Seeing the Cracks

Story by TheSarcasticBandit on SoFurry

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#2 of It's Just a Game Bro

I'll put this here as a trial run. Don't know if I like this idea much or at all. Might put it up on the other two sites if it's well received.

Dark. Shaking. Heart racing. Fuck. Not again. Xanax, where is my medication? Flustered, I rushed to my desk. Not there. No, no, no... This is how I die. Or cancer. Maybe I'm already dead. This is what hell would feel like, right? Desperately I pull the covers off my bed, the mess tumbles on the ground. My paw snatches up the orange bottle. Hand. I have hands. The pill tastes bitter as I chew it and it dissolves. I flick the light on instead of opening the curtains.

My thoughts still weren't pleasant for the next few minutes. Societal turmoil, unprovoked acts of violence, my job. Fuck. Have to call in. I can't work like this. After awhile my heart stopped racing and controlling my limbs became more of a chore.

"Hi, yes this is... me? Heh. I can't come in today. I had a panic attack and took my medicine, I was told I can't be on it while I'm there," My paw pulled at my sheath, more of a nervous tick than anything. Though it did feel pleasant. "Oh, my badge number? Yeah. Umm..." Glancing around the room I found the plastic badge as I had forgotten the number I used every day. "313448." I bit my lip. "No, I'm out of sick time." Sat down, feeling the bad thoughts still coming. "I don't have any vacation time either." Unpaid sick leave. That'll help with the therapy bills. "Yeah, could I possibly get tomorrow off too?"

Another phone call. "Hey there, Kristie right? I was wondering if Dr.Edo had any appointments available tomorrow?" Back to pulling on my foreskin as I was let down. "I'm just more familiar with him... Dr.Meyer? Um. Sure."

After the awkward exchange I thought another xanax might be nice. To take the edge off. Dr.Edo said it wasn't abuse, compared them to his heart meds. I think it's weak, a crutch. The pill tastes bitter.

Another day spent napping. Watching cartoons and youtube. What's wrong with me?

I browse the pamphlets I've seen a hundred times over. Patients can't use cellphones in here, not after some kid got brain damage because some wackjob thought his phone was a spying device. "Dr.Meyer is ready to see you."

The smaller office wasn't unpleasant, actually it seemed more inviting than Dr.Edo's for the lack of space. Still I couldn't get comfortable on the couch. It seemed off.

"Nate, do you like Nate or Nathaniel?" The vixen's pantsuit was very sterile, like it was too clean. She jotted something down in her notebook, I hope she didn't think I was staring at her breasts.

"Nate's fine." Silence. "Sorry, I'm a bit nervous. Since I'm used to, uh, Norman."

"There's no need to be nervous, According to Dr.Edo's notes you're responding quite well to therapy and DSDR treatment especially. If you want you can tell me a little about what's making you anxious lately or we could just jump into your treatment." She was very concise and straightforward, unlike Dr.Edo. He would crack jokes sometimes.

"Um. Let's do the treatment then." I sign the waiver promising to tell them if I have any nightmares or bad side effects from the direct synaptic digital reality treatment. It's a lie.

"You know, you're lucky to get in this trial. I've heard it does wonders." I mumble responses to her inane words as she hooked the wires from the bulky computer to the ports implanted in the back of my neck. She offered a mild sedative but I didn't need it.

The falling feeling again. I felt like I was alive for the first time. Today would be a good day. My paw rubbed across Cloud's chest. "Hey," I kissed him as he stirred a little. "I've been working on a song idea. Did you need the studio equipment today?" My tail slapped lazily, left and right as I looked into his eyes.

"No, not... Shit. What time is it?" He checked his phone. "Fuck. I gotta drop off Maliyah." He pulled on his pants.

"Will you be back soon?" I really wanted his help. He knew more than I did about this stuff.

"Nah, she's got a play and then I gotta drop a few things off to uh... some people. Later cuz." He rushed out, but had to rush back in. "Can I borrow your car? I'm low on gas."

"Yeah, sure." He was already rummaging through my shorts pockets. "See ya."

Whatever. I'm sure I'll manage to make something salvageable and Cloud'll help with the rest. Shower, brushed teeth, dressed clean. Oh yeah, no stopping me now.

I loaded up the beat I made onto a flash drive. It was nothing fancy but I thought it sounded nice. Down the stairs, load it up into Logic and... Dammit. I shouldn't be feeling nervous. There's no one here. I did everything right. I took a draw from the cart Cloud gave me. Why can't I be calm and collected like he was? Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Oh well. I could work on the song idea another time.

