In the Night, They Sang

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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So here's a little something I whipped up now that finals are over and summer's abou...

So here's a little something I whipped up now that finals are over and summer's about to begin for me.

Warning, contains sexual acts for adults, viewer discretion advised... Sen belongs to me, and Robert belongs to Robert Johnson, all other characters or likesness are pure coincindence.

In the Night, They Sang

Finals were over, and it's the end of the semester. Finally, many students across the nation let out a sigh of relief as summer began for them. It was the start of the first weekend camping trip of the summer, and a group of rowdy young men drove across the back roads of the country to their annual camping grounds. Twenty lads and lasses filed out of their vehicles and stretched their legs. They all basked in the warm sun of the afternoon's light before quickly unpacking their gear and getting ready for the night. Two foxes helped heave the coolers and kegs of beer over to the center fire pit as the rest set up their tents. The red fox reached into a cooler and grabbed a chilled soda, tossing one to the other fox. The black fox caught it without so much as looking up as he continued to unpack things. "Jeez, I swear you're a robot or something," the red fox said.

"Come on, it's called peripherals, use them sometime," the black fox said as he started to set up a large stack of firewood.

"Sen, you gotta learn to relax a bit dude,"

"Easy for you to say, look around and tell me if half these lazy fucks will get off their asses long enough to make sure everything else is ready before nightfall."

Robert, the red fox looked around, and already Krieg, the bear, was throwing some otter into the lake while a group of dogs huddled around a cooler, shotguning beer.

"'re right," he said, helping with the last of the wood and getting the food out on the tables for the night.

"Robert, are ya still seeing that vixen from chem?" Sen asked as he drowned the wood in a lighter fluid and stepped back as he lit the mostly empty container on fire and tossed it at the wood, setting it ablaze. Cheers could be heard from all around as the instinctual male nature to respond to fire ignited within the campers.

"Naw, that bitch is more stuck up than a stick in the mud." Robert said, setting up the grill and waved the cook over to do his damn job. After the husky was in place, Robert walked over into a little grove of trees and set up his tent there, a good distance away from the fire. His tent was a bit larger, but he enjoyed the extra space. As he finished hammering the last few steaks into the ground, he turned to watch the other fox. Sen was always so shy; in fact it was the car ride here that was the first time he really talked to the guy. Everyone always put him off as kinda stiff and antisocial, but Robert could see it was just how he handled his shyness. He pondered for a moment before someone handed him a beer. A group of furs came over and soon Robert was chatting away about another school year gone.

Sen looked up and spotted the red fox through the crowd and began to work on something else to keep him busy before his roommate walked up to him. "Sen, come on dude, you're working too hard,"

"Yo, someone's gotta do it," he said as he finished setting up the speakers in the back of their cars.

"That someone ain't always gotta be you," he said poking the smaller fur in the chest. "Come on, grab a beer, relax, who knows maybe you might get a little lucky tonight," he said with a wide grin, pointing to a group of sorority girls that had followed them out. Sen blushed and took a beer from Tyler and smiled at girls before turning back to the lion.

"Hey Sen, the sound system set up?" called out the otter who was tossed into the lake earlier, his fur still a bit wet.

"Ya, go ahead, we can start jamming out," he said handing Jeremy a wire to plug his systems in.

"Cool deal, so you seeing anyone yet?" the otter asked out of the blue.

"What?, not at the moment, what's up?" he said almost chocking on his beer.

"Nothing really, just thinking ya might meet someone tonight," Jeremy said with a wink. Sen let out a slightly chuckle and slapped the otter on his wet back.

"Don't short circuit anything, come on, let's get this party started," the fox said as he downed his beer and grabbed another. By now the sun was setting and the grill was hot, already the husky had set up a pile of cooked meats and the furs began to chow down. As the food settled, they spread out around the fire, some danced, some sat and drank, and a lot of them flirted. Sen was sitting, watching the fires hypnotically as he drank his beer. He didn't notice Robert behind him till the red fox placed a paw on his shoulder. Keeping his balance, Rob sat down next to Sen and watched the fire with him.

"Havin fun?" he asked?

"Huh? Yah,"

"Spacing out? You doin something more than drinkin?" Rob asked with a sly grin.

"Naw, just kinda staring into the fire,"

"You should look up," he suggested.

