University Story - Chapter 8: Part 3
*Sorry for the late update. Hoping it won't happen again. A mix of a busy schedule and writer's block was like torture! And not the good kind ;) hehe
Chapter 8 - Part 3: Friends like to share
"Ok, we'll see ya Paul!" Ryan called out of the passenger side window.
"Ya, for sure!" Paul said, and they knew he was pretending to sound happy. He was worried about Syd. They all waved goodbye, and drove off. Next stop was Robbie and Ryan's.
"Man, crazy night! You think everyone'll be ok?" Jeff asked, "Oh, and Robbie. You can sit in the back if ya want, there's room now."
"No, that's ok..." Robbie said, blushing a little behind his gray and black fur, "It's not a long drive, I'll be fine."
"Whatever ya say man." Jeff said, watching the pair in the corner of his eye. He could see a small smile on Robbie's face, and Ryan's arm wrapped around the small raccoon. Jeff's eyebrow rose, wondering why they were so comfortable sitting so close. He couldn't think about it for long though, jerking his head back to the road. Lucky it was the middle of the night, because Jeff had been driving on the wrong side of the road as he stared at his passengers.
"Woah man, you feeling ok? You keep spacing out!" Ryan said, his arm leaving Robbie's side to nudge Jeff's shoulder.
"Uh, ya! My bad. Just got distracted." Jeff said, turning his head to fully face the road. He made sure not to stare at his two passengers again. He was sure he was just imagining what he was seeing. Luckily Jeff stopped looking, as Ryan's paw fell to the small of Robbie's back, massaging him softly. Robbie murred softly, falling back onto Ryan's strong chest as he did. Ryan's paw reached around Robbie and lifted his shirt up slightly, rubbing the raccoon's chest fur. Robbie pushed Ryan's paw away, whispering "Not here!" Ryan giggled a little, but secretly he didn't like hiding his relationship with Robbie. He didn't like sneaking, and hated lying to his friends. He wanted to just come clean. He wanted to be able to hold Robbie's hand in public. To hold him and kiss him whenever he felt like it...
Ryan woke up from his daydream when Jeff pulled up to his house. Jeff parked along the curb.
"Well here we are! Chez Ryan et Robbie! Haha!" Jeff laughed at his bad joke, and even worse French accent as Ryan and Robbie got out of the car.
"Thanks man!" Ryan said, "So what do you have planned for tonight?"
"Well, umm, nothing I guess! Everyone's busy." Jeff said
"You wanna hang out here for a while? You don't mind, do ya Rob?" Ryan asked, slapping Robbie on the back.
"Uh, umm, no! Course not!" Robbie said, looking at Ryan. He had thought that they were going to fool around, and he actually wanted to be alone with Ryan tonight. But, if Ryan wanted Jeff to stay, Robbie didn't have a problem.
"Well alright then! Better than sitting in my room till Zac walks me up at 3 in the morning!" Jeff laughed, but he wasn't kidding. He really didn't like being roommates with Zac, and the grizzly bear didn't care one bit. He always stayed out late, and would barge in noisily, usually with some drunken chick latched to his waist. Jeff spent as much time out of his room as he could.
"Well let's get in, it's getting cold!" Ryan said, leading the two into the house. Jeff followed slowly behind the other two. He let out a sigh of relief when he got into the warm house. The air outside was starting to chill as autumn began.
"Hey, you want a drink or something?" Ryan asked Jeff as he walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a beer for himself.
"Ya, sure!" Jeff said, and Ryan threw him a beer. Jeff opened the drink and took a seat on the big couch in the living room. The living room was pretty small. The stairs were on one wall, with the TV up against them, and a long couch faced it. The wall closest to the door was all windows, and on the other side was a connected and open kitchen. It was small, but felt cozy. Jeff put his feet up on the coffee table as he laid back into the couch. It had been a crazy night for everyone, and he just wanted to relax tonight. Ryan and Robbie took a seat on the loveseat up against the window. They looked like they were getting pretty comfortable, Jeff thought. Ryan set a six pack of beers on the table, and Jeff knew the night was going to get interesting...
