Sibling Woes

Story by Arktisk on SoFurry

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Wanted to do up something involving poppers and hopefully it acts as a bonus little PSA! I know I learned some things that made me turn using them into more of a once-in-a-while treat as opposed to a more regular thing. Obviously, be smart and do your research if you're interested. Don't let anyone push you into doing anything you don't want, and if they try, you have the legal right to break one or three of their bones! (This legality may vary depending on where you are or actual laws).

Other than that, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave a comment, let me know what I did well, and what I did poorly (constructively please).

Not to be edited then re-posted, or re-posted at all without MY permission.

There were upsides and downsides to living in a burgeoning town like the one Mark and his family called home. On the one hand, jobs were easy to come by as many companies were moving into the area, and the eighteen year old deer had a fascination with graphic design, which would net him easy well paying work, whether he had a college diploma or not.

That was another upside with colleges. The nearby major city's university had a local campus in town, alongside several colleges, all of which offered comprehensive courses that he was more than prepared for, in spite of still being a year away from graduating high school.

As he reclined in his bed, thinking about the opportunities that awaited him the moment he sent out a portfolio of his work to date, he was reminded of the downsides that came along with all the good.

The front door to the empty house didn't quite slam open, but it certainly hit the door stop with enough force to make his ears twitch as his older brother entered, and from the sounds of it, he wasn't alone.

Therein lay the downside.

Prospects in town were great, but that also meant that there was an almost insufferable amount of college and university students milling about every day, and his brother was one of them.

The older deer had had the same idea Mark had when he began looking into his options for continuing education. He knew he didn't need a fancy degree because his work spoke for itself, so he was content with simply attending a local college so he could continue to live at home without having to worry about paying outrageous amounts of money for rent. His parents had agreed once they saw the area that he could have gone - had he accepted his scholarship - was smack downtown in the big city.

Certainly not cheap- even with a full ride.

The trouble was, Mark's brother had gone through the same ordeal and come to the same conclusion. He would continue to live at home while attending university. That meant weekends, which Mark tended to enjoy quietly at home or out with friends, would usually turn into party nights for AJ and his friends. Typically it wasn't a problem when their parents were home, but their elders had absconded on a vacation somewhere tropical for the week.

Now Mark's quiet weekend plans had been dashed.

"Quiet down," Mark's brother said in a hushed voice. "Don't go waking up my brother,"

Mark thought it was adorable that his older brother cared about letting him get his sleep, but he knew it was just a cover to ensure that whatever they were up to went unnoticed. Nonetheless, his curiosity was piqued.

"Alright AJ, what are you up to this time," he muttered to himself as he threw off the thin sheet.

The hardwood floor wouldn't do his hooves any favours in keeping him quiet, so he grabbed a discarded shirt and stepped on it to muffle any noise. Silently - if a little awkwardly- Mark slid his cloth covered hooves across the floor to his door, pausing every time he heard the now - distant sound of his brother and guest. Sebastian wasn't the only visitor, it seemed, but Mark didn't recognize the voice, so it was likely a new friend from the college he attended.

Gingerly, Mark pulled open his bedroom door and peeked out into the darkness of the hallway.

There was more than enough ambient light coming in from outside, filtering in through the window at the far end of the hall and from downstairs, for the young buck to worry about knocking into anything. Still, restricted as his movements were as he shimmeyed his way down the hall, he kept a hand braced on the wall to keep his balance, carefully avoiding the dozens of picture frames hanging there. The golden light illuminating the far end of the hall was a good sign. His brother's door was open; at least a little.

As he drew closer, he could finally start picking up the conversation happening inside, but he didn't want to rush and risk making any noise, so he kept up his slow approach.

"Alright, so this one?" His brother asked.

"Looks good to me," The new voice replied.

Maybe they were just talking about a new game and were setting up for a night in front of the television in the room.

"Oh damn, I know this one," Sebastian said with a chuckle.

"Of course you do," AJ said. "Porn's basically all you ever watch,"

That made Mark pause.

