Zootopia: First Salvo 12

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#52 of Zootopia fictions

First Strike Chapter 12


A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan

Rated M+

(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios

(Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev

(Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017

(Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist

(Artist ownership) Anubis and the buried bone by Harmarist

(Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven.

(Artist ownership) Don Carnage Disney's TAIL SPIN

Chapter 12

School: part 3

Sahara Square


December 2, 2039

The Gary Gnu News hour on ZNN

Gary Gnu: Good Morning Zootopia....there is no better g'news than Gary Gnu. Welcome to our program today where the topic of debate and discussion will be the recient at sea exchange between the Destroyer Gnu York and ships of the Kzin Navy. Does this signal that tensions are going to get white hot very soon or should we continue our policy or prudence and caution? I have as our guest today...

The President of the Mammalhood of Teamsters, Jimmy Hoofah....

And retired Captain Leon Surefoot, (Leopard) former tactical adviser to the Chief of Naval Operations and special adviser to his honor Mayor Cesar Leo. Jimmy, let's begin with you because you not only represent a large segment of our society, you also represent the fisher-mammal's league and the fishmonger's union which are two very vital interests within our society...you obviously have an opinion which runs counter to that of his Honor and the City Counsel, you favor a more aggressive policy with Kzin.

Jimmy Hoof-ah: (Pig) I don't think it's aggressive as much as over due. We've been patient for almost 100 years with these Predators and let's be very honest with ourselves and please I will clearly separate these animals and they are animals....from our mammals who are of the predator family. What else do you describe the torture...slow filleting and cold blooded butchering of two otters? Foxes who's tails were chopped off for trophies? Shots fired at one of our Destroyers? If those don't tell us we're in a war then I'd hate to see what the Captain will pull out of his own nautical dictionary to explain all of this. We are being slowly strangled Gary. Last week, for the first time...two Kzinti warships led two of their fishing boats into our waters, that was a definite in our face "We flip you the middle paw finger" insult from the Kzinti and what was done about it? Absolutely nothing! We need to stop screwing around the bush with these cannibals and give them what they should have had a long time ago. A damn good tail whooping!

Gary Gnu: Captain Surefoot? Do you think his Honor understands the level of frustration some of our citizens feel with regard to our current policies?

Captain Surefoot: There are also about the same number of citizens who feel we should not rush into a head on clash with the Kzinti, that we must continue to practice caution and restraint because we simply do not have all the information with regards to their own military capabilities which judging from the clash with the Gnu York some days back, they do show some remarkable military skill. I am not downplaying or making any light with respect to those families who've lost loved ones but our mindset both in the military and government circles is for all our citizens. Our society is simply not prepared adequately for us to go running across the seas like a drunk cow-mammal on horse with a pair of six guns blazing against an enemy who might bring heavy field guns to a fist fight.

Jimmy Hoof-ah: When will we ever be ready? Should we wait until their Navy sits off Sahara Square and starts putting shells into the Palm Hotel? Isn't the clarity of their actions so far enough of a warning? If they get to a point where they torpedo our ships at their moorings and land troops in Tundra Town....would that be readiness enough? The real problem is? We have good ships, good Sailors and damn good Fleet Marines but they lack the leadership to do what must be done now.

Captain Surefoot: I would like to ask you Mister Hoof-ah. Did you ever serve?"

Jimmy Hoof-ah: I've heard this question so many times.

Captain Surefoot: You profound ignorance of the subject matter is showing Jimmy. Answer the question. I won't hold it against you.

Jimmy Hoof-ah: No...I never did. Pigs don't serve on those ships.

Captain Surefoot: But pigs do serve in important parts the Navy and Fleet Marines. I remind you not to disparage them by saying they don't serve Jimmy. Now....I am not going to tell everything but what I can say is that there is more to the Navy than just a bunch of Destroyers and support ships. We have at our disposal a wide raging field of capable options open to us....trust me, if the Kzinti want to be bolder? We have the capacity to match their boldness and if they desire to be stupid? We have the rod of correction to teach them the foolishness of their stupidity. What we can't not suffer however is our citizens tearing at each other over the question of war. United the herd can not be harmed, divided and the Kzinti will pick us off like stumbling stragglers.

Jimmy Hoof-ah: Don't the injuries and injustices and those who've been brutalized and murdered and their families deserve better than beatitudes and platitudes Captain? If we will not punish these sick creatures for their blood lust and desire to murder us then why can't we at least give them a bloody nose? Let them know that we are not only a united society but that messing with us in any capacity is a mistake not worth the repeat?

Captain Surefoot: The policy which the Mayor and the City Counsel have put forth is both a sound policy from the military position and sound policy from a fair estimation of current data which the government continues to gather and study. Once again, I'm not going to expose what we know or what we have as data or capability but to mirror the thoughts of his Honor...."We will not go into a dark closet without a flashlight swinging our paws and claws against the boogy mammal...the only outcome for us would be? We'd rip our wardrobe to shreds."

Savana Square


December 2, 2039

Jackson's Apartment

"Snnnnnnnniiiiifffffff....aaaaaaaaah...." Jackson buried his nose into the valley formed by the soft pillows of Darlah's breasts and took a deep sniff...his face showing a whisp of curiosity before he chose another spot and softly repeated himself....

"Snnnnnnnniiiiifffffff....aaaaaaaaah...." He sniffed again. Then he reached over to the tray hung on the lip of the ofuno bath tub, rolled some breaded clam in a sauce and plopped it into his lover's mouth. Then.....he sniffed deeply again before playing his lips over a soft pink nipple...

"Giggles" Darla chuckled as she played with his fire red hair tuft..."Do you like the smell?"

