After the Beach

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Alex sat there in the stall, after viewing something that he never thought would happen - his son taking a large horsecock down his throat, getting covered in thick ropes of horse cum to his son's cute, little face. He could hear his cub panting on the other side of the wall and thought that it's best he checks up on his son. The adult bear licked up his cummy mess off his round stomach and made himself presentable - walking out, pushing stall door forward and closing it behind himself.

"Hey champ, are you alright?"

Murry just sat there with the taste of horse cream still in his throat and feeling the thick batch of cum in his belly. He sat there, red faced, and embarrassed that his dad saw him in this state. Alex had nearly passed out leaning against the stall door, seeing his son painted like the slut he wished he could make himself.

"I hope he wasn't too rough with you, my boy." he said, voice quivering with lust.

"D-dad w-who was that?" Murry stared at his cum covered hand and had the urge to lick it off, remembering the words of the horse - 'a boy is a slave for men'.

Murry brought his paw to his mouth, licking up his messy paws, he looked back at his dad and stared at his slightly matted fur and his leaking half hard member. The grown bear gave him a different feeling from the horse - he felt safe and nearly jumped up to hug him, feeling relief, but quickly fell back on the toilet, as his shaky legs gave out and feeling a head rush.

"Whoa, whoa, just take it easy there - you did a lot."

Alex knelt down and began wiping his face of horse cum - reaching for the toilet paper but seeing it missing from the roll; so, instead, Alex began to lick off his fingers and used his tongue to clean off his son.

"Oh god, just as I remembered!"

Alex was half done with his son's tongue bath, when he noticed Murry shivering and his growing erection, standing small at 2 ½ inches. He wanted (so badly) to lick up his son there and engulf his cock with his maw tasting his salty, sweaty son and the creamy cum. It made him so hard, but he was worried about others noticing how long they have both been in there.

Finishing up, he patted Murry's head, scratching behind his head - giving some comfort, before looking at the floor, not daring to try and clean up there.

"Come on, we've got to get you clean properly."

Helping his son - the half-dressed Murry up and walked out of the stall, towards the small showers next to the stalls.

The cub had so many thoughts on his mind, then he saw the horse sitting there on the lifeguard stand.

The horse saw him and flared his nostrils putting on some sunglasses and moved his red shorts flashing him his horse flare.

"See you next time boys, and be a good cub for your daddy."

Murry snapped forward, blushing - getting that similar feeling in his spine, feeling shivers running up his back. Looking back at his dad, his dad gave a small wave towards the horse before turning on the showers and cleaning off his fur in the water. Murry followed suit, and scrubbed away at his fur - feeling shyer than normal, thinking he saw people staring.

After a quick rinse, Murry and Alex headed for the stairs and dried off by the truck they drove in to get to the beach once dry they drove away still nude.

"Dad who was that?"

Murry shifted in his seat, looking at the beach they left behind.

"Oh he's an old friend from high school and college. Are you okay after all that?" Alex replied.

"Y-yeah he did something to me and I-I."

Murry fell silent finding his words, this worried Alex, thinking he had gone too far.

"He showed me his peen and made it go down my throat." Alex heart began to race.

"Are you ok, was it too much? did-."

"I liked it." Murry felt his face flush seeing the words leave his mouth and buried his face in his hands.

Hearing that, Alex's member gave a solid throb, quickly bringing his cock back to life.

"D-did you now?"

Alex sighed with relief and gave a smug smile.

"Do you care to share what he did?"

Murry could feel the burning of his face in his paws and could compare to a hot stove.

"I-he told me i'm a slave for you, he told me I'm your 'cock, slut'."

These words made his cock throb more, feeling his uncut cock leaking precum.

"Do you wanna show me what he did?"

Murry looked over at his dad and saw his cock standing at 9 inches and almost as thick as a soda can - begging for attention harder and bigger than he had ever seen it before Murry has seen his father's cock before, at the nudist beach of course, but not like this!

The pre made his mouth water, hearing the words of the horse echo through his head. Sliding over the bench seat of the truck, the cub laid down on his belly - moving his head in his father's lap, licking the tip and shoving the cock to the back of his throat. Twisting his head to follow his father's cock, the need to satisfy him was overwhelming his senses. Alex huffed, fluttering his eyes, feeling his cub's mouth on his cock. Driving with one paw and using the other to rest on his son's head, scratching it and rubbing his back.