He was only a few feet from being able to peek his head around the frame of the door, to see just how much he would be able to observe with the door open. Given what he had done in the past with Sebastian, he wasn't at all surprised or put off at the prospect of seeing he and his brother watching porn together. Hell, it made him giddier than he had ever been before, even in the face of his first physical encounter with Sebastian.

Finally he made it to the door, and with a cautious lean forward, he poked his head around the frame to find a good few inches of space open to see inside his brother's room.

His brother was sitting back on his bed, resting his weight on his hands stretched out behind him. He was entirely shirtless, a sight Mark was accustomed to given the years the two had spent together under the same roof. While he couldn't make out the cream fur of his chest and toned stomach, he could still see the faint outline of his shoulders through his short fur, and the curve of his spine down to the base of a tail that made even Mark want to get under it. Being brothers, even AJ's more intimate areas weren't something that Mark had to imagine; he had seen his brother nude on many occasions, both purposeful and accidental.

Past him, leaning back against a large computer desk, was Sebastian. The bulky panther was wearing nothing more than a tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants, likely with nothing on underneath if the distinct outline of his cock was anything to go by. Like his brother, Mark had seen Sebastian on more than one occasion, and by the time he had entered high school, the occurrences had built up to the point where each was actively trying to show off to the other. That all came to a head one day halfway through the previous school year, and he and the panther had been periodically sleeping together ever since.

One of his hands was hidden under his sweatpants, fondling and groping himself, while the other held a small brown bottle with a colourful label. Mark couldn't make out what it was, but even Sebastian looked unsure as to what to make of it as he looked it over.

"We all ready?" The third male, a dark grey wolf who sat facing away from the door, held up his own brown bottle. The canine's t-shirt was at least a size too small, but the way it hugged the curves of his torso and arms was just perfect. His thick tail thumped the floor behind him, but Mark was focused too intently on imagining what his knot was like. He had seen plenty in porn, but knowing that there was one just a few feet away and connected to a canine that clearly had no qualms about watching porn and groping himself in front of other males, made the cervine weak in the knees.

The porn playing on the television even surprised him. It seemed to be a compilation of males stroking themselves in various situations at varying degrees of intensity. Typical porn video techno was barely audible, so they were clearly still trying to keep at least somewhat quiet, though that did nothing to quell the grunts and moans echoing in Mark's overactive mind. The younger deer was already stroking himself.

"What is this stuff, again?" Sebastian asked, turning his bottle in his fingers.

"They're called poppers," The wolf chuckled. "You shake, inhale through the nose, and it gives you a really awesome high for a short while,"

"So, drugs..." AJ sounded more than a little dubious, and that hesitation made Mark proud.

Well, yeah," Fen started. "I'm going to be straight with you; this stuff is a 'once-in-a-while' type thing. The more often you use it, the higher your risks of developing a condition that's basically oxygen starvation in the blood. That can lead to a bunch of other issues like loss of eyesight, brain damage, that kind of thing."

"Jesus." Sebastian sighed, holding his bottle further away from him. "Why would we take this then?"

"I'm giving it to you one-hundred percent honestly so you know not to abuse the stuff." Fen shrugged. "Honestly, we're in our prime, and if you're healthy, the odds of any of that happening are slim to nil unless you have some kind of unknown blood pressure issue. If you enjoy them, great, it's a good temporary high, I just want you to know that you shouldn't do poppers often, just once in a while or if you wanted to try something new like ride a horse or something."

He could see his brother shoot a glance over to Sebastian, who simply shrugged.

"I trust ya, Fen," The feline said, shaking his bottle. "I'm down for trying pretty well anything once."

"Alright," AJ was quick to capitulate. Not only did he trust Sebastian, but evidently this wolf, Fen, was a close friend as well, given their current situation. "Let's have a go, then. Remember, not too much, and don't go using the stuff daily."

Mark's brother shook his bottle, seemingly intent on going through with their little experiment now that they had all agreed it was okay to at least try. They each unscrewed the caps, took curious sniffs, then brought the bottles as close to their noses as they could, plugging the nostrils on the opposite side. Each of the older males took a long inhale, holding their breaths while they replaced the caps. Then, long, deep sighs as they each released their breaths.

