Special Assignments – Chapter Twenty Eight

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#28 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twenty Nine to follow soon...

I couldn't help but wind the window down and stick my paw out as we drove.

The cool wind felt refreshing, even though we had just been in cold water.

"You need to take me for a ride on your motorbike," I grinned. "I'm imagining the wind in my fur."

"We need to do that," Lachlan replied. "Especially as the weather is getting nicer, we shall go out for a ride into the country."

"For a ride you say," I said, fixing Lachlan a sly grin.

He responded with a smile and an eye-roll.

"That sort of ride, eh?" he chuckled. "I'm sure that can be arranged."

I opened my mouth to reply but my stomach let out another loud rumble.


"Gosh, was that an avalanche?" Lachlan laughed as I splayed my ears. "We'd better stop off soon."

"Do you know anywhere that's a good place to eat?" I asked.

"No, but we can explore," Lachlan said.

Lachlan turned the car off the main road. I could see a small town up ahead, perched at the foot of the hills. We drove into the town square which was centred on a small patch of sun dried grass and a fountain. Lachlan parked the car next to a small café and restaurant.

"I think this will do us nicely," he said.

We climbed out and walked over. A jackal was standing at the entrance. He looked up and smiled at us.

"Ahh, signore and signore!" he said. "Table for two?"

"Si, grazi," Lachlan replied.

"How about here?" the jackal asked, pointing to a table outside.

"That good with you?" Lachlan asked me.

I nodded and we sat down.

"He knew we are tourists?" I said, scratching my muzzle.

"In a small town like this we'd stick out like a sore thumb," Lachlan explained.

"I like how he spoke to us like he knew us," I grinned.

"Heh, yeah a lot of people around here do that. It's quite endearing, certainly not something you'd get in British towns and cities."

The jackal returned with two menus and set them in front of us. I skimmed over mine, but not being good at Italian I turned to Lachlan for direction.

"Hmm, I don't want to seem like I'm telling you what to order, but I've found something you might like. Want to try it?"

"Sure," I said, wagging my tail.

"I'll have to have wine later if I'm driving, but Italian lemonade is tasty."

"I'll take one of those too."

The waiter returned and Lachlan ordered for us. I sat back and admired the view across the square. The mountains stood tall above the buildings and despite the warmth in the air, there was snow on the peaks. I knew I had to message my mum, which caused another pang of guilt. The smile slowly disappeared from my muzzle, but I felt the reassuring touch of Lachlan's paw on my arm.

We sat and basked ourselves in the warmth until the waiter bought our drinks out. The lemonade was cloudy and had a sweet scent.

"You're right, this is good," I said, taking a sip of mine. It wasn't too sweet, despite the scent, and tasted refreshing. "You know, this is the first holiday I've been on with someone who is not my mum. I mean, I'd planned to go with friends."

"Are you happy with coming with me?" Lachlan asked, giving my paw a gentle pat.

"I am," I replied honestly. "I didn't expect this, but I do feel really excited."

"Good," Lachlan beamed and those dimples appeared.

We sat and watched the water from the fountain fall until the waiter reappeared with our dishes.

"I hope you like this," Lachlan said as the jackal set the plates down. "I got us gnocchi with mushrooms."

"That sounds good," I replied. "I've had gnocchi before, but never in Italy."

"Then welcome to the real deal."

We began eating. The gnocchi was indeed good, and very filling. I felt like I'd eaten a full meal after a few bites.

"It's very rich, isn't it?" Lachlan asked.

"Mmm, but tasty," I replied.

Lachlan smiled and gave my paw a quick squeeze.

We ate the rest of our lunch in silence. My stomach felt pretty full by the end and I tried to wash it down with the rest of my lemonade.

"Enjoy that?" Lachlan asked.

"Yes, very much," I nodded.

"Good, now I'd better pay and then we can continue on. I love Italy but sometimes they can take their time bringing you the bill at the end."

Lachlan waited for the waiter to reappear before signalling in his direction. The jackal nodded and disappeared inside.

"Do you want me to get it?" I asked.

"Please don't worry yourself about that," Lachlan insisted. "You're a student."

"I know, but when I have more money I owe you," I said.

Lachlan smiled (those dimples!) and reached over to squeeze my paw again.

"You are really a very kind and considerate guy," he beamed. "I mean that. Some of the students I teach, not to be rude of course, have a massive sense of entitlement and no manners. You're always polite and down to earth, both are underrated virtues."

