An Uncaged Beast

Story by seraphls on SoFurry

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So I wanted to write something a little different to break the mold a bit. Rather than my usual tender tops and willing bottoms, I wanted to really write something rough and painful for once. Here we find a huge pit bull who willingly keeps a chastity cage on at all times, lest he lose control. His partner, however, decides to take it off for a night to have a little fun, only to find that he's bit off more than he could chew.

An Uncaged Beast

By Seraph LeSabre

Hayden sauntered home, fruitlessly trying to shake his sour mood that was spoiling what should've been a nice Friday. He had to stay late at his rotten job, and missed his rotten train home, and now the battery in his rotten phone was dead so he couldn't even text Jasper to let him know he was going to be late. As the massive pit bull stood in the cramped train, self-conscious enough about his size without this car being cramped, he kept reflexively taking his phone out of his pocket and checking the screen before remembering all he'd get to see was a dead battery icon. Perfect. Couldn't even call a rideshare to just take him back home from the train stop.

The canine grumbled the entire six block walk from the train station to his apartment building. The sun was beating down on his short fur the whole time, and as he walked he could see others around him give him an unnecessarily wide berth. Maybe it was his scowl warding people away this time, but he was all too used to people steering clear of the pit bull on the street. At a massive 6'4" and weighing nearly 300lbs of pure muscle, the grey furred canine was nothing if not an imposing figure. Still if it wasn't such a drag to be judged just from his size and species, it would have probably been funny to see how everyone thought they were being subtle as they avoided him.

Finally, Hayden reached his apartment and fumbled for his keys. He gave a relieved sigh as he pulled them out of his pocket - at least he somehow managed to not lose those. He turned the key in the lock and slowly pushed the door open, immediately being tackled by a small pile of white fur.

"Heeeeey there hun! You're late, why didn't you text?"

"S-sorry Jas. I had to stay late and didn't get a chance to give my phone a jump."

He stumbled back a few steps as he was pounced on by the white rabbit. The nineteen year old seemed almost like a cub compared to a pitt bull more than twice his size. Despite Hayden's worry, the teen was grinning from ear to ear, excited to see his boyfriend. The pit bull gave a relieved sigh, bringing the rabbit in for a hug and lifting him up effortlessly. He carried his boy inside, closing the door behind them with his tail wagging.

"Sorry, sweetie," Hayden apologized, "Next time I'll make sure to charge it or text you sooner."

"It's okay," the bunny chirped as he let himself be set back down, "Of course, you know you're going to have to be punished. Hurry up and undress. Now."

Hayden whimpered just a bit - he should've known he wasn't going to get off that easily. Despite his tiny size, Jasper had quite the commanding streak to him. Hayden hadn't even noticed it when they started dating, but when the rabbit presented him with a thick leather collar for the first time, the pitty realized that every time the bunny wanted something from him, he wouldn't ask, he would instruct. Order. Command. Since then, Hayden was happy to serve as a subservient little pet to the teen, playing the part of the supportive boyfriend in public, while in private....

The pit bull's thin tail wagged furiously behind himself as he unbuttoned his polo shirt, pulling it over his head. His chest and abs seemed to be made from bricks, sculpted from years of weightlifting, but underscored by genetics. He undid his belt, trying to go slow to give his boyfriend a show, but the now-stern look forming on Jasper's face showed that he was already switching into Master mode. The pit bull blushed under his fur and lowered his khakis and his boxer briefs together, leaving him in just the steel chastity cage locked over his sheath.

Even before the pair developed their relationship, Hayden wore a silver chastity device. After a few rough encounters that he didn't like to think about anymore, the pit bull found that when he was hard and had the chance, his self-control completely went out the window. He would try to roughly fuck and knot anything that presented himself... sometimes regardless of whether it was presented. When he was caged, he could still get riled up and strain inside, but he was at least able to keep his head. In fact, he found it made sex more enjoyable when he could focus on his partner and pleasing him - it was a far bigger rush than he'd get from just humping something.

Hayden found that he honestly preferred having the cage on. He felt secure, in control, disciplined. Taking it off for cleaning always made him nervous, as he would carefully soap himself up and rinse with ice cold water. He wouldn't even let Jasper help, partly because he worried about the bunny's safety, but because he was honestly self-conscious about being seen without the cage. The pit bull considered it just a part of him, and had repeatedly asked his boyfriend and master about either welding the lock shut, or even having him neutered or nullified so he wouldn't even need it. Jas always refused, holding his huge puppy down and making some excuse.