"Holy...shit." Sebastian looked like he was about to stumble, even propped up as he was against the computer desk.

"Yeah," Fen set his bottle down and reclined on one arm, the other moving out of sight of Mark, but clearly stroking himself judging by the movements of his upper arm and shoulder. "Should've suggested you take your first hit sitting down."

"That's..." AJ started, leaning back and closing his eyes while his hips gyrated in place, almost as if he was imagining someone sitting in his lap. "That's somethin'..."

"In my experience so far," Fen explained, sighing happily as the seconds ticked by into minutes, and he began coming down from the rush. "This stuff gets you more feral if you're topping, and more subby when you're bottoming."

"That so?" Sebastian asked with a laugh. "Might have to test this out!"

"You can both do that in another room," Mark could tell just by the angling of his head that his brother was rolling his eyes. "I need to save myself up for next week, remember?"

"That's a damn shame," Sebastian chuckled.

"Well, edging makes it all the better once the finale comes," The wolf chuckled at his own word play. "We do this for a bit, then switch to some games to get your mind off it, eh?"

Mark's nose was less than an inch from being pressed entirely into his brother's room. He watched, drool forming swiftly in his closed muzzle as he stroked himself to the sight of his brothers growing erection now lifting up from its hiding place between his legs, and of Sebastian groping at himself under his pants, a dark stain already forming partway down the left leg. If the panther was getting that riled up, the odds were good he would get a visit from the feline at some point during the night.

His mind was so wrapped up in his own fantasy, fueled by the sights before him, that he didn't realize his body was aching to get closer to the action. By the time his antlers connected with the open door, it was too late.


Adrenaline flash-froze his mind and lustful thoughts the instant the noise registered in his ears. In less than a second, Mark had stood up straight and was making an awkward beeline to his room. He didn't need the clacking of his hooves against the floor to seal his fate, so he made his best speed by shuffling as fast as he could on the shirt he stood on.

The terror of being caught warped his sense of reality, and the hallway seemed to stretch on for miles ahead of him, and he felt the same sense of wasting paralysis that one experiences in a dream where they can't make themselves run any faster than a light jog no matter how aware they were.

By the time he reached his door and ducked inside, kicking the shirt off his hooves, Mark felt sure that he had woken up the entire neighbourhood simply with the noise of his heart hammering in his chest. The blood pumping through his ears was deafening as he dove into his bed, scrambling with the sheets to cover himself as best he could. He hadn't heard any shouts, nor any sounds of pursuit from an angry brother about to put his peeping tom of a sibling in his place, but he wasn't about to take any chances.

The cervine pretended to sleep, wrestling with himself to get his breathing under control so anyone looking into his room wouldn't see his body rocking from his panting breaths.

It was agony lying there. As the minutes ticked by and the adrenaline began to leave his system, he became acutely aware of just how uncomfortable he was getting. The cervine likened it to the times when he found himself awake at night and heard the noise of the house settling or a gust of wind blowing outside; he knew there were innocent explanations for the noises, but his baser instincts were frozen in terror and the last thing he even wanted to think about doing was moving.

Eventually his arousal and fantasies forgotten in the wake of the close call - the tenseness he was feeling wore him down enough that his body finally started to relax. With that relaxation, Mark found his eyes grow incredibly heavy very fast, and he felt content that he had done what he had set out to do and gotten plenty of fuel for his lewder fantasies to boot. He could have done without the heart attack, but a good sleep would make that no more than a memory to laugh at.


It was the time of night reserved for the deep thinkers and free spirits. The time when the entire world seemed to be wrapped entirely in a cloak of darkness and utter silence so complete that anyone wandering outside could be forgiven in thinking that they were alone in the world.

Normally, Mark loved this void of time. At least, on the odd occasion he either woke up early enough to enjoy it or stayed up late enough to welcome it.

Now though, as the young deer stirred under the thin sheet covering his slender form, he was rudely awakened from a deep slumber by a creaking door. He wouldn't have had a problem if he had just woken up on his own, but the creak, however slight, shattered the quiet completely.

