The Ethics Committee Didn't Approve This Did They?

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#1 of So You've Been Transmogrified

One Vixal Klyn has been called into work on her day off by the chef executive of her company, why is this, why the secrets, and why did he just step into the test chamber naked?

The Ethics Committee Didn't Approve This Did They?

Vix had been fiddling with the control systems for the better part of an hour. Her boss, Mr. Mason, had asked her to come in on her day off to assist him with a project. She could have said no as

Mason was not technically her direct manager, however he was her boss in the sense that he ran the company: just not her department. So she figured that it was probably best for to go along with the guy. The control room was pretty bland with only a desk for the equipment, a sturdy security door on one wall and a large window with a view into the test chamber. The chamber seemed to have two entrances: one that lead in from a room she had not seen before and the other through an airlock from the control room. The screen in front of her was running through diagnostics and as it did she was

trying to figure out what exactly Mr. Mason wanted her help with. She was an experienced lab

tech, had a background in biology and was a new hire. The most qualified person untouched by

company politics probably, she thought to herself. The chamber door leading from the room she had never been in opened.

Flyer Mason stepped out into the test chamber stark naked. The realization caused Vix to blush a bit. She donned a headset wired into the chambers intercom system.

"Good morning Mr. Mason, how are you today," she asked, her eyes working him up and down. Mason was an average man save for his height of six foot four. His build was about average for a 40-year old that seldom did anything at a gym other than cardio. He had on an identical headset to Vix's.

"Good Morning to you too, Miss Vixal, and please call me Flyer," Vix blinked and nodded her head even though he probably could not see her.

"Very good sir and please call me Vix. So would you please care to tell me what exactly you'll want to be doing today," she asked him. Seeing her boss naked had worn off by this point and now she was more focused on why the head of the company was naked in one of his own test chambers.

"Are you familiar with our nano therapy, Miss Vix?" he asked.

"Yes sir, but what does that have to do with today?" she asked growing a little concerned now. "Well Vix, I have been developing something that can make use of that tech, off the books, and now it's time for a test," he responded.

"On your self?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered making his way over to the center of the chamber.

"What exactly are we testing today, sir," she asked him.

"Vix, this is the fruit of years of personal research and fantasy. If all goes well I will become that which I have longed to be for so long" he but proclaimed turning to face the windowed wall.

"And if it does not go well?" she asked.

"Well then I'll probably just be a puddle on the floor, but I've run a number of sim tests and so far that has never happened. But on the off chance it does go bad that's why you're here. Also, a witness is something I would like for my transformation" he said.

Vix was sufficiently weirded out by this point. Was she just playing some deranged sex game with this guy, or was he crazy. Either way, she decided that it was probably okay... Probably.

"Ok Miss Vix, begin the procedure," he said removing his headset and tossing it to the side.

Vix had already familiarized herself with the system somewhat and typed the few commands in to begin. She ran them down in her head and became equal parts fascinated and confused about

what was going to happen to Flyer. The screen read down diagnostics like organic to synthetic

conversion rate, human to bovid genome, and latex spread rates. Her eyes wandered off the screen

long enough to see a large device descend from the ceiling.

Mason for his part stood looking up at the device as it came down and stopped about 15 feet off the ground. Vix looked on as two large metal things dropped from the device and landed about five feet from Mason, one in front the other to the rear. Mason then got down on to all fours with his side facing Vix. The two things appeared to be phallic in design as the tips of both resembled a penis to Vix's continued confusion at the situation. The two tendrils now sprung to life seeming to be seeking something. Her confusion was turned to shock when both of the tendrils quickly and efficiently moved toward Mason.

Mason felt both the probes enter his anus and his mouth alike at almost the same time. Both began to dispense their contents into his body and Mason could feel the warm essences flow through him. The probes used this opportunity to slide further into Mason, each ending about a foot and a half inside both ends of the man. Mason wore a face of pure bliss as a white substance began to drip out of his ass and mouth, the fluid flowing faster than his body could take it in. Vix noticed something forming at the base of his spine and before her eyes a tail formed. Winding its way out of his spine, long and wiry, it seemed to be tipped with a patch of dark black fur. For a time the tail seemed to move every which way exhibiting a mind of its own. Vix observed that the tail was not the same color as the rest of Mason's body: it was jet black. As she watched the tail she noticed that from the base of the appendage the blackness had began to spread.

