Zodiac Day

Story by Chaota on SoFurry

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Based on a dream I had. Things went differently than what I made here. For example, some parent jabbed me with a needle instead of the nurse doing so because he was impatient. Anyway, enjoy!

It was the weekend today, Harold was heading out to the mall for a rather special occasion. It was something he dared not to miss, and he set up an alarm schedule on this very day of Saturday. A rather unique holiday, made in celebration of the predictions of the past. This holiday, was known as Zodiac Day. An interesting holiday in celebration of horoscopes, zodiac, and other forms of ancient rule identification. Made as a way to preserve horoscope culture from dying out, it celebrates and informs what would a person be like if they used horoscopes in the modern times. The market has also seen opportunity in this endeavor, and it has become a national holiday in a matter of two years!

Harold was an enthusiast when it comes to horoscopes, though his favorite is Greek, and has found his own horoscope to be Leo, the Lion of the Sun. Though, irony places Harold in a sort of opposite situation, despite what his horoscope would predict. First thing? He isn't much of a leader, he is more of a follower. But he reassures himself that he is one, there were times that he was a pretty good leader when the opportunity presented itself to him. Second? He absolutely HATES being the center of attention, it always makes him nervous, or perhaps he does prefer the attention, just not the way that he thinks.

Right now, Harold was in the closest mall to his house, the Aeon Mall. It was a massive three story complex with many of the latest up to date fashion designs, electronics, products, and with a massive food court on the east side. He was in the fashion design sector, and the outlet he was standing before is not open yet. He had a reason, because this outlet was the infamous *Millenium*. It was one of the first fashion designing companies that had embraced Zodiac Day. Their designs became world renounced, becoming their own category of fashion known as *Animus*, or "Spirit" in translation. Now, Harold is no fashion geek, but from what rumors he had heard of, Milleniun was taking a leap of faith and daring to take a new frontier. "To truly embrace one's Animus.", is what he heard of, and from several leaks online, some kind of experimental project of turning people into animal hybrids based on their zodiac of their choosing. The product was also rumored to be named "Animus", in a sort of honor of the fashion category and its roots.

Now - any normal person would have thought this idea was crazy. Harold was taking that chance though? Why? One, to see if this was real for himself. The other reason? Because...he has a slight interest in becoming an animal hybrid. He wouldn't be surprised if this whole rumor was a fluke, it was just acting upon speculation. Fake or not, Harold wanted to see it for himself. He stares into his phone, just a minute before the outlet opens. Turning his neck around he could also see some others waiting for Millenium to open as well. Some of them were wearing designs from the previous year, others, he could tell, were most likely going to look around and see what is in store before heading elsewhere.

The sudden flash of lights take their attention, and a woman can be seen pressing a button as the protective bar cast was lifted behind the windows before she heads back to the kiosk. In response, everyone was swarming in, talking to one another or eyeing at the newfound fashion designs that are on display. Harold took some of his time and looked around as well, glancing over at the new things in store before heading over to the woman at the kiosk. There was no name tag on her uniform, so Harold would just try to be a bit more formal on the matter.

"Hello!" Her posture and voice were very welcoming. "Is there anything you need help with?"

"Yes..." he looked around to see if anyone was peeping on them. Just a hunch that made him nervous. "Is there such thing as an upcoming product called "Animus"?"

Silence falls on the lips of the employee, before she silently gestures to meet them in the back room, where the "employees only" sign was set. She quickly walks to the back door. Harold follows along, pretending that this was something that happens every day, once again to prevent attracting unwanted attention. The back room had multiple sets of clothes in stock, the woman can be seen in the middle of the room, waiting for him. Harold approaches the woman once more.

"It is." Was her first words. Harold blinked, he didn't expect the truth to be so bluntly stated.

"Well uh...okay? I...just didn't think this would be so easy to find out." Harold scratches the back of his head.

"Indeed. We try to keep these things under wraps, though the rumor mentioned is at least crazy sounding. It's just that we didn't expect anyone to actually try and get some answers." Said the woman.

"Uh huh," Harold raised a brow. "So...why bring me all the way here?"

"I'm here to give you a chance to give a test run on our Animus product. Before we can sell it to the public, we have to make sure that it's not going to cause any trouble."

