One Foot In Heaven

Story by Galaxian_Mouse on SoFurry

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#1 of One Foot In Heaven

A rat and a mouse captain an airship in this steampunk world where they take to a pirate's life and dance their way thorugh most expertly.

A birthday gift for a very special rat indeed. I do so hope he enjoys it!

One Foot in Heaven

By: Mr. Mouse

The following story is a work of fiction. All characters in this story are of legal age. Any similarity to any characters, living, dead, living dead, evil dead, undead, ever living, deadbeat or otherwise is entirely coincidental and unintentional. Only the needle has been changed to protect the record.

The Addoli Ar Droed was a fine ship of brass, wood, silver and gold. An airship of the most pristine caliber. She was a small ship made for a small crew, ordinarily it would require five people to pilot but with some special modifications they were able to get her refined so that she could be handled by two. However, the two man ship was built for speed and firepower and was able to swoop in on targets, sting, and move off before an enemy could land any form of attack.

But who were the two that were this intrepid crew? They were a mouse and rat of the anthropomorphic variety. The mouse stood in the realm of five feet tall with a lithe swimmers build, while the rat was built like he lifted weights every day since he was a toddler and stood a good seven foot seven inches, towering over his mouse companion.

The mouse went by the moniker Cornelius V. Coevorden while his rat companion was named Jurjen Timmerman. It was a crisp Autumn sky that day as they soared through the refreshing sea air.

"I say," said Cornelius, "Would you fancy a cuppa, my good chap?"

"I think I shall have to pass my dapper and constant companion, or at least until after the day's work is done," said Timmerman. He looked his dashing friend over and took a mental note that it was like looking in a funhouse mirror.

Shirtless, both the mouse and rat wore black buccaneer pants with tight knee high spats on the bottom. The spats were strapped under the bottom of their feet but they were otherwise barefoot. They were further garbed in black frock coats with fancy gold and silver filigree. The mouse had black and white fur while the rat was solid gray, yet atop their braided headfur they donned black cavalier hats with gold and silver filigree to match their frock coats and had brilliant, red, oversized feathers that fluttered in the breeze.

Timmerman the rat's tail entwined with that of Cornelius as the mouse steered the airship to their destination. The mouse pointed towards a much larger airship just dotting through the clouds near the horizon, "There ol' chap! That's our destination!"

Cornelius pulled a gold telescope out from his pocket to check his findings then handed it off to Timmerman. The rat smiled and said, "The Jewel of Nuvehok. I'll bring up the blast shields, spark up the aether boosters, and bring up the phantom drive."

Cornelius flipped a few toggle switches on the airship and the wings on the sides and under the ship expanded out further. Timmerman went to the back of the wheelhouse and flipped a few more toggle switches until brass blast shields came up and encased the wheelhouse with reinforced triangular glass windows so they could still see where they were going. The engines fired up and extended out from the ships body with blue flame firing out the back ends. Plates extended from the front of the ship and it became nigh transparent while it zipped along at incredible speed to the other airship.

The Jewel of Nuvehok was a luxury liner filled to the brim with wealthy furs of every sort. They cruised out over international skies worry free as they were very confident in their defense systems. It was massive like a cruise ship in the sky, made of brass, steel and crystalline structures. It was a marvel of engineering to behold, but the ship was of little interest to the rat and mouse.

The Addoli Ar Droed zipped up alongside the luxury ship and fired harpoon cannons into the side of the much bigger ship. The smaller ship locked in and a compartment opened on the side of the Addoli Ar Droed. The mouse and rat dropped a plank between the ships and then boarded with ease, hand in hand, quite elegantly. The pair heard music from the ballroom, a waltz playing as background music, once the embarked the Jewel of Nuvehok.

Timmerman the rat escorted his mouse onto the ship with a small curtsy and the mouse tipped his hat in turn. The pair then embraced close and waltzed further onto the ship. They made their way to the ballroom as they danced further in and as the band drew the song to a close, the pair parted and ended their waltz with a double sweeping bow.

The crowd of hundreds applauded the band from the dancefloor as Cornelius looked to his dance partner, "Are you ready, my love?"

The rat smiled back and said, "Always with you, my one and only."

With a flick of their wrists, fancy revolvers sprung from their sleeves into their hands and they fired up at the ceiling. A few people screamed as the guns rang out.

Timmerman walked to the middle of the dance floor with revolvers in hand, "Ladies and gentleman, your attention please. This is a robbery. My associate is bringing out a lovely satchel for you to deposit all your jewels and valuables into."