"Hello," I answered the door. "Oh, hey Dre, Cl-" He kicked the door the rest of the way open, brutally knocking it into my shoulder and I fell back. "What the hell?"

"Listen here faggot, I don't got time for all this dumb ass shit Cloud's been saying. I know he recorded us. I'm not gonna have that shit out there while I'm trying to make a mixtape." He was holding me up to his face by my collar.

"Um, I don't know-"

"Fuck that, you're gonna delete that shit right now. I can't keep paying him to keep it downlow. He's a fucking lying little bitch." Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. Deandre was so much bigger than me, stronger too. His huffing breath was warm on my face fur. My paw reached for his belt. "You dumb motherfucker!" In a flash his paw whipped across my face and he dropped me. I licked at the split in my lip.

"I understand that you're angry," I could see hate in his eyes. He could kill someone if he really wanted to. "Well. I'm pissed off too. I didn't know, okay? Do you really think I'd want to be used like that? By him?" I started to get up and slumped against the wall for support. "But. There's no reason this interaction can't be... amicable. I do something for you and you do something for me. "

"None of that shit," He pulled out a gun, a small black pistol. "Just delete the fucking recording."

"Okay, okay." I raised my paws. The hyena did make a compelling argument.

Stiffly I walked down the stairs and towards the computer, the barrel jabbing against my back reminding me to obey. "Hurry this shit up, man."

"I don't know how he organizes this shit... Literally half his files are on the desktop and the others are just thrown into random folders. Relax, he's gonna be gone all day." I started playing the clips often labelled something like wgifjs.wav.

"Fucking shit, I don't care. Just find it." The hyena was pacing and swinging the gun around.

"Dre just have a drink, we'll figure it out. Chill." I nudged my head towards the fifth of vodka that had hardly been touched. He slugged back a few shots worth and grimaced before placing it back on the shelf. I played a few more clips. Dre relaxed a little and tucked the gun into his waistband as I continued to browse.

"Wait, go back. That's the song we were working on that night." I went back through the track and played a few different sections.

"I'm not hearing anything off." I shrugged and scratched my head.

"This is pointless." He bent down and started pulling the wires for the computer out of the wall. Without hesitating I grabbed the pistol that stuck out of his pants.

"Dre, don't do anything stupid. You broke into my house with a fucking gun. I could shoot you right now and get off scot-free." He paused, looked at me and looked at the stairs behind me. " I found the clip a few days ago and deleted it. You know, a lot of people say you shouldn't think with your dick but I think it might have helped in this instance." I thought of all the things I could do with him and my cock started sliding out of my sheath. "Get up, head to the bedroom."

He followed my orders and found himself handcuffed to my cousin's bed. I left him to wait as I went upstairs to grab a few things. Lube, a vibrating plug, my camera. He started yelling as I set up the tripod. I pointed the gun at his head and walked over to him. He cowered. "You don't get to make the rules right now."

" I don't wanna do this shit." The hyena whimpered a bit. " Fucking please man, my mom would be so pissed."

"But she would love you breaking into someone's house and waving a gun around?" I ran my free paw across his cheek as he cried. "Besides. Anything I do couldn't be as bad as what they would do in prison." I used a paw to slide down my jeans, wiggling my hips to get them free. I knelt on the bed and rubbed my hard cock against his face as Dre tried to avoid it. His nose scruched up as pre smeared across his muzzle and he bared his teeth. "Don't you dare bite." With a thumb I guided his maw open, then rubbed his tongue with it. "Suck on it." He passively sucked on my thumb, the cuffs forcing his paws together above his head made him seem so helpless. I mounted his chest and felt his slightly course shirt as I grinded against it. The gun was uselessly jammed against the mattress for support, but Dre continued to suck anyway.

I replaced my thumb with my tongue and quietly placed the gun on the nightstand as we wrestled our tongues against each other. My paws tore at his shirt until his lighter stomach fur was exposed. I kissed my way down his chest and bit one of his six nipples. He gasped, his face contorting in pain. Then I gently suckled at it and he moaned.

I continued my way down his body and then pulled down his sweat pants. Licking up and down his shaft, stopping before I would get to the sensitive tip. He bucked his hips in search of someplace warm for his cock. My paw wrapped around his balls and squeezed them painfully.

"Oh, fuck. Cut that shit out!" I rubbed them softly. He glared at me.

