A Prince Falls

Story by Wolfsfang on SoFurry

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#2 of Everything Changes

Shiro fumed silently as he packed away his gear, slamming each piece of padding into his gym bag with all his strength. Around him, the locker room was empty and quiet, save for the smack of his gear against his duffel bag, and a lone shower stall that was still running. He untied his belt and folded it before throwing it on top of his gear. It wasn't right. That damn mutt, Kiba, hadn't just beaten him. He'd humiliated him, easily. He'd barely been able to touch the canine, what with him bouncing everywhere like some sort of demented rabbit. The rottweiler found himself growling low in his throat just from thinking about it, and forced himself to cut it out. How the hell had he missed that mutt getting so good? And as if it wasn't bad enough to lose...after the match, that new guy, the husky, had come charging out into the ring, grabbing the mutt up into a huge hug like some sort of queer.

You know, it didn't look like a bad thing, something in the back of his brain reminded him. You also know that you wouldn't mind if a guy like that husky wanted to give you a hug, or something more--

He slammed the door on that train of thought, glaring at nothing in particular as he stripped off his uniform and threw it on top of his gear. He didn't even don't know why he thought think crap like that. He was just another normal guy, and he wasn't going to let his own brain ruin it.

If you ever bothered to think about it, and put a name to it, his brain reminded him, I bet you'd figure out real quick what's going on.

He heard himself start to growl again and tried to distract himself from his own thoughts, replaying that last fight in his mind. He tried to figure out what he might have done differently, how he could have won...and found no answers worth having. Frustration and anger welled up inside him, a dark wave of rage at his humiliation and his inability to quell his own stray thoughts. With a short bark, he pulled back his fist and punched the wall in front of him, so hard it made his whole arm ache.

"Damn it!" he cursed. "How could I have lost like that?" His voice echoed in across the locker room, now suddenly quiet. The rush of water from the one shower still running had gone silent while he'd been caught up in his thoughts.

Behind him, someone chuckled, low and soft. "Perhaps," said a deep, smooth voice, "He stopped cursing his weakness, and did something about it."

Shiro whirled, surpressing a yelp of surprise. From out of the showers stepped one of the biggest canines he'd ever seen. No, not a canine. This one had wolf blood in him, lots of it. He was at least a half a foot taller than the rottweiler's six feet flat, and was broader in build to boot. Sleek silver and brown fur covered his muscled frame, currently slicked down and dripping with water. In the back of his mind, as his eyes swept the wolf's frame, the part of his brain he violently denied noted the impressively thick sheath, covered in a thin layer of white fur.

"Don't fuckin' sneak up on me like that!" the rottweiler snarled, covering surprise with anger. "Unless you want to become my new punching bag?"

The wolf laughed quietly, shrugging off the threat with a calm smile that did more to unnerve Shiro than any counter-threat. "Why? Because your last one grew a pair and beat your ass?"

Shiro's face flushed, and he scowled angrily. "Did I ask you to stick your tail into my business?"

"No. But it's hard not to notice as a high school prince begins to fall." The wolf stepped forwards slowly, tail swaying easily. "Your peons already begin to fall away, your whipping boy stands up to you, and as your kingdom crumbles, all that's left....is you."

The rottweiler felt himself pressing back against the cold tile of the locker room wall in spite of himself, shivering at the cool touch against naked fur. "Fuck off," he said, struggling to keep his voice even. Struggling to deny the truth of the wolf's words. "You don't know a damn thing about me."

The wolf just snorted. "Yeah, I do," said the wolf, his tone somewhere between pitying and contemptuous. "I've seen a thousand of you. But you..." He had advanced so close, he was nearly touching the canine now. "You're maybe you're a little different, aren't you, pup? When you strip the facade away, there might actually be something left. I bet you just...don't want to see it, is all. Don't let yourself think about it."

Shiro could smell the wolf now, he was so close. Sweat overridden with soap, and the faintest, tantalizing hint of musk. He liked it, somewhere deep down. Worse, he found it arousing. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about..."

One large paw came up towards him, and the canine flinched--and the paw brushed his muzzle gently, trailing along the line of his jaw, making him shiver in spite of himself. "I'm guessing, taking a stab in the dark as to who you really are," the wolf said, his voice low. "As to why you go through a girlfriend a month. Why you surround yourself with shallow friends, why you go out to parties every weekend and get yourself drunk. Why you live hard and fast, not really caring whether or not you hurt anyone, whether or not you burn out."

"And why is that?" the canine asked, trembling, swallowing hard. He was shaken by how close the wolf's words hit to the core of him. He became aware, quite suddenly, of the heat radiating off the wolf's body, his nearness, and felt his flush deepen.

"Because you're trying to fill that empty hole inside of you, or deaden it," the wolf replied, bluntly, golden eyes gleaming in the light from the fluorescent lights overhead. "The hole that gets left when you deny an important part of yourself for way too long."