"I mean...you guys did test this, right?"

"It did come out the way we wanted it to come out, it's just that...it has yet to be tested out on humans."

"And...you want me to give it a test run." Harold's expression slacked.

"...yes." the lady heads off somewhere which Harold cannot see. In barely a minute she would come back with what appears to be a bandage, sealed in a plastic hinge container, with a set of papers beneath it, along with a pen.

"Just sign this contract to agree that what you are using is the beta version of the final product. Any incidents regarding to your health and safety will be fully compensated by Millenium Fashion Company."

Upon reading the contract, the male noticed how minimal the side effects were. Some changes in behavior are to be expected, but are otherwise minor at best. Though the contract also says there is a chance where the effects are permanent, leading to a long term compensation agreement. Harold signed the contract document and gave it to the lady, seeing that there was little to no harm in doing this anyway. His eyesight narrows down to the bandage. It looked just like any other bandage, making his brow curl in visible curiosity.

"So this is what Animus looks like?" Tilting the plastic container to let more light in.

"It's supposed to be injected through dissolving micro-needles found on the bandage. Completely painless." She seemed to beam at the word "painless".

"Which horoscope does this one represent?"

"Oh! It's Leo, is it not your horoscope?"

"No no, it is." Harold shook his head.

The lady nods and bows respectfully. "That's good to hear. But I must inform you that you have to keep the Animus out of sight before and after use. We...don't want anyone getting any ideas."

"Yeah I get what you mean." Nodded Harold.

But before he decided to turn around, the lady gave him a business card from her pocket. It was the same telephone address and web address of Millenium Fashion Company printed on the card, but a name was printed with bigger font than the rest. It must be her name, *Sasha Lewynn*.

"Call me if any problem comes up." And Shasha begins heading out the door, putting on her business face of a polishing smile, and bowing once again as Harold acts like it was a normal exchange.

Just before leaving, Sasha had given Harold a standard plastic bag, which the Animus was placed in. Internally, Harold felt queasy. So this rumor was real! He knows he can't tell anyone but holy crap it was exciting! His head felt like it was about to burst, he quickly calms himself down before heading to the food court. After eating some food at Subway, he would just head home, keeping himself levelheaded.


In his house, Harold opens up the container and sets down the bandage. Underneath said bandage was a folded piece of paper. Taking it, Harold quickly read over it. The side effects included were the same ones that he had seen within his contract, but there was an added line about the Animus usually lasting up to 24 hours. That was about it. With nothing else really keeping him from using it, Harold took off the bandage peels and slapped it right onto his shoulder before heading off to bed. His parents were gone for a while, on a business vacation, so he had to watch out for himself for the time being until they came back, three days in due time.


Throughout the night, Harold felt his body go through various waves of bodily chills that would rouse him from his sleep. He, of course, was too tired and drowsy to actually care, so he would often just doze right back. By the time of eight natural hours slump by, Harold grumbled as he slowly used his legs to drag himself off the bed. So drowsy, his vision was a little blurred as he went to his bathroom to already begin brushing his teeth. His limited sense of sight was enough to keep him droning through the current minutes as he washed his toothbrush, then squirted the toothpaste onto his brush before scrubbing his teeth.

Except...his teeth feel weird. His eyebrows scrunched, feeling the shape of his teeth with the toothbrush in his mouth. They were certainly much more like canines, sharp and angled.

"Hnnnhhh...?" Taking a look at himself in the mirror, he could see a massive blur of golden brown, rather than his usual paler skin. His addled brain connected the dots, and soon he rubbed his eyes.

"Uuggghhh!" He couldn't believe what he was seeing! In front of himself was a tone muscled lion man, shining fur and mane of golden brown, staring right back at him! The one thing that remained the same, was his eyes of lapis blue.

His brain soaked in the knowledge he was seeing, muscles that lack prominence, but still definitely visible through the thin layer of fur now covering his entire body. From his hand holding the toothbrush, he could see dark brown pads that stick out on the tips of his fingers and from his palms. They lacked the feel of touch somewhat, and his nails can'tbe seen, but he guessed they turned into claws and are currently sheathed. And something behind him sways, a sort of thin line with a brush like end, assuming that it was his tail. Harold gulped, quickly washing his mouth up to have a better look at himself from the mirror. Everything was so real...is this a dream? His hand comes to touch his pecs, sighing from how soft yet firm they were. It feels real, but what sealed his suspicion from him was the bandage on his shoulder, the very same bandage he put on last night.