I could help but squirm and wriggle as Lachlan spoke, but I forced myself to stop when the waiter reappeared. Lachlan paid with a bundle of cash from his wallet and left a few coins as a tip.

"Shall we?" he said, gesturing to the car.

I nodded and stood. Lachlan took my paw and led me towards the car. A flash of apprehension coursed through me.

"Do you not like that?" Lachlan asked.

"Is that sort of thing safe around here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd say so," he shrugged. "Italian people are pretty laid back, but if it makes you uneasy I'll stop."

"No, keep doing it," I grinned.

Lachlan responded with a smile and he kept my paw clasped in his until he reached the keys to unlock the car.

The car had warmed up in the sun and I was panting as we climbed in.

My mum would give me a lecture about hanging my tongue out.

_ _ The thought promoted another feeling of guilt, but I pushed it away.

"Ready?" Lachlan asked, reaching over to stroke the side of my face.

I nodded. Lachlan started the engine and we set off. I glanced out of the window and watched the town slide by. I felt the reassuring touch of his paw against mine and I smiled as we drove on.

"Oh, you need to show me the surprise you got back us," I said, suddenly realising I'd forgotten about it. "Please show me when we get back."

"Of course, I was thinking of showing you tonight in fact," Lachlan replied. "Now, I don't know about you, but after that lovely lunch I'm probably not going to want a huge dinner. How about we stop off to pick up some wine, nice bread and some olives?"

"Sounds good to me."

I reached out and took Lachlan's paw. He kept one paw on the wheel whilst holding mine tightly. Our paws remained clasped together until we reached another larger town and Lachlan pulled up outside a bakery and a small supermarket.

Lachlan gave my paw one last squeeze before leading me inside. I marvelled at the various breads and pastries on display as we walked into the bakery. Lachlan spoke to the elderly jackal behind the counter who nodded and handed him two loaves of crusty bread.

Next, we went to the supermarket where Lachlan picked out some wine and olives.

The sun was starting to get low in the sky as we made our way back to the car. Lachlan unlocked the doors and we climbed in.

"Are you doing to drop any hints about the surprise?" I asked, fixing Lachlan a grin.

"Heh, I think you'll like it, that's all I'm going to say."

I glanced out of the window as we drove. The evening light shone through the rows of vineyards and olive trees.

It doesn't get any more perfect than this.

_ _ We turned into the driveway of our villa and headlights of the car illuminated the now familiar sight of the front door. Lachlan parked, I grabbed our swimwear and we got out.

"So, why don't we start the surprise?" he suggested as we made our way inside.

"Start it?"

"Yes," Lachlan grinned as he gestured for me to follow him into the living room. "Ta-da!"

I watched as he pulled something out of his laptop bag and I couldn't help but laugh as I saw what it was. Lachlan was holding a DVD box set of the original Agent Shepworth.

"I noticed it in the airport magazine shop, and I had just enough room to fit it in my bag," Lachlan explained.

I couldn't help but laugh and wag my tail.

"We should start this before dinner," I said.

Lachlan nodded as he tore open the plastic film around the box using his claws.

"Why don't you hang our swimsuits to dry and I'll get it set up."

He placed his laptop on the coffee table in front of the sofa and inserted the first disc. I heard the familiar sound of the title music as I hung our speedos in the bathroom and made my way back to the living room. Lachlan sat on the sofa and patted the spot beside him. I sat down and he placed a muscular arm around my shoulders. The sound of the familiar Shepworth theme filled my ears and I couldn't help but grin.

I don't know what's funny, I just feel like smiling.

"What's funny?" Lachlan asked, as if he had read my mind.

"Oh nothing," I chuckled. "I'm still enjoying how surreal but wonderful all of this is."

Lachlan responded with a grin as he kissed my cheek. We sat in silence and watched the first twenty minutes together_._

"You would make a good Agent Shepworth," Lachlan said.

"Heh, thanks, although I'm far too skinny. He's more muscular," I replied.

"Nonsense," Lachlan grinned. "But do you know where the inspiration for Agent Shepworth came from when Philip Thomson was writing the books?"

"It was his best friend who was killed in the Second World War," I replied.

"Indeed," Lachlan said, nuzzling me.

"He was a paratrooper with Thomson at Normandy," I continued. "I mean, I just got that info from going on a random Wikipedia binge."

"Knowledge is knowledge," Lachlan replied softly. "Most students I've taught don't even bother to do reading around anything. You seek knowledge."