"What? Why?" Sen said as he eyes gazed up at the stars, but he couldn't see them. He couldn't see anything in the skies, it was clouded over. Then a great wind began to blow from behind, the fire wavered. "Guess it's gonna rain," he said out loud. He began to stand up, stumbling a bit till a pair of paws caught him. He blushed as he felt Rob's paws wrapped around his waist, holding him steady. "Err...thanks," he said as he felt them let go and he began to walk over to Jeremy, letting him know to wrap up the music.

"Oh come on, one more song," the otter begged.

"Look, I don't want the systems to get rained on, I'll help ya," Sen insisted as he slowly regained his hand-eye coordination.

"Alright, it looks like it might get bad." The two began to round up every wire and secure the speakers back into the cars as the last song faded. Furs wandered about, some still dancing to an imaginary beat, others rubbing up against each other as they mixed together like their drinks. The clouds that hung over the lake began to spark with light. "Good call, dude," the otter said as he slammed his trunk shut. It was already late and no sooner had most of the furs turned in for the night, the rain began to pour.

Sen was putting up the last of the materials that were vulnerable to water damage and began to run over the hissing fire as thunder boomed closer. "Shit, fucking forgot to set up my tent," he said as he looked around, he found one tent with a lantern still on and ran towards it, not being able to see anything else through the rain. "Hey, mind if I come in for a bit?" he said tapping the waterproof tent. A few zips and the door was open and the wet fox crawled in. "Thanks," he said looking up at his savior. There standing there in his boxers was the red fox.

Sen blushed a bit as he noticed the fait tip of his sheath poking through his boxers as Robert let out a yawn. "Sorry bout this, I'm a retard and forgot to set up my tent earlier,"

"Dude, told ya about doing everything else," he said chuckling as he flopped down on his sleeping bag, still buzzed.

"Yeah yeah, I know," he said as he got on a corner and tried to dry some water from his fur. The tent was roomy for one person because it was built that way, but now that there are two furs, it was a bit snug.

"You're gonna catch a cold, get out of those wet clothes, toss em in the corner over there," Rob said, pointing where Sen was standing. Sen blushed at the thought, but realized his clothes were thouroughly soaked, and soon the rest of his fur would be too. He quickly stripped down to his boxers, but realized those too were soaked. He let out a sigh, and turned off the lantern before taking off his boxers and adding them to the pile.

"Err...Rob," he said hoping the fox hadn't fallen asleep yet.


"Mind if I..ah...sleep here?"

"Sure dude, tent's made for one, but I'm sure I can make some room," he said as he opened his sleeping bag and spreading it out, padding the spot next to him to invite the black fox over. Sen blushed again as he laid next to Rob, facing the opposite side as laid on his side. Some of the water in his fur had soaked through, making him shiver a bit as he closed his eyes, he unconsciously scooted closer to the red fox, his back pressing against his side.

"Err..sorry," he said on reflex.

" Eh, s'okay,"

"Not asleep yet?" Sen asked as the loud patter of raindrops assaulted their shelter.

"Naw," Rob replied, adjusting himself on the sleeping bag, one of his arms brushed across Sen right as the black fox shivered again. "You're cold, sorry I can't wrap up the sleeping bag because we need something to sleep on."

"Eh it's okay, it's just one nigh..." Sen stopped as he felt Rob's warm fur curl around his back as the other fox rolled around, pressing himself against the black fox. He froze, but soon began to relax as his warm fur felt nice against his cold back, he scooted a bit back into the red fox, feeling his chest rise and fall against his back fur.

" oaky?" Rob asked as Sen stopped shivering.

"Yeah...Rob," Sen started as millions of thoughts ran through his mind.


"I...I really like you ya know?" he said softly.

"Yeah, I know," Robert responded plainly.


"I really like you too," he said as he slid his paws around the black fox's waist, pull him closer. The two stayed like that for a long time, the flash of lightning and the bellowing thunder caused Sen to hug Robert's arms tighter. Lightning struck closer, and Sen turned away from the flash of light, holding his ears as the thunder crashed around them even louder. When the fox opened his eyes, he met the gaze of the other fox and blushed deeply as their muzzles were millimeters away.

"Sen.." Robert started.