Mason could feel his flesh beginning to give way to his new body from the inside out. Already the nanomachines had converted most of his internals into a soup of latex goo to help convert his body in its outer form. Soon he would be the perfect being. He moaned as he felt the exterior changes intensify around his pelvis. His ass swelled with muscle and fat and his hips bubbled into a delicious bouncy form. His ass tightened harder around the probe which was still pumping in more white goo. The changes spread to the front of his pelvis now as the black latex engulfed his penis and swelled it with girth and length. Mason felt as his dick grew into a foot long monster with an inch and half of diameter to complement it. Next, he felt his balls swell with the same juices that were being pumped into him, soon growing to the size of coconuts. All of his newfound flesh was jet black. Next, the changes spread south as his upper thighs to his calves were converted, the latex flesh worked its way down slowly bulking the legs up with muscle as they went. Passing his knees, Mason's feet began to extend outward as they became more bovine in nature. His feet forming a cloven base for his new form. The changes then spread upward to his torso defining it with well formed muscles and a six pack all shiny and smooth black latex. The details on the dark surface only visible as the light reflected off of it. His nipples grew in diameter at least twofold as the changes spread to his pecks which swelled with muscle. Next his arms swelled with muscles as the black flesh spread outward from his body. As it reached his hand his fingers grew to the size of sausages but otherwise remained human. The changes then spread upwards to his face and his neck thickened when more muscles developed there as well. His face began to push outward forming a muzzle, a larger dark wet nose forming over a more prominent jaw. His entire face was transmogrified with his ears shifting and growing, his teeth dulled, and his eyes relocated slightly with the reformation of his skull. His hair fell out leaving only a polished latex dome atop his head. Finally,just above his ears two horns formed. The horns were white, and aside from his teeth and the goo that still leaked from both his mouth and ass, were the only white on his jet black visage.

Vix looked down at the computer for the first time since the process had begun to see a prompt display, "Conversion complete all organic matter processed into latex composite: subject stable." Vix looked up again to see the tendrils retracted and small streams of white goo flowing out of the holes they had occupied. Vix bolted for the airlock, not sure of what she would find or why she entered the test chamber. She found Mason face down in a pile of goo, which still seemed to be draining from his holes.

"Uhhhh, Flyer, Mr. Mason," she called from a distance at first. But gradually she grew nearer until she had stepped into the goo and leaned over to tap him on the shoulder.

Mason rose at the tap from Vix and he stood now at 7 foot 4. He looked down at Vix's only five foot nine. Vix was dumbstruck, "Uhhhh..." she mumbled.

"Beautiful, don't you think, Miss Vix," Mason said flexing.

"Cow, latex," she stammered, a little overwhelmed.

"No Miss Vix, I'm a bull," he corrected her while cupping his penis which now even placid was immense. "Now then to the board meeting, I'm sure they will see reason once they witness the fruits of my labor".

Mason moved to exit the room with Vix following him unsure of what to do next. "Wait, did they not approve this," she asked jogging just to keep pace with Masons stride.

"No, but I'm sure I can convince them that it would be prudent to listen to me," he chuckled flexing his muscles again. It was still early in the morning and they found their way to Mason's office quickly and without interruption. He left a post-it on his secretary's desk instructing not to disturb him.

Vix looked out at the cityscape as Mason fished around in his desk for something. She felt weird, kinda horny, she bit her lip and looked over at the rippling muscles of her boss adjacent to her.

"Ahhh here we go," he said. He had in one hand a golden ring. Vix looked at him questioningly.

"It's a brass bull ring," he said displaying it. He pulled it apart at a small seam and pierced the inside of his nose with it. "What do you think?" he asked Vix as he flicked it with his finger.

"It, uh, suits you, I guess," she said, her eyes working him up and down.