Shiro licked suddenly dry lips, his heart racing, as the wolf's words hit home. "I don't know what you're talking about..." He shuddered, overwhelmed by scent and heat and the nearness of this very male, very tempting wolf. Overwhelmed by the release of thoughts and desires buried so deeply that he'd almost forgotten they were there. "I..."

The wolf laid a surprisingly gentle finger over the rottweiler's muzzle, silencing him. "It's alright, I won't tell," he said, his voice low and comforting. Promising. "Tell me, pup...do you want to see what's left, when you strip away the lies?" He leaned in as he spoke, until their muzzles almost touched, until the canine could feel the wolf's breath on his face. Shiro answered without thinking, from that part of him he kept locked deep down, without even considering that there might be any other answer. He felt himself lose the battle for restraint, and wasn't sure that he cared.


He caught a glimpse of bright golden eyes, then their lips met, and all his resistance was blow away by the explosion in his head. He kissed the wolf deeply, heart pounding; he was up against a wall, kissing a strange wolf, a male wolf, and he loved it. The canine felt the wolf's tongue brush against his muzzle, and he opened his mouth to accept it without thinking to deny it entrance. Shiro's muzzle filled with the scent and taste of wolf, indescribably rich, and wondered dimly how the bitches he'd fucked before had could ever compare to this The rottweiler moaned into the wolf's muzzle, wordlessly expressing a pleasure he'd never felt before, and begging for more.

The wolf responded by pushing the rottweiler back into the wall with his hips, grinding his sheath into the canine's jock-covered crotch. Shiro half-gasped, half-barked, unsurprised to find himself becoming completely aroused--and equally pleased to find that the wolf was already becoming hard himself. He whimpered with pleasure as the wolf slid and rubbed their shafts together, digging his paws into the wolf's broad shoulders as his legs began to buckle.

"Ah, that's it," the wolf whispered in his ear, that deep voice full of promise and desire. "That's what you've been wanting, huh, pup?"

The canine swallowed hard, glancing down, and found himself staring at the wolf's cock, still emerging from it's sheath. It was completely hard now, long and thick, bigger even than his own. Drops of pre leaked from it's swollen, perfectly formed head, dripping slowly down the thickly veined shaft. Slowly, he reached out and touched one digit to the very tip, feeling it pulse gently beneath his touch. Then a firm paw locked around his wrist, drawing his paw away. Shiro looked up to a wolfish smile and gleaming golden eyes, eyes that seemed to look through him, into his soul.

"You want this, don't you?" the wolf asked. Shiro nodded, not trusting himself with words, licking his lips slowly. He whined low in his throat, and the wolf released his paw. He wrapped his paw around the wolf's shaft, feeling it throb against the pads of his paw, stroking it's length softly. The wolf made a pleased sounding noise deep in his throat, and smiled at the rottweiler.

"Mmm...let's get rid of a few things first, shall we?" the wolf murmured, sliding his paw into the waistband of the rottweiler's jock strap, and pulling it off in one smooth motion, letting it drop to the floor. Shiro shivered, now completely exposed before the wolf. His own length bounced free from the confining cloth, already rock hard, a clear drop of pre forming on the tip. On instinct, he moved to cover himself, but the wolf stopped him. He saw the wolf's golden eyes sweep his naked form, an appreciative smile on the lupine's face. Shiro felt his face grow hot, right up to his ears, and the wolf's smile widened.

"Impressive," the wolf said, licking his lips hungrily. The wolf reached down and caressed the rottweiler's shaft with a gentle paw, before bringing his pre-slicked paw up to his muzzle, and licking it clean slowly. Shiro whined softly as the wolf's soft paw ghosted over his length, tracing a vein down to his sheath. "A good seven inches, or I miss my guess," the wolf continued, all the while stroking and caressing the rottweiler with a paw. "Though perhaps not as much as you brag to your girlfriends, right?" Shiro shook his head, mutely, and the wolf chuckled. "I knew it. I used to do the same thing..."

"You...you don't need to lie," Shiro croaked, finding his voice again. Then their muzzles met again, and this time it was Shiro who kissed the wolf, passionately, lustfully. The wolf pressed him up against the wall again, growling low in his throat. He ground his hips against the rottweiler's grinding and sliding their pre-slicked cocks together. Shiro found himself unable to restrain a moan, jolted by the lances of pleasure coming from his loins. He wrapped his arms around the wolf's waist and broad back, pulling him close. He found he loved the feel of the wolf's fur rubbing against his, of the way each brush of fur sent a new ripple of pleasure through his body.

The wolf's paws roamed his body, finding every curve and line. One paw found the rottweiler's rump, cupping it firmly in a huge paw, digging his digits into firm flesh. Then, without warning, one digit found the canine's tailhole, pressing into his firmly. Shiro squirmed and gasped as the digit slowly but surely invaded him. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt, a pleasure made sharper for an edge of pain, as his most private place was spread open by the wolf's paw.