Mark was too busy mumbling incoherently to himself to notice the presence that had entered his room, and he had just rolled onto his stomach hugging a pillow in a death grip when a weight settled onto the bed above him.

"If you're going to kill me, make it fast, I'm tired," Mark groaned, shuffling his muzzle deeper into the pillow beneath his head, attempting to will himself back to sleep.

"No need for that," The sultry voice of Sebastian made the cervine's ears pop up, and any thought of sleep was banished from his mind.

A familiar bulge pressed against his backside, and the touch prompted the earlier images of the panther groping himself to surge to the forefront of his mind. Already, the larger feline was pressing his short muzzle into Mark's neck, taking in deep breaths and nipping gently while he let his body settle down onto the smaller male.

Mark found early on that he loved this part. A huffing male pinning him down to his bed simply by laying down on him, the restriction on his breathing, and most of all, the more insistent pressure under his tail as the panther's package ground against him.

"Ah, I missed this," Sebastian said, slipping one hand down Mark's side until he got to the waistband of his sweatpants to pull them down. "Right back where it belongs,"

The panther's heavy ebony shaft flopped down in between Mark's pert cheeks, rapidly stiffening as he ground himself into the cervine. His hand ventured back up, joining its twin in taking firm holds of the deer's own wrists, pinning his arms and leaving him utterly helpless to do anything but accept his new position as a grinding post.

Of course, Mark was all too happy to comply. He pressed back against the panther, beyond thrilled at the feeling of his large cock smearing precum between his cheeks with each thrust.

"Missed having me under your tail, eh?" the feline growled into Mark's ear, causing it to fold flat against his skull in submission.

"Y-yes..." He whimpered, already bracing himself for the mounting that was surely coming.

"Had anyone else stuffing you since I was here last?" he asked, the blunt head of his shaft prodding at Mark's tensing tail hole.

"A-Andrew!" The name was stretched just as his tail ring was spread partially by Sebastian's cock.

"That cute horse in your class?" Sebastian asked, holding himself back from simply forcing his way into the squirming deer beneath him. "Well, that's good to know. Means you've got a bit more training to take what's coming,"

"Would you stop playing with your food?" The voice was still new to Mark, but he knew instantly that the wolf was standing by his bed with how close he sounded. "I'm worked up enough already,"

"Easy, Fen," Sebastian chuckled, giving his hips one final, firm push to pop the drooling head of his cock into Mark's ass before settling himself to let the cervine adjust. "We've got him all night, and AJ sleeps like the dead,"

"Well, with both of us," Fen chuckled, making his way over to the head of Mark's bed. "I don't think he'll be able to make much noise anyways,"

"Fuck," Sebastian groaned as he sank deeper by several inches. Mark's comfort had never been a big concern for the large cat. "Appreciate this, Mark, because I'm just the warm up this time,"

The deer's eyes were screwed shut as he tried to force himself to relax, utterly oblivious to Sebastian's words and the creaking of his bed as Fen crawled onto it. The wolf came to rest on his knees in front of the constantly tensing Mark, shaking a bottle before uncapping it, wiping the rim, and holding it under the cervine's nose, plugging the opposite nostril.

"It'll help," he said simply as another inch of panther cock slipped inside.

Mark didn't hesitate. He drew in a deep breath.

The first thing he became aware of was the slight sting in his nose, as the acrid scent wormed its way into his body. If he disliked the smell, Mark didn't even have the time to register it as his body was suddenly flushed with a wave of heat from his toes to the tips of his ears. Hell, somehow he even felt as though the tingling heat reached to the ends of his velvet covered antlers.

He suddenly became aware of Sebastian sinking the entirety of his shaft under his tail, as if any kind of resistance his tight muscles were putting up just evaporated into nothingness. The panther was balls deep in his ass, and Mark barely felt anything beyond the familiar dull throb radiating up along his spine.

"Fuck that worked wonders," Sebastian said, clapping Mark's ass with an open palm, grinding his hips forward to ensure he was locked in tight. "Gonna have to try this more often."