Jackson raised his head up and gave Darla a gentle kiss on her lips... "Yes... smells like fruit. Not like your oily musk."

Darla rested her arms over Jackson's shoulders...."It's a little elixer you add to your food. It's supposed to trim down the strength of the musk oils? Sort of give it a more "pleasing" small."

Jackson doe'd his eyes..."Just having you here is pleasing." He said as he played his paw fingers over her blonde hair tuft..."I've missed you like crazy."

"Same..." She replied. "You took that Goat flag with such audacity. I didn't think you'd have polar bears. I always expected the mice or the rats or something a little more....?"

"Foolish?" Jackson said as he turned her around on his lap and laid back against the tub...."You should know Darla....can't turn your back on a fox for anything...I mean...a half n half. Bunnies can also be rather resourceful. Great Frith endowed us with cleaver minds and strong legs."

Darla snorted. "You threw that log rolling match."

"Was all part of my master plan of deception." Jackson said as he played with Darla's thick otter tail. "Mmmm....how's welding school going?"

"Oh great!" Darla exclaimed. "I'm already qualified in three disciplines and we start underwater welding classes next week. Have to get used to wearing a SCUBA pack, really thick rubber suits and moving in a murky pool. That's going to be fun."

Jackson fed her another clam and squeezed her tight against himself... "My...you've gotten solid. You work out a lot more now, I can tell."

The female otter nibbled on one of Jackson's ears. "Want to see who can outlast who?"

Jackson chuckled...."Wanna learn how to play spades while trying to see who can out last who?" He said with a giggle as he slowly slipped his paw down under the water and felt her quiver against him...

"Dar?" Jackson asked as he kissed her neck..."Can I ask you a question my Mother usually asks my Dad?"

"What?" She replied as she turned her head around and slipped her tongue into his maw..."Mmmmm...why are you stopping?"

"I can't do two things at once?" Jackson replied. "So? My question is? Why me? Why do you love me? I mean....you can't deny the calling of your own kind? When you.....you know.....when you get the "hots" it's hard to say no."

Darla pushed herself against Jackson's chest and reached out to hold his floppy ears..."First off? I have not met or hung with any otter males. Second? There's too many "Jerk-otters". Third? You're unique, exciting and a perfect gentle-mammal for me."

Jackson smirked back. "Not every male otter is a jerk? My mom goes to a florist who's an otter and he's nothing but devoted to his wife. Sweetest guy I've ever met."

"A rare thing where most otter males are possessive and think my only good worth is on my back pumping out pups every week." Darla replied. "Seriously Jackson. I left home for the Navy because my father was like that. When I told my parents I was joining the Navy? The old mammal went "tizzy fritz". I wasn't going to stay around so he could pawn me off to some jerk to be his prize "hump trophy"

She reached up and played her paws over Jackson's face..."Yeah...I hear the calling but it's not like Otters in Zootopia are going to go extinct if I don't decide to follow the "fluck flock" and go with my heart. The best thing I love about you Jackson? You love to compete, you love to challenge and that fires me up and excites my whole body. I think you're at your best....especially if you want to get down and erotic....when you're my bitter rival in something."

Jackson smiled as he flopped down into the bath..."Is that all you like about me?"

Darla stood and held Jackson above the water on his back..."You're exotic... you're gentle.....you're so good with poetry....I could roll off the whole list but then we won't have any fun and the bath water's going to get cold." She said softly as she gently kissed him on his lips...

"Now? About that bet? You gain for a little climax match?" Darla said as she slowly rubbed Jackson's stomach...

"Sure?" He said softly. "Anything goes?"

Darla gave him a wicked sneer. "If that's the case? Then you should quit now Jackson. You're going to loose."

"In your dreams girl." Jackson replied. "In....your.....dreams. What do you want to do after that?" He asked her as she slowly kissed over his body...

"I dunno....give me a little time and I'm sure I'll think of something else we can play over....like I said? You're going to lose so you might as well quit while you're ahead...."

Jackson coo'd...."In you dreams......" Then he gasped loudly...."OH SNIT!"

The ZMTA Speed liner from Rain Forest.


December 2, 2039

The quietness between the two wolf brothers was a carry over from their little rift a few days ago. Since then? Will and Alex avoided each other, even talked lesser than usual during meals. Alex spent more time with his school friends while Will spent his time with his little business his parents had allowed in the family garage...working on local cars and motors which gave Will a good income.

At the moment....both young wolves were on their cell phones with Will dressed in colorful summer clothing appropriate for the climate controlled warmth of Savanna Central and Alex dressed in tropical swim trunks, a red Fleet Marine hoodie and a green canvas Fleet Marine cap with a sun flap adorned with unit pins he'd gotten from his uncle...

"You ok?" Alex suddenly asked Will, which caught the older brother off guard...

"Huh?" Will replied as he quickly flicked off his smart phone.

"I asked.....if you'd care to take your eyes off your porn for a bit?" Alex snickered sarcastically..."Are you ok?"

Will sighed...."No....I'm not. Alex? I'm sorry for what I said a few days ago that got you upset."

Alex smiled back. "Ok? So we had a little miff? I was going to tell you the same thing big bro....just....didn't know how to phrase it."

Will sat playing with his paw fingers..."You must think I'm a big pussy huh?"

"I never thought of you like that!" Alex replied. "You're certainly not dumb, though sometimes I called you that. I wouldn't have gotten through Junior High if you didn't tutor me."

Will replied. "Remember when I came back from going feral hunting with Dad and Uncle Chancy and I bragged about killing a deer in the old ways?"

"Do I?" Alex replied. "I was like eight and bouncing around like crazy. It sounded so cool the way you told it? I was like super spaz wanting to go."