"Are you ok, Miss Vix?" he asked, stepping over to stand next to her and look out over the city. "Yes, fine, but uh..."

"You feel really fucking horny," he said, finishing her thought.

"Yeah," she said, looking up at him.

"Ok, so the pheromones are working," he said, looking down at her.

"The what" she said, stepping away from him.

"Pheromones. My body can produce directed ones at people I would like to influence. Neat, right," he said, smiling.

"So, what, you want to... to..." Vix said rambling.

"Nothing of the sort Miss Vix. You were just here and I was just testing. I turned them off, give it a minute and they should leave your system," he assured her.

"Oh, ok," she said, rubbing the back of her head.

The two looked over the city for a few minutes. "So does your machine just do cows, or whatever?" she asked him.

"I have a few templates set up. I've just kinda wanted a body like this for a long time" he said. "Makes sense, I guess," she said.

"I don't really need the machine anymore either. My body is producing the nastiness itself now. I just need to pick a template and inject the bots into the subject" he said.

"You turned off your pheromones right," she asked him.

"Yes, about ten minutes ago, whatever feelings you're experiencing now should be your own," he said.

"Ok, so..." she reached under her shirt and pulled a necklace out. It was a small but well-crafted

necklace with a fox as a pendant. "I like foxes... a lot. It's not something I advertise cause my name and all would just lead to a lot of bad puns."

"Right, I get that. It just so happens that vixen is a template that I created," he said, turning his head to look at her.

"Also, can you do colors other than black or is that just another part of your things," she asked, putting the pendant back under her shirt.

"I can do the full spectrum of visible light," he said, turning to face her now.

"Do you think the board might be easier to sway if they had another example to go by?" she asked while cracking the side of her head nervously.

"Couldn't hurt" Mason responded.

"Ok, well then, uh... " she reached forward and rubbed her hand down Mason's pecs and abs. She bit her finger on her other hand as she did so, her sex warming up. "Is the latex just a kink or is that another..." she tried asking.

"It's a kink. One that you would like to try?" he asked reaching a big hand around the back of, her head pulling her close.

"Uhh... Yeah, I think I could be smooth" she said blushing as she felt his warmth radiated through her.

"Well ok then, just before we start, how do you want to look at the end of this," he asked looking down at her.

"Look? like me I guess but, as a busty vixen I guess, maybe a bit taller too" she said.

Mason smiled. "Tall Busty Vixen coming right up, you should probably lose the clothes, this could get messy," he said. Vix did so and striped quickly leaving herself naked. Mason appreciated her form for a moment and then grabbed Vix by the hips and hoisted her up resting her on his broad shoulders.

"So how does this work," she asked looked down at him.

Looking up Mason answered, "You'll need a mass injection to kick start the process, but I'm gonna get you ready first". Before she could say any more Mason buried his head into her wet sex. Vix for her part looked skyward and bit down on her fingers as Mason went to work on her snatch. Mason used his tongue to start working on Vix, the nanites that coursed through his body already going to work on her. Masons tongue spread them throughout her warm wet pussy as his tongue danced around the interior warming and wetting it.

Vix could feel the changes already, her pussy felt different - warmer. From her backside, a small nub of flesh budded. She did not feel it at first nor could she care due to the intense pleasure Mason administered, which distracted and dulled all of her senses not dedicated to processing those overwhelming sensations. The bud began to grow outward rapidly, ballooning into a fox tail. As it finished she felt it swaying back and forth of its own volition in tune to her own bliss. She gazed at it out of the corner of her eye: it was mostly orange with a white tip, the color didn't seem to blend at all between the two shades, creating a clear distinction and, like her black bull, it glowed in the light. "Latex" she thought. As that thought entered her head she suddenly felt a rush well up within her and both her hands grasped the Mason's horns as she began moaning loudly. Before Mason could react Vix slid forward on Masons face driving it deeper into her snatch. Mason could not help but exacerbate the situation as his tongue probed deeper until it triggered the desired result from her. Vix screamed out a loud pleasure filled moan as she reached a climax.