* * * *
Jeff couldn't stop laughing, and he didn't know why. He had a beer in his hand, and had lost count as to what number it was. He looked over to Robbie and Ryan, both with a beer in their paws. They had been slowly sipping their one beer all night, where Jeff had knocked back drink after drink. If Jeff had been sober, he may have noticed what was going on, but he was too drunk to care. He fell back along the couch, still giggling to himself for no reason. Ryan got up and sat next to Jeff's head. Jeff looked up at Ryan with his brown eyes. All he could see was Ryan's massive figure looming over him. He should have been intimidated, but Ryan's wide smile made him feel at ease. Ryan lifted Jeff up a bit, and laid the otter's head across his lap. Jeff was blushing even more, and it wasn't just the alcohol that was responsible now. His vision was blurry from the beer, but he saw that Robbie was now sitting on the table, close to Jeff's head as well.
"Wha-" Jeff tried saying, but all words left him. He was too drunk to even formulate a sentence, and the situation made him a little nervous.
"Calm down...just relax" Ryan said in his deep, soothing voice. Ryan had planned to spend a hot night alone with Robbie, and Jeff being here wasn't going to change that. In fact, Ryan thought, it was going to make it a much more interesting night.
Jeff squirmed a little when Ryan's big paw began rubbing his chest. Jeff's short brown fur was soft, and Ryan had to pull up his t-shirt to feel it. Jeff didn't understand what was going on. The room was spinning, and he jumped off the couch when Ryan's hand reached his belt buckle.
"Woah! What're you doing?" Jeff said as soon as he got up. However, he jumped up a little fast, and fell back against the loveseat to the left. He looked back at his two friends, and they were just looking at him. Their eyes were screaming more than just 'hanging out'. They had other plans for tonight, and Jeff finally figured it out. He got up again, slower this time.
"I-I gotta get outta here. Sorry guys, I'll-" Jeff said, but almost walked right into the front door, forgetting to open it all the way. Jeff fell back and onto the first step of the stairs. He put his head in his paws, wondering just how much he had had to drink that night. Had Robbie and Ryan planned this? His mind was swimming with questions, but no answers came to him.
Ryan got up, and walked over to Jeff. He knelt in front of the otter, and looked him straight in the eyes. "No way are you driving like this. Besides, we've all had something to drink, so no one should be driving." Ryan had a seductive smirk on his face now, "Guess you'll just have to spend the night." Ryan winked at Jeff, and stood up to his full height. He was about 6'5, and his muscles stretched the black shirt he was wearing. Jeff didn't know if it was how confused he was, or his drunken haze, but all he could think about was how good Ryan looked. Jeff had never looked at another guy like this. He was stripping his friend with his eyes. He wanted to see more, even though his mind was telling him it was wrong.
"You want a better view?" Ryan asked. He could see Jeff's eyes looking him up and down. "Robbie, get over here." Ryan said. It was a command, but Ryan didn't have to say it with any force. Robbie ran willingly to his side.
"Yes Ryan?" Robbie asked, looking up at Ryan. The raccoon had just as much lust in his eyes as Jeff did when he looked at the big dog. Jeff saw something more though. In just how he looked at Ryan, Jeff could tell that he meant more to Robbie then just a hot body. Everyone knew they were best friends, but Jeff saw that they must be more than that.
"Take off my shirt." Ryan said, lifting his arms, "Jeff's already been stripping me with his eyes. Why not show him for real?" Robbie quickly complied; he wanted Ryan naked just as much as Jeff did. As soon as Ryan had his shirt off, Jeff lifted his paw and rubbed it through his soft, black fur. It felt awesome to feel his muscles against his paw, better in fact then Jeff ever thought it could.
