Not Quite as Planned 2

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#11 of Writing Prompt

This week's prompt was to write a sequel to one of your previous prompts! I chose to write a sequel to

This is far from my normal stuff, but I've got a friend into micro/macro, and it's fun to do things for friends. I like to indulge people!

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I know it's a short read, but if you like it, leave a comment below! Or buy me a ko-fi at

Please check out my gallery for my full-length stories! Better stuff that way.


The park was not far from our apartment, and all the sounds of the outside world were muffled from where I was held captive in my roommate's jockstrap. After my potion backfired and turned me into a bite-sized fennec, the big wolf had promptly shoved me in against his sheath as punishment. Now I clung to that furry pouch as I was jostled about when he walked.

I had managed to stay upright and my miniscule legs were straddling one of the wolf's large orbs while my arms hugged the still-soft member. I wasn't sure how big he'd grow, and I found myself wondering if his cock would be bigger around than my waist. It'd certainly be taller.

"Alright Addy, you ready for a run?" Aaron's voice called, using the diminutive of Addison that I couldn't stand. "Better hold on tight. I'm sure it'll be a bumpy ride."

My tiny fennec arms squeezed the wolf's sheath and I felt his trapped member pulse beneath the skin. I wanted to yell at him, but my muzzle was squashed against him, and I don't think it'd have carried further than the hem of his shorts. I didn't have much longer to consider things before I felt a lurching sensation in my stomach and the wolf began to run.

It was rough for his few first strides as I had to get used to the sensation of being on a rollercoaster. It kept me distracted from my situation long enough that Aaron must have covered half a mile. The scent of his musk was growing stronger in his jockstrap and I could feel sweat beginning to dampen his fur. It seeped into my own fur and I squirmed uncomfortably as I ground my hips forward against his furry pouch.

Aaron was letting out soft puffs of breath and I felt him slow to a walk. "Oh, man. Pretty hot out here. I think that potion of yours is starting to get to me," he said, reaching down and cupping his bulge.

I was mashed forward into his sheath and I could feel it pulse against me. "Aaron! W-wait! Please let me out!" I shouted, but he either didn't hear me or didn't care.

He picked up his jog again and I whimpered pitifully, holding onto him for my dear life as his scent coated me. It wasn't as unpleasant as I'd thought it was, and my own, traitorous sheath was thickening between my legs. Then a new experience entered my world that I hadn't been expecting.

A noticeable pulse ran along the wolf's length, against my chest followed by a big, watery drop of pre that drooled down over my right shoulder and down along my side. The heady aroma of Aaron's essence doubled and I let out a perverse groan as the warm pre soaked my fur. I was unaware of the next, and with my muzzle open the thin fluid coated my muzzle, igniting my taste buds with the tang of Aaron's pre.

I was sputtering and trying to clear my muzzle of pre, and didn't notice that the wolf had slowed to a stop. I felt him flop down onto a hard surface, likely one of the park benches somewhere, and he let out an unmistakable groan of pleasure.

"You know," I heard him say as I paw pressed down on my back and he ground into me. More pre oozed down over my body, and my own cock throbbed hard against the wolf's fur. "This potion is kinda nice. I might have to get you to make more of it."

I heard a heavy rustling of clothing as the wolf removed his shorts. Wherever we were, it was likely off the trail for him to have been so bold. I was expecting the jockstrap to come off next, but that paw of his closed around me and squeezed me to his sheath, taking the air from my lungs.

I was dragged upwards, and then down, and I could feel the wolf's furry pouch bunch up near my footpaws as it was skinned back. He repositioned me under his jockstrap and I was suddenly pressed against his exposed flesh, its slick-surface hot to the touch and beating like a slow drum against my body.

"Ooh, definitely need more of this potion... it feels like someone's stroking me really good and I don't even have to do anything," he chuckled, pawing at that bulge and forcing more pre to soak into my fur.

I was being ground against his slick pole as it lengthened and switched against my entire body, my arms unable to reach all the way around. His knot was swelling rapidly and it provided me a slick, pulsing seat to sit atop as I endured my fate.

As he grew to full size, the stretched jockstrap lifted up and away from his body, and bits of light streamed in to let me see the obelisk that was Aaron's shaft. It towered several inches over my head, feeling like several feet with how tall I currently was. It was thousands of times larger than my own was, though I was just as hard. The tip was pressed into the damp fabric and I could see one of the outlined veins on his member pulse and another trickle of pre ran towards me.

I was squeezed against his member once more, and I could hear Aaron panting and moaning as he used my body as a tool for his masturbation. I whimpered and whined as my body slid back and forth over his glistening member, paws trying to hold on with nothing to latch onto.

"Gonna cum soon, fox boy... might wanna keep your eyes closed," he grunted, hips lifting up off the bench to hump into his paw, clutching at the cotton fabric of his jockstrap.

That potion worked exactly as I intended. A near-spontaneous, uncontrolled orgasm, and I felt it when the wolf's member throbbed hard against my body. It felt like someone hitting me with a spongy battering ram, even as I was already pressed against him. Then warm, sticky fluid began rushing down over me. I managed to take in a deep breath before it coated my head, face, ears, muzzle, and drenched me to the skin.

My own orgasm hit somewhere while the wolf's seed emptied out into his jockstrap. It barely registered as anything more than a shudder that ran down my spine and made me spasm against Aaron's length.

Aaron suddenly pulled down the hem of his jockstrap, and I nearly fell away from the wolf's spire before he grabbed onto me and held me to his bared skin. He milked the last of his orgasm out across the top of my head and then pulled me away, looking at my cum-drenched body.

"That's some potion you got there," he teased, carefully putting me on the bench next to him. "I hope you consider this even. I'll be keeping an eye on you, so don't try to sneak me any more potions."

I just lay there, sprawled on the cool wood, fur plastered with Aaron's seed. I nodded weakly and let out a deep sigh. Revenge was far from my mind at this point; who knew what trouble I'd end up in if I tried something else.