Will sighed back..."I lied....I didn't do anything."

Alex double took his shaking head. "Do what? You lied?"

"Yeah..." Will said. "I tucked my tail under my butt and skulked out like a little bitch."

Alex couldn't believe it..."Dad and Chancy never said anything?"

"Well....they didn't want to give me a complex or something." Will replied. "We all ran together through the woods "four legged" and I was like oh so charged up for it. We were hunting like our ancestors. Chasing after a prey, feeling the adrenal rush, the blood lust...it lasted until they tackled a deer trying to run from them. I know it was just a dumb animal, a feral deer is not like us evolved mammals at all but it screamed like it was one of us. I came upon Dad and Chancy holding it down, looking into its eyes and you could tell it was terrified. And Chancy's snarling... "Come here William! Come here and feel what it's like to be a true wolf! Rip its' throat out! Get your maw bloody!"

Will put his head down in shame..."I peed myself, tucked my tail and ran off crying....hearing that poor deer scream and choke on it's blood as Dad and Chancy tore it apart. It took them two hours to finally find me and I was a sobbing mess." Will said as he sighed and blew air from his mouth..."You must be so disappointed in me."

Alex took a deep breath..."Dad and Chancy wouldn't take me. I think it was to honor mom thinking I was the little emotional "panzy panty" in the family. How many times did I want to go and they said no because they didn't want to expose me to it? And all this time I looked up to you because I thought you got to do something so fricken cool."

Will reached out and rubbed a small paw..."Like I said Alex? You must be disappointed in me?"

Alex replied by putting a paw on Will's shoulder. "Never Big Bro! I'm never disappointed in you! Absolutely never! Don't ever think of such a thing!"

"Well you know?" Will replied. "It's sort of expected right? The first son of the family should be the bravest, toughest, toothiest bastard and the pups after him sort of digress down to one that's all brains and no brawn?"

Alex giggled back. "That makes you a retarded brute and me rich!"

"Come here you little snit!" Will yelped as he reached out, grabbed Alex up and noogied him on the head!

"AH! Yie Yie....I'm gonna beat your butt you douche!" Alex yelped as he snatched Will's lip, pulled it till he let go then sucker punched him in the stomach!

"Yeah! Take that bitch!" Alex snapped as he stood in a combat stance his uncle taught him. "What do you think Will? Will I make a bad ass Marine?"

"Yeah...." Will replied..."You'll make a perfect rock."

"Grrr!" Alex growled back as he bounded up on the train seat, snatched one of Will's ears in his maw and chewed on it! "Take that you poor excuse for a wolf!"

"Ahhh! Little bastard!" Will snapped as he fought to get a hold of his wiggling younger brother. "I'm gonna kick your butt!"

Alex gave Will's neck a quick Marine strike with his paw and jumped back into a combat stance..."Yeah! Bring it fur pisser!" He yelped.

"Ok kid! Ok! I surrender general, I surrender!" Will begged as he pulled Alex off his feet and held him on his lap..."Sheesh...you've grown a ton."

"You think I'll make a good Marine?" Alex asked as he rubbed his paws on Will's face. Looking around and seeing other mammals looking at how the 15 year old was perched....Alex wisely slipped off Will's lap. "Well Bro? Will I be a good Marine or what?"

"It remains to be seen." Will replied. "No doubt you have the spirit for it? But that's one thing and actually doing it is another thing to itself."

Alex popped down on the seat and gave his big brother a toothy grin. "Are wee staying with Uncle or did we get our own hotel room?"

Will replied. "A hotel room. "I got us a room at the Jade Majesty about a block from the main gate of the base. The website shows its' super sweet with a big pool, saunas, free breakfast...really nice rooms."

"Are we going to be in a rush to see Uncle or....do we have time for our "usual" rompings?" Alex asked softly.

"I think for this trip Alex? We should tone down our "rompings" and maybe not delve into them too much." Will said with a little resignation. "Don't get mad at me ok? But....it's time we both moved on from that to....other mammals."

Alex replied...."Oh....That's fine Will...unless you feel a need to have one last fling together for old times?"

Will looked out the train window as the city skyline and the big station loomed in the distance..."We'll see Alex. We'll see."

Mammalian injuries therapy clinic


December 2, 2039

The armadillo doctor waved a pen in his paw like a maestro conducting an orchestra..."Push Mister Wilde...push with those legs...."

"You're a torture artist...." Nick struggled to say under his breath as he pushed on his back with his hind feet resting against a pair of resisting paddles. "Argh!.....Ow! Ow!...Yie, Yie...." Nick cried and grimaced as he failed to push the paddles to the set mark the doctor showed him....

"Enough....enough....rest yourself Mister Wilde....I am sorry you suffered some pain for that but it was necessary for your evaluation." The doctor said as he helped Nick to it up....

"Now?" The Doctor said. "This is a little personal. Do you have trouble getting an erection?"

"Not when the wife helps me." Nick giggled back.

"Mister Wilde? Please...this is crucial. Do you have any problems having an erection?"

Nick replied. "Some times...I....sometimes I have very weak ones that I can't keep up."

The Doctor made some notes..."You may get dressed now Mister Wilde." The Armadillo said.

Nick snorted. "Of course I'm having problems...I'm getting old Doctor."

"It's not your age Mister Wilde." The Doctor replied. "It's your back. Your spinal column."

"I know, I know....you tell me every time I come here for an evaluation..." Nick said as he sat down.

"Nicholas?" The Armadillo said as he took a seat. "Your treatments at the Mystic are no longer effective. The damage you took when you and your wife got into that car accident is not only continuing to progress...it is accelerating. My good friend...believe me it is very hard for me to tell you this."