"You like that?" Ryan asked Jeff. The otter nodded slightly, his eyes wide with nerves and excitement. "You wanna feel more than just that?" Without even considering what this implied, Jeff nodded again. He was lost in the sight of Ryan, and he was barley even listening to what came of out of the rottweiler's mouth. He was only woken up from his dream when Ryan picked Jeff up and flung him over his shoulder.
"Wha-what're ya doing?" Jeff asked, a little bit of a laugh in his voice. It was funny how easy this was for Ryan. Sure Jeff was in good shape, but nothing compared to him. Jeff was about six feet, and he had a nice swimmer's build. He was lean, but toned, and this was due to how active he kept himself. You could see how in shape Jeff was behind his tight blue t-shirt and khaki shorts.
"What do ya think I'm doing? I'm showing you to yur room!" Ryan laughed and opened the door to his room. Ever since he and Robbie's first encounter weeks ago, they had rearranged the upstairs so that they were in the same room. They put their two single beds into Ryan's room and pushed them together. There was much more room for fun, Ryan thought. The huge dog then laid Jeff on the bed. He leaned over the smaller fur and looked him in the eyes.
"You wanna have some fun?" Ryan asked, and Jeff nodded, with a seductive grin. "Good boy. Robbie, help him out, will ya?" Robbie entered the room, and went to the other side of the bed. Ryan lifted Jeff up on the bed fully, and sat with his legs straddling Jeff's hips. Robbie sat up right behind Jeff's head, and took Jeff's shirt off, and Ryan took his shorts off. Now Jeff lay out underneath his friends, completely naked, and his cock fully hard, and dripping.
"Hehe, what a cute little guy. You're already hard too!" Ryan ran his paw through Jeff's light brown fur as he said this, eliciting a small moan to escape Jeff's mouth. "Undo my pants." Ryan said to Jeff, and the otter did what he was told. He unzipped Ryan's pants, and as soon as he did, the dog's huge cock popped out. Ryan wasn't wearing any underwear.
"Looks like your hard too." Jeff said, pulling Ryan's pants off completely. He revealed all eight inches of Ryan's cock, and grabbed it in one paw. As soon as Jeff did this, Ryan began moving his hips back and forth, fucking the otter's soft paw. Ryan had a deep, growl of a moan, and the sound of it turned Jeff and Robbie on. Jeff had almost forgotten about Robbie, but noticed him when he began rubbing Ryan's nipples and pecs. This made the rottie moan even more, and he proceeded to rip Robbie's shirt off of him.
"Take off yur pants Rob." Ryan had such a dominant tone to his voice, and both Jeff and Robbie felt like they were at his mercy. Robbie always did what he could to make Ryan happy. He knew he didn't have to try hard though, Ryan loved him and just being with him was perfection, but he wanted to do anything for his lover. Sex just happened to make Robbie feel just as good!
Robbie striped off his pants, revealing his small, but dripping cock. All three boys were naked now, each groping and touching each other. Jeff continued to stroke Ryan's dick, while Robbie had one paw around his own cock, and the other tugging on one of Ryan's nipples. Jeff turned his head back to watch Robbie jerking off when his short muzzle ran into the raccoon's balls.
"Don't be shy Jeff." Robbie said, blushing a little as he did. Jeff was acting almost completely on impulse, and just a simple suggestion made him act. He stuck out his thin tongue and began licking Robbie's balls. This made Robbie moan and jack off even harder. Ryan bucked his hips into Jeff's paws even faster as he watched the two smaller furs fooling around with each other. Watching them was a lot more fun then he thought. Ryan sat to the side of the two boys, and pushed Robbie lightly down on the bed. He then maneuvered the two boys to lie across from each other in a 69 position.
"I can tell you both wanna suck some cock, and I see no reason why you shouldn't!" Ryan put one large paw on the back of both boys' heads and moved them towards each other's cocks. Robbie opened his mouth and began sucking Jeff almost instinctively. This clearly wasn't his first time, Jeff thought, but it is mine. Jeff had never had sex of any kind, so even Robbie's muzzle around his cock was a new sensation. He didn't have much time to worry about it though, as Ryan began to move his head closer to Robbie's dick. Jeff opened his muzzle, and let the smaller cock slide past his lips. Robbie wasn't huge, only about 6 inches, so Jeff didn't have too much trouble with it. He tried to go slow, but Ryan made sure he stayed at the same, fast pace. Jeff was barley moving on his own, it was the big dog that hovered over him that maneuvered him. Jeff just did his best to not gag.
