The Babysitter - Chapter 1

The wolf walked up to the doorstep of the house and tapped on the door. He had received a call a few days prior for baby sitting services. Austin as he was called, was a pink and white 15 year old wolf. He came from a poor family from the other side of...

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The Alley

**By Alexander Cubed** Two furs seem to be having an altercation in an alleyway, one holding the other, much small fur upside-down by his legs. The city outside the alley either doesn't see or doesn't care that the poor kitten is getting robbed by...

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No title yet(WIP)

# Fire It was just one year ago, one year ago when life was normal. It's odd how I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had just finished eating dinner and went outside to put out a few scraps for the stray cat that hung around. He was pretty much...

The Babysitter - Chapter 2 PARTIAL

It had been over week since I had babysat Ted, the young lion cub. It's hard to believe how everything happened, how time passed by, what I did. I kept worrying cops would come to my door and that would be the end of things. But they didn't. To be...

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Be Right Back

Kanite1996\> Is it working? StillWater25\> Yeah, I see you. StillWater25\> Point the cam a little lower. Kanite1996\> Better? StillWater25\> Yeah. Messages were passed back and forth through the computer. Kane, or "Kanite1996" was standing in...

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Prove It

"You can do what?!" "You heard me." "Yeah but I don't believe it." The wolf and fox were walking home from school, when the discussion turned to lewd activities. What else could be expected from two high school boys? The wolf slowed his pace,...

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A Tomboy's Troubles

Robin packed her cooler and bag into the back of her pickup truck, a Ford F450. She tapped her pockets. Phone? Check. Keys? Check. The brown coyote went up front and climbed into the truck. She was a somewhat, lean, tomboy who drove big trucks and wore...

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