"Well, I don't always do the reading," I said, splaying my ears.

"Everyone is guilty of that," Lachlan chuckled. "I'm good friends with my PhD supervisor, but one of the first things he ever did was tell me off for not doing the reading."

We continued to watch the first movie. Agent Shepworth was disguising himself as a KGB officer to infiltrate a meeting of Soviet officials, but my mind couldn't help but think back to the part about the character being based on a war hero.

"Hmm, I was just reflecting," I mused out loud.

"What on?" Lachlan asked as he paused the movie.

"All the people who died in the war, like Thomson's friend or the Allies at the battle sites you were showing me, it's not just the fact that they never got to grow old, it's that they never saw important events of the twentieth century, like the moon landings, The Beatles, the cold war, Agent Shepworth," I sighed. "It's weird how a major event like that cuts someone's life short and time stopped for them, and they never got to see what happened next. I don't know, I'm probably not making any sense."

"It makes sense," Lachlan replied. "And it's the sad thing about any kind of conflict, but the Second World War especially since many changes happened afterwards."

We finished the last of the first movie before Lachlan pulled me into a cuddle.

"I'm glad I can share my thoughts on life with you," I whispered.

"You can share anything you like," Lachlan said, nuzzling me between the ears. "It's refreshing to have an insightful conversation, even the other faculty members don't do that."

"Not many students I know do that either," I replied. "It's all getting drunk, which girl did you screw, that sort of thing."

We continued cuddling in silence for a minute, listening to the sound of each other's breathing.

You didn't contact mum.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed out loud.

"What is it?" Lachlan replied, sounding alarmed.

"I meant to contact my mother, she'll probably be asleep by now," I sighed. "I'd best try."

I pulled my phone from my pocket and began typing out a message.

Hi Mum, are you still awake? I'm ok, hope you are? Xx

"I hope she's not too worried," Lachlan said. "I hate to think that she feels I've kidnapped you or anything like that."

"Same," I sighed.

I gazed at the screen and waited for a message to ping back. The phone remained silent. Lachlan pulled me into a gentle hug.

"I'll set the table for dinner while you wait, hopefully she'll see the message," he said, giving me a quick kiss before getting up.

I cocked an ear as I listened to Lachlan move around the kitchen and retrieve the groceries, but I couldn't anticipate food until my mother messaged back.


My heart skipped a beat as I glanced down at the screen.

Malcolm, thank god! I was worried about you. I was waiting up for you to message

I sighed as I messaged her back.

Sorry mum, all is well here. Shall video call you at some point xx

My phone buzzed a second later.

Please do, I want to make sure you're safe and see what your friend looks like

I admit the message irritated me a little. Lachlan was more than my friend and I was still unsure about the idea of her video calling us while I was on holiday. I sighed as I messaged her back.

Okay, love you xx

I put my phone down and walked to the kitchen to see Lachlan.

"Everything all right?" he asked.

"Yeah, my mum is still quite anxious, and still wants to video chat."

"I suppose we can arrange that," Lachlan said in a calm tone.

"You're not bothered by the idea?"

"I don't see any way around it," he shrugged before fixing me a reassuring smile. "It was probably going to happen eventually."

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"Don't be," he said, taking my paws. "You met my mother, I'll see yours."

I smiled and gave Lachlan a kiss.

"I'm going to keep the fact you're my professor quiet though," I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's probably wise," he replied in a diplomatic tone. "Now, would you like some dinner?"

I glanced over Lachlan's shoulders and saw he'd set the table with bread, olives, wine and two candles in the middle.

"Wow, that looks nice," I grinned.

"I'm glad you think so, shall we?"

Lachlan took my arm in his and led me to the table before pulling one of the chairs out.

"After you sir."

I sat down and he took the seat opposite me. He pushed the bread in my direction. I realised he had sliced it and poured some olive oil into a small dish.

I glanced out of the window as I ate and saw storm clouds rolling down the valley.

"That looks ominous," I mused as I tore a chunk of bread with my fangs.

"Hmm, I'm not surprised a storm is coming. My fur was standing on end as I was getting dinner out," Lachlan replied. "At least we're safely indoors. I think it makes things seem cosier, especially when you're not having to sit in a muddy trench during an exercise as it rains."

"True," I laughed.

Thoughts of video calling my mum were nagging at my mind, but I pushed them away.

I just wanted to enjoy being safe indoors with Lachlan for the moment.