Mason, having done his duty, eased out of Vix and lowered her to the ground. Vix pulled her new tail around her shoulder and studied her changed body. her skin around her vagina and ass had changed to white latex on the front and more orange spanning out from the tail. Her hand slipped down into her snatch to explore a bit and found it incredibly sensitive to the slightest touch.

"Wow, this feels just so good," she said.

"Yeah, it's about to feel even better," Mason said licking his lips. Vix looked up at him and he twirled his finger around. |She picked up on the signal, smiling, as she turned and presented her ass to Mason who looked down at the offered butt and grasped it firmly in both hands. "You ready Miss Vix?"

"Yes, Mister Mason," she said, her hands braced against her knees, ready.

Mason licked his thumb before jamming it into Vix's puckering ass, eliciting a moan from her. Next both his hands parted her globes and slowly he slid the tip of his cock into the virgin hole. It now stretched further than any normal one could with its new elastic quality. Had he not prepped her before the process may have been painful. But now with her partially converted it only felt good and Vix could attest to that. She felt as the tip moved past the entrance and the girth followed stretching her out, driving her mad with the feeling of intense pleasure.

Mason thrust forward once the first inch of his length had cleared her rear. Vix felt it penetrate deep into her and screamed with pleasure, her back arched upward. Mason thrust again and again, driving his full length into her repeatedly. Her changes also begin to spread faster as the nanites went to work converting her flesh. The changes spread down her legs, her skin becoming orange and gaining a shiny quality to it as flesh melted away into latex. Her thighs swelled a bit to form new muscles, not as developed as Masons, but more so to accentuate her sexuality as she had requested. As the changes slipped past her knees the orange faded into black as it approached her feet. As the changes neared her feet Mason thrust into her fully and stayed buried. Vix felt a new warmth within her as Mason's dick spasmed and released cum deep into her converting body.

Mason rotated her on his dick bringing her to face him. White cum leaked from her as she was turned around

. Breathing heavily in between every other word he asked "How... Do... You... Feel... Miss... Vix..." Mason rested her down on his desk still hard as a rock inside her.

"Amazing," she said looking up at him lustfully. She asked, "Round Two?" now smiling a predator grin at him.

He matched it with his own, snorting he replied, "Round Two".

Vix placed her legs over his shoulders as he began pounding her again. She lifted one foot into her sight to see the black latex engulf it, however instead of a canine paw like she expected her foot transmogrified itself into something resembling a stiletto high heel. But she was too consumed by her other internal changes to put much thought into it at the moment. The changes then began to progress north as the white surrounding her sex spread up her chest flanked by orange along her sides and rear. As it spread to her breasts the changes seemed to ignore them momentarily as the orange latex spread around her shoulders and down her arms rapidly. She gained no new muscles here but the shiny glint of light off of the slender limbs was more than enough to spur Mason further. He drooled as he saw the changes spread throughout Miss Vix, his mouth open, tongue out, flailing as he pounded her plump latex ass full of his seed. He watched as the orange faded into more shiny black latex as it passed over her wrists and to her hands. The tops of her hands changed back to orange but only centered around the back of her palms.

Again he marveled at the wondrous luster her new latex skin had developed and thought about how deliciously smooth and intoxicating it felt it to rub up against her which sent another impulse rushing from brain to cock.

As Vix felt her fingers begin to shift a bit she held one hand above her head and watched as her palm lost the lines and definition of human skin. As it glossed over her fingers turned jet black and smoothed over around the edges she turned her hand to see that she no longer possessed fingernails. This thought was immediately shoved out of her mind as Mason came in her again.

Mason's face displayed a look of bliss as did Vix as both screamed out in mutual climax for the second time. Mason gritted his teeth as his spasming cock once again pumped more seed into Vix, which her still changing body processed and directed into the sweeping changes still overtaking her form. Mason paused for a moment after the last spasm, apparently more than a little winded from the back to back orgasms.

Vix lifted her head, also heaving a bit and asked, "Tired there, Mister Mason?" She then rested her head and continued to breathe heavily, her body still twitching and convulsing at the last orgasm.