Nick clicked his maw and made some "Tick" noises..."So....I know it will eventually lead me to losing my ability to walk. I guess my erection problems are an indication that the end is pretty close?"

"Nick." The Doctor said. "You will lose your legs but that doesn't mean you'll die any time soon."

"Oh come on Doc?" Nick snorted. "You're trying to con an old con artist. How much time do I have on my legs and then how long after that do I live? Spare me the sunshine up my tail hole ok?"

The Doctor sighed in reply..."I am not sure as to how much time you have. My advice now is for you and I to prepare you for the day when you are unable to walk. Emotional training, strength training, diet...I know you too well Nicholas, you will not give up without a fight so at least let us make you a good fighter? No?"

Nick replied. "That starts with my wife. You will not tell Judy of any of this alright? At least for now? If she starts to worry then my son will worry. I'll keep going to the Mystic, I haven't given up that there could be a cure for this Doc and you're right...I'd rather go down defiant than go down a cry baby."


December 2, 2039

Wild Otter's Seafood restaurant

Jackson sat smiling as he nibbled on a carrot stick..."Thanks for lunch Darla." He said.

Darla smiled back at him..."I shouldn't pay anything."

"You lost your bet, remember?" Jackson said with a giggle. "You experienced the wonderful magical fox tongue of which no female mammal can endure nor resist."

Jackson kissed Darla lovingly..."You said I was gifted remember?"

"Where did you learn all that?" Darla asked.

"Mmm?.....from my Dad." Jackson replied.

"Ugh....that's sick!" Darla yelped.

"No!" Jackson replied waving the carrot in his hand. "Not like that! Sheesh, what is floating around in your otter brain girl? No...my dad? He sort of...well.... "Studied it" as in he took research notes."

Darla shook her head and tried not to giggle..."You mean to tell me that your dad took notes while having sex with your mother?"

Jackson laughed...."Oh my gawd....we better not say this too loud."

Darla lightly pounded the table with a paw...."What did he do? Write observations? (laughing)

"Darla! (laughter) Stop it!" Jackson begged.

"The subject (laughter) is making the most interesting faces (laughter)" Darla said as she laid her head on the table and pounded the table top with a paw...."Her gasping is 10 on the Richter scale!"

"Cut it out Darla!" Jackson yelped..."Sheesh, you're talking about my parents!"

"Well who ever heard of anyone taking detailed notes during mating?" Darla replied as she sat trying to stop laughing...."Oh my gawd....and you read them?"

"I?" Jackson replied. "I was always an inquisitive kid."

Darla got back a moment of seriousness to say...."You should market this technique..."

"PFFFFT!" Jackson sprayed the soda he was trying to down..."Ugh! Damn it girl!"

Darla's attention was distracted by a sound coming from a nearby television screen..."Hey! Look! A Special bulletin on the news."

ZNN Special report

"Good afternoon gentle mammals, this is Carla Cougar from our studio in Sahara Square and with me of course is Gazelle obviously...welcome Gazelle." Carla said as she patted Gazelle's hoof hand.

"Thank you Carla. Hello everyone." Gazelle said as she smiled to the camera.

"This is difficult for me and probably will be more to so many who've enjoyed your singing and just.....just you Gazelle...my gawd, I was...I was twelve years old twenty five years ago when you first stared out with your first album. I can't think that such an amount of time has gone by and you somehow with all the fame and all the rewards and all the attention....you've never changed at all. Do you like the nickname so attached to you these days? How many in our city have called you the "Old Rock Steady."

Gazelle smiled...."I don't mind it at all. I never felt I needed to change who I am, my beliefs, how I walk, how I talk. My parents were certainly a big influence in that, I got so much from them such as to be respected you must first respect yourself and then respect others; such things don't change and they've given me so many reward I can't count them. I love my fans to death with makes this announcement so difficult to do."

Carla gave Gazelle a hug and allowed her to have the camera to herself...

"My dear loving mammals of Zootopia...we've shared so much for twenty five years. I have enjoyed the time spent singing in the Boroughs, in Rain Forest, In Tundra Town during the winter carnival, In Sahara and Savanna. You all have given me such love and in turn through my music, through my charities, through my activism in so many causes...I've resisted and refused anything, any gimmick, any idea which would have changed the relationship I've had with so many of you. Sadly...I can not resist nor refuse the progress of time. I don't want to see things come to an end but come to an end they eventually must. I would rather be the one to chose my close out."

Gazelle choked up....took a moment to stop and weep...."Gentle Mammals... today I announce my last tour and my last coming album. I am retiring from singing and it breaks my heart to say it to you."

"Oh my gawd..." Darla gasped.

"She's not that old..." Jackson said as he felt his lips and buried them in his hand. The reaction of the other dinners around them went from mute silence to some started to cry. Had some terrible illness afflicted Gazelle? All waited with baited and worried breath...

"Sniff...." Gazelle continued. "My friends....my loving friends....I want to assure you that in no way is my health the reason for my retirement. I have just reached the decision that the time has come to allow other talented mammals the high seat and for me to leave while I'm still in great health and in good spirits where I can put more efforts into the causes so dear to me. I have shared a wonderful 25 years with you...every sweet and dear one of you and nothing will erase that from my heart and certainly not yours. The details of my last tour will be announced soon...starting with a performance for all those of our armed forces who defend our beloved Zootopia. I can't think of any way to kick off one last joyous party with all my fans. Once again....I want to thank each and every one of you for 25 years of wonderful experiences.."

Gazzele turned to Carla and saw her sobbing...the hug on camera broke hearts.

Darla looked at Jackson who sat back breathing a cry out of his face...."Damn. That's hard to take in." He said.