"Right?" Fen replied with a chuckle, tenderly - almost lovingly - stroking Mark's head between his antlers as the deer struggled to collect himself. "Jerking off with the stuff is one thing, but full on sex is another altogether."

The heat wave in Mark's body began to die down quickly until the only evidence he had of having felt anything was the slight tingle in his nostril. He didn't hate what he had felt in the least, the deer decided. In fact, he felt like he had been on the verge of something else entirely.

Being wedged between two large males like he was had been a fantasy of his for a long time. As the large wolf before him guided his large pillar of crimson meat to his lips, there was the faint whisper of a lustful urge remaining, but he couldn't seize it.

It hardly mattered now though.

His tongue flicked out to taste the musky pre that Fen had smeared over his shaft, and the wolf was all too keen to take advantage of the slight parting of his lips. He pushed forward, while the hand gently caressing Mark's head turned from loving, to forceful as it pulled the deer into his thrust. While Sebastian began setting up his own pace of thrusts behind him, it dawned on Mark that he was now truly being spitroasted for the first time - by his brother's college friends, no less.

The deer's own cock bounced and throbbed between his legs, completely forgotten in the haze of everything else that was going on. The wet spot forming beneath him would go unnoticed until he was allowed to collapse onto the bed, and Mark had a feeling he wouldn't get that kind of relief anytime soon.

Mark was vaguely aware of the sound of an inhalation above him as he sank closer and closer to the thick pubic fur of the wolf in front of him. Clearly Fen had taken another hit, but where the deer's smaller dose had left him with a fleeting level of utter submission, the wolf seemed empowered to the point where it made him more aggressive.

Fen's hands suddenly gripped Mark's antlers roughly, using them as every porn actor did when they had access to them. He pulled the younger buck forward, bludgeoning his way into - and past - the cervine's gag reflex without hesitation, causing Mark's entire body to convulse as he struggled to accommodate the intrusion. His hands flew up to grip the wolf's flexing thighs, tapping them desperately to fend off his assault on his throat.

If the canine noticed his struggles, he gave no sign however. At least, not at first. He didn't stop pulling Mark's head down until the buck's nose was pressed into his fur, but he swiftly relented after that and used his antlers to pull him back.

"Fuck," Sebastian growled as he humped and grinded away between Mark's bouncing cheeks. "Do that again, it felt great on this end!"

Fen at least had the decency to let the deer recover for several moments before pulling him down roughly once more, then again, and again. It was Mark's first true muzzle-fucking, and even through the tears streaming from his eyes and the growing soreness of his throat, he couldn't get enough of it.

"Think he's ready?" Fen asked, finally reaching the point where he felt like simply holding the buck down on his cock, savouring the convulsing massage his abused throat was giving him as he struggled weakly for air.

Sebastian gave several hard, deep thrusts in quick succession, eliciting muffled yelps from the smaller male before he withdrew entirely, panting and landing another hard slap on Mark's reddening ass.

"Yeah," His voice was breathy, as if he had just been in the middle of a workout. "Yeah I'd say he's good to go."

Mark's head was pulled back roughly, Fen's cock popping free wetly as thick strands of precum mixed with saliva splattered to the bed below the trio. The deer coughed and gasped, taking in deep breaths to recover and collapsing onto his forearms.

"Ass stays up," Fen chuckled as the two older furs switched places on the bed. "This deer's a keeper."

"Didn't take much training," Sebastian said as he slapped his dripping cock across Mark's muzzle. "Some people are just natural sluts for cock."

"Aren't they just?" The wolf took Mark's ass in a firm grip, squeezing his cheeks almost to the point of discomfort before stuffing the head of his canine shaft past the cervine's abused ring.

Mark couldn't tell if it was the rough treatment he had already received, or the fact that his body seemed more intent to focus on the soreness of his throat, but he barely felt a thing as Fen penetrated him. That is, he didn't feel it at first.

