Two Weeks - 1 Abduction - Rewrite

Story by Felekar on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Weeks

    This is a cleaned up version of the first part of my...

This is a cleaned up version of the first part of my Two Weeks series. I've reuploaded it as a new file because I want the old to remain right where it is, as a reminder of how far I've come as a writer over the last three years. So here is part one of my ongoing series.

Two weeks - Part 1

Mark's tale

The young fox could hardly stay awake as his teacher droned on and on. He peered up at the clock, and let out a silent groan, his ears slumped as he saw that he had another half hour left in the stuffy room. He allowed his body to slide down in his chair, and his eyes to partly close as he tried to will time to go faster and stared at spots here and there on the rabbit that sat in front of him.

"Thirty minutes today, then two more weeks and I never have to see him again," the fox said to himself under his breath, "two weeks untill graduation. Two weeks untill freedom. Just two weeks." He let out a discontented sigh and stared down at his blank paper and pretended to write down notes, as to not call attention to himself.

Finally, and none too soon, the bell rang to dismiss class. The teacher, an imposing old naga, called from the front of the room, shouting to be heard over the clamboring of the students, who were in the prossess of collecting their things hurriedly. "Remember sstudents, finalsss are in two weeksss!" He had a strong hiss in his voice as well, something that always drew his lectures out even longer, and had just the right frequency to irritate Mark to no end. "All materialsss we disscussed today will be on it as well!

"And Mark," the tod froze in mid step and looked back to the naga, "I don't want to see you dozing off in my class again! Take notesss, you'll need them."

The tod gave a half-hearted okay, then grabbed his backpack and walked out the door quickly, thankful that the weekend was here.

With a quick pace he walked towards the bathroom right out at the other end of the school, ducking back and forth around students going the other direction, wanting to relieve himself before his walk home. The teen went so out of the way because it was the one rest stop that was almost always abandoned.

Soon enough, after a few bumps against others that did seemed to go out of the way to knock into him, the crowds thinned out and he made it to his goal, away from the chaos of the hallway.

The steady buzz of the three-years-past-expired, yellowed fluorescent light above, the case full of bugs, the sharpie graffiti on the walls, the trash on the floor, as well as the odd aroma of old messes in the air reminded him that this bathroom was not one anyone wanted to stick around in for any length of time. Thanks to its status, it was also maintained poorly, but for a place to just relief a bit of pressure, it was no real issue at all.

As he walked to the single stall he looked to his left, glancing at himself in the messy mirror . He wasn't too bad looking at all, at least he thought so. He was a smart, healthy five foot eight inch tall red fox, his headfur with that one-minute-out-of-bed look. He smiled a bit as he looked down at his clothing, a loose fitting gray tee shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. Nothing fancy. It wasn't the latest trend, or any trend for that matter, but he liked it. They were comfortable, wore well, and just worked. Function over form was what he always went by.

Mark let out a little sigh as he moved over and relieved himself. It's not that he wasn't attractive, he just wasn't in the popular crowd, so noone ever payed any attention to him. No girlfriend, no boyfriend. He was well enough alone, and he liked it that way, at least he thought he did.

He shook his head slightly to clear his mind, to draw him back to reality again. With a quick tuck, his sheath was back in his pants, and pulled the zipper up again as he then hurried out of the bathroom. The fresh, warm air hit him all at once, and he drew in a long breath. He looked to the sky, thankful that it was overcast. It was a blessed break from the a heatwave the week before. With a final stretch, and adjustment of his pack, he hurried off to the edge of the campus, out through a disused gate.

The fox never liked walking home on the main streets. Too loud, too much traffic. The smell of petro-chems always made him eyes water, so he always loved to avoid them, and the old path that led behind the school was much more peaceful, and perfect for just that. Sure it was half overgrown, but that just added to the charm of the walk.

Quickly he allowed himself to get lost in his thoughts again, walking down his path as he's done twice a day for the last three years, once in the morning, the other after classes. This time his thoughts took a more erotic tone, as they often did when he was out here alone. Thoughts of cute guys in school, one in particular. The cute white rabbit that sat in front of him for English.