"It's hard to think she's retiring." Darla said. "I don't usually go to bed without playing one of her "lullaby for cubs" songs. She's irreplaceable."

"It's the way of things." Jackson replied. "Younger mammals probably have their own singers they like. Every generation has their special idols. Just that Gazelle is really like her nick name...."Old Rock Steady". She's not a bit "plastic" or "un-real" when she does anything? It's a hundred percent heart and you can tell it's 100 percent. The music industry has so few just like her and she hasn't let her fame take over."

Darla blurted out..."She should run for Mayor!"

Another patron yelped..."City counsel President!"

Another yelled out. "She'd win in a land slide! She should run for Mayor! Maybe she'll keep us out of a war!"

Another yelled out. "She doesn't need the pay cut and the hassle!"


December 2, 2039

Wilde House

Nick came in through the door and walked into the living room to find Judy sobbing on the couch...

"Damn it! I told that Doctor not to tell her snit!" He growled to himself as he walked up to his wife..."Judy? Judy, what's got you upset?"

"Gazelle is retiring." Judy replied as he pointed to the television.

"Retiring?" Nick replied as he sat down. "Well she's gone non-stop for 25 years Carrots, it was going to happen eventually."

Judy sat back sobbing..."It just shows how old I'm getting....sniff....."

Nick sighed and pulled his wife onto his lap..."Now cut that out right now?" He demanded as he cuddled her...."You are no more older to me than the day you sank in wet concrete you dumb bunny."

Nick cupped Judy's chin in his hand and gave her a doe eye look of love. "You are as wonderful and gorgeous a little bunny today as you were then my beloved. Enough of the crying already..."

"Nick...." Judy choked up a Nick stood up with her in his arms. "You don't even weight enough to hurt. You really need to eat more chocolate."

Judy gave him a playful cheek slap. "You stupid fox."

"I'm going to take you into my lair and ravage you till you're a mass of gooey fur and fluff you tasty bunny you." Nick snickered.

"What did the Doctor say?" Judy asked as Nick carried her towards the bed room....

"Look at my face Carrots? Do I really give a flying fluck what that armored money grabber says?" Nick said as he tossed Judy's panties over his head before closing the bedroom door.

The Jade Majesty Hotel


December 2, 2039

Will stood with his phone at the big picture window of the room typing a text...

"I'm here in the City. When do you think you'd have time to meet?" He typed.

"Maybe in a few days." Came the reply. "How long you staying?" The other mammal texted.

"Enough for face time with Uncle and dump my little brother. I can't wait to see you. Miss you so much." Will texted with a sigh and a smile.

"Missed you hordes." Came the reply. "Lotsa kisses."

"Kisses back." Will replied as his little brother came out of the bathroom and flopped on the hotel bed in just a t-shirt....

"It's been a long trip.....yawn....I'm gonna nap for an hour before we see Uncle Chance ok?" Alex said innocently as he snuggled a pillow.

Will snorted at him...."At least get some underwear on Alex?"

"Why?" Alex replied. "You never have a problem with me going buff when we're alone?"

"Well I'm calling Uncle to see if he wants us to come today or wait till tomorrow So You don't have to take a nap right now. Put on something." Will commanded.

"Sheesh...you're becoming a wet fricken blanket again." Alex snorted as he grabbed his underwear off the floor. "Uncle probably doesn't want to see us till tomorrow morning when we have a lot of time so how about we spend a little "quality time" together?"

Will walked over to the bed...."Do you want to be a Marine? Yes or no?"

"Yeah I do." Alex replied.

"Then you won't even get through the front door if you don't start growing up. First thing? No more going around naked, even at home. Second? I'm not in the mood right now for a little "Quality Time" because you need to grow up out of our "Quality time" or your little "hard on" is going to get you some "undue attention" in Basic. If I were you Alex? I'd get my act together and think a little less about "having some constant pleasure."

Will backed away and sighed..."I'm only looking out for you Alex so you don't crush your own dreams."

Alex said nothing back as Will punched up their Uncle on his phone....

"Good afternoon...Gunnery Sargent Hyke, Zootopia Fleet Marine Company...." Chancy started into a long drawn out direct "chain of command" list of his unit and base....

"Uncle Chancy? It's me William?" Will said...

"Well damn youngster! Where you at?" Chancy replied.

Alex jumped off the bed, ran up to the phone and said...."Hey Unk! It's Alexander....Will's being a pussy fart again."

"You little snit bag!" Will yelped as he chased Alex into the bathroom. "Sorry Uncle...how you doing?"

"Right now? A little more peachy." Chancy replied. "My retirement just went "POOF!" I've been extended on active duty for at least two years."

Will replied. "Are you serious? They extended you?"

"Yup....legaleeeeze here...."Hear by extended the length of two years conditional due to requirement of maintaining sufficient knowledge and experienced leadership for the expandation of the Fleet Marines by one additional combat ready infantry division. Signed by his Honor."

Alex came out of the bathroom...."Uncle? Is a war coming?"

"I sure hope not Alex." Chancy replied. "But it always pays to be ready. Look, Will? I'll drop by the Hotel on my way home tonight for a little bit then tomorrow we'll go on base and try to drive the puppy piss out of your brother."

"Good luck douche wand!" Alex snapped back.

"ALEX!" Will yelped.

"Oh...fluck you....you tail cleaner." Chancy snapped back. "I'll see you boys around 6pm ok?

"Yes Uncle." Both Wolves replied. Alex jumped onto the bed happy and excited. "Yeah! Can't wait! I hope he takes us to the gun range...I so wanna bang some rounds down range and put "Fluck circles" in paper!"

