The Hidden Wolf pt.2

Story by VarGulF42 on SoFurry

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Just then the door opened and a beautiful female wolf strolled lazily in.

"Hi, I'm Vivian the transfer student"

Erik couldn't believe his eyes. In all his life never had a she-wolf like her ever caught his attention. There was something different about her. He could smell it, yet he couldn't quite place his paw on it. She had a tight ribbed tank top that just demanded attention yet hid enough to keep you guessing. The hip hugging desert camouflaged cargo pants accentuated her wide hips and round ass.

"Your late!" the teacher boomed at her. "Sorry, I couldn't find the class and got a little lost" The class stared in awe as the she-wolf walked towards the back of the classroom to sit next to Erik. "Well class this question isn't going to solve itself" Mr. Nosch retorted. The new lupine had raised her paw to answer. "Great a new teachers pet" joked the class clown, a skunk. Mr. Nosch ignored the comment and continued to call on Vivian for the answer. "Yes, um, Vivian was it?" "Yes, it will point in the direction of the negative lead"

Now Erik was even more impressed. A bitch with a body AND a brain, a rare commodity these days. He determined to observe her from a more personal perspective. "Hi, I'm Erik" "Hello" "So what part of Norway did you come from?" "Oh just Hokksund near Drammen" "Fascinating how did you like it there?" "Ahem!" Mr. Nosch boomed again. "Sorry Mr. Nosch" the two said simultaneous.

After a class of intense note taking and small talk between the two wolves, the class had come to an end and the bell rang. "I guess I'll see you later pup" Vivian teased. "I AIN'T NO PUP I..." Erik began to protest. "I know wolfy, I'm teasing you" she jested. "Oh" and with that she skited off into the sea of anthropomorphic beings. "WAIT!" He shouted,and with that the hunt was on.