"That's it Jeff...ya, Robbie loves that, don't ya boy?" Robbie responded with a muffled moan. The little raccoon had already taken Jeff to the hilt without Ryan's help. Clearly he had had a lot of practice. Fuck, with Ryan around, anyone would want to practice, Jeff thought. He looked up as best as he could, and saw that the massive canine had moved his paw from Robbie's head and onto his own dick. He was jerking off to the two smaller furs blowing each other. He enjoyed the dominant position he had, the power he had over them. Jeff turned his head back to Robbie, and the little guy looked like he was in heaven. His eyes were shut tight, and every time he went down on Jeff he moaned loudly. Wow, he really loves this, Jeff thought, surprised someone could get off like this. Though, I'm not one to talk, Jeff thought. His dick was rock hard and dripping, for the same reasons as Robbie.
Just as Jeff was getting into a rhythm with Robbie's cock, he was pulled off of him. "Can't let you guys have all the fun..." Ryan said, and he turned Jeff around. Now, both boys were facing Ryan's massive cock. It was about 8 inches, and rock hard. Robbie didn't waste any time and began licking the pre cum from the dick head. This made Ryan moan softly. "Don't make him do all the work Jeff..." Ryan said as he began guiding Jeff's head towards his cock. Robbie moved his tongue down the shaft and began sucking his dog balls. This left Jeff Ryan's entire shaft. Jeff began suckling Ryan's dickhead, letting the pre cum roll around his tongue. It was a bit salty, but warm. Jeff loved the taste, and it made him suck on his friend even harder, hoping to taste even more.
"Oh, ya, that's it! You're such good boys..." Ryan's voice was almost incoherent at this point. You could only vaguely hear the words, as everything was taken over by his growls and deep moans. How could he not moan though? Two hot and willing mouths playing with his dick? Ryan was in heaven. His eyes were shut tight, but when he opened them, his eyes darted straight to the two butts that were up in the air. He giggled a little to himself, and put his big paws on each cute butt. He began to rub and grope each of the smaller furs, sliding a big finger over their tight holes.
"Mmm, you feel so tight Jeff. Looks tasty..." Ryan then proceeded to slip a finger into Jeff's tight tail. Jeff moaned loudly, a mix of pain and pleasure in his voice. He wanted to moan louder, but he kept Ryan's dick in his mouth. He wanted to stay full of the big dog, and he loved the feeling of having his muzzle stuffed like that. Ryan then maneuvered the trio another time. He spread himself on the bed, and pulled Jeff up on top of him. Robbie moved with Ryan, never letting the canine cock leave his mouth. Ryan was spread out on the bed, with a raccoon between his legs, and an otter with his butt two inches from his muzzle.
"Let's see just how tasty you are..." as Ryan said this, he sunk his muzzle into Jeff's tight butt. This was new to Jeff. He didn't even know what was going on, but he knew he liked it. The feeling of Ryan's rough tongue practically fucking his hole was unbelievable. Jeff began jerking ferociously. Ryan continued to probe his butt with his tongue, spreading his firm cheeks with his paws as he did. Robbie looked up to see the hot scene. Looking at how much Jeff loved what was happening made him suck Ryan off even faster. Robbie sat up a little, giving him access to his own dick, as he began to jerk off watching Ryan fuck Jeff with his tongue.
Ryan pulled out of Jeff's ass, to the otter's disappointment. "I'm gonna have to take my dick back Rob. I got other plans for it..." As Ryan said this, he sat up, pushing Jeff down onto the bed. Jeff's butt was now sticking up in the air, and Ryan was sitting up behind it. He was slapping his wet cock against Jeff's now lubed up butt.