Will sighed...."I really have to keep you off those Marine Corps slang sites. I hope you don't have some "pet names" for mom and dad from those toilet mouth on line fake jar heads."

Alex snorted back...."Dad is Dad and Mom is Maternal Zero Material, standard issue, one each, serial number 1-lima-Oscar-Victor-Echo-Hotel-Echo Romeo...with tears of lima-Oscar-Victor-Echo under a separate JSN."

Will snickered. "You are ate the Fluck up kid."

Alex giggled. "I'll fluck your tail hole by the numbers if you let me?"

Will snapped...."Get dressed, we're going to go get lunch!"

Savanna Flea Market

Lion's Soccer Stadium


December 2, 2039

Whitney, Gilly, Kerdle, Albert and Myler walked around the various booths spread over the stadium floor sipping from various soft and ice cream drinks...

"Pretty cool idea Whitney." Gilly said as he stopped to look at an embroiderer's booth with a lot of patches and military jackets adorned with designs, ship's seals and unit patches. "I should get a jacket done for my Dad. Better yet? I should get one done for my friend."

"I'm taking a card so I can have a designer hat once I get to my first command." Kerdle said. "Oh cool! A tailor across the way. Hey guys? Lemme check this out real quick?"

Albert and Myler occupied Whitney's pockets and she gave them gentle reminders to "Keep to their paws"..."Albert? I don't need "adjusting"?"

"I wasn't "adjusting". " Albert replied. "I was re-distributing the paper in the pocket so I could stand better. So have you found something for Kerdle yet?" Albert asked.

"Why should I get him anything?" Whitney replied.

"Oh I don't know." Albert replied. "Maybe because your constant head tilts seem to suggest I dunno....attraction?"

Whitney smirked in reply. "Albert? I like Kerdle as a friend only. He's a fox and I'm a weasel, does that sort of throw a little confusion in your mathematical genius?" She said as she stopped to look at some light weight MMA fighting gloves and pads. "I should do more sparring with Kerdle though? Take him up on his offer of a good workout and a tail kicking."

Albert snickered. "Who's tail are you wanting to kick? Or is it? Who's tail do you wish to impress?"

Whitney stopped, looked around and pulled Albert out of the pocket. She dangled him in front of her face. "Ok...I'm going to make this clear only once Albert the wanna be match maker....I'm a lesbian."

Albert cocked his head. "No you're not."

To accent her point...Whitney pulled out a pair of dog tags with gay flag colors on them..."Ummm....yeah....I go to "McDoggies for fur burgers" there twinkles. Only thing is? I haven't found "miss right" just yet." Whitney dropped Albert back into the pocket. "Sheesh...I thought egg heads had excellent gay dar? You never notice I kinda dress a little "butchy"?"

"I don't really care for ultra fine details." Albert replied. "Does Kerdle know?"

"Albert?" Whitney replied. "He doesn't need too. He and I have a purely professional relationship with each other, he'll tell you that. We only rib each other because he sees me as a sort of sister sibling. Don't ruin it ok?"

Albert replied. "I am tight lipped."


December 2, 2039

The Theta-Flex HD Theater

Savanna Central

Showing of "ATTACK ON TITAN"

Hans threw back his blades into their box sheaths, turned about into a dead run, snatched up the children and ran without a second thought as Erin and Mikasa screamed and pounded on him to get loose...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Erin the small brown furred bunny screamed as he tried to bite the wolf's arm and paw...."MY MOTHER IS STILL BACK THERE!"

Trapped in the rubble of the destroyed house...Kalura was a little at peace with herself. At least her oldest kitten would survive...she turned her head to see the monster looming over her with murder lust in its eyes...

The creature bent down and brutally ripped the screaming bunny from under the rubble of her home...and in one brutal move of its' massive arm....it whipped Kalura like a rag, decapitated her head from her broken body and threw it behind it's shoulder...

The human continued forth towards another prize and more of them followed behind murdering and skinning mammals without pity in their eyes...

And as the adverts proclaimed...this was a sure fire "wet your pants" extravaganza of terror...the wafting musk and stink from other terrified mammals caused Darla to walk out with Jackson behind her...

They entered the lobby where other movie go'ers were standing or sitting in equal near catatonic fear...

"Holy......fluck." Jackson said as he sat on the floor...."I need a little break from that..."

"I'm not going back in there." Darla replied holding her stomach. "I'm gonna wretch. Did they have to make it "that" real? I mean come on...did you see the "water works" coming out of Kalura before she got her head snapped off? Did they have to have her losing all her water while ripping her up and having her scream like crazy? Damn!"

"Uh....no." Jackson replied. "I was too busy looking at the flucking "humans" oh snit....M Knight Sheepalon really went crazy this time...I mean....what amount of bad grass was he chewing on to get this together? Can you imagine humans? Here in Zootopia?"

"I can imagine the Kzinti....or did you miss the subtle spring festival eggs planted all over the film? This was a subterranean propaganda film only these computer generated humans are the Kzinti we worry about so much."

Darla looked at the door and sighed..."I'm sorry...I ruined the whole afternoon."

"Surprise." Jackson replied. "Like I could go back in there now?" He took Darla's paw and walked with her out of the theater. "My testicles and heart are having mating season in my butt." Jackson yelped. "But that film's going to get the academy award for sure."

Darla snorted back. "Yeah....best picture for pissy seats award."

Jackson asked "What would you like to do now since we trashed our movie date?"

Darla stopped to think..."The beach...that's always the simple happy answer for every problem?"

Jackson nodded..."The beach it is then."


December 2, 2039

Reception lobby of ZPD First Precinct "First Prinky"

Paige Clawhouser came back from grabbing a bite to eat and found the reception desk not only void of the officer she asked to occupy it?