"Ahh...god!" The canine shuddered and thrust up against the wolf's hips as the heat in his groin built to almost unbearable levels. His skin was on fire, every touch a blast of sensation, and the wolf's paw continued to force it's way into him--it hit something deep inside him, and the canine nearly blacked out from the pleasure of it. He felt his knot begin to swell and form as his climax built--then, suddenly, the wolf stopped. The lupine's paw slid from his tailhole, the wolf's hips drawing away, pulling his cock away.

Shiro whined, confused, the sensations that filled his mind receding slightly. "D-don't stop," he heard himself say, almost whimpering.

"Not like this..." the wolf replied. "That is...if you think you can take it..."

For a second, the canine blinked, confused--and then comprehension forced it's way through. He tensed, reason beginning to reassert itself, then getting shoved firmly out of the way by desire. He nodded, meeting the wolf's bright eyes, seeing his desire matched in the other's gaze.

"Turn around," the wolf whispered, and Shiro complied, turning to lean against the cool tile wall, instinctively bracing himself for what was coming next. He felt the wolf wrap one arm around his chest protectively, felt something hot and hard and slick press against his tailhole. "Ready?" the lupine asked. Swallowing hard, he nodded.

He felt the wolf's weight shift, felt his hips press forward, and then he had no time for rational thought as the wolf's shaft slid into him. It pressed into him relentlessly, slowly, until the canine felt the wolf's hips pressing against his rump. He felt unbelievably full, stretched open and invaded by the wolf's cock. It also felt incredibly, unbelievably good. "God, it's big..." he gasped.

Slowly, the massive wolfhood withdrew, until only the head remained inside him, before thrusting back in, hilting inside him. The wolf began to thrust, in and out, in a slow steady rhythm, once more hitting that spot deep inside the canine that made him tremble with the pleasure of it. He threw his head back and moaned, unashamedly, letting the wolf know exactly how well he was doing. Shiro felt the wolf's knot start to form along with his own, and began to thrust back against the wolf, forcing him deeper. He wanted to feel that knot inside him, to be tied with this wolf who was fucking him relentlessly.

He heard the wolf grunting softly as they picked up speed, the now thick knot slamming against his tailhole, seeking entrance. The wolf's massive paw wrapped around his cock, and started stroking him in time with their thrusts, bringing him ever closer to the edge of climax. Then, suddenly, with a wet pop, he felt the wolf's knot spread him open with a lance of pain, before sliding inside of him, tying the wolf to him.

The rottweiler heard the wolf groan in his ear, the lupine's hips giving one final, shuddering thrust. Then something hot spurted into his insides as the wolf climaxed inside him, filling him with his seed. The wolf's paw tightened around his length, milking his full knot, and with a short, gasping howl, Shiro came, thick ropes of cum spurting from his length and splattering against the wall, his whole body convulsing with the force of his orgasm.

Eventually, Shiro's breathing calmed, his climax slowing, then fading to a pleasant afterglow. He leaned against the wolf for support, wriggling his hips against the wolf's, enjoying the feeling of the wolf's slowly softening cock still in him. The rottweiler heard the wolf chuckle softly, tiredly. Finally, after a relative eternity, the wolf's length slipped from him, leaving him feeling oddly empty and exposed.

"You're mine now, pup," the wolf whispered in his ear. "We're bound now, you and I, in more ways than one." With one final caress, the wolf began to move away, then paused. "I'll see you around...."

Shiro collapsed onto the bench, exhausted and spent. When he looked up, the wolf was gone, and only the cum stains on the wall left evidence of his presence. He shuddered as the full realization of what he'd done rushed in on him. What was he going to do now?


Shiro managed to coast through the rest of the weekend, somehow. He spent most of his time locked up in his room, trying not to remember what had happened at the tournament. Trying not to remember how good it had felt, or how much part of him wanted to do it again. Monday passed by in a blur as well, with Shiro just trying to get by until football practice, until he could run and tackle something, anything to get his mind off of the weekend. To his mild surprise, the coach had an announcement to make, apparently something so important that it couldn't wait until after warmups.

"Well, I have good news for our defensive line," Coach said, pacing in front of the assembled team. "We've been getting beaten up a bit this year, but we finally have a new linebacker to plug the holes in our defense. He transferred in from across the school district earlier this year, but until now we couldn't get the damn paperwork to go through for the team..."

Shiro listened with mild interest. He was the quarterback, what did the linebackers concern him. He heard the coach call the new player up to the front, glanced up--and froze. A huge, silver and brown furred wolf was walking up to stand by the coach, a wolf with golden eyes that seemed to shine in the light.

"...so, I'd like you all to welcome Sky to the team--try not to beat him up too much in the first practice, alright?"

The wolf looked right at him, and smiled calmly, faint humor in his eyes.