"You don't get to cum yet, not until I'm done. And shut up." I squeezed them again. I went back to licking his cock, everywhere but the tip until his breathing got heavy and erratic. Then I stopped. His precum and my saliva made it look slick and shiny. He groaned, perhaps his balls were feeling a bit sore. When he relaxed I put my lips around the fat tip and licked at the precum slowly, then I sucked at it and let it pop out of my mouth. I stroked him at a painfully slow pace. He shuddered and tried to hump my paw, I let go.

"Please just let me cum! Fuck!" He desperately pulled against the cuffs.

"Not until I get to."

"Fine, whatever, go ahead and ride it faggot."

"Nope. I want you to use your mouth. And..." I got up and walked to the dresser by the camera. I picked up the plug I left there earlier. "I want you to wear this." I laid next to him and traces circles down his chest. "Please? I'll make you feel good." I gave his shaft a quick squeeze and his body jolted. He nodded, ashamed. "I want you to say it."

"I'll suck your dick."

"Ah-ah. I want to," I corrected.

"I want to... suck your dick," He was defeated.


"The vibrator. I want to suck your dick with a vibrator in my... ass." He sighed.

"You really need to work on your dirty talk." I said and jumped up to lube up the buttplug. I pulled off his shoes and socks so I could take his pants off the rest of the way, stopping to admire his large and sweaty pawpads. I put my lips to his left paw as I lifted his leg.

"That's nasty, ah!" I pushed slightly at the plug poised at his tailhole. He said nothing as I licked at his fat toe and sucked on it, inserting the plug deeper very slowly. His tail came up, trying to block out the already partly inserted intruder. "Mmm...." He groaned as the buttplug was reaching its widest point. Then he moaned as his involuntary clenching pulled it in the rest of the way. His slowly waning erection jumped at the sudden sensation. Then it lazily drooled pre, half hard as I stopped to admire everything that had come to pass.

With a click and some buzzing his cock sprang back to life. I pinched the tip of his cock and it jumped again. I crawled back up to him on the bed and kissed him, he kissed back despite the fact he seemed upset about pawtoes in my maw moments earlier. I sat on my legs, knees apart and guided him to my cock. I probably wouldn't last long. My knot was already formed and my balls were drawn tight against my body. Surprisingly his restraints and not his gag reflex stopped him from taking it down to the knot. I leaned closer as he continued to bob on my erection, his throat accomodating my tip. His tongue lapped at my shaft, poking out a bit to lick at my knot. His teeth gingerly avoided my hard cock as he gulped back my precum.

"Fuck, you're so good at this," I moved, grabbing the top of the barred headboard. He turned his head sideways and continued sucking. I thrust into his eager maw and he gagged. I fucked his mouth as he choked occasionally. He tried to pull away but I pinned his head down and thrusted even harder, letting him cough and breathe after started to shoot. Globs of cum spattering against his face and neck as a feeling of warmth spread throughout my body.

"What the hell, man?" He said, coughing a bit more.

"Oh, toughen up. You're a gangster, remember?" I chuckled. I went to work on his rock hard cock with my tongue, massaging his very sore testicles. Then I turned up the vibration on the plug and turned on the rotating tip function. Then I stopped and let the buttplug do the work.

"Oh, oh, oh!" He moaned, his cock trying to find some sensation as he lewdly humped the air. Then his moans slowly got quieter until his dick started jolting and his seed sprayed all over his chest and stomach. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck-" His face contorted into a silent scream of ecstasy, his back arching from the alien sensation in his prostate. Then he fell back. The only sound was his whispers, "It's too much... too much." And the buzz of the toy.

I turned the plug off and slowly pulled it out. Dre grunted weakly as I did so. "You alright big guy?" I used the key Cloud and Maliyah keep in the night stand to unshackle him.

"Yeah." He said in a far off voice.

"Need a nap, water?"

"Yeah." He murmured. I got a bottle of water from upstairs and when I returned the hyena was laying there, pistol pointed at the doorway. "Delete that video man. I'm serious."

"I know," I tossed the water by his side. "Never turned on the camera. Also, emptied out the gun."

"I should fucking kill you, man."

"Why? You enjoyed yourself," I sat on the bed. He still aimed the gun at me. "That's all that matters, right? Who gives a fuck what other people think?"

"No, you did this to me. You can't talk your way out of everything." A flash. No real pain. A pressure, wetness. The room began to fade.

"One in the chamber," The words escaped my lips and I fell. Dark. Shaking. Heart racing.