She found the whole space behind the desk filled to the top with pool toys and balloons? The female Cheetah walked around the lobby smirking...."Alright? I know I'm due for a few "official" welcomes here but who filled my desk spot full of stuff? Who's the practical joker?"

Page turned around and came face to face with a fox officer who was holding a baby fox in his arms with a whole handful of helium filled balloons and a big smile on his little face that could melt cars....

Each of the bright color balloons said simply "Happy Birthday"

"Hi Paige." The fox officer said. "I'm officer Dennis Glish. This little culprit is my son Kenny and in case you forgot? Tomorrow is your birthday and Kenny loves to go nuts on people's birthdays."

"Mmmmmah!" Kenny sounded as he held his arms out wide and gave Paige an air kiss."

"Oh my....." Paige suddenly realized that her birthday was tomorrow. "Oh my gawd....you adorable little monkey!" She yelped as she took Kenny from his father and nose tickled him like crazy in the stomach...."Oh you sweet wittle... mmmmm....lemme eat some of this delicious fox fur....mmmm....yum, yum, yum...."

Kenny giggled like crazy as his father stood by chuckling. "He's got all that stuff wedged in there tight. And he put them there all by himself."

"He's so adorable!" Paige said. "How many kits do you have because I'm keeping this one....oh my gawd you are sun melting hot with cute!"

"He's not for sale." Dennis replied. "You'll have to steal him. You forgot your birthday?"

"How hard do you think it's easy to forget when there's so much to do?" Paige said as she walked to her desk and started taking toys out of it. Didn't take her long to go right back to nuzzling Kenny though, the Cheetah was possessed by the foxy cuteness as the little kit played with her face while laying on the desk. "How old is he?"

"The crazy two's." Dennis replied. "That's why I'm holding him. I don't dare let him go or he's going to go "Fox nuts", rip off his diaper, tear up the floor and get lost in a nook. Trust me, these little kits have like energy for days." Dennis leaned against the desk. "Soooo? If you like? The wife and I are in need of a sweet baby sitter?"

"You?....are conning me." Paige replied.

"That's what foxes do my dear?" Dennis said grinning as he nuzzled his son. "Come on Officer Clawhauer? See the cuteness....love the cuteness....deny the cuteness......not?"

Paige replied. "How could I deny the cutie wootie?" She said as she kissed Kenny's tummy. "You have a deal Dennis."

"You are so cool." Dennis replied. "Let me help you with all these toys?"


December 2, 2039

Wilde House

Just a touch of the tip of her cotton tail and Judy shivered and spasm'd as she stoop on her own washing sink in the bathroom lathering herself with soap after waking up from her husband's loving ministry of her small body...

He turned from his own sink and picked her up in his arms..."Enjoyed that?"

"When do I ever not enjoy you?" Judy said lovingly as she rubbed Nick's chest..."Except?....and please Nick, don't be upset with me? You....you don't get...you know....you....ugh.....you don't get "hard"....oh my gawd...."

"Please don't let the next thing be...."Am I not sexy enough for you anymore?" Carrots? You go saying that and we're gonna fight." Nick said as he put her back on her sink. "Look...It could have something to do with my back problems, doesn't mean you don't "perk" my loins Judy because if you didn't? I wouldn't be so good in "other means" right?"

Nick slowly licked a nipple...."Nick?...." Judy coo'd softly to him as she stroked his tail tip...

"What would you like for dinner my darling?" Nick asked. "Anything, you name it and I'll cook it for you ok? You go back to bed, watch television, read a book, do macrame, bunny paw painting.....whatever......and I'll serve you all night."

Judy giggled back..."Nick? What would I do without you?"

Nick snickered. "You'd make a hot lesbian?"

"WHAT?!" Judy snapped as she reached back for a wet towel and started slapping him off the head! "Ugh! You perverted fox tail duster! Get out of the bathroom so I can finish cleaning up!"

"You and Dawn might make a hot couple? You'd never know carrots?" Nick said as he leaned his head back into the bath room and got a piece of soap off the noggin for his teasing!


December 2, 2039

Lion's Gate Beach, Savanna Central

Swimming devolved quickly into competition. Who could body surf the longest distance and you'd think being an otter...Darla was a shoe in right? Except she never closely noticed the goop Jackson was covering himself in that she thought was combination sun screen and fur coat dryness prevention cream...

Actually it was a tube of "Turtle Wax" Jackson had picked up at a Walrus Mart some time back. The commercial spot on the Dale Dorse show on FM 200 Radio said the cream would provide "effortless gliding" through the water. If it worked for turtles, why not someone else?

The competitive fun soon devolved in a back and forth accusation and denial argument which further devolved into a kissing session which further devolved into Jackson yelping as Darla ripped his swim trunks off and tossed them over her back!

"Dar! Snit!" Jackson yelped but otters being about all muscle, it wasn't hard for Darla to nail Jackson to the sand...

"Maybe you need less resistance?" She snickered. "Ugh.....you stink of Turtle Wax Jackie!"

"A little too much?" He replied smiling back.

"You think?" Darla snorted. "Well that about killed any thoughts of intimacy for the evening."

Jackson grabbed Darla by a paw and pulled her onto his lap..."I don't think so? It sucks you have to go back to school...then again I need to buckle down to finish mine; my grade point average has slipped a little bit."

"We can't compete on school grades because our schools are not compatible." Darla said she gently felt her lover's lips..."Jackie? Are you worried our long distance relationship might fail?"

Jackson replied. "Here I was the one thinking you'd find an otter and now you're worried I might cheat on you?"