"Not... On... Your... Life... Miss... Vixen..." he said, looking down to meet her predatory grin again with his. In it he could now detect a hint of hunger of some kind as she licked her lips.

"Perhaps Mister Mason would like me to do some of the work for round three," she said licking her lips again.

Mason smiled now and extracted his cock from her ass slowly. Vix cocked her head back as her rectum contracted down from Mason's length sliding out. Vix gritted her teeth as his tip exited and her ass finally snapped back, a tiny amount of jism still dripping from it. Mason took a step back from the desk and as he did Vix sat up. Mason admired her foxy new form and with one hand he rubbed his chin while the other rubbed his still hardened cock. The only bits of her that remained human and unlatexifed were her head and her breasts. Neither of which would have been unpleasing to the eye to begin with, but Mason knew in a matter of minutes they would be even more pleasing to his.

Vix motioned with one finger to come closer. She sat up on the desk now licking her lips as Mason drew near. She leaned forward and kissed the head of his penis eliciting a shudder from it and from Mason. Mason leaned in further until his legs pressed against hers and his cock was less than an inch from her face. Wetness leaked from Vix's vagina, and pre from Masons seemingly endless supply of cum. Vix leaned forward wrapping her breasts around masons cock. With one of her hands upon each breast, she worked and massaged him feeling the twitching and spasming. She could now feel the flesh in her breasts changing. They grew until they fit easily around Mason's cock and touched each other on the inside. Vix looked up at Mason who had put both of his hands on his hips and was breathing heavily. Vix then looked down at his cock and placed the tip into her mouth. Masons head shot up at this and he gritted his teeth from the sensation.

Vix shifted her gaze back to her changing breasts, which had now turned white like her chest and belly. A pair of jet black nipples, both perky and plump, were in the center of each one. The changes then began to spread up her neck as the pre from Mason slid down her throat. The orange spread around most of her neck which became slender and smooth, with the white covering her windpipe and a bit of the surrounding skin near it. As the changes reached her face she felt her entire skull begin to break down and reform. Her face pushed out into a muzzle allowing her to fit even more of Masons length inside her. Her entire lower face turned white like her chest and belly. Her hair began to fall out as well as the orange worked its way up the back of her head and crested her scalp.

Mason looked down again to see her face reform into something distinctly more canine than human. She closed her eyes as the orange crested over the top half of her face and a black wet nose formed at the tip of her snout. The white latex from the bottom of her face extended only to just above her top jawline, and around her head to her cheeks where it stopped when it met the orange latex that had spread up earlier. The top of her muzzle was orange. With her eyes still closed, Mason watched as her eyelids changed into a blue color and her eyeglasses extended giving her a femme fatale look that any 40's movie star would have killed for. She opened her eyes revealing that her blue irises had become even more lustrous.

As the two made eye contact, Vix leaned back allowing some of Mason's length to escape her warm, wet maw. The air combined with the motions of Vix's new, more flexible tongue which conspired to entice an orgasmic reaction from Mason. Jerking his head back once more he grabbed the back of Vix's head and shoved her forward, jamming half of his length into her mouth and down her throat. As he did this he felt two pricks inside his hands as Vix's vulpine ears formed. They were triangle shapes with white interiors, orange exteriors, and black tips. This, however, was lost on both of them as Mason unloaded his third blast of cum down Vix's throat. The warm viscous cum warmed Vix's throat as she felt Masons thick and throbbing length within her. The pulsing came to a stop after a few seconds and Mason carefully pulled his length from her. As he exited her, Vix licked her lips as her internals shifted one last time and her throat contracted back to a normal diameter.

Mason felt dizzy and he looked down at his creation, seated on his desk, her tail swishing back and forth while her legs swung to and fro. She cocked her head to the right and grinned sinfully, "Thank you, sir, may I have another." Mason's eye rolled backward and he hit the floor hard falling on his back. "Ahhh, Mason," Vix said, diving to the floor.

Mason blinked a few times and felt a presence on top of him. He looked down and saw a beautiful latex Vixen staring at him. Concern melted from her face when she saw recognition on his face.