His ears perked and he gasped at the feel of cloth over his shaft tip. His paw had wandered over, and was in the processes of rubbing it slowly. Up and down, this way and that. "Mmmm... gods I love that teardrop tail." After a few more strokes he pulled his paw away again for just a moment to peer around. He had an odd feeling right at the back of his mind, one that he could not place. With a look around his surroundings he shrugged, and continued down his familiar path. Mark took comfort in the knowledge that he could stop here and do whatever he liked, and no one would be the wiser, though he knew he never would. He didn't have the nerve to.

Today was different.

Today, he was wasn't alone.

Today, he was being watched.

The creature that did the fox-gazing let out a lazy yawn as it looked down at the young tod from over the dense trees. It flapped its wings slightly as it circled over the boy and rode the currents of air. It made a note to itself, today was the third week of observing the fox, and again he was alone, so today was the day. It smiled as it slowly circled around again, a plan long since worked out in its mind for just how to catch him off guard, so it waited until the time was just right.

Mark stepped out from under the shade of the trees, into a clearing. His clearing. He thought of it so because he had been coming here almost daily ever since he discovered the old trail, and has never seen even a trace of anyone else in it. Over the last couple years he had worked to spiff it up, and keep it tidy, to the point that it was his own little zen retreat.

He padded over to the large rock in its center and took off his heavy pack, hopped up onto the huge stone, and took a seat. The fox was grateful for every moment he didn't have that blasted thing on, it cut into his shoulders terribly. Arms stretched over his head and a little groan filled his throat then relaxed again and settled into a seated position. The tod closed his eyes on the way down, then let his muzzle fall open in a soft, happy sigh. Here he could be alone with his thoughts. He did not have to worry about anything. Not about his classes, not about finals, not about his home and step dad, and not have to worry about his little step-sister screaming up and down the hall outside his room. Here he could just lay back and meditate.

It smiled to itself and churred gently. This was it, the time to strike. It knew the boy would be here for a good while, so it circled around for the perfect angle to snag him. After nearly five minutes it started it's silent decent, a grin plastered on its face. It came down from behind the tod, keeping itself from going too fast.

It couldn't injure the fox, afterall.

As it got close it angled its wings to slow again, and its approach sent a little breeze over the fox. Mark was about to draw his tail around himself, when he suddenly felt a heavy weight slam into him from behind, partly knocking the wind from his lungs. It dragged him forward, its talons locked around his arms to carry him to the soft earth below. Here it simply sat on him, its tail wrapped around the foxes legs, talons around his arms.

Mark, at this point, was panicking. He started to scream for help, but as soon as he drew breath to, the weight on his chest increased, making him cough the air back out. Here he stayed, face down in the grass, with some soft of thing on top of him. Finally the thing atop him moved. It lowered it's head to behind his skull, and clamped its jaws around the back of his neck. The tod let out a started gasp and whimpered aloud. Drool soaked into his fur as the beast over him finally let the weight off his back. Again the tod drew in a breath to scream, but the jaws around his neck tightened slightly, reminding him just where he was.

He managed to peer back, barely able to see it over him. Its body was a dark purple, its underside a lighter shade of the same. Its entire back and top half of its tail were covered in short, fur-like spines, facing backwards, little ripples flowing through them as it moved. Its forelimbs stretched out on either side as a pair of long, bat-like wings. The talons around his arms earlier adorned the main joint. Its neck was about a quarter of its length, its head hidden from view. The underside of the beast was covered in wide, tough looking scales, but were actually rather soft. Upon him he saw a pair of powerful legs, ending in sharp, birdlike talons. Overall it must have been nearly twenty feet long from nose to tail.

He wracked his mind as he tried to figure out what this thing was, but he was quickly torn from that thought process as the creature looped its long talons into the seat of his pants and pulled, hard. It's sharp claws sliced easily through the weak fabric, the teen's rear exposed to the air now.

Mark let out a surprised yelp at this, and started to whimper even louder, his eyes closed tightly.

The beast lowered itself down atop the boy now, wriggled against him slightly, and a low rumble built deep in the creature's chest. The grip around Mark's neck to loosened slightly. Its tongue lashed out from between its teeth, and licked out over the back of the foxes neck. Saliva soaked through his fur and warmed his neck as the creatures breath started to quicken, the hot air over his hackles made him shiver.