"I didn't frame it like that!" Darla said. "I just hope when we get our assignments that you and I get the same command together. Our "dream sheets" come out in the next two weeks you know and we should try to request the same commands. Would you do that if it meant we wouldn't have to text and e-mail all the time?"

Jackson nodded..."Of course. You pick the commands and let me know and maybe we'll get lucky huh? Now?.....can you get me my swim shorts before someone sees me?"

Darla did something more crazy...She whipped off her swim suit and sat scratching the itches out...."Now? You and I are going to walk naked to the car nice and slowly about six feet apart and the first one to get jumped on by someone for going buff? Has to by the other drinks tonight....deal?"

Jackson snickered. "Girl? You are such a crazy otter."

"I didn't hear you say you were up for it.....chicken snit." Darla snickered.

"You're on." Jackson replied smiling as he started walking. Didn't take long for Darla to be the first to rack up a 200 dollar fine for indecency.

The Jade Majesty Hotel


December 2, 2039

"Knock, knock"....."Open the door!" Chancy's voice boomed on the other side. Alex leaped off the bed, ran to open the door and bark growled at his Uncle who stood dressed in civilian clothes with a desert fighting cap adorned with Marine pins....

"ROW! ROW! ROW! GRRRRRRR....." Alex snapped, snarled and growled as he tried to get up to his Uncle's chin on tip toes.

"You're so under-whelming pup." Chancy snicked, then he grabbed Alex up in a bear hug..."HOW'S MY LITTLE CHOW HOUND!"

"HI UNK!" Alex yelped back. "Are we going to the range so I can bang some paper pussy?"

"What the fluck?" Chancy replied. "Will? Where's this kid getting the sewer mouth?"

"He surfs the web with lubricant." Will replied cheerfully. "Hello Uncle." Will said as he held a paw out. Chancy shook it then pulled Will into a hug.

"It's been a year to long....ugh....you two have just gotten bigger." Chancy said as he showed Will a bag..."For you William? Beer. I know....I know...your mom would throw a fit but you're 18 now and old enough to drink responsibly with your Uncle."

Will smiled as he took a bottle. "You're so cool Chancy." He said as he took a church key opener from his uncle and popped the top off...

"Hey? I'm not old enough?" Alex demanded.

"You're 15...so no, I'm not giving you any beer." Chancy replied. "You're going to get a ton of presents tomorrow from me kid, trust me."

Will sat in a sofa chair while Chancy took the couch with his younger nephew. "So? They extended you on duty?" Will asked. "That sucks."

"I don't think so." Chancy replied. "To be honest? I haven't given much thought to the after life from the Corps. Hell...I didn't even start scheduling my "out" classes. I thought for a while about the ZPD or opening a gun-smith shop but like you don't have enough of those right?"

Alex gestured..."Sheesh Unk? You're a Gunny. You could be a physical fitness teacher? Not like any of the "mid-lers" in my class couldn't use a little tail kicking. With you? Dodge ball would be a battlefield exercise." Alex said waving his paw around. "I think Will doesn't want me to join by the way."

Chancy didn't say anything. He knew Alex was trying to get under his brother's skin and the little quip from the "mid-ler" was an insult with bite judging from Will's face.

"Alex?" Chancy snorted. "I don't want you getting all perky thinking you can just waltz your little butt through the induction door and the Marines are going to be a pie in the sky summer camp. I know you think it's all cool and awesome now but it's different when you raise this paw of yours. I'll indulge you now but trust me...come the day you want to join? If you don't pass muster with me first? You won't get the chance to sign snit."

Will seemed suddenly relieved. "Look boys...I love both of you because your my sisters pups and my sister will kick my snit if I fill your head with fantasy stories about the Marine life. If you want to join? It will be your choice. If you don't? It won't make me love you any less....you know that." Chancy said as he sipped his beer. "Any way? Will....how's your little business doing?"

Will smiled back. "I'm averaging 500 a week after taxes and expenses. Dad even let me put a heavy lift crane rig in the garage for big trucks. I'm also doing bikes too on the side."

"Well damn..." Chancy said happily. "That's my Will. You've always been so mechanically inclined. Now....I'm not pitching the Corps to you Will but with the City Counsel approving another heavy combat division for the Fleet Marines, that means we'll need civilian contractors for all the vehicles the new division will be getting as well which means there will be openings for mechanics and supervisors. Think about it Will? You could be making 2,000 a week as a civil supervisor in a Marine motor pool and you'll get more hands on with heavier engines? Just putting that out there."

Will nodded back. "I'll think about it Uncle." He then thought quietly for a moment..."Uncle? What do you think seriously? Is a war coming with the Kzinti?"

Chancy took a deep breath..."It's an inevitable conclusion. Most of the Marine senior staff and NCO's are of the opinion...though most want it prevented. We're gearing training towards how to kill ten foot tall tigers. The tallest lions and Tigers we have in Zootopia are six and a half feet so you can imagine what we'd be facing."

"We can beat them right?!" Alex snorted. "We'll fluck those tail holes up."

"What's this "we" stuff there "mid-ler". You're not in uniform so it's not "we". We're not looking for a fight because we don't know what we're actually facing. Marines don't go to "fluck snit up" and "make paper tail holes" like mindless brutes. We flight with our brains not out flucken dicks."

Alex frowned until Chancy rubbed his head. "You have three years to learn and make a choice Alex. Enjoy the rest of your time in school while you have it and keep making your brain smarter and your hormones a little less intrusive?"

"I'm sure Will that you and me will have more to talk about but right now, I want to unwind and hear how you two are doing? Tomorrow's going to be a fun day."

end of chapter 12

Zootopia: First Strike part 11

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 9

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan Rated M+ (c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti\_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and...

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