Prove It

Story by AlexCubed on SoFurry

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Two friends talk about lewd things after school. When one finds out the other can perform an unusual act, he has to see it to believe it.

"You can do what?!" "You heard me." "Yeah but I don't believe it."

The wolf and fox were walking home from school, when the discussion turned to lewd activities. What else could be expected from two high school boys? The wolf slowed his pace, imagining it in his head. He didn't think it was even possible. He looked up to find his friend several paces ahead of himself, unphased. The wolf ran to catch up, thoughts going through his mind, until he spurted the only thing he could think of from his mouth.

"Prove it."

"What?" It was the fox's turn to be bewildered.

"Show me you can do it. I wanna see."

"No way man, that's gay. I can't show you my dick."

"If you don't show me then that means you made it up." The wolf pressed on in his convincing. The fox sighed, tilting his head back along with slumping his shoulders. "Are you for real? You just wanna see my dick."

"No, I wanna see you do the thing." "...With my dick." The wolf rolled his eyes. "Yes, it uses your dick but you're the one who brought it up. Come on, we're like best friends. I won't tell anyone."

The fox fell silent, thinking it over for a few moments. "Fine, but it anyone finds out I'm telling them you watched, and got hard."

"I'm not going to get hard, but okay."

The wolf and fox arrived at the fox's house and went inside. They went up to the fox's bedroom and put their bookbags down. There was an awkward silence as they both stood in the room, neither one able to make eye contact with the other. The wolf looked at his friend, a red fox who stood a little under five and a half feet tall. He had a lithe frame, feminine face, and brown eyes. The fox was wearing a plain red tee-shirt and tan cargo shorts.

The wolf looked up, his eyes meeting with the fox's. "Well... You going to...?" He motioned his hand towards the fox. The fox gulped, pushing his thumbs inside the waistband of his shorts. A finger grazing the button, unsure if he was going to go through with it. By accident he pushed too hard, the button coming undone and giving just the smallest glimpse of the black waistband of his underwear.

"You can at least get your shorts off, we go to gym class together. I know you're wearing blue underwear." The wolf tried to encourage his friend. It was working, the fox sliding down his zipper and letting his shorts fall to the floor. Once that was out of the way, he found it easy enough to remove his shirt. The fox stood before the wolf, only wearing a pair of blue boxer-briefs. They package quite well, clearing showing he was a male.

Without his clothes, he appeared even thinner, almost scrawny. His tummy and chest was flat, his legs and arms thin, his rear end rather average. The only curve of his body was the pouch in his underwear. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slipped down his undies. "You owe me for this." He bent over slightly, sliding the garment down his legs and past his paws. When he stood back up his hand lingered around his groin, unsure if he wanted to cover his modesty.

The wolf was in slight disbelief, his friend standing naked before him. His gaze couldn't help but linger on the fox's package. The sheath and fuzzy orbs on display. It appeared rather average, much like the wolf's was. Of course he also knew how much things could change when he got hard, so he reserved judgement. Still, he was trying to guess in his head how long the fox would be in order to be able to perform on himself.

The fox sat on the edge of his bed, spreading his legs apart. There was no more hiding it now. With some hesitation he reached down and groped his package, fondling the orbs until a bit of pink poked out from his sheath. A finger slid up his sheath to greet the exposed flesh, tracing a circle around the emerging length. As it slid out, more fingers joined until he could grip his member and stroke it. The fox stroked himself slowly, until his flesh stood fully hard at 6 inches.

He closed his eyes and pushed the wolf from his mind. He was already nude and lewd, no point backing out now. He leaned forward and with a bit of effort, the end of his muzzle kissed the tip of his member. He put his hands under his legs and pulled himself further down, taking himself several inches down his shaft. The fox began licking the head in his mouth, like he had done so many times before. He was on autopilot at this point, forgetting his observer. He bobbed up and down his shaft, gradually getting further and further until his cold nose bumped his fuzzy sac.

He kept going, speeding up until he found himself at a comfortable pace. He could feel the tingles of pleasure down his shaft, little signals that grew stronger as time went on. It wasn't just in his shaft, every time his nose bumped his balls he felt just a slight tingle there. How he wished

he didn't need to hold his legs, otherwise he would be fondling the tender, sensitive sac. Suddenly, there was a small jolt at the base of his shaft, signaling his body's desire to tie.

The fox backed off, leaving the final inch of his shaft out of his mouth. He sped his bobbing, the tingles in his shaft strong and near constant. He applied more pressure with his mouth, squeezing his now sensitive flesh. He could feel the heat rising from his loins, his body urging him to find something to tie with before it was too late. The fox ignored it, keeping steady until he felt it. In a near instant the base of his cock expanded, his knot filling out. A moment later he could feel the pulses of cum shooting up his shaft, directly into his mouth. He swallowed it down quickly, the high of his orgasm only letting his feel the immense pleasure of his mouth around his flesh. It throbbed in his muzzle with every pump of cum it delivered. Several shots later, his body realised the lack of pressure on his knot and slowed down until it was just a dribble.

The fox licked most of it up, until his flesh became too sensitive to continue to suck. He lifted his head up, a small trail of cum sliding down the side of his shaft. The next thing he saw was the wolf, kneeling right in front of him, head at crotch level. Their eyes met and the wolf stumbled back, falling onto his rear. The wolf gave a sheepish grin and shrugged, "I was just uhh, making sure you.. did it."

The fox grabbed his underwear off the floor and covered his crotch, both due to a sudden embarrassment and to save his bed from the small leak of after-cum his species had to deal with. He looked back at the wolf, who was looking at him. Neither one sure what to say, but they both knew something between them had changed.