"Wha-" Jeff was about to say.
"Don't worry. It may hurt for a minute, but trust me, you'll love it. Ask Rob hehe" Ryan didn't give Jeff any time to re-think what was going to happen, and thrust just his dick head into Jeff.
"Ooo, fuck!" Jeff practically screamed. Ryan was right, it hurt for just a second, but now Jeff was full of only pleasure. He loved feeling stuffed by the big dog. "Fuck ya, give it to me hard man. I wanna feel more of you inside me." Robbie looked up to Ryan to see a seductive grin on his face. Jeff was panting already, but he had no idea what he asked for. Robbie had been fucked by Ryan plenty of times, and Jeff was in for a very wild ride.
"If you say so!" And before Ryan even finished his sentence, he plowed all 8 inches of his dick into Jeff's bowels. Jeff screamed in pain and pleasure, but Ryan pulled him up, leaning him against his strong chest. He covered Jeff's muzzle with his large paw as he fucked him. Jeff's moans of pure ecstasy were muffled by Ryan's paws, and soon he was ramming his ass back just as fast as Ryan thrust into him. Jeff's dick was at full height, about 7 inches, and he was dripping pre like a faucet. Jeff nearly fainted from pleasure when Robbie sank his throbbing dick into his tail. Robbie was able to take Jeff's entire dick pretty easily, and it was no surprise considering how much practice he had with a power top like Ryan. Every time Ryan shoved all of his dick into Jeff it sent all of the otter's cock into Robbie. All three of them were in complete ecstasy, and none of them thought they could hold on long. Ryan let one paw leave Jeff's mouth, and reached around both of them to grab Robbie's dick. He began to jack it off ferociously, eliciting whimpers of pleasure to leave the little raccoon. Ryan let his other paw slip into Jeff's muzzle.
"Ya, lick my fingers Jeff. Suck em as you fuck this little slut boy!" Jeff let Ryan slip a few fingers into his muzzle and he sucked them willingly. The sweat and pre cum clung to his fur, making them taste amazing. Jeff's moans were overpowering the other two boys. He couldn't concentrate on anything. The pleasure was too much for him. He was stuffed from every end, and the sensations of being fucked and fucking at the same time sent him over the edge. With practically a scream, Jeff came into Robbie's tight hole. Robbie knew it was coming, and when it did, he couldn't hold himself back. Robbie came all over Ryan's paw, and his ass spasmed as he did. This made Jeff whimper in pleasure as his now sensitive cock pulled out of Robbie. Ryan could smell the cum, and the sweat that clung to both boys, and he knew it was enough to finish it.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum-" But Ryan was cut off by a loud howl of pleasure. He couldn't hold back and filled Jeff with his cum. Ryan came so much, Jeff thought he could feel it in his stomach. Ryan slumped down on top of Jeff, and the weight made Jeff fall onto Robbie. They were a massive pile of worn out furs. They were panting hard, and no one could even catch their breath to say something.
It wasn't until it was over that Jeff could contemplate what had just happened. Not only had he lost his virginity, but look who he lost it to! He took a look behind him, Ryan, his eyes shut, but a huge, stupid grin on his face. He then looked down at Robbie, who looked just as tired, and was flushed from all the excitement.
"Wow..." Jeff said. He was not just surprised that it happened, but at just how much he liked it. Jeff squeezed himself out between the two half-asleep furs and just lay next to them. Robbie turned around, and Ryan threw his arms around his best friend. They just lay there, cuddling up against each other. Jeff smiled happily. They looked perfect together, so close as they fell asleep. The hot encounter definitely wore them all out, and Ryan and Robbie were gone as soon as they were in each other's arms. Jeff rubbed Ryan's back a little, still smiling. They are the luckiest pair in the world, Jeff thought to himself as he put his head on the pillow next to them. I'm definitely staying the night here more often, Jeff thought right before he fell into a deep and satisfied sleep.