Smugglers Ch. 1

Story by Corwin on SoFurry

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'And the spies came out of the water.

And you're feeling so bad, cause you know/

The spies hide out in every corner,

But you can't touch them no,/

'Cause they're just spies.'


Segmentum Primus

Following the mad patterns of the unconscious, where ideas appear unbidden in the most unlikely circumstances, Darren had a habit of simply saying his ideas when they occurred to him. He always sprung these sorts of things on her when she wasn't ready for them, Kara thought, this time worse than usual.

The leopardess arched her back, her fur shimmering in the dusty light that snuck in through the windows, creeping around stacks of supplies to kiss her perfect fur. The pattern of reflections changed as her muscled bunched and shifted under her fur in an involuntary reaction. Her lips, black and thin, parted, and a soft, low moan escaped her, half-faked, but half real. She smiled to herself lazily, her liquid hazel eyes staring up at the ceiling, he was getting better. Darren leaned over her, entering her field of view like a cloud across the sun, his black furred rodent face close to hers, and he kissed her softly, his hips rocking in a slow rhythm as he pushed in and out of her. The rat currently between her athletic legs was the leader of their little group of smugglers, and Kara was his second in command. Though she wasn't super fond of him, he was okay in bed, or on desk, as the case was at the moment, and very smart. The other important fact was that as long as she spread her legs for him, he gave her advice and ideas a bit more weight, which was good. Without her to goad him along, they would still be running cheap little trinkets across badly guarded borders, playing it safe and staying poor. No, she thought, they aimed higher, and had done pretty well for themselves. The thought of their string of successes was getting her rather aroused, and she found that she was enjoying this quite a bit more then she normally did. He suddenly pushed forward, driving those thoughts from her mind, and she gasped and wrapped her legs around him, keeping him deep inside of her, right where she decided liked him. Flicking her ears, she tried to pinpoint the sound of that heavy breathing, and realized she was panting. A slow smile spread across her muzzle, my, he was getting better. Slowly, they moved faster and faster together, rocking against the battered desk, their legs and arms thoroughly entangled. Turning her fine-lined, predatory head, she nipped at the side of his neck, a gentle scrape of her teeth against the thinner fur of his neck, and was rewarded by an ecstatic squeak from the rodent on top of her. Suddenly, he stopped, and looked down at her, his dark eyes twinkling. She looked back up at him, her head tilted to the side, a questioning glance.

'I got us a new job.' He panted, his voice hoarse with the effort expended. 'What?' She whispered, wondering why on earth he brought it up now, but her curiosity got the best of her, 'What is it?'

He grinned, revealing teeth kept white through lots of work and a little bit of luck, 'Kaedre eggs, two dozen of them.'

'Are you out of your frakking mind?' She hissed, her hazel eyes wide and disbelieving. Kaedre eggs were one of the hardest things in the sector to smuggle: fragile, perishable and very easily detectable by their pheromone trails, as well as being distinctive on scanners, both psychic and technological. To transport them safely, you needed very expensive equipment, equipment that they did not have and could not afford. 'How are we going to transport them?' she asked, still not believing this.

He blinked and shook his head, shooting her that devilish grin, 'We'll find something, I'm sure of it, besides, 25,000 a piece was too damn good to turn down.' And with that, he withdrew his hips a little, and she was sure he was going to pull out, but then he pushed back in, starting to thrust into her slowly again. 'Twenty-five thousand. . .' She whispered, doing a little mental math and coming up with a very impressive sum. Unconsciously, she pushed her hips back up against him, suddenly feeling very aroused. Whether it was because of her still smoldering anger at him taking such a high-risk job with no warning to her, or the thought of all that money, she didn't know, and with the way he was pushing into her, sliding in and out of her moist entrance, she really didn't care. The pleasure was growing, and she mrowled softly, her breath coming quicker now, her heart pounding, and she realized something: she was close to orgasm. Kara and Darren yiffed, either on this battered desk or on a bed, pretty regularly, but it was a rare day when she came properly by him alone. Usually she finished, alone in her room, with only her paw for company, but the tensing of her muscles, and the tingles that shot from her toes to the tips of her ears told her she would not need that today. Just so long as he held out, she though, looking up at him. His eyes were closed, and he was thrusting fast now, his breath coming in short squeaks. A shudder ran through him, and she growled, at this rate, he was going to come before her, and leave her on the very edge. Like hell he was, she thought, and suddenly sat up, throwing her arms around his neck, and slamming herself back down onto him, grinding her hips against his, rippling her powerful walls around him. A scant few seconds later, the electric rush of pleasure overwhelmed her, and she was moaning and squirming against him, rubbing herself on him, and yowling in his ear, her tunnel clamping and gripping his shaft. This was far too much for the poor rat, and he came almost immediately, shivering and tensing, splattering his seed into her trembling walls. This left him exhausted and very sensitive, but the moaning, clinging feline was still grinding against him, milking him for all he was worth, and he squeaked in protest, trying to get her off his overstimulated maleness with no perceivable success. Just when he though he was either going to die, explode, or pass out, she stopped, nuzzled him playfully, throwing a raspy lick at his little nose, and crawled off of him and sat on the desk, purring contently, a sultry smile on her muzzle, her eyes half lidded. For a long moment, Darren just stared. He had never seen her like that, so feral, so erotic before, and couldn't decide whether he liked it or was terrified of it. She certainly was attractive, but he couldn't take his mind of the feel of her teeth on his throat, and what could happen if she got a little out of control. . .

'So,' She said, interrupting his grim musings, bending over and giving him a lovely view as she collected her pants, 'Are we going to tell the rest of the group about this mad plan soon?'

He didn't answer right away, a little occupied taking in the sight of her full, pink labia, glistening and swollen from her recent activities, but reply he did, in a slow, distracted mutter, 'Yeah. . . when we all meet up tonight.'