"I like the way it bounces when I fuck you."

"You still need to take it off for cleaning."

"I may have a use for it later."

Jasper leaned in and cupped Hayden's balls in his paws - each one was large enough to fill the bunny's whole palm - bouncing them gently as his pup whined.

"Hmmm... these seem lighter...." the bunny teased, "It's been a while since you were last milked, hasn't it? You didn't sneak a wand to work, now did you?"

"No sir!" the canine whimpered, sitting down on his knees so he was eye-level with the bunny, "I would never. They should be just like they were yesterday."

"Good," Jas accepted his pup's response, seeing the pre leaking from the front of his cage, "I have plans for you this evening, and I want my puppy nice and pent up."

The white rabbit withdrew his paws after giving those huge orbs a firm squeeze until Hayden winced. The pit bull wondered just what Jasper had in store for him, but he knew better than to ask. The rabbit liked his sinister plans to be a surprise so he could provoke a much more genuine reaction. He was hard to predict as well - sometimes he would tie up the canine and attach a feather duster to a power drill to try and tickle him until his arms ached from straining in his restraints, other times he would flog the pup over his ass until he was a whimpering mess. It all depended on what Jasper found entertaining on a given night, but Hayden was always happy to dutifully obey his master.

Jasper brought Hayden to his feet and led him to their bedroom. The canine watched his master's white hips sway with every step... god that rabbit was beautiful, he thought to himself. He let a smile creep across his face as the rabbit took his collar off the dresser and stood on his toes to affix it around Hayden's neck. The pit bull let out a little "wruff" as his master secured a padlock on the buckle, always missing the feeling of it around his neck during the week when he had to keep up a corporate façade. Once satisfied with the fit, the bunny sat down on the bed and undid his own pants.

"C'mere, pup, we've still got a little time before our reservations. Get down here and give me a proper apology for being late."

The two enjoyed their lovely meal at the steakhouse, the calm quiet ambiance perfectly suited for a romantic evening for two. It wasn't too loud for the two to converse, but the low din of the other customers and workers was just enough to cover up the soft buzz emanating from under Hayden's tail as Jasper subtly played with the remote control to his vibrating buttplug. Fortunately the bunny was merciful while they were actively eating, but every time Hayden took a sip of wine or tried to wisecrack with the waiter, it was with the risk of a quick burst of high-intensity vibration.

"Hun... I'm straining in my cage so hard right now, I'm almost worried there's going to be a wet spot on my pants."

"Good boy, pup. I want you extra riled up by the time we get home."

"Are you... going to tell me what you've got planned? I saw some delivery boxes earlier, do those have anything to do with it?"

"Boxes? No, those were just the salad spinner and the new electric toothbrush I ordered."

Hayden whined a little and fidgeted with his silverware as the bunny gradually turned the vibration in his rear up and then slowly back down. He loved being made to squirm like this in public just as much as Jasper liked to see him try and keep a straight face as his prostate was tormented. Feeling that the teasing and coyness had gone on long enough, the bunny finally turned the buzzing off, his face taking a somber expression as he reached out to place a small white paw on his pet's huge grey one.

"Alright, I'll tell you..." Jasper leaned in, lowering his voice, "Tonight... I'm going to take your cage off, and I want you to fuck me."

The pit bull let out a guffaw when he heard his master say that, looking down for that cheeky grin to tell him his master was just teasing. There was none. Jasper's face was stone cold and serious as he looked up at his puppy.

"You're... you're joking right?" the pit bull asked, leaning back in as his cheeks burned bright red, "Hun, you know why I can't do that. If you want to get fucked, we can find a third, you know I don't mind."

"No, puppy, I don't want to get fucked. I want _you_to fuck me. Hard. Mercilessly. I want to have to make up some excuse to my coworkers on Monday as to why I keep wincing whenever I sit down."