Murry picked up the pace, feeling encouragement from his dad's pets and closed his eyes - feeling completely comforted and happy to be serving his dad.

Alex felt the hot huffs coming from his nose and mouth, tongue lolling out, panting hard, pulling over on the side of the road in an attempt to not crash. Alex grabbed a tuft of his head fur and began groping his son's plump ass, rubbing up and down his crack, grazing over his son's hole.

This made Murry moan through his dad's cock, feeling it pulse in his mouth and pre leaking in his maw.

"Murry I- oh fuck, you're daddy's good little boy, such a good boy."

Murry felt the slight thrust of his father's hips driving his cock down his throat. Alex lifted Murry's head up by his chin to invade the cub's mouth, moving his tongue over and around his cub's smaller maw, tasting himself and his son. Murry could feel the warmth of Alex's breath in his mouth, this was the first time Murry felt his dad in such a primal state, it made the cub's cock pulse under the weight of his hips.

Alex repositioned himself, moving a leg to put his son between his legs on the seat. The kiss stopped with a trail of saliva connecting them. Alex made a low growl:

"Are you enjoying yourself, hun?"

Murry gave a silly smile giggling to himself, he felt giddy and drunk off his dad's kiss

"Yes daddy I-I like being your cock slut."

Alex could see the redness in his son's face return as his son biting his lower lip feeling Murry's hand on his cock.

"That's a good boy, help daddy cum." Alex gripped Murry's cheek and slid two fingers in his maw playing with his son's mouth then sliding his thumb in and out over his tongue, pulling back and pushing his son head down back on his cock moving to finger his sons ass.

"Just let me know if its too much, babe."

Murry gave an shocked noise through his dads' cock as he gripped the inside of this dad's thighs, feeling the foreign object rub over and enter his hole slick with his own saliva. This was new to him, Murry could feel his hole stretching with the digits enter hi,m feeling his back arch and fingers curling to move deeper down to his second knuckle of his fingers.

Alex felt he was in bliss the perfect ending to such a good day, finally getting to feel the insides of his son felt like heaven - making his cock throb for what he truly wanted: to annihilate his son's ass.

"Good job son, you're doing great, but I want you to go a little further." Alex tugged Murry closer to his body, feeling his cock slide all the way in his mouth, tongue lapping on his balls pushing his fingers all the way in his son. He didn't know how much longer he could wait its was over stimulating to him and his son looked like he could use a break himself.

"Hold out a little while longer, babe, I'm almost there." His nose grinding against his father's groin and cock head deep in his throat, two fingers in his ass, and his dad moaning over him, made Murry's cock leak. He wanted to cum so badly, that he reached between his thighs and started jerking off his little cocklet.

Alex's cock was throbbing away in his son's mouth as he pushed and held his son's head there, feeling Murry's throat huff and constrict around his cock. He had pushed his son to his limits, finger blasted him as as he started cumming down his son's throat.

"Take it, take it!" The cub had reached his peak by the time he was choking on his dad's cock feeling it shoot cum down his mouth and having his dad's fingers pumping in and out of his hole, it was a better treatment than the horse had given him and less of a clean up. Alex had gave final thrusts loosening the grip on his son's head and pulled him to his face locking their lips tongue replacing his cock. Murry's tear and cum streaked face was the perfect sight on the beach side cliff they sat on in their car.

"How did you like that?" Murry's cock throbbed again, noticing a deeper tone in voice than his father normally displayed.

"I liked it. I liked it alot, I like your fingers in my tushy the most!" Murry said in an excited tone giddy with the new found sensation of being his dad's play toy.

"Do you want more?" A smug smile showed on the pappa bear's face.

"Oh, yes please, can we play again?" Alex chuckled.

"When we get home. First, I need to make a stop at the store, got to get a few things for the night. But, for now, just lay on your chest in the seat with that tush facing me." Murry got into position as his father started the car and drove down the highway with his fingers in his son's ass, as his son was squirming in the bench seat next to him.