The creature's rumbling grew louder as it ground its hips down against the boy, pinned down against the soft earth below. Soon the fox could feel something catching the back of his shirt, something hot, slick, and moist. He blinked and looked a little confused, unsure just what the creature was doing, yet. A shiver flowed though the creatures body at the feeling as it moved its foretalons over. It placed them on the boy's shoulders, and let him loose of his teeth. Quickly it started to lick over the boy's neck, ears and cheeks. It's tongue was as long as his forearm, and coated the fox sticky saliva, his fur saturated in moments. Though, the fox forgot the drool dripping down his neck as he felt something drag down through his fur.

The thing upon him let out a low rumble as it closed its eyes in pleasure. Finally the fox slowly realized that whatever this thing was... it intending to mount him. To rape him. Again he opened his mouth to let out a cry for help, but again he was stopped as the creature bore down on him, and squeezed the breath from his chest, and caused a bit of pain from the compression of his ribcage.

He closed his eyes now and whimpered aloud, willing himself to wake up, wishing that this was all a dream, or that someone would save him.

No such luck.

It knew they weren't expected back until after nightfall, so had long ago decided it would take its time to have its way with Mark. The Master said not to hurt the fox, but he didn't say anything about mounting him. Slowly it drew itself back through the foxes fur. The liquids that escaped its slit left a messy trail down the foxes back, while the tip of its shaft left a little groove in the wet fur.

Mark would have no part of this, no way. He clamped his tail down over his rear tightly, then tried to squirm out of the way. The beast merely moved with him, then bore down with more weight to hold him in place. The fox was pinned against the ground, and no amount of wriggling would change that fact.

The creature over him tightened its hold as its hips wiggled slightly over him. He let out a confused little squeak, his tail still curled down tightly, though this didn't seem to discourage it. He felt something hot and wet wrap around his tailbase. It gave a firm squeeze before it started to pull his tail up. Try as he might, he couldn't overpower it. He tried and tried until the muscles burned, then finally, with a whimper, he gave up. His tail fell slack and was raised up and out of the way.

The beast let out a loud rumble over him as it felt this. It then pulled its prehensile length from around the boy's tail, and started to stroke under it softly. The tip of it's length brushed over Mark's pucker again and again. More and more of its hot, slick fluids leaked out over the foxes pucker. Everywhere the pre touched started to tingle, the feeling sinking deeper into him. Soon he found himself growing more and more aroused from it, despite his best efforts. The fox grit his teeth as he tried to deny the feelings that started to wash into his body with each passing stroke. Soon enough he found himself moaning softly. His tail arched up behind him as he tried to lift back into it, his muzzle drooped open wider.

The creature over him finally released his neck and tucked its nose against his shoulder. It nuzzled slowly up the side of Mark's head until it was level with his ear, where it let out a soft, pleasured churr. The teen shivered visibly under the dreadful creature. He let out another whimper, but he kept his tail relaxed. He didn't want to be bitten again, and he was starting to almost want this to happen. Slowly, ever so slowly, it slid its slick length up against the foxes tailhole, and pressed its tip just inside. The todd let out a loud gasp and arched his back up against the creature; his tail fluttered behind him.

It pressed its head in against the side of the todd's now and used the grip for leverage. Slowly it drove its shaft deeper into the fox, bit by bit, the thing wider and wider with each passing moment. Thankfully its pre made his tailhole slick, but he still let out a whimper as he was stretched open.

It kept pushing deeper, inch after inch sinking into the foxes tailhole. It wasn't much thicker than the fox's knot, but it made up for that with nearly two feet of its flexible length, the properties of its fluids allowing it to use him without harm to his body.

The creature shifted its foretalons forward and wrapped them over the foxes shoulders, then wormed its length deeper into him. His tail stretched more as it tapered thicker, untill it finally was flush with the foxes rear. The long thick shaft buried inside of him. Mark could feel the heat radiating from the creatures slit right against his exposed rear, more of its fluids soaked into his torn jeans, and pooled inside them. Its length pulsed inside his body. Another shiver shot through the creature upon him, in him. Its hips bucked against the fox, causing him to let out a strangled cry. He had used his toys at home, but they were nothing like this. He was stuffed more than he had ever been filled before.