With his ears and tail drooping, Hayden instinctively stared at Jasper's chest, knowing the key to his cage dangled from the bunny's necklace. He'd been so content to serve, he hadn't even considered the idea of actually having a shot at his master's ass - well, maybe a go with his tongue, but not like this. He stammered as he tried to find the words to explain his fear, but the gaze from Jas's bright green eyes cut through him. Deep down he knew what his master was trying to wordlessly say: "I've thought about this and I know full well what I'm getting into, and I need you to trust my judgement." With his heart pounding in his chest, Hayden have a small whimper, but nodded in acceptance.

"That's a good boy," Jas affirmed, turning the toy in Hayden's rear back on just in time for their waiter to drop off two small plates of tiramisu, "Now eat your dessert. I expect you to earn it later."

Once they got home, their clothes hit the ground as soon as they heard the door latch behind them. Jasper reached up to grab Hayden by his collar and all but dragged the pit bull into the bedroom. Hayden whined softly as he staggered forward, his master having turned up the toy under his tail to its maximum as soon as they reached their block. When they reached their bed, Jasper sat down, pulling his pup in for an affectionate kiss.

"Are you sure about this?" Hayden asked, "I don't want to hurt you...."

"I told you, I want this. Have a little trust in your master, and enjoy yourself."

With that, Jasper reached back to unclasp his necklace, taking the key to his pup's cage in his paw. While Hayden held his arms behind his back, the bunny leaned forward and slowly pushed the key into the little lock that kept the tube for the sheath affixed to the ring around his balls. With a small twist and a click, the lock released, allowing Jasper to slide the tube off that warm sheath and delicately remove the ring from around that heavy sac. Hayden closed his eyes and breathed heavily, having trained himself to avoid thinking about his own bits when he was caged. Jas, on the other hand, had other plans.

Leaning in close, Jas buried his nose against the pitty's sac, taking a deep breath of that thick musky scent, with just a tinge of dried precum lingering. He dragged his tongue up along those swollen balls and over Hayden's sheath, dipping it into the little slit at the top. He'd long wondered about having a taste of his pet, and as he wrapped his lips around the tip and held those balls in his paw, he was far from disappointed. As Jas teased with his tongue and squeezed gently, the canine's thick red cock started to grow out of its sheath into his mouth. The bunny moaned as he savored the taste, holding onto the base as he worked to see just how big his boyfriend actually was. When Hayden reached his full fourteen inches, Jas finally pulled his lips off that red rocket to look up at his pet with a wink.

"See Hun? Not so bad is it? Hun?"

As he looked up at Hayden, Jas expected a face of enjoyment and pleasure. Instead, the pit bull looked down at him with a stare that sent a shiver through the bunny's fur. It was as though along with the redirected blood flow, all the warmth had drained from his face, leaving just a hard piercing gaze. He stood there, almost unmoving for just a few moments as he stared down. Then, without any warning, Hayden reached forward and grabbed Jas by his ears and shoved his hips forward, shoving his cock back past the bun's lips and ramming the tip against his front teeth. Jas didn't have time to consider that maybe he made an error in judgement, he opened his mouth and let the canine start to thrust his hips forward, wincing as his ears were tugged on.

The bunny winced, feeling like he'd need to unhinge his jaw to fit the canine's thick girth. He'd only had a few opportunities to see his pet uncaged so he hadn't realized just how big his boy was. As the dog started to fuck his face, Jas didn't have time to work on preparation or even put his tongue to work - Hayden clutched at the bunny's head as he pushed that meaty cock in and out over and over, ensuring that this was to be done at his pace. Jas tried to keep his mouth open as wide as he could, but every time a stray thrust grazed a tooth, the canine growled and just clutched the bunny's head tighter. The bunny whimpered as he put his paws on the pit bull's thighs, trying to get some leverage for himself, but as Hayden's blunted claws dug into the back of his head, he couldn't help but holds back some pained tears.

Having been pent up for so long, Hayden didn't take long to cum from facefucking his master. He grabbed the bunny by his ears and thrusted forward one last time, forcing his cock as far back as he could with his knot bumping against the bunny's nose. While the pre that would usually squirt from his cage was thin and sticky, this seemed far different. Jas felt the red cock twitch several times between his lips, but only one thick glob of cum spurted out, a single thick burst that slid down Jas's throat. The bunny gagged as he worked to swallow that thick load, hardly even getting a taste. He felt a slight tinge of disappointment that it was over so quickly, but at least it hadn't been as bad as he'd expected. Just as he began to hope that maybe now Hayden wouldn't be so self-conscious, though, the pit bull placed his huge paws on Jas's sides and lifted him up like he was just a plushie.