"Wanna gag him for me?" The canine asked. "Don't want to take any chances,"

Sebastian's cock filled Mark's muzzle in an instant, and he could only wince and let out a muffled yelp as Fen shoved his hips forward at the same time. The wolf's crimson length impaled him easily, and while Fen may not have been quite as long as Sebastian, his shaft became noticeably thicker as he neared the base of his growing knot. The engorged ball of flesh came to press insistently at Mark's aching hole, and since it wasn't even halfway engorged, Fen was able to stuff it inside without much effort.

"Holy hell," Sebastian said, gripping Mark's antlers and holding him in place, nose buried in the damp fur of his crotch. "Think he's a fan of knots! Haven't felt his throat go this wild before!"

"Everyone loves a good knot," Fen chuckled, pulling his knot free before slamming it home once more.

Fresh tears fell from Mark's eyes, even though they were tightly screwed shut. The young deer was roughly sawed back and forth between the two dominant males, his own forgotten cock bobbing beneath him with thin strands of precum sticking to his stomach each time the two connected. He knew he was enjoying what was happening on some level, but his awareness, for the most part, was consistently drawn back to the rough treatment he was receiving from both ends. A desperate part of him wanted it to end, but another equally desperate part begged for it to continue.

Mark's chin was starting to drip with his own saliva. As Sebastian pulled his head down onto his cock, the thick liquid collected around the base of his shaft once he bottomed out and then oozed down over his large furry orbs. These, in turn, slapped up against Mark's chin and throat whenever the panther picked up his pace, and a similar scene played out behind him. He could feel Fen's precum spilling from his ass, forced out by the thick canine cock and its partially formed knot, and smeared into his fur by the huge sack slapping into his own smaller sack and thighs.

There was no cohesion, no set pace that the two males quietly agreed on or cooperation as they used Mark for their pleasure. The deer felt - he knew - that both the panther and wolf were using both of his ends as if they were separate, personal cock sleeves, and all he could do was moan, grunt, whimper, and weep at the realization.

Mark wasn't sure how long this went on for. His body was numb beyond the point of being sore, his gag reflex had long ago abandoned him, and the bulbous knot, which Fen was managing to keep from inflating fully, was barely registering anymore.

"Think he's ready?" Sebastian panted, hilting himself once again in Mark's muzzle and holding him there, while a rivulet of spit ran down his already drenched balls.

"Oh yeah," Fen growled, likewise hilting himself and grinding his hips forward.

Both males withdrew from Mark, and this time, even his backside couldn't stay propped up. He collapsed onto the bed, gasping and panting, lightheaded almost to the point of seeing black spots in his vision while Sebastian and Fen once again switched positions.

The large wolf returned to his original spot, one leg on either side of the bedraggled deers body, while Sebastian took up position behind him, using his superior strength to roll Mark onto his back. Of course, the feline didn't need strength. Mark was essentially a panting ragdoll at that point. He wasn't even fully aware of what was happening until his back rested against Fen's chest and the wolf lifted and spread his aching legs.

The canine pushed his hips upwards, impaling Mark once again and earning a strangled whimper from the deer.

"You ready for the main event, kid?" Fen asked, resting his muzzle in the crook of Mark's neck, sending a shiver through the deer's tired body.

The wolf held up the poppers, the cap already off allowing a faint whiff of the not wholly unpleasant scent tickle their noses. Mark looked to the bottle, mere inches from his nose, then he realized that they weren't intended just for fun, but for preparation.

At the foot of the bed, sitting on his knees, was Sebastian. The panther was holding his dripping cock with one hand, while the other took a firm hold of Mark's thigh, helping Fen keep the deer's legs spread high and wide.

There wouldn't be any saying 'no' to this.

The college boys had given no indication that they were at all concerned with his comfort or desires, and this would be no exception. The wolf cock lodged under his tail felt like nothing after all of the work the two had done on him, but even then, as Sebastian leaned forward and pressed his slippery shaft between his cheeks, Mark was afraid it would be too much.

He remembered the first hit of the poppers and how much they had helped, and in spite of the smell, he knew it was in his best interest to take the offered help again.

The deer leaned forward and inhaled more deeply than before, and as the bottle was pulled away, he felt that wave of heat rush through him once again.

It was almost as if the part of him that was enjoying the rough treatment was dialed up to eleven.