He could feel every heavy heartbeat of this creature inside of him. Every movement, every nuance of effort the thing made. Slowly it drew itself back again, and thrust forward. Moans grew louder from both of them as its humping built to a steady, quick rhythm. Mark soon found himself rocking back against the creature's thrusts, eager for the pleasure that was washing through him.

He let out a soft whimper as the creature stopped to shift its stance. It flicked its length inside the boy and pulled itself upwards. The fox let out another surprised moan and quickly followed after the feeling. It pulled his shoulders up as well, the fox now on his knees, face buried against the underbrush.

It set its talons in the ground on either side of him, then resumed its thrusting into the todd, much to his agonized delight. All his thoughts of this being rape floated from his mind, replaced by pure need, another bizarre effect of the fluids that pumped constantly into him.

The creature let go of his shoulders and let its foretalons slip under the foxes chest. The membranes of its wings hid what was happening to him from view.

He tried to reach back to his own sheath after a minute, but froze when he heard the deep growl from the beast above him. He was not to move. The need inside him grew stronger than ever. The creatures pre was doing its job perfectly.

Again he tried to reach back to stroke at his length, but again the creature growled, and this time squeezed at him. Though this time he ignored it. It glared down at him, then stopped thrusting. It bore its weight down on the foxes shoulders and pushed his front into the ground with ease, then reached down with its foretalons and pushed Marks arms above his head, then gripped into the ground on either side of them.

Suddenly its thrusting came back full force, the weight pushing the todd forward with each solid pound. Loud moans were heard from both of them, the todds need growing ever stronger, but he was helpless to take care of it.

All the while the creature debated to itself. 'The master wouldn't mind just one in him. It had been such a long time, too. Just one.' It closed its eyes and continued to thrust into the boy. Its length started to pump ever more volumes of liquid into him as it began to writhe about.

Slowly the creature drew back again, half of its length followed with it. There the fox lay, panting heavily. His hips humped forward, then back again. The fox was looking for something, anything to get more stimulation, but whereever he moved the creatures flexable length stayed still in him, hardly a movement to be had.

Soft grunting sounds started to grow deep in the creatures throat. It rocked its hips forward several inches, once, then again. Unknown to the fox the base if its length started to swell outward, and quickly doubled in thickness. The swell slowly moved forward with each small thrust, until it was out of the beasts slit.

'Just one, then I take him back.'

The fox let out another soft moan as the creature started to slide its length back into him with short thrusts. He stayed lying there, rear in the air, and rocked back into them, until he felt this a bulge hit his tailhole, twice as wide as the shaft already within him. He didn't have time to think about it as the creature started to push it into him, slowly. The pressure built, his muzzle fell open, and a weak moan escaped his throat. The swell reached its widest point, then just popped in the rest of the way. The creature let out a delighted growl as it pushed forward again, and drove the bulge deeper into the fox. It took his sex-crazed mind time to realize, but each time the creature pulled back the bulge didn't move, but it did get shoved in deeper with each thrust.

Slowly it pushed the bulge down through its shaft, and shuddered as it worked it to the tip of its length. Unseen inside the fox, the creature's tip parted, revealing the white shell it had been working so hard to get into the boy. It bared its teeth as it humped forward again, then opened its maw wide, its saliva dripping from its maw onto the fox below.

With one final thrust the egg shot free of the creature's length, implanted deep inside Mark's body. It arched up high and shivered all over with pleasure for nearly a minute, the todd doing the same as the creature's length writhed about inside him, pressing against his prostate over and over again. He found himself pushed right to the edge of orgasm, but he never got there. Slowly the creaure pulled its length from his tailhole, then looked down at the todd.

The last thing the todd saw was a billowing yellow cloud of foul smelling gas from the creature's maw, then darkness.

Carefully the creature scooped Mark up with its hindtalons and with a heavy flap of its wings, carried him aloft, eager to show off its catch to The Master.