"H-hey hun," Jas stammered, swallowing hard as he still saw that cold look in Hayden's eyes despite him having finished, "Feel any bett-ACK!"

Like he was tossing a rag doll, the pitbull dumped Jas onto the bed on his stomach. The bunny yelped at the rough treatment, but Hayden gripped those white-furred hips, he had a sinking feeling that this wasn't going to be over soon. With zero refractory period, and with only Jas's remnant saliva for lube, Hayden rammed that tool under the bunny's tail in one firm thrust. Jas cried out, not used to taking so much at once, and certainly not without time to properly stretch. With those huge paws on his sides though, claws digging in firmly, the bunny realized that there was no way he could get out of this.

As he strained that ring with every thrust of his red cock, Hayden growled and snarled, his knot beating against the bunny's rear demanding entrance. He humped forward with enough strength that just his balls swinging beneath him were able to slap against Jasper's, managing to knock the wind out of the bunny. Jas clutched at the bedsheets and buried his head in their many pillows, muffling his cries more for the benefit of their neighbors at this point, knowing that mercy was off the table.

Jasper completely lost track of time as his pet rammed into him. He couldn't even tell if the canine had managed to cum again and just kept on going, it was all the bunny could do to keep himself together as his tailhole was painfully violated. He'd known it was going to be brutal, but the bunny had never felt such a pain shooting through him. He whimpered and moaned, not even able to reach back and give any attention to his own pink cock, which had somehow managed to stiffen out of his sheath. As his own tears soaked into the pillow though, Jasper could do nothing but cry out as that thick knot was finally forced past his little ring, as though two balled fists had punched their way into him.

Leaning in and growling in the bunny's ear, Hayden bit down on the nape of Jasper's neck, firmly holding him in place with both his teeth and knot as he humped a few more times, filling the bun with another thick glob of his cum. The pit bull bucked his hips forward several more times before he finally, blissfully started to slow down. Jasper whimpered under him, clutching the bedsheets and pillows to himself as he panted heavily. He knew that knot wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, but as he canine collapsed on top of him, he felt like he could finally feel some relief as he slowly started to fade into unconsciousness.

The next morning, neither of the two could move when they awoke. Hayden felt as though every bit of energy that could animate his body had left him, while Jasper... Hayden looked over to find his boyfriend curled up in a fetal position, his fur tinged with blood from several bite marks, and his bottom spattered with dried bodily fluids. As the pit bull reached down to rub between his legs, he realized with a shock that he was still uncaged. Like a spring that was suddenly released, he sprang out of bed and started searching for his cage, cursing himself under his breath as he racked his brain for where he put it.

When he finally found the steel cage, Hayden rushed off to the bathroom, not noticing as Jasper started to stir. Whimpering to himself a bit, he smeared some lube on the inside of the ring and tube and snapped the lock shut. As he squeezed his eyes shut, he tried to remember just what had happened last night. He remembered Jas unlocking the cage - damn, if he could find the key, he'd snap it right there - and then after that, just static. The canine sighed and splashed some water on his face, knowing he was going to get bad-dogged so hard for this.

As he came out of the bathroom, Jasper was already sitting up with the bedcovers pulled back over him. Jas put on a warm smile, but Hayden could see the bunny flinch a bit when he saw him, shattering the pit bull's little heart. He tapped the cage that was securely back around his sheath, indicating that it was okay. Jas pulled the covers back, showing the marks over his body left over from the night before, but scooted over to the side to make room for his boyfriend.

"Hey hun..." the bunny uttered meekly, "You back with me?"

"Yeah... I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of-"

"Then shush yourself and get back in here," Jasper ordered, "You gave me exactly what I asked for last night, but I think it's time for my puppy to return to his proper place, don't you?"

Hayden gave a sigh of relief as he was invited back into bed. He could still feel his thick leather collar around his neck as he laid down on his stomach, nuzzling at his master's small white orbs. As he started to lap and suckle on the bunny's sheath, Jasper reached down to pet his pet pitbull between his ears.

"That's a good boy... and while you're doing that, I want you to help me think of just what excuse I'm going to give my coworkers on Monday. Just... make it an excuse we can use more than once."