Harold takes off the bandage, examining it with his eyes. As before, it looked like an ordinary bandage. Not wanting to lose it, he sets the Animus back inside the plastic container. Well...so far so good, everything seems to be going well. But, there was one thing that crossed his mind. He had to find out for himself. Setting himself right back onto his bed, he took off his pants...and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. Such large orbs, from the look of them, they must be the size of oranges! His penis is gone, apparently veiled by his sheath that seemed to envelop it. But from the size of the sheath alone, it must have been at least as big as a soda can...holy fuck!

It was hypnotizing to look just how big he was. His hands were moving without conscious effort, gently scooping his large orbs as a silent sigh of pleasure ripples through his flesh. God, he didn't think it would feel this good. Harold kept fondling himself, panting as he could see his sheath expanding and thinning out as the tip of his cock is seen in bright pink. As more sensation was wracking through his body, the faster his cock slid out, seeing it firsthand. It was so much bigger than before, and thicker too! And just beneath the head of his rod was rows of barbs, pressing his finger against them as they hooked gently into the skin of his paw, moaning at how the pull was rousing his member even more. He had to try it, his twitching shaft was already leaking pre, and the anticipation was killing him!

With his free hand, he strokes his shaft with vigor, lolling out his tongue and his eyes glazing from the overwhelming haze of pleasure. He growls lowly, his dick throbbing in his hands as pre leaks and smothers with each passing of his hand. An intense feeling builds up from his being, his mouth opening for a loud roar.

"Aaaahhh!" Harold shivered as his cum splashed all over his chest and thighs, an amount far beyond what any human can do.

The haze clouded his mind, and the warmth invited him to sleep again. But he managed to get his phone and look at the time. Class starts at 8:00...it was 7:30.

"SHIT!" Harold quickly got himself ready and ran off to school.


Harold managed to get in on time, but had narrowly missed the chance of being late. Reason for that is because that he looks different, and that would definitely get some unwanted attention. But he tried to keep the blush from his cheeks as he went off to his first period, being English. Before then, he could already feel the eyes setting on him as he nervously strolled through the school plaza. And he swore that he saw someone point their camera phone right at him. As such, he hurried off to his first period as the bell rang.

Except...everyone was also putting their attention to him in his class period. Harold internally sighed, he should have expected that, but his optimism made him think that everyone would ignore him in first period class.



Attendance was already being taken, and now this small task was making his heart race.


Sasha raised her hand. And Harold was so worried that-


"Here!" ...that he blurted his name out loud with a raised hand. Harold blushed as he covered his face as quick as he could. Only drawing more attention to himself.

"So...what's been going on?" Harold looks between his fingers, finding one of his table mates, Holly, being rather concerned than intrigued of his appearance like the rest.

"Uh...I can't tell you." Harold tried to keep his lips sealed. "But I guess this...new me, i-it's basically a beta stage for an upcoming product."

Every class mate was mumbling to one another from his very words. It definitely was something that catches their interest. Some of them thought it was weird, while others thought of it as cool looking.

"Mind if I feel your...uh, fur?" Holly asked, and Harold blushed again by how polite she seemed.

"Sure..." he extends his arm out to her.

The soft fingers caress and feel his toned muscle that ripples through his body. Harold shifted a bit and clamped his thighs together...because for some reason he was getting an erection from her touch. And with the size he was packing, it would definitely show through his shorts.


Throughout the day, Harold was like the star of a show. Everyone's attention was on him, despite his attempts to dissuade them. Everyone came up to feel his fur, muscles, everything...well...almost everything. Harold tried his best not to get so aroused when someone decided to feel up the big lion man, but there were times when he got really close to being found out.