Cornelius stretched one arm and the revolver from that hand retracted. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a large, lovely, purple, crushed velvet sack that he jingled about to show off. The mouse then took his turn to speak and said, "No one needs to be a hero. In point of fact we would prefer it if no one was. It means that no one really needs to get hurt."

The mouse held out the sack in front of a rather pompous pig man wearing a very obvious wig, "I'll not be handing over anything to the likes of you. You will regret ever coming here once the security team arrives."

Cornelius frowned and put his revolver next to the man's head and fired at the wall behind him. The pig man dropped to his knees in pain and the mouse tilted his head and looked around the room, "I believe that I just said I don't want any heroes in the room. Heroes make men in our line of work nervous and you don't want pirates with itchy trigger fingers getting nervous. Do you?"

The mouse looked to a lady he assumed was the pig man's mistress and she shook her head, "No no no! Here! Take it all!"

She removed her necklace, earrings, tiara, broche, and bracelet then put them in the bag. The mouse gave her a nod and proceeded to make his way around the room without further trouble. That is until the security team arrived. Ten wolf men marched into the room in white militant uniforms and all with rifles. They took aim at the mouse and rat pirates and the man in charge said, "You two! Stop right there! Drop your guns and put your hands in the air."

"I do believe these gentlemen are talking to us, my good man," said Timmerman said to Cornelius.

"And in quite a rude fashion, ol chap," said Cornelius, "Poor form indeed. Also, would you mind explaining to me how can we drop our weapons if they are attached to our arms?"

"I said drop them right now!" shouted the guard in charge, "Men get ready to fire!"

The mouse dropped the sack and the extra revolver sprung back into his hand right after. The mouse and rat ran in synch with one another and fired at the guards. The rifles blew to pieces in their hands. The guards gripped their hands in pain as the mouse and rat reloaded at lightning speed by hooking extra clips into their guns from right off their belts. A few clicks later and they were ready to go.

"Now I know you lot missed the whole don't-be-a-hero speech," Timmerman began, "But I cannot stress this enough. Don't be a hero or this will go from a robbery to a blood bath very very quickly."

The mouse snapped one of his guns back and picked up the sack to resume his looting. The passengers willingly gave up their valuables in exchange for not being shot. The guards kept their hands up without the need to be told, excepting the head guard who had his arms crossed over his chest. The pair of pirate rodents made their way past the guards with a wave of their guns.

"You'll never get away with this, the Valkour guard will hunt you both to..." began the guard, however he was interrupted as the rat shot him in the foot.

"He was so irksome," said Timmerman.

"Quite irksome, my dearest," Cornelius nodded in turn.

The pair went on their way to their ship still attatched to the side of the luxury liner. They practically sauntered aboard and waiting for them was another guard with a rifle, "Stop thieves!"

The pirates did stop as the guard took aim. The rodents looked to each other and each of them fired a shot, one in the heard and one in the head. Timmerman ran up before the guard could fall over and kicked him off the rim of their deck.

Cornelius scoffed, "Some people have no couth."

"Come, my dear," Timmerman began as they both retracted their pistols and then the plank, "Let us leave this place and celebrate our monetary victories of the day."

Shortly after, they released the harpoons from the Jewel of Nuvehok and the small ship zipped off through the skies in escape. Once they were certain no one was following them, they set a high cruising altitude and went down below decks after night fall to the pressurized cabins so they might enjoy the fruits of their labor.

They cranked up the victrola turntable, set on a record with a bottle of wine, took off their hats and jackets, and danced together by the fireplace into the night. They relished simply gazing into each others eyes and holding close to one another with their tales entwined the entire time. Sooner than later the record player ran down for the fifth time and so they made their way down the hall to the captain's bedchambers.

They shared the role of captain as co-captains of the Addoli Ar Droed and so thought it only fair that they share the captain's chambers as well. The room was very luxurious and had ever accoutrement one could need, though the main thing they sought was the bed.

Timmerman the rat sat upon the bed with a bit of a wine slump, looking to his mate with a smile as the smaller mouse undid the laces on his spats and pulled them off one at a time. He was all too happy to undo his pants and let the mouse pull them down for him. His soft six inches flopped out and clacked a bit from the Jacob's ladder of piercings that went down the underside of his prodigious member.

Cornelius stood and placed his foot on the rat's cock as he said, "Now do mine, my love above all others."

The rat began to chub up at the devious footplay his mate was beginning but slowly undid the laces on his mate's spat and lifted the foot to pull it off. Shortly after the mouse withdrew his foot and stepped down on that thickening rat cock with his other foot and flexed his toes a bit saying, "Now the other."