Mason sat up and Vix settled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and she did the same in response.

"Once I heard you were breathing I decided to just stay here and waited for you to get up," she said. She rubbed her head against his chest and he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Ok, enough of the mushy stuff," she said, getting to her feet. Mason remained on the floor as she turned to face toward him. "How do I look?"

Mason examined her starting from the ground up. Her high heel feet in jet black latex caused a spasm in his flaccid penis, followed by another as he enjoyed the shiny glint off her calves and thighs. His eyes drew upwards to her wet sex that still dripped a bit of fluid. Her hips were now wider and helped to define her new hourglass profile. Her white chest and orange sides would have given the casual observer the impression that she had seams but, in reality, it was just the stark border where one color shifted to another. The contrast sent a shiver down his spine as his eyes continued upward, rounding her now basketball-sized breasts. He studied her sleek and sexy arms at her sides, the hands placed upon her hips, and then worked his way up her neck to her face. Her blue eyes met his and he saw the most beautiful face he had ever laid eyes on. Her original human features had blended perfectly with that of her now voluptuously vulpine form. She blinked and Mason caught a glimpse of her now permanent mascara, and upon opening her eyes he saw what could have been tacky complimented her perfectly. She was in every sense of the terminology, a Tall Busty Vixen. The word tall registered in his brain as he noticed that she was in fact definitely taller now.

When he stood up now he saw she was about a head shorter than him. Looking down at her he placed both his hand behind her and drew her close. She wrapped her hands around his body as well.

She looked up at him and asked again, "Well, how do I look?" seeming somewhat sheepish.

Mason glanced down at her. If she could still blush she probably would be. With one of his meaty hands, he reached into her bosom and delicately retrieved her fox pendant. He held it carefully in his hand, examining it, before resting it on her ample breasts. "You are, without a doubt, the sexiest creature that I have ever laid my eyes on," he said, moving in to kiss her. Her arms reached up and wrapped themselves around his neck as he came down to meet her. The jet black bull and his voluptuous vixen lover embraced each other deeply and passionately for the first of many times in their new bodies.

After a few minutes of passion Vix broke from her lover and asked, "Hey... uhh... why are my feet stiletto heels? Not that I don't like it." She lifted a foot and examined it. "Just how kinky are you, mister Mason?"

Mason looked at her as she planted her foot back on the floor, and grinning predatorily he leaned in and whispered to her "Very."

Vix looked back up at her bovine lover and with one hand danced her finger along the ivory white nipple of his left peck before looking up and saying, "Why don't you show me then."

"Where the bloody fucking hell is that disrespectful pissant" a man in a black suit almost screamed to a room full of men and women in black suits.

Mister Flyer Mason, owner and chairman of Industrial Chemicals Inc, was more than two hours late for the board meeting that he had called. Most of those present had flown in and were more than displeased at his absence. Several attendees responded to the British man's remarks by nodding their heads or shifting in their chairs a bit. "Fuck all this malarkey, that self-obsessed cunt can go take a long walk..."

Before the British man could finish the doors behind him were flung open. He did not see the expressions on the other faces in the room and turned, still fired up by anger and followed through with more, "Mason, you bastard I flew across two fucking oceans for this shit, you had better have cured cancer or some shit!" He jumped out of his chair holding two fingers in front of his face to accentuate the distance he had traveled. He found his hand was practically in the face of a fox.

Mason had kicked the door to the boardroom open and in his arms was Miss Vix whose tail was swing side to side, her face adorned with a dull smile.

She looked up and as she caressed Masons cheek, she asked, "Mister Mason, did you develop a cure for cancer?"

"Leo, while I haven't developed a cure for cancer, I think you will find what I have discovered to qualify as interesting." Leo Brunswick fell back into his chair and looked up at the gleaming latex couple.

"Yes, Yes, quite." he stammered. Mason had begun to address the board, however Leo's mind was now racing. How had Mason, now that giant bull thing, managed to hide this project from him: he was the head of the bloody ethics board for this company. More involved in his mind and more abstract than his last thought was how he could use this process to execute a fantasy he had had for a long, long while.