"Rob," Sen said back. Another torrent of rain pelted the tent and a few more flashes of lightning crashed across the skies of the lake. The two foxes' muzzles met, their lips pressed firmly against each other, and soon followed by their arms. The two held each other tightly as they continue to kiss. The sounds of the storm seemed faint as the two could only hear the rush of blood in their ears as their hearts beat faster. Their muzzles opened and exchanged tongues as they slipped across each other, dancing and rubbing together like their bodies were. Sen's sheath pressed right into Robs as their tips emerged. They laid there grinding against each other and continue to kiss, eventually Rob pulled away, feeling his hard tip pressing against their soft belly fur.

Rob pulled away reluctantly and looked at Sen, realizing he was completely naked, he quickly slipped his boxers off to the end of the sleeping bag as his foxhood stood up proud. "Roll over," he instructed Sen as he idly stroked his length. Sen did as he was told and blushed knowing what was to come, his tail wagged lazily before lifting for the other fox.

"Rob...I...I've never done this before," he said nervously.

"'s okay," Rob said as he slid over the soft ebon fur. His paws slid against Sen's sides as he rested on his back, gently grinding against his rump. He smiled as he heard the fur below him begin to murr loudly. "Just let me know if it hurts," he said as he felt his tip begin to press against the fox's hole, sending a shiver through Sen's body.

"Alright," Sen said as he began to relax. Robert continued to grind, sliding his paws along Sen's arms till he grabbed the black fox's paws, squeezing them gently as he felt is tip begin to leak pre, coating his tight hole. Sen pushed back gently, trying to adjust himself while his own hard member poked into the sleeping bag, as he shifted, he pushed the tip of Rob's cock into his hole, making him wince as his virginity slipped away. He could hear the fox above him let out a deep moan as he felt more of his hot foxmeat sink into his tight rump.

Sen clenched on reflex, only making Rob moan louder before he began to relax and adjust as the rest of Rob's length slid in. Sen groaned softly as he felt Rob hilt into him, the two laid there as Rob squeezed his paws reassuringly as he began to pull his hips back. Now that Sen's hole was adjusted to Rob's thick foxhood, the red fox began to work his hips into the black fox, moaning as he felt his furry sac slap against Sen's ebon rump with each thrust.

Sen began to moan deeply as he broke into a soft pant. Rob continued to press down with his chest, holding the fox's paws tighter as he continued to pump his hips into Sen's rump, making him moan more. Their sounds didn't carry far as the thunderstorm continued outside. Rob leaned down and nuzzled the bafk of Sen's neck as his hips continued to slap into the other fox's soft rump. They both continued to moan as Rob felt his knot begin to swell, pressing against the black fox's tight ring. Sen opened his eyes weakly when he felt Robert's pace begin to change, and the red fox looked at him with a deep stare. Sen knew what he wanted and nodded, letting him know it was okay.

Robert had all the reassurance he needed as he sqeezed the fox below him harder as he began to slam into him with deep thrust, feeling his swelling knot begin to push into Sen's hole. Sen groaned deeply as he did his best to relax, feeling that bulb of flesh begin to stretch him more. With a growl and another push, Robert popped his knot into Sen making him wince as he tied into the fox. Sen clenched on reflex and that was all Rob needed to tip over the edge as he felt his cock begin to pump the black fox full of his thick seed. Sen moaned softly as he felt the hot seed seepd into him, he shifted his hips realizing he had came at some point, but his mind was swimming in too much pleasure to remember when. Robert continued to grind, rocking his hips as he felt his cum continue to pump into the black fox, they both rolled over to the side as Robert's arms wrapped around Sen protectively and nuzzled the black fox till they both fell into a deep sleep, lulled by the gentle sound of rain as the storm calmed down.

The next morning, Tyler got out of his tent, stretching as he moved to avoid a pile of beer cans filled with water. He remembered that he never saw Sen set up his tent, and began to wander the camp grounds as other furs began to wake as well. He called out, but not too loud as he wondered where his roommate was. The lion began to peek at a few tents, wondering if the sly fox got lucky last night. After searching the whole campground he began to worry, not being able to spot him anywhere, till he caught the edge of a tent he hadn't noticed before in a grove of trees. He padded over and saw that the zipper was half open and peaked his head in "Sen ya in here..." he stopped as he saw the two foxes there laying together, the evidence of what happen last night still very apparent as the tent kept the scent of their sex inside as well as the fact that Robert's member was still buried in Sen's rump and the stain on the bag left no other questions. Tyler pulled his head out and grinned to himself sheepishly. "Sen, you sly bastard," he said as he left the two alone and padded off.