He craved it now.

"Oo-- oh fuck..." He groaned lustfully as Sebastian's cock pressed into him, the blunt head starting to stretch his tail ring further than it ever had been before.

A hand closed around his neck, applying enough pressure to keep his submissive moans quiet, and no sooner had his air become restricted than the thick ebony shaft popped past his meagre defences. Mark wanted to yell out, to bleat his ecstacy to the world, but the firm grip on his neck prevent all but the most pathetic of squeaks.

Sebastian fed more and more of his cock into the deer's ass, earning slutty moans from Mark, and growls of satisfaction from Fen as his friend's shaft slid smoothly along his own. Both the larger males were growling as their toy was worked past his limits, but Mark himself found that he was eager to have both as deep inside him as they could manage.

The deer remembered, if only vaguely, the small part of his mind that was loving what was being done to him. Now, as a result of the poppers it seemed, he wanted to be brutally fucked by the stronger furs. He wanted them to leave him a dripping, gasping wreck. He wanted them to ride him again, and then again afterwards. Mark wanted them to pin him down, and turn him into nothing more than a hole to be fucked, both by them, and by anyone they brought over.

He could picture himself in a college dorm, forced onto all fours on a bed while half a dozen guys watched him get claimed by Sebastian and Fen. They were jeering, drinking, making lewd comments about him while the panther and wolf had their rough fun, and all the while Mark was loving it. Even as the two he was familiar with finished with him, his lust kept him eager for the strangers yet to take their turns.

The rush began to wear off, but its effects still coursed through Mark's body, and even though his lucidity was swiftly returning, the lust it sparked in him hadn't diminished in the least.

That's when he looked down between his legs, past his cock that had - to his honest surprise - already covered his stomach with ropes of cum.

Sebastian's toned stomach was flush with his body. The panther had been able to push every throbbing inch of his shaft into Mark's tail hole to rest tightly against Fen's own meaty pillar.

Mark couldn't believe it.

The jocks panted and growled, almost sounding content to just let the heat and tightness of Mark's ass squeeze and grind their cocks together for them. The hand around his neck squeezed in time with the very noticeable throbs that Mark could feel in his gut, and he couldn't muster the energy to grind himself down on the two meaty shafts he was impaled on. He had to leave the work to the others, who, after adjusting to the sensations assaulting their members, finally composed themselves.

"F-fuck," Fen growled, his grip on Mark's neck solid and unbreakable. "Y-you good to go?"

"Shit Fen," Sebastian replied, his hands holding up both of the deer's legs to give them both easy access. "Fuck, I think if I move at all I'm going to blow."

"Well, get to it," The wolf said, unable to do more than give his hips short grinds upwards with the feline's weight bearing down on them both. "I need to knot this cock-sleeve something fierce!"

"Fucking fine," Sebastian grunted, immediately beginning to thrust himself into Mark's stretched hole. Neither he nor Fen could move as freely as they had been before, but the sensations were tripled for all three of them as one ebony cock slipped and slid against its crimson counterpart in the furnace heat of the deer's ass.

There was little to muffle the sounds of wet squelches as Sebastian's hips kicked into overdrive, and all Mark could do was rest back against Fen, his wet, disheveled muzzle agape in a silent scream of bliss. Precum from both predators oozed out around their shafts as a seal was impossible to make with both of their girths stretching the deer open, and both of their sacks were drenched in it as they rolled and bumped together with the felines increasingly desperate movements.

"Oh shit," Sebastian panted, hammering away with more and more sporadic thrusts. "Oh.... Fuck!"

When the panther began his climax, his entire body froze, buried balls deep in the writhing deer below him and putting more pressure on Fen below them both. Mark was used to the feline thrusting away through the entirety, but he was overloaded. His long black tail thrashed and slapped heavily into the bed behind him, either entirely unaware, or entirely uncaring that his copious load of seed was easily flowing out around the pair of cocks stuffed into Mark's tail hole.

