of Excess - Main Ending
Nbsp; horsetits: a tale of excess
Love Lost, Chapter 11b: Excesses, concluded.
#22 of love lost * * * love lost, chapter 11b: excesses, concluded. * * * a small travel alarm clock sounded. burner hardly responded until after alice turned it off and started playing with the feathers on his chest.