Timmerman grinned and undid the laces before pulling down the spats and then used his tail to wrap around the mouse's waist and pulled him closer. He undid the mouse's pants and let them drop to the ground. The buckaneer's pants dropped to the floor and Cornelius stepped out of them. The mouse grinned as his own cock was now free in the air outside his pants. It's size, despite his more diminuitive stature, actually rivaled that of his rat's. They were quite evenly matched in the privates department.

With the pair free of all garments, the mouse lifted a leg, pressed a foot to his mate's chest, then lightly kicked forward. The rat fell back onto the bed with a chuckle and watched as the mouse hopped up onto the bed, his feet firmly planted on the mattress to either side of the rat.

"You know we never did get that spot of tea you were offering earlier," Timmerman smiled.

The mouse smiled and stepped onto the powerful abs of his mate with both feet, looking down as the rat's member snaked up his torso to greet the mouse feet by the heels. The mouse stepped back with one foot down on the rat's humanoid cock and started to rub the underside up and down, flexing his toes expertly over the head, "I would say that I much prefer your hot body to a hot cuppa any time, my love."

The rat fully lengthened to a solid fourteen inches of rodent meat. He moaned as the mouse rubbed his cock ever so sensually, "Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Only every day," smiled the mouse as he stepped forward and stood atop the massive rat pecs with both feet flexing his toes. His own erection dripping precum down upon the rat's face, painting him in his essence. The mouse slowly stroked his own member as he brought one of his feet to the rat's face and flexed his toes over the rat's nose.

Timmerman inhaled the mouse's musk as the foot pressed against his nose. He stuck out his tongue and licked the mouse's sole, sending a shudder through both of them before the rat opened wide and began to suck upon the mouse's toes. Cornelius moaned and felt a bit weak in the knees, partially from pleasure and partially from the wine.

The mouse stood back on the rat's chest as Timmerman scooted back so he was fully on the bed. The mouse stumbled but his large mate sat up quickly and caught him. Cornelius sat on the rat's lap as the rat held him close. The mouse hugged to the massive muscular chest of his true love and began to nuzzle against it. The mouse sighed, perfectly content as the rat ran a hand through his hair.

Cornelius looked to his mate and the pair kissed passionately. They drank in each other and lost all track of time while making out. They were quite happy and their mutual constant erections were proof of that. They withdrew from the kiss as the mouse pressed a hand to his mate's face.

"I want you to take me tonight," Cornelius' eyes sparkled.

"As you wish my love," said the rat, "Did you want to ride me or visa versa?"

"Lay back and let me pleasure you ya big git," the mouse chuckled. He smiled and pushed the willing rat back so he was laying on the bed once again.

The mouse squatted over the rat's midsection and used his tail to position that huge throbbing rat meat towards his rump. Properly directed the mouse lowered himself down on the precum spewing member and moaned with every inch. He went down till his rump was sitting on Timmerman's huge balls. They were both panting together and the massive rat cock throbbed within the mouse.

A mix of the wine and overwhelming pleasure kept Cornelius from being able to pull himself back up off the rat cock once more he rubbed a foot on the rat's chest and said, "My dear, if you would please take over the lifting and lowering, that would be delightful."

Timmerman didn't need to be told twice as he reached up, grabbed his mouse by the hips and started lifting him up and down. They both moaned and grunted in time as the rat brought his lover up and down slow and sensual. Cornelius brought up his legs and used the rat's face as a foot rest.

The mouse rubbed his feet over the rat's face and the rat seemed to enjoy himself immensely. He licked, kissed, and sucked upon the soles and toes of the love of his fellow pirate. Every intake of breath was a reminder of his lover's scent. Every thrust was a reminder of their love for one another. Every moment they were joined and entwined was pure bliss for both. Their tails entwined as they made sweet sensual love.

The mouse was the first to cum as his prostate had been pounded till it overwhelmed him. He couldn't stop cumming but the contractions around his mate's cock drove the rat to the brink of insanity. The rate came inside the mouse and filled him to the brim with his potent seed.

For all they knew, the exchange of fluids may have lasted for days but when all was said and done, the rat pulled off the mouse and the mouse laid on the rat's chest to nuzzle and kiss his mighty lover. The mouse rubbed that thick fur and scooted up to kiss his mate on the lips once more.

"I can't believe I found someone so perfect as you, my dearest," said the mouse.

"I was just thinking the exact same thing," said the rat.