Fen felt every drop, every rivulet of cum as it covered his sheath and sack, as it pooled on the underside of his tail as it lay between his legs under the others. The sheets would be soaked - even as his fur took the brunt of the flood, but the feeling of his friend's cock as it spasmed and unloaded against his own - not to mention the tightening of the feline's large sack against his - made it worth every moment of impending discomfort he knew would be coming during clean up. He doubted he would have the energy left over to clean himself that night...

The wolf tensed as Sebastian rode out his orgasm inside Mark, inadvertently squeezing the smaller deer's throat tighter as he fought off a climax of his own. The slick feeling of his shaft slipping and sliding against the panther's was very nearly too much, and he couldn't prevent his knot from engorging fully just outside of Mark's ass.

"Pull out," The wolf growled, realizing that he wouldn't be able to stem the tide of sheer pleasure building between his legs. He needed to knot Mark before he blew. The panther unfortunately was still basking in his own afterglow.

"Get the fuck out!" Fen snarled, only just able to maintain enough composure to keep himself from shouting.

"Alright, alright!" Sebastian, obviously upset at the interruption, pulled free, sitting back on his knees with his still semi-erect cock bouncing and dripping between his legs. The cat watched as Fen took a firm hold of the nearly unconscious Mark, shifting himself up and to the side to pin the exhausted deer below him.

Within seconds the room was once again filled with the lewd, wet smacks of rough sex, but it was all produced by the canine's massive knot trying to bludgeon its way into Mark's ass.

In spite of both of their cocks spreading the young deer open, a large wolf knot would still be a challenge, but Fen was going to make it happen one way or another. His friend's cum acted as the perfect lubricant, and as he wrapped his arms around the deer below him, one around his neck and the other around his chest, he felt the cervine giving ground. His thrusts were solid, unrelenting, and with each push forward, the withdrawal became noticeably harder as Mark's ass stretched around the large bulb of flesh.

"You want my knot?" He growled breathily into Mark's ear.

Incoherent whimpers were his only answer.

"Fuckin'... right... you... do!" Each word was punctuated by a barbaric thrust, Fen's knot never breaking contact with Mark's ass. He was taking group and refusing to give any back.

Then it happened.

His jaws clamped down hard at the base of Mark's neck as his ass finally gave way to it's most brutal trial of the night. The wolf's engorged knot sank inside the writhing cervine at long last, and he kept grinding and humping and biting through the entire duration of his climax. As he unloaded rope after thick rope of cum into the deer, his pelvis went on auto pilot, allowing him to savour the trembling twitches coming from the male beneath him just as he savoured each and every throb of his own shaft.

Minutes passed in near complete silence. The only sound breaking through the darkness of that early morning were the pants of all three males as they gradually came down from their climaxes.

Mark was already passed out, quite literally fucked into unconsciousness by the savagery of Fen's final moments. A cursory sweep of the wolf's hand as he freed the arm wrapped around the deer's chest revealed the cervine had cum a second time, which made the wolf chuckle as he looked back to his friend. He was still pressed against - and gently grinding into - the deer. His knot wouldn't be deflating for some time.

"God damn," He panted with a smile.

"Fuck, dude," The panther said, leaning back on his arms, his own cock finally softening enough to hang slack between his legs. "That was hot..."

"You're telling me," Fen adjusted himself to get more comfortable, rolling both him and Mark onto their sides. "I'm not going anywhere for the rest of the night,"

"What do I tell AJ?" Sebastian asked, finally getting up from the bed even as Fen grabbed a pillow to place under Mark's head. "Can't very well have him see you tied to his brother, can we?"

"From the porn on his computer, I'd say I'll be fine," The wolf chuckled, ensuring Mark was resting comfortably before grabbing a second pillow for himself. "Just tell him I got a call and had to bail. Get him out of the house at some point too, so I can sort this out and grab a shower,"

"We should bring him out with us, eh?" The panther walked over to the door, retrieving his sweatpants from the floor. "Sweet guy, loves cock, he'll bend over any time we tell him to,"

"Definitely," Fen said, squeezing the smaller male against him. "Should at least let him recover from this for a bit though. Summer's coming up after all. Plenty of time to get a couple of deer hooked, eh?"