Each class period felt much longer than normal, and Hatold grit his teeth in bearing this feeling of dreadful anticipation. Anticipation for what exactly? He has game club after this, but he also just wants to get this school day over with and go home! The final bell rang for the end of the school day, and Harold had rushed out to get out of his class despite his usual mild-mannered behavior. But...it was just too much. The lion had shuffled over to the stall, and closed the door on one of the stalls that at least had a functioning lock. And not a second after did his pants fall off, exposing his hard erection that was stiff in his pants.

"Fuck..." Harold was already rubbing himself off, pre soaking his rod from all the touching he had received throughout the day.

By literal luck, no one has walked into the restroom as he jacked off, cumming all over his hand and some of his thighs. He cleans up his mess with the tissue paper. Sighing with relief, he quickly sets his pants up and just heads out the door, only to accidentally bump into someone. He was caught off guard, the scream told him he had accidentally knocked over a female.

"Shit. Sorry about-"

It was a lion...just like him. Harold freaked out internally, his body movements did not mirror his mental state of complete and utter shock. He just stood there as the lioness brushed off her knees. It looked like she was going to say something as well, but her words had died out as her eyes met his. Hazel brown met an ocean blue, locked together as their hearts raced.

There was no words that were exchanged, in fact, something else had been shared entirely. Their faces closed in on one another, locking their lips together as their eyes closed and, out of instinct, focused on something else entirely. They got into the boy's restroom once again, closing themselves off from the school in one of the larger stalls as small purrs and light gasps escape their breaths.

"You're...like me..." Harold panted as he separated himself from the lioness.

"You got the Animus contract too?"

"Yeah. But..." a guilt plagues his mind. "I don't want us to...we need a condom."

"Haha, don't worry big kitty."

Harold yelped softly as he felt her free hand clasp around his already hardening junk, undoing his belt, button, and zipper as it flops free right in front of the lioness. His ears twitched, hearing the playful mewl of the female before him as she could feel her soft paw pads caressing those barbs and thick flesh.

"Mmm, looks like the Animus made you big." Her smile reveals ivory fangs, licking her lips at the sheer size of his girth. "And I hoped that would be the case."

Aiming the meat rod, she slowly slides the tip of his head into her loins, her folds open slowly as she gasped softly at the size that was parting her flesh. Harold moaned as well, it was so soft, almost like silk was wrapping and melting right onto his cock as his instincts forced his forward.

If she was a virgin, it didn't matter at this point. She howled in a brief agony and soon found her self rolling her eyes up into her skull as the mass had split her right open, pleasure pouring into her brain like a waterfall into a kitchen drain. Harold was too into the moment as well to so much as suppress his moaning. Neither held back, plump virile balls slapping against newly popped snatch as pre slickens the surface and further amplifies the experience.

"I'm gonna...!"

"Do it! Fucking fill me up!"

With a final harsh thrust, lion cum jets out from his large balls, and into the lioness. Their breaths held as they could feel their intimacy, their heads together as they pant from exhaustion. As they look to one another, their eyes glimmer with an unknown affection...and then they went small.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck!" Both of them would say.

"Shit! We're so screwed!" The lioness was in despair.

"Wait wait, you have the same number? Sasha Lewynn?"


"H-Hold on..." despite their intense experience, Harold slowly pulled out. The lioness winced a little, but ultimately seemed unharmed as his cock would flop right out after a few tugs, the semen splashing right onto the floor.

"What's your name?"

The lioness blushed. "N-Nala Rosa..."

Harold's hands quickly make way to his phone, dialing the number given by the card. The phone was ringing, and both lions would make themselves decent as they wait for the call to be answered, blushes on their faces.

"Millenium Fashion Company services, Sasha speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hey uh...Sahsa? This is Harold."

"Oh! How is the Animus project going for you?"

"Oh it's very good! Not gonna lie. Just...one small problem."

"What is it?"

"Is there another volunteer named Nala Rosa?"


"Well..." Harold bit his lip. "If we...do it...while we use the Animus, is there chance of pregnancy?"

There was a long silence on the other side of the line. Harold and Nala exchanged nervous glances.

"No. The Animus renders sperm and egg fertility to a zero."

Both of them sighed in relief.

"Did...you guys just-"

"Yes. Please don't ask any further."


Harold hung up the phone. The day went normally after that. Though...it turned out that Harold never turned back into a human after the supposed drug duration. So...he now has life compensation.